Plugin Name: Markdown Geshi
Plugin URI: http://github.com/drm/Markdown_Geshi
Description: <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax">Markdown syntax</a> with GeSHi code highlighting added.
Version: 0.2
Author: Gerard van Helden
Author URI: http://melp.nl
define('MARKDOWN_PARSER_CLASS', 'MarkdownGeshi_Parser');

require_once 'markdown.php';
require_once 'wp-syntax/geshi/geshi.php';

class MarkdownGeshi_Parser extends MarkdownExtra_Parser {
     * The 'processing instruction' pattern for the code blocks parser.
     * Format is defined as : #!language@linenumber. The @linenumber
     * part is optional.
     * Optional parameters are allowed past a semicolon.
    public $shebang = '/^

    function hasShebang($code) {
        if (preg_match($this->shebang, $code, $m)) {
            return $m;
        return false;

    function _doCodeBlocks_callback($matches) {
        if ($m = $this->hasShebang($matches[1])) {
            return $this->_doGeshi($m);
        } else {
            return parent::_doCodeBlocks_callback($matches);

    function _doFencedCodeBlocks_callback($matches) {
        if ($m = $this->hasShebang($matches[2])) {
            return $this->_doGeshi($m);
        } else {
            return parent::_doFencedCodeBlocks_callback($matches);

    function _doGeshi($shebangMatch) {
        $language = $shebangMatch['lang'];
        $line = (int)(($shebangMatch['linenumber'] > 1) ? $shebangMatch['linenumber'] : 0);
        $codeblock = $shebangMatch['code'];

        $highlighter = new GeSHi($this->outdent(trim($codeblock)), $language);
        $highlighted = $highlighter->parse_code();
        if ($line) {
            preg_match('!^(\s*<pre[^>]+>)(.*)(</pre>)!s', $highlighted, $m);

            $ret = '<ol';
            if ($line) {
                $ret .= ' start="' . $line . '"';
            $ret .= '>';
            $ret .= preg_replace(
            $ret .= '</ol>';

            $ret = $m[1] . $ret . $m[3];
        } else {
            $ret = $highlighted;
        if ($shebangMatch['params']) {
            $ret = $this->_processGeshiParams($ret, $shebangMatch['params']);

        return "\n\n" . $this->hashBlock($ret) . "\n\n";

    function _processGeshiParams($highlighted, $params) {
        foreach (explode(',', $params) as $keyValuePair) {
            @list($key, $value) = array_map('trim', explode('=', $keyValuePair));
            if ($key && $value) {
                switch ($key) {
                    case 'gist':
                        $highlighted =
                                '<cite class="gist">(GIST: <a href="https://gist.github.com/%1$d" target="_blank">%1$d</a>)</cite>',
                            . $highlighted;
        return $highlighted;