<?php /* * Language File: English */ $lang = array(); $lang['loginwarning'] = "You must be logged in to do that."; $lang['titlelen'] = "Title too long"; $lang['notags'] = "Please tag your paste"; $lang['maxnamelimit'] = "Username too long"; $lang['tags'] = "Tags"; $lang['author'] = "Paste Author"; $lang['updatedgreen'] = "Updated Pastes"; $lang['popular'] = "Popular pastes"; $lang['random'] = "Random pastes"; $lang['monthpopular'] = "This months Popular Pastes"; $lang['banned'] = "You have been banned from " . $site_name; $lang['expired'] = "The paste you're looking for has expired."; $lang['guestwelcome'] = $site_name . " Guest pastes temporary disabled due to spam. Please register or sign in."; $lang['pleaseregister'] = "<br /><br /> <a class=\"btn btn-default\" data-target=\"#signin\" data-toggle=\"modal\" href=\"#\">Login</a> or <a class=\"btn btn-default\" data-target=\"#signup\" data-toggle=\"modal\" href=\"#\">Register</a> to submit a new paste. It's free."; $lang['registertoedit'] = "<a class=\"btn btn-default\" data-target=\"#signin\" data-toggle=\"modal\" href=\"#\">Login</a> or <a class=\"btn btn-default\" data-target=\"#signup\" data-toggle=\"modal\" href=\"#\">Register</a> to edit or fork this paste. It's free."; $lang['editpaste'] = "Edit"; $lang['forkpaste'] = "Fork"; $lang['guestmsgtitle'] = $site_name . " is for horse greens and general shitposts."; $lang['guestmsgbody'] = "<a data-target=\"#signin\" data-toggle=\"modal\" href=\"#\">Login</a> or <a data-target=\"#signup\" data-toggle=\"modal\" href=\"#\">Register</a> to edit, delete and keep track of your pastes and more."; $lang['emptypastebin'] = "There are no pastes to show."; $lang['siteprivate'] = "This pastebin is private."; $lang['image_wrong'] = "Wrong captcha."; $lang['missing-input-response'] = "The reCAPTCHA response parameter is missing. Please verify your PASTE settings."; $lang['missing-input-secret'] = "The reCAPTCHA secret parameter is missing. Please add it to your PASTE settings."; $lang['missing-input-response'] = "The reCAPTCHA response parameter is invalid. Please try to complete the reCAPTCHA again."; $lang['invalid-input-secret'] = "The reCAPTCHA secret parameter is invalid or malformed. Please double check your PASTE settings."; $lang['empty_paste'] = "You cannot post an empty paste."; $lang['large_paste'] = "Your paste is too large. Max size is " . $pastelimit . "MB"; $lang['paste_db_error'] = "Unable to post to database."; $lang['error'] = "Something went wrong."; $lang['archive'] = "Pastes Archive"; $lang['contact'] = "Contact Us"; $lang['full_name'] = "Account name is required."; $lang['email'] = "Your email address is required."; $lang['email_invalid'] = "Your email address seems to be invalid."; $lang['message'] = "Your message is required."; $lang['login/register'] = "Login/Register"; $lang['rememberme'] = "Keep me signed in."; $lang['mail_acc_con'] = "$site_name Account Confirmation"; $lang['mail_suc'] = "Verification code successfully sent to your email address."; $lang['email_ver'] = "Email already verified."; $lang['email_not'] = "Email not found."; $lang['pass_change'] = "Password changed successfully and sent to your email."; $lang['notverified'] = "Account not verified."; $lang['incorrect'] = "Incorrect User/Password"; $lang['missingfields'] = "All fields must be filled out."; $lang['userexists'] = "Username already taken."; $lang['emailexists'] = "Email already registered."; $lang['registered'] = "Your account was successfully registered."; $lang['usrinvalid'] = "Your username can only contain letters or numbers."; $lang['mypastes'] = "My Pastes"; $lang['pastedeleted'] = "Paste deleted."; $lang['databaseerror'] = "Unable to post to database."; $lang['userchanged'] = "Username changed successfully."; $lang['usernotvalid'] = "Username not vaild."; $lang['privatepaste'] = "This is a private paste."; $lang['wrongpassword'] = 'Wrong password.'; $lang['pwdprotected'] = 'Password protected paste'; $lang['notfound'] = "Not found"; $lang['wrongpwd'] = "Wrong password. Try again."; $lang['myprofile'] = "My Profile"; $lang['profileerror'] = "Unable to update the profile information "; $lang['profileupdated'] = "Your profile information is updated "; $lang['oldpasswrong'] = "Your old password is wrong."; $lang['archives'] = "Pastes Archive"; $lang['archivestitle'] = "This page contains the most recently created 100 public pastes."; $lang['pastetitle'] = "Paste Title"; $lang['pastetime'] = "Paste Time"; $lang['pastedate'] = "Paste Date"; $lang['pastesyntax'] = "Paste Syntax"; $lang['pasteviews'] = "Views"; $lang['wentwrong'] = "Something went wrong."; $lang['versent'] = "A verification email has been sent to your email address."; $lang['modpaste'] = "Modify Paste"; $lang['newpaste'] = "New Paste"; $lang['highlighting'] = "Syntax Highlighting"; $lang['expiration'] = "Paste Expiration"; $lang['visibility'] = "Paste Visibility"; $lang['pwopt'] = "Password (Optional)"; $lang['encrypt'] = "Encrypt in database"; $lang['entercode'] = "Enter Code"; $lang['almostthere'] = "Almost there. One more step to go."; $lang['username'] = "Username"; $lang['autogen'] = "Auto generated name"; $lang['setuser'] = "Set your Username"; $lang['keepuser'] = "Keep autogenerated name"; $lang['enterpwd'] = "Enter the password"; $lang['totalpastes'] = "Total Pastes:"; $lang['membtype'] = "Membership Type:"; $lang['email'] = "Email"; $lang['fullname'] = "Full Name"; $lang['chgpwd'] = "Change Password"; $lang['curpwd'] = "Current Password"; $lang['newpwd'] = "New Password"; $lang['confpwd'] = "Confirm Password"; $lang['mypastes'] = "My Pastes"; $lang['viewpastes'] = "View all my pastes"; $lang['recentpastes'] = "Recent Pastes"; $lang['user_public_pastes'] = "'s Pastes"; $lang['yourpastes'] = "Your Pastes"; $lang['mypastestitle'] = "All of your pastes, in one place."; $lang['delete'] = "Delete"; $lang['highlighted'] = "The text below is selected, press Ctrl+C to copy to your clipboard. (⌘+C on Mac)"; $lang['newpaste'] = "New Paste"; $lang['download'] = "Download"; $lang['showlineno'] = "Show/Hide line no."; $lang['copyto'] = "Copy text to clipboard"; $lang['rawpaste'] = "Raw Paste"; $lang['membersince'] = "Joined: "; $lang['delete_error_invalid'] = "Error: Paste not deleted because it does not exist or you do not own the paste."; $lang['not_logged_in'] = "Error: You must be logged in to do that."; $lang['public'] = "Public"; $lang['unlisted'] = "Unlisted"; $lang['private'] = "Private"; $lang['hello'] = "Hello"; $lang['profile-message'] = "This is your profile page where you can manage your pastes.<br /> All of your public, private and unlisted pastes will be shown here. You can also delete your pastes from this page. If other users visit your page they will only see pastes you have set public."; $lang['profile-stats'] = "Some of your statistics:"; $lang['profile-total-pastes'] = "Total Pastes:"; $lang['profile-total-pub'] = "Total public pastes:"; $lang['profile-total-unl'] = "Total unlisted pastes:"; $lang['profile-total-pri'] = "Total private pastes:"; $lang['profile-total-views'] = "Total views of all your pastes:"; $lang['pastfavs-total'] = "Total Favorites of your pastes:"; $lang['yourfavs-total'] = "Total Favorites by you:"; $lang['embed-hosted-by'] = "hosted by"; $lang['view-raw'] = "View Raw"; ?>