query('SELECT text_ads, ads_1, ads_2 FROM ads LIMIT 1')->fetch(); } function getSiteTotalPastes(PDO $conn) : int { return intval($conn->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pastes')->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)[0]); } function getSiteTotalviews(PDO $conn) : int { return intval($conn->query('SELECT tpage FROM page_view ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1')->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)[0]); } function getSiteTotal_unique_views(PDO $conn) : int { return intval($conn->query('SELECT tvisit FROM page_view ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1')->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)[0]); } /** * Specialization of `htmlentities()` that avoids double escaping and uses UTF-8. * * @param string $unescaped String to escape * @return string HTML-escaped string */ function pp_html_escape(string $unescaped) : string { return htmlentities($unescaped, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false); } function updatePageViews(PDO $conn) : void { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $date = date('jS F Y'); $data_ip = file_get_contents('tmp/temp.tdata'); $last_page_view = $conn->query('SELECT * FROM page_view ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1')->fetch(); $last_date = $last_page_view['date']; if ($last_date == $date) { $last_tpage = intval($last_page_view['tpage']) + 1; if (str_contains($data_ip, $ip)) { // IP already exists, Update view count $statement = $conn->prepare("UPDATE page_view SET tpage = ? WHERE id = ?"); $statement->execute([$last_tpage, $last_page_view['id']]); } else { $last_tvisit = intval($last_page_view['tvisit']) + 1; // Update both tpage and tvisit. $statement = $conn->prepare("UPDATE page_view SET tpage = ?,tvisit = ? WHERE id = ?"); $statement->execute([$last_tpage, $last_tvisit, $last_page_view['id']]); file_put_contents('tmp/temp.tdata', $data_ip . "\r\n" . $ip); } } else { // Delete the file and clear data_ip unlink("tmp/temp.tdata"); // New date is created $statement = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO page_view (date, tpage, tvisit) VALUES (?, '1', '1')"); $statement->execute([$date]); // Update the IP file_put_contents('tmp/temp.tdata', $ip); } } session_start(); $conn = new PDO( "mysql:host=$db_host;dbname=$db_schema;charset=utf8", $db_user, $db_pass, $db_opts ); $new_conn = new DatabaseHandle("mysql:host=$db_host;dbname=$db_schema;charset=utf8", $db_user, $db_pass); // Setup site info $site_info = getSiteInfo(); $row = $site_info['site_info']; $title = Trim($row['title']); $des = Trim($row['description']); $baseurl = Trim($row['baseurl']); $keyword = Trim($row['keywords']); $site_name = Trim($row['site_name']); $email = Trim($row['email']); $ga = Trim($row['google_analytics']); $additional_scripts = Trim($row['additional_scripts']); // Setup theme and language $lang_and_theme = $site_info['interface']; $default_lang = $lang_and_theme['language']; $default_theme = $lang_and_theme['theme']; // site permissions $site_permissions = $site_info['permissions']; if ($site_permissions) { $siteprivate = $site_permissions['private']; $disableguest = $site_permissions['disable_guest']; } else { $siteprivate = 'off'; $disableguest = 'off'; } $privatesite = $siteprivate; $noguests = $disableguest; // Prevent a potential LFI (you never know :p) $lang_file = "${default_lang}.php"; if (in_array($lang_file, scandir('langs/'))) { require_once("langs/${lang_file}"); } // Check if IP is banned $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (is_banned($conn, $ip)) die($lang['banned']); // "You have been banned from ".$site_name; // Logout if (isset($_GET['logout'])) { header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); unset($_SESSION['user_id']); unset($_SESSION['pic']); session_destroy(); } $site_ads = getSiteAds($conn); $total_pastes = getSiteTotalPastes($conn); $total_page_views = getSiteTotalviews($conn); $total_unique_views = getSiteTotal_unique_views($conn); $current_user = User::current($new_conn); //$current_user = getCurrentUser($conn); if ($current_user) { $noguests = "off"; }