#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ponysay - Ponysay, cowsay reimplementation for ponies
Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Erkin Batu Altunbaş et al.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
If you intend to redistribute ponysay or a fork of it commercially,
it contains aggregated images, some of which may not be commercially
redistribute, you would be required to remove those. To determine
whether or not you may commercially redistribute an image make use
that line ‘FREE: yes’, is included inside the image between two ‘$$$’
lines and the ‘FREE’ is and upper case and directly followed by
the colon.
from common import *
Metadata functions
class Metadata():
Make restriction test logic function
@param restriction:list Metadata based restrictions
@return :dict→bool Test function
def makeRestrictionLogic(restriction):
table = [(get_test(cell[:cell.index('=')],
cell[cell.index('=') + 1:]
for cell in clause.lower().replace('_', '').replace(' ', '').split('+'))
for clause in restriction
def get_test(cell):
strict = cell[0][-1] != '?'
key = cell[0][:-2 if strict else -1]
invert = cell[1][0] == '!'
value = cell[1][1 if invert else 0:]
class SITest():
def __init__(self, cellkey, cellvalue):
(self.cellkey, self.callvalue) = (key, value)
def __call__(self, has):
return False if key not in has else (value not in has[key])
class STest():
def __init__(self, cellkey, cellvalue):
(self.cellkey, self.callvalue) = (key, value)
def __call__(self, has):
return False if key not in has else (value in has[key])
class ITest():
def __init__(self, cellkey, cellvalue):
(self.cellkey, self.callvalue) = (key, value)
def __call__(self, has):
return True if key not in has else (value not in has[key])
class NTest():
def __init__(self, cellkey, cellvalue):
(self.cellkey, self.callvalue) = (key, value)
def __call__(self, has):
return True if key not in has else (value in has[key])
if strict and invert: return SITest(key, value)
if strict: return STest(key, value)
if invert: return ITest(key, value)
return NTest(key, value)
def logic(cells):
for alternative in table:
ok = True
for cell in alternative:
if not cell(cells):
ok = False
if ok:
return True
return False
return logic
Get ponies that pass restriction
@param ponydir:str Pony directory, must end with `os.sep`
@param logic:dict→bool Restriction test functor
@return :list Passed ponies
def restrictedPonies(ponydir, logic):
import pickle
passed = []
if os.path.exists(ponydir + 'metadata'):
data = None
with open(ponydir + 'metadata', 'rb') as file:
data = pickle.load(file)
for ponydata in data:
(pony, meta) = ponydata
if logic(meta):
return passed
Get ponies that fit the terminal
@param fitting:add(str)→void The set to fill
@param requirement:int The maximum allowed value
@param file:istream The file with all data
def getfitting(fitting, requirement, file):
data = file.read() # not too much data, can load everything at once
ptr = 0
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
size = 0
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
size = (size * 10) - (data[ptr] & 15)
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
jump = ptr - size
stop = 0
backjump = 0
while ptr < jump:
size = 0
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
size = (size * 10) - (data[ptr] & 15)
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
if -size > requirement:
if backjump > 0:
ptr = backjump
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
stop = (stop * 10) - (data[ptr] & 15)
ptr += 1
stop = -stop
backjump = ptr
while data[ptr] != 47: # 47 == ord('/')
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
if ptr == jump:
stop = len(data)
ptr = jump
stop += ptr
passed = data[jump : stop].decode('utf8', 'replace').split('/')
for pony in passed: