* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License in GPL.txt for more details. */ define('IN_ADMIN', 1); require_once('common.php'); updateAdminHistory($conn); $query = $conn->query('SELECT * FROM site_info'); if ($row = $query->fetch()) { $title = Trim($row['title']); $des = Trim($row['des']); $baseurl = Trim($row['baseurl']); $keyword = Trim($row['keyword']); $site_name = Trim($row['site_name']); $email = Trim($row['email']); $twit = Trim($row['twit']); $face = Trim($row['face']); $gplus = Trim($row['gplus']); $ga = Trim($row['ga']); $additional_scripts = Trim($row['additional_scripts']); } $query = "SELECT * FROM captcha WHERE id = '1'"; $result = $conn->query('SELECT * FROM captcha WHERE id = 1'); if ($row = $result->fetch()) { $cap_e = $row['cap_e']; $mode = $row['mode']; $mul = $row['mul']; $allowed = $row['allowed']; $color = $row['color']; $recaptcha_sitekey = $row['recaptcha_sitekey']; $recaptcha_secretkey = $row['recaptcha_secretkey']; } $result = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM site_permissions WHERE id='1'"); if ($row = $result->fetch()) { $disableguest = Trim($row['disableguest']); $siteprivate = Trim($row['siteprivate']); } $result = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM mail WHERE id='1'"); if ($row = $result->fetch()) { $verification = Trim($row['verification']); $smtp_host = Trim($row['smtp_host']); $smtp_username = Trim($row['smtp_username']); $smtp_password = Trim($row['smtp_password']); $smtp_port = Trim($row['smtp_port']); $protocol = Trim($row['protocol']); $auth = Trim($row['auth']); $socket = Trim($row['socket']); } /* Update the configuration if necessary */ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { if (isset($_POST['manage'])) { $query = $conn->prepare( 'UPDATE site_info SET title = ?, des = ?, baseurl = ?, keyword = ?, site_name = ?, email = ?, twit = ?, face = ?, gplus = ?, ga = ?, additional_scripts = ? WHERE id = 1' ); $query->execute([ trim($_POST['title']), trim($_POST['des']), trim($_POST['baseurl']), trim($_POST['keyword']), trim($_POST['site_name']), trim($_POST['email']), trim($_POST['twit']), trim($_POST['face']), trim($_POST['gplus']), trim($_POST['ga']), trim($_POST['additional_scripts']) ]); $msg = '
Configuration saved
'; } if (isset($_POST['cap'])) { $query = $conn->prepare( 'UPDATE captcha SET cap_e = ?, mode = ?, mul = ?, allowed = ?, color = ?, recaptcha_sitekey = ?, recaptcha_secretkey = ? WHERE id = 1' ); $query->execute([ trim($_POST['cap_e']), trim($_POST['mode']), trim($_POST['mul']), trim($_POST['allowed']), trim($_POST['color']), trim($_POST['recaptcha_sitekey']), trim($_POST['recaptcha_secretkey']) ]); $msg = '
Captcha settings saved
'; } if (isset($_POST['permissions'])) { $query = $conn->prepare('UPDATE site_permissions SET disableguest = ?, siteprivate = ? WHERE id = 1'); $query->execute([ trim($_POST['disableguest']), trim($_POST['siteprivate']) ]); $msg = '
Site permissions saved.
'; } } if (isset($_POST['smtp_code'])) { $query = $conn->prepare( 'UPDATE mail SET verification = ?, smtp_host = ?, smtp_port = ?, smtp_username = ?, smtp_password = ?, socket = ?, protocol = ?, auth = ? WHERE id = 1' ); $query->execute([ trim($_POST['verification']), trim($_POST['smtp_host']), trim($_POST['smtp_port']), trim($_POST['smtp_user']), trim($_POST['socket']), trim($_POST['auth']), trim($_POST['protocol']) ]); $msg = '
Mail settings updated
'; } ?> Paste - Configuration
type="checkbox" name="disableguest" id="disableguest">
type="checkbox" name="siteprivate" id="siteprivate">

type="checkbox" name="cap_e" id="cap_e">

Internal Captcha Settings:
type="checkbox" name="mul" id="mul">

reCAPTCHA Settings:
Registration Settings
Mail Settings