import { makeEl, clearEl } from "./dom"; class SimplePaginator { constructor(element) { this.element = element; } attach(pageCallback) { this.element.addEventListener('click', evt => { if ( &&'paginator__button')) { pageCallback(; } }); } update(totalRecords, perPage, currentPage) { clearEl(this.element); /* First and last page in existence */ const firstPage = 0; const lastPage = Math.floor(totalRecords / perPage); // ish? const numPagesToShow = 2; if (lastPage === firstPage) { return; } /* First and last page the main paginator will show */ const firstPageShow = (currentPage - numPagesToShow) < firstPage ? firstPage : (currentPage - numPagesToShow); const lastPageShow = (currentPage + numPagesToShow) > lastPage ? lastPage : (currentPage + numPagesToShow); /* Whether to show the first and last pages in existence at the ends of the paginator */ const showFirstPage = (Math.abs(firstPage - currentPage)) > (numPagesToShow); const showLastPage = (Math.abs(lastPage - currentPage)) > (numPagesToShow); const prevButtonDisabled = currentPage === firstPage ? 'disabled' : '' /* Previous button */ this.element.appendChild(makeEl( `` )); /* First page button */ if (showFirstPage) { this.element.appendChild(makeEl( `` )); this.element.appendChild(makeEl(``)); } /* "window" buttons */ for (let i = firstPageShow; i <= lastPageShow; i++) { const selected = (i === currentPage ? 'paginator__button--selected' : ''); this.element.appendChild(makeEl( `` )); } /* Last page button */ if (showLastPage) { this.element.appendChild(makeEl(``)); this.element.appendChild(makeEl( `` )); } const nextButtonDisabled = currentPage === lastPage ? 'disabled' : '' /* Next button */ this.element.appendChild(makeEl( `` )); } } class DataTable { constructor(element, options) { this.element = element; this.container = element.parentElement; this.options = options; this.ajaxCallback = options.ajaxCallback; = []; this.unfilteredData = []; this.totalRecords = -1; this.perPage = 20; this.currentPage = 0; this.paginator = new SimplePaginator(this.container.querySelector('.paginator')); this.filterCallback = options.filterCallback; this.sortField = null; this.sortDir = true; } attach() { this.filterField = this.container.querySelector(''); if (this.filterField && this.filterCallback) { this.filterField.addEventListener('keyup', evt => { if ( { this._updateFilter(; } }); if (this.options.preFilter) { this.filterField.value = this.options.preFilter; } } this.perPageField = this.container.querySelector('select[name=per_page]'); if (this.perPageField) { this.perPageField.addEventListener('change', evt => { this.perPage = Number(; this._updatePage(0); }); } const header = this.element.querySelector('tr.paginator__sort'); if (header) { header.addEventListener('click', evt => { const target =; if (!target.dataset.sortField) { return; } if (this.sortField) { const elem = this.element.querySelector(`th[data-sort-field=${this.sortField}]`) elem.classList.remove('paginator__sort--down'); elem.classList.remove('paginator__sort--up'); } this._updateSort(target.dataset.sortField, !this.sortDir); target.classList.add(this.sortDir ? 'paginator__sort--up' : 'paginator__sort--down'); }); } this.paginator.attach(this._updatePage.bind(this)); this._loadEntries(); } /* Load the requested data from the server, and when done, update the DOM. */ _loadEntries() { new Promise(this.ajaxCallback) .then(data => { this.element.classList.remove('hidden'); this.unfilteredData =; this._updateFilter(this.options.preFilter); }); } /* Update the DOM to reflect the current state of the data we have loaded */ _updateEntries(data) { = data; this.totalRecords =; const bodyElement = this.element.querySelector('tbody'); clearEl(bodyElement); const firstIndex = (this.perPage * this.currentPage); const lastIndex = (firstIndex + this.perPage) > this.totalRecords ? this.totalRecords : (firstIndex + this.perPage); for (let i = firstIndex; i < lastIndex; i++) { const rowElem = makeEl(this.options.rowCallback([i])); rowElem.classList.add(i % 2 === 0 ? 'odd' : 'even'); bodyElement.appendChild(rowElem); } this.paginator.update(this.totalRecords, this.perPage, this.currentPage); } _updatePage(n) { this.currentPage = n; this.paginator.update(this.totalRecords, this.perPage, this.currentPage); this._updateEntries(; } _updateFilter(query) { /* clearing the query */ if (query === null || query === '') { this._updateEntries(this.unfilteredData); return; } let data = []; for (const datum of this.unfilteredData) { if (this.filterCallback(datum, query)) { data.push(datum); } } this._updatePage(0) this._updateEntries(data); } _updateSort(field, direction) { this.sortField = field; this.sortDir = direction; let newEntries = [].sort((a, b) => { let sorter = 0; if (a[field] > b[field]) { sorter = 1; } else if (a[field] < b[field]) { sorter = -1; } if (!direction) { sorter = -sorter; } return sorter; }); this._updatePage(0); this._updateEntries(newEntries); } } const dumbFilterCallback = (datum, query) => { if (!query) { return true; } const queryLower = query.toLowerCase(); if (queryLower === 'untagged' && datum.tags.length === 0) { return true; } if (datum.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(queryLower) !== -1) { return true; } if ( !== -1) { return true; } /* this is inefficient */ for (const tag of datum.tags) { if ( !== -1) { return true; } } return false; }; export { DataTable, dumbFilterCallback };