# FISH completions for ponysay # https://github.com/erkin/ponysay/ # # Author: Elis Axelsson <etu AT elis DOT nu> set -g ponies ('/usr/bin/ponysay' --onelist) set -g xponies ('/usr/bin/ponysay' ++onelist) set -g quoters ('/usr/bin/ponysay' --quoters) set -g balloons ('/usr/bin/ponysay' --balloonlist) ## TODO: update with options [see info manual]: +l +L ++list ++altlist ++file --file ++pony complete --command ponysay --short-option h --long-option help --description 'help of ponysay' complete --command ponysay --short-option v --long-option version --description 'version of ponysay' complete --command ponysay --short-option l --long-option list --description 'list pony names' complete --command ponysay --short-option L --long-option altlist --description 'list pony names with alternatives' complete --command ponysay --short-option B --long-option balloonlist --description 'list balloon style names' complete --command ponysay --short-option f --long-option pony --arguments "$ponies" --description 'pony' complete --command ponysay --short-option F --arguments "$xponies" --description 'extra pony' complete --command ponysay --short-option q --long-option quote --arguments "$quoters" --no-files --description 'pony' complete --command ponysay --short-option b --long-option balloon --arguments "$balloons" --no-files --description 'balloon style' complete --command ponysay --short-option W --long-option wrap --arguments 'Integer' --description 'specify the column when the message should be wrapped' complete --command ponysay --arguments 'MESSAGE' set -e ponies set -e xponies set -e quoters set -e balloons