Version 2.0

	Makefile is generated by running `./configure`.

	All Perl scripts and almost all Bash are reimplemented in one Python 3 script.

	kmsponies4ponysay is included.

Version 1.4.1

	Code is repaired and more portable.

Version 1.4

	Make file is improved.

	Note: Identifies itself as version 1.3

Version 1.3

	New ponies: forestspirit, hollydash, raggedy, rhyme

	Pony renamed: sindy to powderrouge

	Pony symliks: sindy → powderrouge

	PREFIX=/some-dir can be used when invoking make, the default value is /usr

Version 1.2

	ponyquotes4ponysay is included.

	Support for extension: kmsponies4ponysay.

	New ponies: ace, filthyrich, blueblood, gingergold, hayfever,
	            highscore, junebug, mrsparkle, persnickety, ponet,
		    screwloose, tornadobolt.

	Pony renamed: elsie to prettyvision

	Pony symlinks added: mrsparkle → nightlight
			     elsie → prettyvision

	Arbitrary spaces in '-f' argument is not longer accepted (it causes
	problems with file names including spaces).

	Note: Identifies itself as version 1.1

Version 1.1

	Manpages are compressed before installation.

	'info manual' added.

	Shell completion for 'ponythink' added, in addition to 'ponysay'.

	'fish' completion added.

	'/usr/lib/ponysay' is used instead of '/usr/bin'
	for code used by the main script.

	'~/.local/share/ponysay is used for private pony directories.

	'ncurses' is no longer needed for determining the screen's size,
	'coreutils' is used instead.

	Pony symlinks added: amethyststar → sparkler
	                     berrypinch → ruby
	                     craftycrate → boxxy
	                     magnum → raritysdad
	                     pearl → raritysmom
	                     powderrouge → sindy
	                     royalribbo → violet

	New ponies: blossomforth, bonvoyage, cadance, celestiasmall,
	            changelingqueen, cherryberry, discordamused,
	            discordpuppetmaster, fleurdelishair, fleurdelislay,
	            owl, perrypierce, petunia, pinacolada, skyra,

	Pony spelling removed: fillycadence.

	Pony symlink change: perry → (pokey → perrypierce).

	Option '-L' added, lists ponies with symlink mapping.

	Support for extension: ponyquotes4ponysay.

	Accepts arbitrary spaces in '-f' argument.

Version 1.0

	Spanish translation of the manpage is added.

	New ponies: applecore, applejackscarecrow, bonbonstand, changeling,
	            chrysalis, cottoncloudy, diamondmint, discord,
	            fillycadence, flam, fleurdelis, flim, fluttershyshy,
	            fluttershystare, lyrasit, oinkoinkoink (is pinkie),
                    philomenaphoenix, pinkiecannon, pinkiecannonfront,
                    pinkiecannonhappy, pinkiegummy, pinkiehugfluttershy,
                    pinkiehugsfluttershy, pinkiepartycannon, pinkieprincess,
                    pinkiesilly, pinkietongue, pinkiewhoops, pinkiewhoopseat,
                    pinkiewhoopsout, rainbowdrag, rainbowsalute, rainbowshine,
                    raritydrama, shiningarmor, shiningarmorguard, snowflak,
                    spikemustache, stevenmagnet, stevenmagnettrue,
                    twilightcrazyfromball, twilightrage, twilightzero,

	Pony symlinks added: djpon-3 → vinyl
	                     fillycadance → fillycadence
                             horsepower → snowflake

	Improved TTY support: ponies have low colours resolution, instead
	of monochrome, when the high colour resolution is not available.

Version 0.10

	Manpage manual added.

	The directories for pony directories are changed
	from '/usr/share' to '/usr/share/ponysay' and '~' to '~/.ponysay'.

	Pony symlinks added: carrottop → carrot
	                     goldenharvest → carrot
	                     harpass → lyra
	                     heartstrings → lyra
	                     lulamoon → trixie
	                     minuette → colgate
	                     noteworthy → blues
	                     perry → pokey
	                     pokeypierce → pokey
	                     timeturner → doctornohat
	                     trixielulamoon → trixie
	                     twilightvelvet → mrssparkle

	Support for truncating output on height, enabled by default under TTY.

	Environment variables added: 'PONYSAY_FULL_WIDTH',

Version 0.9

	Output truncated on width to fit screen.

	Support for TTY (Linux VT).

	'bash' completion added.

	'zsh' completion added.

	New ponies: allie, archer, boxxy, carecake, cupcake, daringdo,
	            davenport, fancypants, ironwillwalk, lily, lunafly,
	            maredowellfly, maredowellgallop, master, mjolna,
                    orange, raritysdad, raritysmom, royalnightguard,
	            ruby, sparkler, violet.

Version 0.8

	New ponies: aloe, angle, applebloom, applebumkin, applefritter,
                    berrypunch, bigmac, blinkie, blues, braeburn, caesar,
                    candymane, caramel, cheerilee, cheerilee80, clyde,
                    colgate, colton, daisy, derpystand, derpystandwing,
                    diamondtiara, dinky, doctornohat, elsie, fido,
                    fillycelestia, fillydash, fillydashfly, fillyjack,
                    fillyjacktravel, fillypinkie, fillypinkiecurly,
	            fillyrarity, fillyshy, fluttershygala, gilda, gildastand,
                    granny, grannychair, grannysleep, gummy, hoity, horte,
                    inky, laflour, lightning, lintsalot, lotus, mayor,
                    mrssparkle, nightmare, opal, parasprite, philomena,
                    photofinish, pinkamina, pinkiebounce, pinkiechicken,
	            pinkiegala, pipsqueak, pokey, rainbowfly, rainbowgala,
	            rainbowsleep, raindrops, rarityfly, raritygala,
	            rarityponder, redheart, rocky, rose, rover, royalguard,
	            sapphire, scootaloo, screwball, shadowbolts, silverspoon,
	            silverstar, sindy, snails, snips, soarin, soigne, spike,
	            spikefloat, spikelove, spot, stella, strongheart, sue,
                    suedance, tank, trixiestage, trixiestand, turnip, twist,

	Note: Identifies itself as version 0.7

Version 0.7

	New ponies: carrot, octavia, trixie, vinyl, zecora.

	Support for listing ponies with '-l' option.

Version 0.6

	New ponies: bonbon, celestia, doctor, fillistia,
	            spitfire, woona (not moonstuck).

	Dropping usage of utility 'which', using 'hash' instead.

	Note: Identifies itself as version 0.5

Version 0.5

	Using utility 'which' to determine existance of 'cowsay'.

Version 0.4

	'.cow' files are removed.

	Support for '-W' option.

	Select random pony if not specified.

	Added command '-f' for supports file names, and not only pony names.

Version 0.3

	Fixed use of '.pony' files.

Version 0.2

	Pony files end with '.pony' instead of '.cow'.

	lyrasleep is renamed to lyra.

	'.cow' files are kept but not used.

	Added option '-h' prints proper help.

Version 0.1

	First release.

	Includes the ponies: applejack, derpy, derpysit, fluttershy,
	                     luna, lyrasleep, pinkie, rainbow, rarity,
	                     sweetie, twilight.