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Welcome to Ponepaste /pj50kb/ Pastejam

No context 50kb Challenge

What is the PasteJam 50kb challange?

The PasteJam 50kb challenge is a competition that last for two weeks that any one can join.

What do I win?

>A fucking badge, plus the best pony game the host can find.


Note: This is a steam game, winner will be sent a cdkey

What do I have to do?

A prompt is given and you have to write a 50kb greentext or prose.

Does it have to be exactly 50kb

As close as possible. This is more of a guide due to magin of error.

What will happen if I submit a paste thats under 50kb?

Again, As close as possible.

Can I ask for feedback for my green/prose?

From other anons on /mlp/ is fine.

Can I write anything?

As long it follows the prompt, mlp related and follows Ponepaste rules.

How is the prompt chosen?

Hand picked homonyms.

How do I submit?

Make a UNLISTED paste with /pj50kb/ in the title and tag.

How is the winner chosen?

By a vote after the closing date

When is the closing date?

28th of May

When does the voting start?

28th of May, to gives (you) time to read.

Where do I vote?

Here, on this page.

How long will the vote last?

Two weeks. Vote ends on 11th of June, 8pm UTC

What will I be voting on?

How well the story is written, how unique the idea is and how it fits the prompt.

Can the entry be a sequel/ side arc of one of their existing greens?

It must be a stand alone story.

Listen to the prompt:

Submitted Entries

' . $title . '

' . 'by ' . ' ' . $p_member . '

' . ''; ?>

No one has been nominated for the Wooden Spoon Award.