<?php /* Copyright (c) * - 2006-2013, Ivan Sagalaev (maniac@softwaremaniacs.org), highlight.js * (original author) * - 2013-2019, Geert Bergman (geert@scrivo.nl), highlight.php * - 2014 Daniel Lynge, highlight.php (contributor) * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of "highlight.js", "highlight.php", nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ namespace Highlight; /** * @api * * @since */ class Highlighter { /** * @since */ const SPAN_END_TAG = "</span>"; /** @var bool */ private $safeMode = true; // @TODO In v10.x, this value should be static to match highlight.js behavior /** @var array<string, mixed> */ private $options; /** @var string */ private $modeBuffer = ""; /** @var string */ private $result = ""; /** @var Mode|null */ private $top = null; /** @var Language|null */ private $language = null; /** @var int */ private $relevance = 0; /** @var bool */ private $ignoreIllegals = false; /** @var array<string, Mode> */ private $continuations = array(); /** @var RegExMatch */ private $lastMatch; /** @var string The current code we are highlighting */ private $codeToHighlight; /** @var string[] A list of all the bundled languages */ private static $bundledLanguages = array(); /** @var array<string, Language> A mapping of a language ID to a Language definition */ private static $classMap = array(); /** @var string[] A list of registered language IDs */ private static $languages = array(); /** @var array<string, string> A mapping from alias (key) to main language ID (value) */ private static $aliases = array(); /** * @param bool $loadAllLanguages If true, will automatically register all languages distributed with this library. * If false, user must explicitly register languages by calling `registerLanguage()`. * * @since added `$loadAllLanguages` parameter * @see Highlighter::registerLanguage() */ public function __construct($loadAllLanguages = true) { $this->lastMatch = new RegExMatch(array()); $this->lastMatch->type = ""; $this->lastMatch->rule = null; // @TODO In v10.x, remove the default value for the `languages` value to follow highlight.js behavior $this->options = array( 'classPrefix' => 'hljs-', 'tabReplace' => null, 'useBR' => false, 'languages' => array( "xml", "json", "javascript", "css", "php", "http", ), ); if ($loadAllLanguages) { self::registerAllLanguages(); } } /** * Return a list of all available languages bundled with this library. * * @since * * @return string[] An array of language names */ public static function listBundledLanguages() { if (!empty(self::$bundledLanguages)) { return self::$bundledLanguages; } // Languages that take precedence in the classMap array. (I don't know why...) $bundledLanguages = array( "xml" => true, "django" => true, "javascript" => true, "matlab" => true, "cpp" => true, ); $languagePath = __DIR__ . '/languages/'; $d = @dir($languagePath); if (!$d) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not read bundled language definition directory.'); } // @TODO In 10.x, rewrite this as a generator yielding results while (($entry = $d->read()) !== false) { if (substr($entry, -5) === ".json") { $languageId = substr($entry, 0, -5); $filePath = $languagePath . $entry; if (is_readable($filePath)) { $bundledLanguages[$languageId] = true; } } } $d->close(); return self::$bundledLanguages = array_keys($bundledLanguages); } /** * Return a list of all the registered languages. Using this list in * setAutodetectLanguages will turn on auto-detection for all supported * languages. * * @since * * @param bool $includeAliases Specify whether language aliases should be * included as well * * @return string[] An array of language names */ public static function listRegisteredLanguages($includeAliases = false) { if ($includeAliases === true) { return array_merge(self::$languages, array_keys(self::$aliases)); } return self::$languages; } /** * Register all 185+ languages that are bundled in this library. * * To register languages individually, use `registerLanguage`. * * @since Method is now public * @since * @see Highlighter::registerLanguage * * @return void */ public static function registerAllLanguages() { // Languages that take precedence in the classMap array. $languagePath = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "languages" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; foreach (array("xml", "django", "javascript", "matlab", "cpp") as $languageId) { $filePath = $languagePath . $languageId . ".json"; if (is_readable($filePath)) { self::registerLanguage($languageId, $filePath); } } // @TODO In 10.x, call `listBundledLanguages()` instead when it's a generator $d = @dir($languagePath); if ($d) { while (($entry = $d->read()) !== false) { if (substr($entry, -5) === ".json") { $languageId = substr($entry, 0, -5); $filePath = $languagePath . $entry; if (is_readable($filePath)) { self::registerLanguage($languageId, $filePath); } } } $d->close(); } } /** * Register a language definition with the Highlighter's internal language * storage. Languages are stored in a static variable, so they'll be available * across all instances. You only need to register a language once. * * @param string $languageId The unique name of a language * @param string $filePath The file path to the language definition * @param bool $overwrite Overwrite language if it already exists * * @return Language The object containing the definition for a language's markup */ public static function registerLanguage($languageId, $filePath, $overwrite = false) { if (!isset(self::$classMap[$languageId]) || $overwrite) { $lang = new Language($languageId, $filePath); self::$classMap[$languageId] = $lang; self::$languages[] = $languageId; self::$languages = array_unique(self::$languages); if ($lang->aliases) { foreach ($lang->aliases as $alias) { self::$aliases[$alias] = $languageId; } } } return self::$classMap[$languageId]; } /** * Clear all registered languages. * * @since * * @return void */ public static function clearAllLanguages() { self::$classMap = array(); self::$languages = array(); self::$aliases = array(); } /** * @param RegEx|null $re * @param string $lexeme * * @return bool */ private function testRe($re, $lexeme) { if (!$re) { return false; } $lastIndex = $re->lastIndex; $result = $re->exec($lexeme); $re->lastIndex = $lastIndex; return $result && $result->index === 0; } /** * @param string $value * * @return RegEx */ private function escapeRe($value) { return new RegEx(sprintf('/%s/um', preg_quote($value))); } /** * @param Mode $mode * @param string $lexeme * * @return Mode|null */ private function endOfMode($mode, $lexeme) { if ($this->testRe($mode->endRe, $lexeme)) { while ($mode->endsParent && $mode->parent) { $mode = $mode->parent; } return $mode; } if ($mode->endsWithParent) { return $this->endOfMode($mode->parent, $lexeme); } return null; } /** * @param Mode $mode * @param RegExMatch $match * * @return mixed|null */ private function keywordMatch($mode, $match) { $kwd = $this->language->case_insensitive ? mb_strtolower($match[0]) : $match[0]; return isset($mode->keywords[$kwd]) ? $mode->keywords[$kwd] : null; } /** * @param string $className * @param string $insideSpan * @param bool $leaveOpen * @param bool $noPrefix * * @return string */ private function buildSpan($className, $insideSpan, $leaveOpen = false, $noPrefix = false) { if (!$leaveOpen && $insideSpan === '') { return ''; } if (!$className) { return $insideSpan; } $classPrefix = $noPrefix ? "" : $this->options['classPrefix']; $openSpan = "<span class=\"" . $classPrefix; $closeSpan = $leaveOpen ? "" : self::SPAN_END_TAG; $openSpan .= $className . "\">"; return $openSpan . $insideSpan . $closeSpan; } /** * @param string $value * * @return string */ private function escape($value) { return htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_NOQUOTES); } /** * @return string */ private function processKeywords() { if (!$this->top->keywords) { return $this->escape($this->modeBuffer); } $result = ""; $lastIndex = 0; $this->top->lexemesRe->lastIndex = 0; $match = $this->top->lexemesRe->exec($this->modeBuffer); while ($match) { $result .= $this->escape(substr($this->modeBuffer, $lastIndex, $match->index - $lastIndex)); $keyword_match = $this->keywordMatch($this->top, $match); if ($keyword_match) { $this->relevance += $keyword_match[1]; $result .= $this->buildSpan($keyword_match[0], $this->escape($match[0])); } else { $result .= $this->escape($match[0]); } $lastIndex = $this->top->lexemesRe->lastIndex; $match = $this->top->lexemesRe->exec($this->modeBuffer); } return $result . $this->escape(substr($this->modeBuffer, $lastIndex)); } /** * @return string */ private function processSubLanguage() { try { $hl = new Highlighter(); // @TODO in v10.x, this should no longer be necessary once `$options` is made static $hl->setAutodetectLanguages($this->options['languages']); $hl->setClassPrefix($this->options['classPrefix']); $hl->setTabReplace($this->options['tabReplace']); if (!$this->safeMode) { $hl->disableSafeMode(); } $explicit = is_string($this->top->subLanguage); if ($explicit && !in_array($this->top->subLanguage, self::$languages)) { return $this->escape($this->modeBuffer); } if ($explicit) { $res = $hl->highlight( $this->top->subLanguage, $this->modeBuffer, true, isset($this->continuations[$this->top->subLanguage]) ? $this->continuations[$this->top->subLanguage] : null ); } else { $res = $hl->highlightAuto( $this->modeBuffer, count($this->top->subLanguage) ? $this->top->subLanguage : null ); } // Counting embedded language score towards the host language may be disabled // with zeroing the containing mode relevance. Use case in point is Markdown that // allows XML everywhere and makes every XML snippet to have a much larger Markdown // score. if ($this->top->relevance > 0) { $this->relevance += $res->relevance; } if ($explicit) { $this->continuations[$this->top->subLanguage] = $res->top; } return $this->buildSpan($res->language, $res->value, false, true); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->escape($this->modeBuffer); } } /** * @return void */ private function processBuffer() { if (is_object($this->top) && $this->top->subLanguage) { $this->result .= $this->processSubLanguage(); } else { $this->result .= $this->processKeywords(); } $this->modeBuffer = ''; } /** * @param Mode $mode * * @return void */ private function startNewMode($mode) { $this->result .= $mode->className ? $this->buildSpan($mode->className, "", true) : ""; $t = clone $mode; $t->parent = $this->top; $this->top = $t; } /** * @param RegExMatch $match * * @return int */ private function doBeginMatch($match) { $lexeme = $match[0]; $newMode = $match->rule; if ($newMode && $newMode->endSameAsBegin) { $newMode->endRe = $this->escapeRe($lexeme); } if ($newMode->skip) { $this->modeBuffer .= $lexeme; } else { if ($newMode->excludeBegin) { $this->modeBuffer .= $lexeme; } $this->processBuffer(); if (!$newMode->returnBegin && !$newMode->excludeBegin) { $this->modeBuffer = $lexeme; } } $this->startNewMode($newMode); return $newMode->returnBegin ? 0 : strlen($lexeme); } /** * @param RegExMatch $match * * @return int|null */ private function doEndMatch($match) { $lexeme = $match[0]; $matchPlusRemainder = substr($this->codeToHighlight, $match->index); $endMode = $this->endOfMode($this->top, $matchPlusRemainder); if (!$endMode) { return null; } $origin = $this->top; if ($origin->skip) { $this->modeBuffer .= $lexeme; } else { if (!($origin->returnEnd || $origin->excludeEnd)) { $this->modeBuffer .= $lexeme; } $this->processBuffer(); if ($origin->excludeEnd) { $this->modeBuffer = $lexeme; } } do { if ($this->top->className) { $this->result .= self::SPAN_END_TAG; } if (!$this->top->skip && !$this->top->subLanguage) { $this->relevance += $this->top->relevance; } $this->top = $this->top->parent; } while ($this->top !== $endMode->parent); if ($endMode->starts) { if ($endMode->endSameAsBegin) { $endMode->starts->endRe = $endMode->endRe; } $this->startNewMode($endMode->starts); } return $origin->returnEnd ? 0 : strlen($lexeme); } /** * @param string $textBeforeMatch * @param RegExMatch|null $match * * @return int */ private function processLexeme($textBeforeMatch, $match = null) { $lexeme = $match ? $match[0] : null; // add non-matched text to the current mode buffer $this->modeBuffer .= $textBeforeMatch; if ($lexeme === null) { $this->processBuffer(); return 0; } // we've found a 0 width match and we're stuck, so we need to advance // this happens when we have badly behaved rules that have optional matchers to the degree that // sometimes they can end up matching nothing at all // Ref: https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2140 if ($this->lastMatch->type === "begin" && $match->type === "end" && $this->lastMatch->index === $match->index && $lexeme === "") { // spit the "skipped" character that our regex choked on back into the output sequence $this->modeBuffer .= substr($this->codeToHighlight, $match->index, 1); return 1; } $this->lastMatch = $match; if ($match->type === "begin") { return $this->doBeginMatch($match); } elseif ($match->type === "illegal" && !$this->ignoreIllegals) { // illegal match, we do not continue processing $_modeRaw = isset($this->top->className) ? $this->top->className : "<unnamed>"; throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Illegal lexeme \"$lexeme\" for mode \"$_modeRaw\""); } elseif ($match->type === "end") { $processed = $this->doEndMatch($match); if ($processed !== null) { return $processed; } } // Why might be find ourselves here? Only one occasion now. An end match that was // triggered but could not be completed. When might this happen? When an `endSameasBegin` // rule sets the end rule to a specific match. Since the overall mode termination rule that's // being used to scan the text isn't recompiled that means that any match that LOOKS like // the end (but is not, because it is not an exact match to the beginning) will // end up here. A definite end match, but when `doEndMatch` tries to "reapply" // the end rule and fails to match, we wind up here, and just silently ignore the end. // // This causes no real harm other than stopping a few times too many. $this->modeBuffer .= $lexeme; return strlen($lexeme); } /** * Replace tabs for something more usable. * * @param string $code * * @return string */ private function replaceTabs($code) { if ($this->options['tabReplace'] !== null) { return str_replace("\t", $this->options['tabReplace'], $code); } return $code; } /** * Set the languages that will used for auto-detection. When using auto- * detection the code to highlight will be probed for every language in this * set. Limiting this set to only the languages you want to use will greatly * improve highlighting speed. * * @param string[] $set An array of language games to use for autodetection. * This defaults to a typical set Web development * languages. * * @return void */ public function setAutodetectLanguages(array $set) { $this->options['languages'] = array_unique($set); } /** * Get the tab replacement string. * * @return string The tab replacement string */ public function getTabReplace() { return $this->options['tabReplace']; } /** * Set the tab replacement string. This defaults to NULL: no tabs * will be replaced. * * @param string $tabReplace The tab replacement string * * @return void */ public function setTabReplace($tabReplace) { $this->options['tabReplace'] = $tabReplace; } /** * Get the class prefix string. * * @return string The class prefix string */ public function getClassPrefix() { return $this->options['classPrefix']; } /** * Set the class prefix string. * * @param string $classPrefix The class prefix string * * @return void */ public function setClassPrefix($classPrefix) { $this->options['classPrefix'] = $classPrefix; } /** * @since * * @return void */ public function enableSafeMode() { $this->safeMode = true; } /** * @since * * @return void */ public function disableSafeMode() { $this->safeMode = false; } /** * @param string $name * * @return Language|null */ private function getLanguage($name) { if (isset(self::$classMap[$name])) { return self::$classMap[$name]; } elseif (isset(self::$aliases[$name]) && isset(self::$classMap[self::$aliases[$name]])) { return self::$classMap[self::$aliases[$name]]; } return null; } /** * Determine whether or not a language definition supports auto detection. * * @param string $name Language name * * @return bool */ private function autoDetection($name) { $lang = $this->getLanguage($name); return $lang && !$lang->disableAutodetect; } /** * Core highlighting function. Accepts a language name, or an alias, and a * string with the code to highlight. Returns an object with the following * properties: * - relevance (int) * - value (an HTML string with highlighting markup). * * @todo In v10.x, change the return type from \stdClass to HighlightResult * * @param string $languageName * @param string $code * @param bool $ignoreIllegals * @param Mode|null $continuation * * @throws \DomainException if the requested language was not in this * Highlighter's language set * @throws \Exception if an invalid regex was given in a language file * * @return HighlightResult|\stdClass */ public function highlight($languageName, $code, $ignoreIllegals = true, $continuation = null) { $this->codeToHighlight = $code; $this->language = $this->getLanguage($languageName); if ($this->language === null) { throw new \DomainException("Unknown language: \"$languageName\""); } $this->language->compile($this->safeMode); $this->top = $continuation ? $continuation : $this->language; $this->continuations = array(); $this->result = ""; for ($current = $this->top; $current !== $this->language; $current = $current->parent) { if ($current->className) { $this->result = $this->buildSpan($current->className, '', true) . $this->result; } } $this->modeBuffer = ""; $this->relevance = 0; $this->ignoreIllegals = $ignoreIllegals; /** @var HighlightResult $res */ $res = new \stdClass(); $res->relevance = 0; $res->value = ""; $res->language = ""; $res->top = null; $res->errorRaised = null; try { $match = null; $count = 0; $index = 0; while ($this->top) { $this->top->terminators->lastIndex = $index; $match = $this->top->terminators->exec($this->codeToHighlight); if (!$match) { break; } $count = $this->processLexeme(substr($this->codeToHighlight, $index, $match->index - $index), $match); $index = $match->index + $count; } $this->processLexeme(substr($this->codeToHighlight, $index)); for ($current = $this->top; isset($current->parent); $current = $current->parent) { if ($current->className) { $this->result .= self::SPAN_END_TAG; } } $res->relevance = $this->relevance; $res->value = $this->replaceTabs($this->result); $res->illegal = false; $res->language = $this->language->name; $res->top = $this->top; return $res; } catch (\Exception $e) { if (strpos($e->getMessage(), "Illegal") !== false) { $res->illegal = true; $res->relevance = 0; $res->value = $this->escape($this->codeToHighlight); return $res; } elseif ($this->safeMode) { $res->relevance = 0; $res->value = $this->escape($this->codeToHighlight); $res->language = $languageName; $res->top = $this->top; $res->errorRaised = $e; return $res; } throw $e; } } /** * Highlight the given code by highlighting the given code with each * registered language and then finding the match with highest accuracy. * * @param string $code * @param string[]|null $languageSubset When set to null, this method will attempt to highlight $text with each * language. Set this to an array of languages of your choice to limit the * amount of languages to try. * * @throws \Exception if an invalid regex was given in a language file * @throws \DomainException if the attempted language to check does not exist * * @return HighlightResult|\stdClass */ public function highlightAuto($code, $languageSubset = null) { /** @var HighlightResult $result */ $result = new \stdClass(); $result->relevance = 0; $result->value = $this->escape($code); $result->language = ""; $secondBest = clone $result; if ($languageSubset === null) { $optionsLanguages = $this->options['languages']; if (is_array($optionsLanguages) && count($optionsLanguages) > 0) { $languageSubset = $optionsLanguages; } else { $languageSubset = self::$languages; } } foreach ($languageSubset as $name) { if ($this->getLanguage($name) === null || !$this->autoDetection($name)) { continue; } $current = $this->highlight($name, $code, false); if ($current->relevance > $secondBest->relevance) { $secondBest = $current; } if ($current->relevance > $result->relevance) { $secondBest = $result; $result = $current; } } if ($secondBest->language) { $result->secondBest = $secondBest; } return $result; } /** * Return a list of all supported languages. Using this list in * setAutodetectLanguages will turn on autodetection for all supported * languages. * * @deprecated use `Highlighter::listRegisteredLanguages()` or `Highlighter::listBundledLanguages()` instead * * @param bool $include_aliases specify whether language aliases * should be included as well * * @since Deprecated in favor of `Highlighter::listRegisteredLanguages()` * and `Highlighter::listBundledLanguages()`. * @since The `$include_aliases` parameter was added * @since * * @return string[] An array of language names */ public function listLanguages($include_aliases = false) { @trigger_error('This method is deprecated in favor `Highlighter::listRegisteredLanguages()` or `Highlighter::listBundledLanguages()`. This function will be removed in highlight.php 10.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); if (empty(self::$languages)) { trigger_error('No languages are registered, returning all bundled languages instead. You probably did not want this.', E_USER_WARNING); return self::listBundledLanguages(); } if ($include_aliases === true) { return array_merge(self::$languages, array_keys(self::$aliases)); } return self::$languages; } /** * Returns list of all available aliases for given language name. * * @param string $name name or alias of language to look-up * * @throws \DomainException if the requested language was not in this * Highlighter's language set * * @since * * @return string[] An array of all aliases associated with the requested * language name language. Passed-in name is included as * well. */ public function getAliasesForLanguage($name) { $language = self::getLanguage($name); if ($language === null) { throw new \DomainException("Unknown language: $language"); } if ($language->aliases === null) { return array($language->name); } return array_merge(array($language->name), $language->aliases); } }