ponysay - A cowsay wrapper with ponies. The pony files are [desktop/browser ponies](http://web.student.tuwien.ac.at/~e0427417/browser-ponies/ponies.html) converted using [img2xterm](https://github.com/rossy2401/img2xterm). ![Derp](http://i.imgur.com/xOJbE.png) Today your terminal, tomorrow the world! Installation on Linux --------------------- If you do not already have `cowsay` you will need to install it apt-get install cowsay # assuming dpkg [Download](https://github.com/erkin/ponysay/downloads) the latest project. In the terminal, `cd` into the ponysay directory and run sudo make This will install ponysay into the $PREFIX (`/usr` by default). In order to use ponysay, run ponysay "I am just the cutest pony" Or if you have a specific pony in your mind: ponysay -f pinkie "Partay!~" ### Pony fortune on terminal startup This requires that you have the `fortune` utility installed apt-get install fortune You can try [this](http://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlelinux/comments/srixi/using_ponysay_with_a_ponified_fortune_warning/) script to ponify fortunes. Edit your `~/.bashrc` and add this to the end of the file fortune | ponysay Now every time you open a terminal a pony should give your fortune ### FAQ __Q:__ The output looks like a mess in _(TTY/PuTTY/other)_! __A:__ Unfortunately, there's nothing much we can do about it. See [issue 1](https://github.com/erkin/ponysay/issues/1). __Q:__ You are missing _(my-favourite-pony)_! __A:__ Ask and we'll add! __Q:__ Which programs do you use to generate the pony files? __A:__ The pony files are actually a bunch of selected [browser ponies](http://web.student.tuwien.ac.at/~e0427417/browser-ponies/ponies.html) that are generated into cow files via [img2xterm](https://github.com/rossy2401/img2xterm).