models(); if ($models->isEmpty()) { $this->info('No prunable models found.'); return; } if ($this->option('pretend')) { $models->each(function ($model) { $this->pretendToPrune($model); }); return; } $events->listen(ModelsPruned::class, function ($event) { $this->info("{$event->count} [{$event->model}] records have been pruned."); }); $models->each(function ($model) { $instance = new $model; $chunkSize = property_exists($instance, 'prunableChunkSize') ? $instance->prunableChunkSize : $this->option('chunk'); $total = $this->isPrunable($model) ? $instance->pruneAll($chunkSize) : 0; if ($total == 0) { $this->info("No prunable [$model] records found."); } }); $events->forget(ModelsPruned::class); } /** * Determine the models that should be pruned. * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ protected function models() { if (! empty($models = $this->option('model'))) { return collect($models); } $except = $this->option('except'); if (! empty($models) && ! empty($except)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The --models and --except options cannot be combined.'); } return collect((new Finder)->in($this->getDefaultPath())->files()->name('*.php')) ->map(function ($model) { $namespace = $this->laravel->getNamespace(); return $namespace.str_replace( ['/', '.php'], ['\\', ''], Str::after($model->getRealPath(), realpath(app_path()).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) ); })->when(! empty($except), function ($models) use ($except) { return $models->reject(function ($model) use ($except) { return in_array($model, $except); }); })->filter(function ($model) { return $this->isPrunable($model); })->values(); } /** * Get the default path where models are located. * * @return string */ protected function getDefaultPath() { return app_path('Models'); } /** * Determine if the given model class is prunable. * * @param string $model * @return bool */ protected function isPrunable($model) { $uses = class_uses_recursive($model); return in_array(Prunable::class, $uses) || in_array(MassPrunable::class, $uses); } /** * Display how many models will be pruned. * * @param string $model * @return void */ protected function pretendToPrune($model) { $instance = new $model; $count = $instance->prunable() ->when(in_array(SoftDeletes::class, class_uses_recursive(get_class($instance))), function ($query) { $query->withTrashed(); })->count(); if ($count === 0) { $this->info("No prunable [$model] records found."); } else { $this->info("{$count} [{$model}] records will be pruned."); } } }