'[ProbablyAutistic] Have more than Fifty pastes', 25 => '[Writefag] Have Twenty Five or more pastes', 5 => '[NewWritefag] Have Five or more pastes', 0 => '[NewFriend] Have less than Five pastes', ]; $unlisted_paste_badges = [ 10 => '', 5 => '' ]; $paste_view_badges = [ 50000 => '[HorseAyylmao] Have more than 50,000 total views', 10000 => '[HorseIlluminatii] Have more than 10,000 total views', 5000 => '[HorseMaster] Have more than 5000 total views', 3000 => '[Horseidol] Have more than 3000 total views', 2000 => '[HorseFamous] Have more than 2000 total views', 1000 => '[HorseWriter] Have more than 1000 total views' ]; function outputBadges(array $badgeCandidates, int $actualValue, string $imagePrefix) { foreach ($badgeCandidates as $threshold => $badgeTitle) { if ($actualValue >= $threshold) { echo "$badgeTitle"; break; } } } ?>

's Pastes



'; } elseif (strtotime($profile_join_date) <= 1608422400) { echo ''; } elseif (strtotime($profile_join_date) <= 1609459200) { echo ''; } if (!str_contains($profile_badge, '0')) { echo $profile_badge; } outputBadges($public_paste_badges, $profile_total_public, 'total_pastes'); outputBadges($paste_view_badges, $profile_total_paste_views, 'total_views'); if (($profile_total_unlisted >= 5) && ($profile_total_unlisted <= 9)) { echo ''; } elseif ($profile_total_unlisted >= 10) { echo ''; } ?>
' . pp_html_escape($success) . '
'; } foreach ($flashes['error'] as $error) { echo '
' . pp_html_escape($error) . '
'; } ?> Some of your statistics:
Total pastes: — Total public pastes: — Total unlisted pastes: — Total private pastes: — Total views of all your pastes:
Total favourites of all your pastes: — Total favorites you have given:

Visibility"; } ?> Delete"; } ?> title, 20, 50)); $p_date = new DateTime($paste->created_at); $p_visible = match (intval($paste->visible)) { 0 => 'Public', 1 => 'Unlisted', 2 => 'Private' }; $pasteJson = array_merge( $paste->only('id', 'title', 'tags', 'views', 'created_at'), ['visibility' => $p_visible] ); ?> visible == Paste::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC): ?> Visibility"; } ?> Delete"; } ?>
Title Paste Time Views Tags
format('d F Y') ?> views ?> tags, $profile_username); ?>
Title Paste Time Views Tags
title, 20, 50)); $f_date = new DateTime($paste->pivot->f_time); $update_date = new DateTime($paste->updated_at); $delta = $update_date->diff(new DateTime(), true); $pasteJson = array_merge( $paste->only('id', 'title', 'tags', 'views', 'created_at'), ['recently_updated' => ($delta->days <= 2), 'favourited_at' => $f_date->format('d F Y')] ); ?>
Title Date Favourited Status Tags
format('d F Y') ?> days <= 2): ?> tags, $profile_username); ?>
Title Date Favourited Status Tags