#!/usr/bin/env bash version=1.1 SCRIPTDIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # Get bash script directory pony="*" wrap="" SYSTEMPONIES="$(dirname $SCRIPTDIR)/share/ponysay" HOMEPONIES="${HOME}/.local/share/ponysay" kmscmd="" [[ "$TERM" = "linux" ]] && kmscmd=$(for c in $(echo $PATH":" | sed -e 's/:/\/ponysay2kmsponysay /g'); do if [[ -f $c ]]; then echo $c; break; fi done) [[ ! "$kmscmd" = "" ]] && TERM="-linux-" if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then SYSTEMPONIES="$SYSTEMPONIES/ttyponies" HOMEPONIES="$HOMEPONIES/ttyponies" else SYSTEMPONIES="$SYSTEMPONIES/ponies" HOMEPONIES="$HOMEPONIES/ponies" fi if [[ "$PONYSAY_COWSAY" = "" ]]; then cmd=cowsay customcmd=0 else cmd="$PONYSAY_COWSAY" customcmd=1 fi [[ ${0} == *ponythink ]] && if [[ "$PONYSAY_COWTHINK" = "" ]]; then cmd=cowthink customcmd=0 else cmd="$PONYSAY_COWTHINK" customcmd=1 fi version() { echo "ponysay v$version" } scrw=`(stty size <&2 || echo 0 0) | cut -d ' ' -f 2` listcmd="${SCRIPTDIR}/../lib/ponysay/list.pl" linklistcmd="${SCRIPTDIR}/../lib/ponysay/linklist.pl" truncatercmd="${SCRIPTDIR}/../lib/ponysay/truncater" [[ -f "./ponysaylist.pl" ]] && listcmd="./ponysaylist.pl" [[ -f "./ponysaylinklist.pl" ]] && linklistcmd="./ponysaylinklist.pl" [[ -f "./ponysaytruncater" ]] && truncatercmd="./ponysaytruncater" haspq=1 if [[ -f './pq4ps-list' ]]; then function qlist { ./pq4ps-list } elif [[ -f '/usr/bin/pq4ps-list' ]]; then function qlist { /usr/bin/pq4ps-list } else haspq=0 function qlist { cat } fi list() { echo -e "\\e[01mponyfiles located in $SYSTEMPONIES:\\e[21m" perl $listcmd $scrw $(ls --color=no $SYSTEMPONIES | sed -e 's/\.pony$//' | sort) | qlist if [[ -d $HOMEPONIES ]]; then echo -e "\\e[01mponyfiles located in $HOMEPONIES:\\e[21m" perl $listcmd $scrw $(ls --color=no $HOMEPONIES | sed -e 's/\.pony$//' | sort) | qlist fi } _linklist() { echo -e "\\e[01mponyfiles located in $1:\\e[21m" files=$(ls --color=no $1 | sed -e 's/\.pony$//' | sort) args="" for file in $files; do target=$(readlink $1"/"$file".pony") if [[ $target = "" ]]; then target=$file else target=$(echo $target | sed -e 's/^\.\///g' -e 's/\.pony$//g') fi args=$(echo $args $file $target) done scrw=`(stty size <&2 || echo 0 0) | cut -d ' ' -f 2` perl $listcmd $scrw $(perl $linklistcmd $(echo $args) | sed -e 's/ /_/g') | sed -e 's/_/ /g' | qlist } linklist() { _linklist $SYSTEMPONIES if [[ -d $HOMEPONIES ]]; then _linklist $HOMEPONIES fi } usage() { version cat <<EOF Usage: ${0##*/} [options] [message] If [message] is not provided, reads the message from STDIN. Options: -v Show version and exit. -h Show this help and exit. -l List pony files. -L List pony files with synonyms inside brackets. EOF if [[ $haspq = 1 ]]; then cat <<EOF -q Use the pony quote feature. EOF fi cat <<EOF -f[name] Select a pony (either a file name or a pony name.) -W[column] The screen column where the message should be wrapped. See man ponysay(6) for more information. EOF } # if no stdin and no arguments then print usage and exit if [[ -t 0 && $# == 0 ]]; then usage exit fi say() { # Ponies use UTF-8 drawing characters. Prevent a Perl warning. export PERL_UNICODE=S if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then echo -ne '\e[H\e[2J' fi function wtrunc { if [ "$PONYSAY_FULL_WIDTH" = 'yes' ] || [ "$PONYSAY_FULL_WIDTH" = 'y' ] || [ "$PONYSAY_FULL_WIDTH" = '1' ]; then cat else WIDTH=`(stty size <&2 || echo 0 0) | cut -d ' ' -f 2` $truncatercmd $WIDTH 2>/dev/null || cat fi } if [ "$PONYSAY_SHELL_LINES" = "" ]; then PONYSAY_SHELL_LINES=2 fi function htrunchead { head --lines=$(( `stty size <&2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1` - $PONYSAY_SHELL_LINES )) } function htrunctail { tail --lines=$(( `stty size <&2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1` - $PONYSAY_SHELL_LINES )) } if [[ $customcmd = 0 ]]; then function cowcmd { pcmd='#!/usr/bin/perl\nuse utf8;' ccmd=$(for c in $(echo $PATH":" | sed -e 's/:/\/'"$cmd"' /g'); do if [[ -f $c ]]; then echo $c; break; fi done) if [[ ${0} == *ponythink ]]; then cat <(echo -e $pcmd) $ccmd > "/tmp/ponythink" perl '/tmp/ponythink' "$@" rm '/tmp/ponythink' else perl <(cat <(echo -e $pcmd) $ccmd) "$@" fi } else function cowcmd { echo "custom $cmd" $cmd "$@" } fi if [[ "$kmscmd" = "" ]]; then function runcmd { cowcmd -f "$pony" "$@" } else function runcmd { cowcmd -f <($kmscmd "$pony") "$@" } fi if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ] || [ "$PONYSAY_TRUNCATE_HEIGHT" = 'yes' ] || [ "$PONYSAY_TRUNCATE_HEIGHT" = 'y' ] || [ "$PONYSAY_TRUNCATE_HEIGHT" = '1' ]; then if [ "$PONYSAY_BOTTOM" = 'yes' ] || [ "$PONYSAY_BOTTOM" = 'y' ] || [ "$PONYSAY_BOTTOM" = '1' ]; then runcmd "${wrap:+-W$wrap}" | wtrunc | htrunctail else runcmd "${wrap:+-W$wrap}" | wtrunc | htrunchead fi else runcmd "${wrap:+-W$wrap}" | wtrunc fi } ponies=() opts="f:W:Llhv" if [[ $haspq ]]; then opts=$opts"q" fi usepq=0 while getopts $opts OPT; do case ${OPT} in v) version; exit ;; h) usage; exit ;; f) ponies+=($(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/ //g')) ;; l) list; exit ;; L) linklist; exit ;; W) wrap="$OPTARG" ;; q) usepq=1 ;; \?) usage >&2; exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) if [[ $usepq = 1 ]]; then if [[ -f './pq4ps' ]]; then function q { ./pq4ps $@ } elif [[ -f '/usr/bin/pq4ps' ]]; then function q { /usr/bin/pq4ps $@ } fi $0 ${wrap:+-W$wrap} $(q "$*") exit fi hash $cmd &>/dev/null; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then cat >&2 <<EOF You don't seem to have the $cmd program. Please install it in order to use this wrapper. Alternatively, symlink it to '$cmd' in anywhere in \$PATH if it actually exists under a different filename. EOF exit 1 fi if [[ ! ${#ponies[@]} == 0 ]]; then pony="${ponies[$RANDOM%${#ponies[@]}]}" fi if [[ ! -f $pony ]]; then # Pony not a file? Search for it ponies=() [[ -d $SYSTEMPONIES ]] && ponies+=( "$SYSTEMPONIES"/$pony.pony ) [[ -d $HOMEPONIES ]] && ponies+=( "$HOMEPONIES"/$pony.pony ) if (( ${#ponies} < 1 )); then echo >&2 "All the ponies are missing! Call the Princess!" exit 1 fi # Choose a random pony pony="${ponies[$RANDOM%${#ponies[@]}]}" fi if [[ -n "$*" ]]; then # Handle a message given via arguments say <<<"$*" else say fi