const $$ = function(selector) { return document.querySelectorAll(selector) || []; }; const makeEl = function(html) { const template = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = html.trim(); return template.content.firstChild; }; const clearEl = function(el) { while (el.firstChild) { el.removeChild(el.firstChild); } }; const escape = function(unsafe) { return unsafe .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(//g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'"); }; class TagsInput { constructor(element, options = {}) { this.element = element; this.tags = []; this.options = options; this.maxTags = options.maxTags || 10; this.inputNode = null; this.containerNode = null; } attach() { = 'none'; this.containerNode = makeEl('
'); this.inputNode = makeEl(''); this.containerNode.appendChild(this.inputNode); this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(this.containerNode, this.element.nextSibling); /* Load existing tags from input */ if (this.element.value) { for (const tag of this.element.value.split(',')) { this.addTag(tag); } } /* Handle addition and removal of tags via key-presses */ this.containerNode.addEventListener('keydown', this._handleInputKeyUp.bind(this)); /* Handle deletions by clicking the delete button */ this.containerNode.addEventListener('click', this._handleContainerClick.bind(this)); } detach() { this.tags.clear(); this.containerNode.remove(); = 'inline-block'; } updateHiddenInputValue() { this.element.value = this.tags.join(','); } deleteTagNode(node) { this.tags.splice(this.tags.indexOf(node.dataset.value.toLowerCase()), 1); node.remove(); /* Below the limit? Make sure the input is enabled. */ if (this.tags.length < this.maxTags) { this.inputNode.disabled = false; } } addTag(tagValue) { tagValue = tagValue.trim(); /* Tag value is probably not empty and we don't already have the same tag. */ if (tagValue !== '' && this.tags.indexOf(tagValue.toLowerCase()) === -1) { this.tags.push(tagValue.toLowerCase()); this.inputNode.parentNode.insertBefore( makeEl('' + escape(tagValue) + ''), this.inputNode ); /* Too many tags, disable the input for now. */ if (this.tags.length >= this.maxTags) { this.inputNode.disabled = true; } } } _handleInputKeyUp(evt) { let tagValue = this.inputNode.value; if (evt.key === 'Backspace' && tagValue === '') { // Remove the child if (this.inputNode.previousSibling) { this.deleteTagNode(this.inputNode.previousSibling); this.updateHiddenInputValue(); } } else if (evt.key === ',') { this.addTag(tagValue); this.inputNode.value = ''; this.updateHiddenInputValue(); evt.preventDefault(); } } _handleContainerClick(evt) { if ( &&'delete')) { this.deleteTagNode('.tag')); this.updateHiddenInputValue(); } } } class SimplePaginator { constructor(element) { this.element = element; } attach(pageCallback) { this.element.addEventListener('click', evt => { if ( &&'paginator__button')) { pageCallback(; } }); } update(totalRecords, perPage, currentPage) { clearEl(this.element); /* First and last page in existence */ const firstPage = 0; const lastPage = Math.ceil(totalRecords / perPage); // ish? const numPagesToShow = 3; /* First and last page the main paginator will show */ const firstPageShow = (currentPage - numPagesToShow < 0) ? currentPage : currentPage - numPagesToShow; const lastPageShow = (firstPageShow + numPagesToShow) > lastPage ? lastPage : (firstPageShow + numPagesToShow * 2); /* Whether to show the first and last pages in existence at the ends of the paginator */ const showFirstPage = (Math.abs(firstPage - currentPage)) > (numPagesToShow * 2); const showLastPage = (Math.abs(lastPage - currentPage)) > (numPagesToShow * 2); /* Previous button */ this.element.appendChild(makeEl( `` )); /* First page button */ if (showFirstPage) { this.element.appendChild(makeEl( `${firstPage}` )); this.element.appendChild(makeEl(``)); } /* "window" buttons */ for (let i = firstPageShow; i <= lastPageShow; i++) { this.element.appendChild(makeEl( `${i}` )); } /* Last page button */ if (showLastPage) { this.element.appendChild(makeEl(``)); this.element.appendChild(makeEl( `${lastPage}` )); } /* Next button */ this.element.appendChild(makeEl( `` )); } } class DataTable { constructor(element, options) { this.element = element; this.container = element.parentElement; this.options = options; this.ajaxCallback = options.ajaxCallback; = []; this.totalRecords = -1; this.perPage = 10; this.currentPage = 0; this.paginator = new SimplePaginator(this.container.querySelector('.paginator')); } attach() { this.paginator.attach(this._updatePage.bind(this)); this._loadEntries(); } /* Load the requested data from the server, and when done, update the DOM. */ _loadEntries() { new Promise(this.ajaxCallback) .then(this._updateEntries.bind(this)); } /* Update the DOM to reflect the current state of the data we have loaded */ _updateEntries(data) { =; this.totalRecords =; const bodyElement = this.element.querySelector('tbody'); clearEl(bodyElement); const firstIndex = (this.perPage * this.currentPage); const lastIndex = (firstIndex + this.perPage) > this.totalRecords ? this.totalRecords : (firstIndex + this.perPage); for (let i = firstIndex; i < lastIndex; i++) { const rowElem = makeEl(this.options.rowCallback([i])); rowElem.classList.add(i % 2 === 0 ? 'odd' : 'even'); bodyElement.appendChild(rowElem); } this.paginator.update(this.totalRecords, this.perPage, this.currentPage); } _updatePage(n) { this.currentPage = n; this.paginator.update(this.totalRecords, this.perPage, this.currentPage); this._updateEntries({data:}); } _updateSort(field, direction) { } } const setupSite = function() {$$('.js-tag-input'), (el) => { new TagsInput(el).attach(); }); if (document.querySelector('#archive')) { const table = new DataTable(document.querySelector('#archive'), { ajaxCallback: (resolve) => { fetch('/api/ajax_pastes.php') .then(r => r.json()) .then(resolve); }, rowCallback: (rowData) => { const tags = => { let tagColorClass; if ('nsfw') !== -1) { tagColorClass = 'is-danger'; } else if ('safe') !== -1) { tagColorClass = 'is-success'; } else if ('/') !== -1) { tagColorClass = 'is-primary'; } else { tagColorClass = 'is-info'; } return ` ${escape(} `; }).join(''); return ` ${escape(rowData.title)} ${escape(} ${tags} `; } }); table.attach(); } }; if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { setupSite(); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', setupSite); }