* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ use Carbon\CarbonImmutable; require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; function getOpenCollectiveSponsors(): string { $members = json_decode(file_get_contents('https://opencollective.com/carbon/members/all.json'), true); $sixMonthsAgo = CarbonImmutable::parse('now - 6 months')->format('Y-m-d h:i'); $list = array_filter($members, static function ($member) use ($sixMonthsAgo) { return ($member['lastTransactionAmount'] > 3 || $member['isActive']) && $member['role'] === 'BACKER' && $member['type'] !== 'USER' && ($member['totalAmountDonated'] > 100 || $member['lastTransactionAt'] > $sixMonthsAgo || $member['isActive'] && $member['lastTransactionAmount'] >= 30); }); $list = array_map(static function (array $member) { $createdAt = CarbonImmutable::parse($member['createdAt']); $monthlyContribution = (float) ($member['totalAmountDonated'] / (1 + $createdAt->diffInMonths())); if ( CarbonImmutable::parse($member['lastTransactionAt'])->isAfter('last month') && $member['lastTransactionAmount'] > $monthlyContribution ) { $monthlyContribution = (float) $member['lastTransactionAmount']; } $yearlyContribution = (float) ($member['totalAmountDonated'] / max(1, $createdAt->floatDiffInYears())); $status = null; if ($monthlyContribution > 29) { $status = 'sponsor'; } elseif ($monthlyContribution > 3 || $yearlyContribution > 20) { $status = 'backer'; } elseif ($member['totalAmountDonated'] > 0) { $status = 'helper'; } return array_merge($member, [ 'star' => ($monthlyContribution > 98 || $yearlyContribution > 500), 'status' => $status, 'monthlyContribution' => $monthlyContribution, 'yearlyContribution' => $yearlyContribution, ]); }, $list); usort($list, static function (array $a, array $b) { return ($b['monthlyContribution'] <=> $a['monthlyContribution']) ?: ($b['totalAmountDonated'] <=> $a['totalAmountDonated']); }); return implode('', array_map(static function (array $member) { $href = htmlspecialchars($member['website'] ?? $member['profile']); $src = $member['image'] ?? (strtr($member['profile'], ['https://opencollective.com/' => 'https://images.opencollective.com/']).'/avatar/256.png'); [$x, $y] = @getimagesize($src) ?: [0, 0]; $validImage = ($x && $y); $src = $validImage ? htmlspecialchars($src) : 'https://opencollective.com/static/images/default-guest-logo.svg'; $height = 64; $width = $validImage ? round($x * $height / $y) : $height; $href .= (strpos($href, '?') === false ? '?' : '&').'utm_source=opencollective&utm_medium=github&utm_campaign=Carbon'; $title = htmlspecialchars(($member['description'] ?? null) ?: $member['name']); $alt = htmlspecialchars($member['name']); return "\n".''. ''.$alt.''. ''; }, $list))."\n"; } file_put_contents('readme.md', preg_replace_callback( '/()[\s\S]+()/', static function (array $match) { return $match[1].getOpenCollectiveSponsors().$match[2]; }, file_get_contents('readme.md') ));