- Bulma theme * Theme by wsehl (January, 2021) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License in GPL.txt for more details. */ $protocol = paste_protocol(); ?>


'; } elseif (strtotime($profile_join_date) <= 1608422400) { echo ''; } elseif (strtotime($profile_join_date) <= 1609459200) { echo ''; } if (!str_contains($profile_badge, '0')) { echo $profile_badge; } //Paste count badges if ($profile_total_public <= 4) { echo ''; } elseif (($profile_total_public >= 5) && ($profile_total_public <= 24)) { echo ''; } elseif (($profile_total_public >= 25) && ($profile_total_public <= 49)) { echo ''; } elseif (($profile_total_public >= 50) && ($profile_total_public)) { echo ''; } //Pasteviews badges if (($profile_total_paste_views >= 1000) && ($profile_total_paste_views <= 2999)) { echo ''; } elseif (($profile_total_paste_views >= 2000) && ($profile_total_paste_views <= 2999)) { echo ''; } elseif (($profile_total_paste_views >= 3000) && ($profile_total_paste_views <= 4999)) { echo ''; } elseif (($profile_total_paste_views >= 5000) && ($profile_total_paste_views <= 9999)) { echo ''; } elseif (($profile_total_paste_views >= 10000) && ($profile_total_paste_views <= 49999)) { echo ''; } elseif ($profile_total_paste_views >= 50000) { echo ''; } if (($profile_total_unlisted >= 5) && ($profile_total_unlisted <= 9)) { echo ''; } elseif ($profile_total_unlisted >= 10) { echo ''; } ?>
' . $success . '

'; } // Errors elseif (isset($error)) { echo '

' . $error . '

'; } } ?> username === $profile_username) { ?>

" . $lang['visibility'] . ""; } ?> " . $lang['delete'] . ""; } ?> " . $lang['visibility'] . ""; } ?> " . $lang['delete'] . ""; } ?> format("d F Y"); $p_views = Trim($row['views']); $p_visible = intval($row['visible']); $p_tags = Trim($row['tagsys']); $tagArray = explode(',', $p_tags); $tagArray = array_filter($tagArray); $p_visible = match ($p_visible) { 0 => $lang['public'], 1 => $lang['unlisted'], 2 => $lang['private'] }; $p_link = ($mod_rewrite == '1') ? "$p_id" : "paste.php?id=$p_id"; $p_delete_link = ($mod_rewrite == '1') ? "user.php?del&user=$profile_username&id=$p_id" : "user.php?del&user=$profile_username&id=$p_id"; $p_tag_link = ($mod_rewrite == '1') ? "user.php?user=$profile_username&q=$p_tags" : "user.php?user=$profile_username&q=$tags"; $title = truncate($title, 20, 50); // Guests only see public pastes if (!$is_current_user) { if ($row['visible'] == 0) { echo ''; } } else { echo ''; } } ?>
' . ($title) . ' ' . $p_dateui . ' ' . $p_views . ' '; if (strlen($p_tags) > 0) { foreach ($tagArray as $key => $tags) { echo '' . trim($tags) . ''; } } else { echo ' No tags'; } echo '
' . ($title) . ' ' . $p_dateui . ' ' . $p_visible . ' ' . $p_views . ' ' . strtoupper($p_code) . '
" . $lang['delete'] . ""; //} ?> $row) { $ftitle = Trim($row['title']); $f_id = Trim($row['paste_id']); $f_date = new DateTime($row['f_time']); $f_dateui = $f_date->format("d F Y"); $Recent_update = new DateTime($row['updated_at']); $Recent_update_u = date_format($Recent_update,'U'); $f_tags = Trim($row['tagsys']); $ftagArray = explode(',', $f_tags); $ftagArray = array_filter($ftagArray); //$p_link = ($mod_rewrite == '1') ? "$f_id" : "paste.php?favdel=$fu_id"; //$f_delete_link = ($mod_rewrite == '1') ? "user.php?favdel&user=$profile_username&fid=$f_id" : "user.php?favdel&user=$profile_username&fid=$f_id"; $title = truncate($title, 20, 50); $current_time = time(); $past = strtotime('-2 day', $current_time); if ($past <= $Recent_update_u && $Recent_update_u <= $current_time) { $updatenote = ""; } else { $updatenote = ""; } echo ''; } } ?>
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