.\" .\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps .\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection .\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1) .TH PONYSAY 0 "April 05, 2013" .\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage. .\" .\" Some roff macros, for reference: .\" .nh disable hyphenation .\" .hy enable hyphenation .\" .ad l left justify .\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins .\" .nf disable filling .\" .fi enable filling .\" .br insert line break .\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines .\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7) .SH NAME ponysay \- Cowsay reimplementation for ponies .SH SYNOPSIS .B ponysay .RI [ options ] [--] .RI [ message ] .br .B ponythink .RI [ options ] [--] .RI [ message ] .br .SH DESCRIPTION .PP .\" TeX users may be more comfortable with the \fB<whatever>\fP and .\" \fI<whatever>\fP escape sequences to invode bold face and italics, .\" respectively. \fBponysay\fP displays an image of a pony saying some text provided by the user in a terminal. If \fImessage\fP is not provided, it accepts standard input, word-wraps the message given at about 60 columns, and prints the pony saying the given message on standard output. .PP If no arguments are provided, the program only accepts standard input piped from another program, a file or either here documents or here strings (see man bash(1) for details on here document/string.) .PP \fBponythink\fP is to \fIponysay\fP as \fIcowthink\fP is to \fIcowsay\fP. .PP For an extensive documentation run `info ponysay`. .SH OPTIONS A summary of options is included below. .TP .B \-h, \-\-help Show summary of options. .TP .B \-v, \-\-version Show version of program. .TP .B \-f, \-\-file, \-\-pony \fIname\fP Select a pony (either a file name or a pony name), you can use this options multiple times, and one of the will be selected randomly. .TP .B \+f, \+\+file, \+\+pony \fIname\fP Select a non-MLP:FiM pony (either a file name or a pony name), you can use this options multiple times, and one of the will be selected randomly. .TP .B \-F, \-\-any\-file, \-\-anyfile, \-\-anypony \-\-any\-pony \fIname\fP This option combines \fI-f\fP and \fI+f\fP. .TP .B \-q, \-\-quote [\fIname\fP...] By using this option, a pony will be printed with quotes from her in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The pony will be selected randomly, unless at least one pony is added as an argument to \fI-q\fP. If one or more ponies are added as an argument to \fI-q\fP the pony will be selected randomly from that set of ponies. .TP .B \-\-f, \-\-files, \-\-ponies \fI[name...]\fP Variadic variant of \fI-f\fP, meaning that all arguments added after this one will parsed as an argument to this option. .TP .B \+\+f, \+\+files, \+\+ponies \fI[name...]\fP Variadic variant of \fI+f\fP, meaning that all arguments added after this one will parsed as an argument to this option. .TP .B \-\-F, \-\-any\-files, \-\-anyfiles, \-\-anyponies \-\-any\-ponies \fIname\fP This option combines \fI--f\fP and \fI++f\fP. .TP .B \-\-q, \-\-quotes [\fIname\fP...] Variadic variant of \fI-q\fP, meaning that all arguments added after this one will parsed as an argument to this option. Additionally, those options are added to \fI-q\fP. .TP .B \-b, \-\-bubble, \-\-ballon \fIstyle\fP Specify the balloon style that should used, this can either be a file name or a balloon name printed by \fIponysay -B\fP. .TP .B \-W, \-\-wrap \fIcolumn\fP The screen column where the message should be wrapped, the balloon's extra width is taken into consideration. If the argument is not a number, but starts instead with \fIn\fP, no wrapping is done, and if it starts with \fIi\fP the width of the terminal is used. .TP .B \-c, \-\-compress, \-\-compact [\fIansi-colour\fP] Compress the message in the same way \fIcowsay\fP does, that is basically without multiple spaces, and only paragraphs separations. .TP .B \-l, \-\-list List pony files. .TP .B \-L, \-\-symlist, \-\-altlist List pony files with alternative names inside brackets. .TP .B \+l, \+\+list List non-MLP:FiM pony files. .TP .B \+L, \+\+symlist, \+\+altlist List non-MLP:FiM pony files with alternative names inside brackets. .TP .B \-B, \-\-bubblelist, \-\-ballonlist \fIstyle\fP Prints a list of all balloon styles. .TP .B \-A, \-\-all List all pony files, MLP-FiM and non-MLP-FiM, in this case the first list are MLP:FiM and the second are non-MLP-FiM. .TP .B \+A, \+\+all, \-\-symall, \-\-altall List all pony files, including alternatives names inside brackets, these from MLP:FiM and non-MLP:FiM the first list are the MLP:FiM and the second one are non-MLP:FiM. .TP .B \-o, \-\-pony\-only, \-\-ponyonly Just print the pony, nothing else like the speech balloon. .TP .B \-i, \-\-info By adding this flag you will get a metadata for a pony printed, rather than the pony itself. .TP .B \+i, \+\+info This works just like the \fI-i\fP option, except the pony will use the output has her message rather that just print that information. .TP .B \-r, \-\-restriction This option is used to restrict which ponies can be randomly select based one their metadata. A value in the argument is a combination of the tag name and tag value on the form \fINAME=VALUE\fP. .TP .B \-X, \-\-256\-colours, \-\-256colours, \-\-x\-colours Use \fIxterm\fP’s 256\-colour support (supported by most X11 terminals), despite your terminal’s actual compatibilies. .TP .B \-V, \-\-tty\-colours, \-\-ttycolours, \-\-vt\-colours Use Linux VT’s compatbilies \fPwithout\fP KMS utilisation, despite your terminal’s actual compatibilies. .TP .TP .B \-K, \-\-kms\-colours, \-\-kmscolours Use Linux VT’s compatbilies \fPwith\fP KMS utilisation, despite your terminal’s actual compatibilies (not work with all KMS video card). .TP .B \+c, \-\-colour [\fIansi-colour\fP] Colour the balloon, including link and message. For more colouring features, se the \fIinfo\fP manual. The argument, \fIansi-colour\fP, should be a ANSI colour sequence without leading CSI and without a tailing \fIm\fP, for example \fI1;31\fP will make it in red and bold (or bright depending on the terminal.) .TP .B \-\-colour\-bubble, \-\-colour\-ballon [\fIansi-colour\fP] Just like \fP\--colour\fI, but it only colours the balloon, without the message or link. .TP .B \-\-colour\-link [\fIansi-colour\fP] Just like \fI--colour\fP, but it only colours the balloon link. .TP .B \-\-colour\-msg, \-\-colour\-message [\fIansi-colour\fP] Just like \fP--colour\fI, but it only colours the message. .TP .B \-\-colour\-pony [\fIansi-colour\fP] Just like \fI--colour\fP, but it colours the pony. This colouring has no effect on regular pony files, as it has its own colouring. .TP .B \-\-colour\-wrap, \-\-colour\-hyphen [\fIansi-colour\fP] Just like \fI--colour\fP, but it colours hyphen added by the word wrapping. if you want uncoloured use \fI0\fP, the default is \fi31\fP. presistent. .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B PONYSAY_BOTTOM Under TTY (Linux VT), if the output is larger the the screen's height, only the beginning is printed, leaving two blank lines. If you want the bottom to be printed rather the the beginning you can export \fIPONYSAY_BOTTOM\fP with the value \fIyes\fP, \fIy\fP or \fI1\fP. .TP .B PONYSAY_SHELL_LINES Under TTY (Linux VT), if the output is larger the the screen's height, two lines are left blank. If you want more, or less, blank lines you can export \fIPONYSAY_SHELL_LINES\fP with the value of how many blank lines you want. Naturally this takes effect if the output is not actually larger than the screen. .TP .B PONYSAY_FULL_WIDTH You can export \fIPONYSAY_FULL_WIDTH\fP with the value \fIyes\fP, \fIy\fP or \fI1\fP, if you do not want the output to be truncated on the width to fit the terminal. .TP .B PONYSAY_TRUNCATE_HEIGHT Export \fIPONYSAY_TRUNCATE_HEIGHT\fP with the value \fIyes\fP, \fIy\fP or \fI1\fP, if you want to truncate the output on the height even if you are not running \fIponysay\fP under TTY. .TP .B PONYSAY_UCS_ME Export \fIPONYSAY_UCS_ME\fP with the value \fIyes\fP, \fIy\fP or \fI1\fP, if you want [simulated] symlink to pony files using Universal Character Set in their names. .TP .B PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE, PONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE_CMD \fIPONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE\fP or \fIPONYSAY_KMS_PALETTE_CMD\fP is used to tell ponysay how your TTY palette looks, this feature lets you get the best images in TTY if you have Kernel Mode Setting (KMS) support. .TP .B PONYSAY_TYPO_LIMIT \fIponysay\fP is able to auto correct misspelled pony names and balloon style name. Without consideration for transpositioning, by default if the weighted distance is greater than 5 for the closest words, auto correction ignored. This limit can be changed by exporting the limit to ‘PONYSAY_TYPO_LIMIT’; setting the limit to zero will disable auto correction. .TP .B PONYSAY_WRAP_HYPHEN You can export what ponysay should use instead of a hyphen when wrapping messages. .TP .B PONYSAY_WRAP_LIMIT Defines how long a word mush be to be hyphenated. This is used for to wrap words that are long so the output gets as pretty as possible. This s not the only condition under which a word can be hyphenated, it can also be hyphenated if the word cannot fit otherwise. .TP .B PONYSAY_WRAP_EXCEED Defines how much a word must exceed the wrapping point to be hyphenated. This setting is used togather with \fIPONYSAY_WRAP_LIMIT\fP. .SH BUG Bugs can be reported in <\fBhttps://github.com/erkin/ponysay/issues\fP>. .SH SEE ALSO .BR cowsay (0), .BR fortune (0). .br .SH AUTHOR ponysay was written by Erkin Batu Altunbaş <erkinbatu@gmail.com> with contributions from Mattias Andrée, Elis Axelsson, Sven-Hendrik Haase, Pablo Lezaeta, Jan Alexander Steffens et al. .\" See file CREDITS for full list. .PP This manual page was originally written by Louis Taylor <kragniz@gmail.com> for the Debian GNU/Linux project (and may be used by others), and edited by Mattias Andrée <maandree@kth.se> for the official ponysay release. .br .PP This program is licensed under GNU GPLv3+. .\" See file COPYING to see the license.