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All rights reserved. -For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license - -cs.js Found: 118 Missing: 0 -cy.js Found: 118 Missing: 0 -de.js Found: 118 Missing: 0 -el.js Found: 16 Missing: 102 -eo.js Found: 118 Missing: 0 -et.js Found: 31 Missing: 87 -fa.js Found: 24 Missing: 94 -fi.js Found: 23 Missing: 95 -fr.js Found: 118 Missing: 0 -hr.js Found: 23 Missing: 95 -it.js Found: 118 Missing: 0 -nb.js Found: 118 Missing: 0 -nl.js Found: 118 Missing: 0 -no.js Found: 118 Missing: 0 -tr.js Found: 118 Missing: 0 -ug.js Found: 39 Missing: 79 -zh-cn.js Found: 118 Missing: 0 diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ar.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ar.js deleted file mode 100644 index 224d62e..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ar.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "ar", { - euro: "رمز اليورو", - lsquo: "علامة تنصيص فردية علي اليسار", - rsquo: "علامة تنصيص فردية علي اليمين", - ldquo: "علامة تنصيص مزدوجة علي اليسار", - rdquo: "علامة تنصيص مزدوجة علي اليمين", - ndash: "En dash", - mdash: "Em dash", - iexcl: "علامة تعجب مقلوبة", - cent: "رمز السنت", - pound: "رمز الاسترليني", - curren: "رمز العملة", - yen: "رمز الين", - brvbar: "شريط مقطوع", - sect: "رمز القسم", - uml: "Diaeresis", - copy: "علامة حقوق الطبع", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", - laquo: "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark", - not: "ليست علامة", - reg: "علامة مسجّلة", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "Degree sign", - sup2: "Superscript two", - sup3: "Superscript three", - acute: "Acute accent", - micro: "Micro sign", - para: "Pilcrow sign", - middot: "Middle dot", - cedil: "Cedilla", - sup1: "Superscript one", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark", - frac14: "Vulgar fraction one quarter", - frac12: "Vulgar fraction one half", - frac34: "Vulgar fraction three quarters", - iquest: "علامة الإستفهام غير صحيحة", - Agrave: "Latin capital letter A with grave accent", - Aacute: "Latin capital letter A with acute accent", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Latin capital letter A with tilde", - Auml: "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis", - Aring: "Latin capital letter A with ring above", - AElig: "Latin Capital letter Æ", - Ccedil: "Latin capital letter C with cedilla", - Egrave: "Latin capital letter E with grave accent", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "Latin capital letter I with grave accent", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "Latin capital letter Eth", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "Latin capital letter O with grave accent", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis", - times: "Multiplication sign", - Oslash: "Latin capital letter O with stroke", - Ugrave: "Latin capital letter U with grave accent", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Latin capital letter U with circumflex", - Uuml: "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "Latin capital letter Thorn", - szlig: "Latin small letter sharp s", - agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave accent", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", - atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", - auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "Latin small letter æ", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave accent", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave accent", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "Latin small letter eth", - ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", - ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave accent", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "Division sign", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave accent", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", - trade: "Trade mark sign", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "Bullet", - rarr: "Rightwards arrow", - rArr: "Rightwards double arrow", - hArr: "Left right double arrow", - diams: "Black diamond suit", - asymp: "Almost equal to" -}); 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All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "bg", { - euro: "Евро знак", - lsquo: "Лява маркировка за цитат", - rsquo: "Дясна маркировка за цитат", - ldquo: "Лява двойна кавичка за цитат", - rdquo: "Дясна двойна кавичка за цитат", - ndash: "\\\\", - mdash: "/", - iexcl: "Обърната питанка", - cent: "Знак за цент", - pound: "Знак за паунд", - curren: "Валутен знак", - yen: "Знак за йена", - brvbar: "Прекъсната линия", - sect: "Знак за секция", - uml: "Diaeresis", - copy: "Знак за Copyright", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", - laquo: "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark", - not: "Not sign", - reg: "Registered sign", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "Degree sign", - sup2: "Superscript two", - sup3: "Superscript three", - acute: "Acute accent", - micro: "Micro sign", - para: "Pilcrow sign", - middot: "Middle dot", - cedil: "Cedilla", - sup1: "Superscript one", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark", - frac14: "Vulgar fraction one quarter", - frac12: "Vulgar fraction one half", - frac34: "Vulgar fraction three quarters", - iquest: "Inverted question mark", - Agrave: "Latin capital letter A with grave accent", - Aacute: "Latin capital letter A with acute accent", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Latin capital letter A with tilde", - Auml: "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis", - Aring: "Latin capital letter A with ring above", - AElig: "Latin Capital letter Æ", - Ccedil: "Latin capital letter C with cedilla", - Egrave: "Latin capital letter E with grave accent", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "Latin capital letter I with grave accent", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "Latin capital letter Eth", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "Latin capital letter O with grave accent", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis", - times: "Multiplication sign", - Oslash: "Latin capital letter O with stroke", - Ugrave: "Latin capital letter U with grave accent", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Latin capital letter U with circumflex", - Uuml: "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "Latin capital letter Thorn", - szlig: "Latin small letter sharp s", - agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave accent", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", - atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", - auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "Latin small letter æ", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave accent", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave accent", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "Latin small letter eth", - ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", - ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave accent", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "Division sign", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave accent", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", - trade: "Trade mark sign", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "Bullet", - rarr: "Rightwards arrow", - rArr: "Rightwards double arrow", - hArr: "Left right double arrow", - diams: "Black diamond suit", - asymp: "Almost equal to" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ca.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ca.js deleted file mode 100644 index aa62dd2..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ca.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "ca", { - euro: "Símbol d'euro", - lsquo: "Signe de cometa simple esquerra", - rsquo: "Signe de cometa simple dreta", - ldquo: "Signe de cometa doble esquerra", - rdquo: "Signe de cometa doble dreta", - ndash: "Guió", - mdash: "Guió baix", - iexcl: "Signe d'exclamació inversa", - cent: "Símbol de percentatge", - pound: "Símbol de lliura", - curren: "Símbol de moneda", - yen: "Símbol de Yen", - brvbar: "Barra trencada", - sect: "Símbol de secció", - uml: "Dièresi", - copy: "Símbol de Copyright", - ordf: "Indicador ordinal femení", - laquo: "Signe de cometes angulars esquerra", - not: "Símbol de negació", - reg: "Símbol registrat", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "Símbol de grau", - sup2: "Superíndex dos", - sup3: "Superíndex tres", - acute: "Accent agut", - micro: "Símbol de micro", - para: "Símbol de calderó", - middot: "Punt volat", - cedil: "Ce trencada", - sup1: "Superíndex u", - ordm: "Indicador ordinal masculí", - raquo: "Signe de cometes angulars dreta", - frac14: "Fracció vulgar un quart", - frac12: "Fracció vulgar una meitat", - frac34: "Fracció vulgar tres quarts", - iquest: "Símbol d'interrogació invertit", - Agrave: "Lletra majúscula llatina A amb accent greu", - Aacute: "Lletra majúscula llatina A amb accent agut", - Acirc: "Lletra majúscula llatina A amb circumflex", - Atilde: "Lletra majúscula llatina A amb titlla", - Auml: "Lletra majúscula llatina A amb dièresi", - Aring: "Lletra majúscula llatina A amb anell superior", - AElig: "Lletra majúscula llatina Æ", - Ccedil: "Lletra majúscula llatina C amb ce trencada", - Egrave: "Lletra majúscula llatina E amb accent greu", - Eacute: "Lletra majúscula llatina E amb accent agut", - Ecirc: "Lletra majúscula llatina E amb circumflex", - Euml: "Lletra majúscula llatina E amb dièresi", - Igrave: "Lletra majúscula llatina I amb accent greu", - Iacute: "Lletra majúscula llatina I amb accent agut", - Icirc: "Lletra majúscula llatina I amb circumflex", - Iuml: "Lletra majúscula llatina I amb dièresi", - ETH: "Lletra majúscula llatina Eth", - Ntilde: "Lletra majúscula llatina N amb titlla", - Ograve: "Lletra majúscula llatina O amb accent greu", - Oacute: "Lletra majúscula llatina O amb accent agut", - Ocirc: "Lletra majúscula llatina O amb circumflex", - Otilde: "Lletra majúscula llatina O amb titlla", - Ouml: "Lletra majúscula llatina O amb dièresi", - times: "Símbol de multiplicació", - Oslash: "Lletra majúscula llatina O amb barra", - Ugrave: "Lletra majúscula llatina U amb accent greu", - Uacute: "Lletra majúscula llatina U amb accent agut", - Ucirc: "Lletra majúscula llatina U amb circumflex", - Uuml: "Lletra majúscula llatina U amb dièresi", - Yacute: "Lletra majúscula llatina Y amb accent agut", - THORN: "Lletra majúscula llatina Thorn", - szlig: "Lletra minúscula llatina sharp s", - agrave: "Lletra minúscula llatina a amb accent greu", - aacute: "Lletra minúscula llatina a amb accent agut", - acirc: "Lletra minúscula llatina a amb circumflex", - atilde: "Lletra minúscula llatina a amb titlla", - auml: "Lletra minúscula llatina a amb dièresi", - aring: "Lletra minúscula llatina a amb anell superior", - aelig: "Lletra minúscula llatina æ", - ccedil: "Lletra minúscula llatina c amb ce trencada", - egrave: "Lletra minúscula llatina e amb accent greu", - eacute: "Lletra minúscula llatina e amb accent agut", - ecirc: "Lletra minúscula llatina e amb circumflex", - euml: "Lletra minúscula llatina e amb dièresi", - igrave: "Lletra minúscula llatina i amb accent greu", - iacute: "Lletra minúscula llatina i amb accent agut", - icirc: "Lletra minúscula llatina i amb circumflex", - iuml: "Lletra minúscula llatina i amb dièresi", - eth: "Lletra minúscula llatina eth", - ntilde: "Lletra minúscula llatina n amb titlla", - ograve: "Lletra minúscula llatina o amb accent greu", - oacute: "Lletra minúscula llatina o amb accent agut", - ocirc: "Lletra minúscula llatina o amb circumflex", - otilde: "Lletra minúscula llatina o amb titlla", - ouml: "Lletra minúscula llatina o amb dièresi", - divide: "Símbol de divisió", - oslash: "Lletra minúscula llatina o amb barra", - ugrave: "Lletra minúscula llatina u amb accent greu", - uacute: "Lletra minúscula llatina u amb accent agut", - ucirc: "Lletra minúscula llatina u amb circumflex", - uuml: "Lletra minúscula llatina u amb dièresi", - yacute: "Lletra minúscula llatina y amb accent agut", - thorn: "Lletra minúscula llatina thorn", - yuml: "Lletra minúscula llatina y amb dièresi", - OElig: "Lligadura majúscula llatina OE", - oelig: "Lligadura minúscula llatina oe", - 372: "Lletra majúscula llatina W amb circumflex", - 374: "Lletra majúscula llatina Y amb circumflex", - 373: "Lletra minúscula llatina w amb circumflex", - 375: "Lletra minúscula llatina y amb circumflex", - sbquo: "Signe de cita simple baixa-9", - 8219: "Signe de cita simple alta-invertida-9", - bdquo: "Signe de cita doble baixa-9", - hellip: "Punts suspensius", - trade: "Símbol de marca registrada", - 9658: "Punter negre apuntant cap a la dreta", - bull: "Vinyeta", - rarr: "Fletxa cap a la dreta", - rArr: "Doble fletxa cap a la dreta", - hArr: "Doble fletxa esquerra dreta", - diams: "Vestit negre diamant", - asymp: "Gairebé igual a" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cs.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cs.js deleted file mode 100644 index 8a8b94b..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cs.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "cs", { - euro: "Znak eura", - lsquo: "Počáteční uvozovka jednoduchá", - rsquo: "Koncová uvozovka jednoduchá", - ldquo: "Počáteční uvozovka dvojitá", - rdquo: "Koncová uvozovka dvojitá", - ndash: "En pomlčka", - mdash: "Em pomlčka", - iexcl: "Obrácený vykřičník", - cent: "Znak centu", - pound: "Znak libry", - curren: "Znak měny", - yen: "Znak jenu", - brvbar: "Přerušená svislá čára", - sect: "Znak oddílu", - uml: "Přehláska", - copy: "Znak copyrightu", - ordf: "Ženský indikátor rodu", - laquo: "Znak dvojitých lomených uvozovek vlevo", - not: "Logistický zápor", - reg: "Znak registrace", - macr: "Pomlčka nad", - deg: "Znak stupně", - sup2: "Dvojka jako horní index", - sup3: "Trojka jako horní index", - acute: "Čárka nad vpravo", - micro: "Znak mikro", - para: "Znak odstavce", - middot: "Tečka uprostřed", - cedil: "Ocásek vlevo", - sup1: "Jednička jako horní index", - ordm: "Mužský indikátor rodu", - raquo: "Znak dvojitých lomených uvozovek vpravo", - frac14: "Obyčejný zlomek jedna čtvrtina", - frac12: "Obyčejný zlomek jedna polovina", - frac34: "Obyčejný zlomek tři čtvrtiny", - iquest: "Znak obráceného otazníku", - Agrave: "Velké písmeno latinky A s čárkou nad vlevo", - Aacute: "Velké písmeno latinky A s čárkou nad vpravo", - Acirc: "Velké písmeno latinky A s vokáněm", - Atilde: "Velké písmeno latinky A s tildou", - Auml: "Velké písmeno latinky A s dvěma tečkami", - Aring: "Velké písmeno latinky A s kroužkem nad", - AElig: "Velké písmeno latinky Ae", - Ccedil: "Velké písmeno latinky C s ocáskem vlevo", - Egrave: "Velké písmeno latinky E s čárkou nad vlevo", - Eacute: "Velké písmeno latinky E s čárkou nad vpravo", - Ecirc: "Velké písmeno latinky E s vokáněm", - Euml: "Velké písmeno latinky E s dvěma tečkami", - Igrave: "Velké písmeno latinky I s čárkou nad vlevo", - Iacute: "Velké písmeno latinky I s čárkou nad vpravo", - Icirc: "Velké písmeno latinky I s vokáněm", - Iuml: "Velké písmeno latinky I s dvěma tečkami", - ETH: "Velké písmeno latinky Eth", - Ntilde: "Velké písmeno latinky N s tildou", - Ograve: "Velké písmeno latinky O s čárkou nad vlevo", - Oacute: "Velké písmeno latinky O s čárkou nad vpravo", - Ocirc: "Velké písmeno latinky O s vokáněm", - Otilde: "Velké písmeno latinky O s tildou", - Ouml: "Velké písmeno latinky O s dvěma tečkami", - times: "Znak násobení", - Oslash: "Velké písmeno latinky O přeškrtnuté", - Ugrave: "Velké písmeno latinky U s čárkou nad vlevo", - Uacute: "Velké písmeno latinky U s čárkou nad vpravo", - Ucirc: "Velké písmeno latinky U s vokáněm", - Uuml: "Velké písmeno latinky U s dvěma tečkami", - Yacute: "Velké písmeno latinky Y s čárkou nad vpravo", - THORN: "Velké písmeno latinky Thorn", - szlig: "Malé písmeno latinky ostré s", - agrave: "Malé písmeno latinky a s čárkou nad vlevo", - aacute: "Malé písmeno latinky a s čárkou nad vpravo", - acirc: "Malé písmeno latinky a s vokáněm", - atilde: "Malé písmeno latinky a s tildou", - auml: "Malé písmeno latinky a s dvěma tečkami", - aring: "Malé písmeno latinky a s kroužkem nad", - aelig: "Malé písmeno latinky ae", - ccedil: "Malé písmeno latinky c s ocáskem vlevo", - egrave: "Malé písmeno latinky e s čárkou nad vlevo", - eacute: "Malé písmeno latinky e s čárkou nad vpravo", - ecirc: "Malé písmeno latinky e s vokáněm", - euml: "Malé písmeno latinky e s dvěma tečkami", - igrave: "Malé písmeno latinky i s čárkou nad vlevo", - iacute: "Malé písmeno latinky i s čárkou nad vpravo", - icirc: "Malé písmeno latinky i s vokáněm", - iuml: "Malé písmeno latinky i s dvěma tečkami", - eth: "Malé písmeno latinky eth", - ntilde: "Malé písmeno latinky n s tildou", - ograve: "Malé písmeno latinky o s čárkou nad vlevo", - oacute: "Malé písmeno latinky o s čárkou nad vpravo", - ocirc: "Malé písmeno latinky o s vokáněm", - otilde: "Malé písmeno latinky o s tildou", - ouml: "Malé písmeno latinky o s dvěma tečkami", - divide: "Znak dělení", - oslash: "Malé písmeno latinky o přeškrtnuté", - ugrave: "Malé písmeno latinky u s čárkou nad vlevo", - uacute: "Malé písmeno latinky u s čárkou nad vpravo", - ucirc: "Malé písmeno latinky u s vokáněm", - uuml: "Malé písmeno latinky u s dvěma tečkami", - yacute: "Malé písmeno latinky y s čárkou nad vpravo", - thorn: "Malé písmeno latinky thorn", - yuml: "Malé písmeno latinky y s dvěma tečkami", - OElig: "Velká ligatura latinky OE", - oelig: "Malá ligatura latinky OE", - 372: "Velké písmeno latinky W s vokáněm", - 374: "Velké písmeno latinky Y s vokáněm", - 373: "Malé písmeno latinky w s vokáněm", - 375: "Malé písmeno latinky y s vokáněm", - sbquo: "Dolní 9 uvozovka jednoduchá", - 8219: "Horní obrácená 9 uvozovka jednoduchá", - bdquo: "Dolní 9 uvozovka dvojitá", - hellip: "Trojtečkový úvod", - trade: "Obchodní značka", - 9658: "Černý ukazatel směřující vpravo", - bull: "Kolečko", - rarr: "Šipka vpravo", - rArr: "Dvojitá šipka vpravo", - hArr: "Dvojitá šipka vlevo a vpravo", - diams: "Černé piky", - asymp: "Téměř se rovná" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cy.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cy.js deleted file mode 100644 index 9954b9e..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/cy.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "cy", { - euro: "Arwydd yr Ewro", - lsquo: "Dyfynnod chwith unigol", - rsquo: "Dyfynnod dde unigol", - ldquo: "Dyfynnod chwith dwbl", - rdquo: "Dyfynnod dde dwbl", - ndash: "Cysylltnod en", - mdash: "Cysylltnod em", - iexcl: "Ebychnod gwrthdro", - cent: "Arwydd sent", - pound: "Arwydd punt", - curren: "Arwydd arian cyfred", - yen: "Arwydd yen", - brvbar: "Bar toriedig", - sect: "Arwydd adran", - uml: "Didolnod", - copy: "Arwydd hawlfraint", - ordf: "Dangosydd benywaidd", - laquo: "Dyfynnod dwbl ar ongl i'r chwith", - not: "Arwydd Nid", - reg: "Arwydd cofrestredig", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "Arwydd gradd", - sup2: "Dau uwchsgript", - sup3: "Tri uwchsgript", - acute: "Acen ddyrchafedig", - micro: "Arwydd micro", - para: "Arwydd pilcrow", - middot: "Dot canol", - cedil: "Sedila", - sup1: "Un uwchsgript", - ordm: "Dangosydd gwrywaidd", - raquo: "Dyfynnod dwbl ar ongl i'r dde", - 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Iuml: "Priflythyren I Lladinaidd gyda didolnod", - ETH: "Priflythyren Eth", - Ntilde: "Priflythyren N Lladinaidd gyda thild", - Ograve: "Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig", - Oacute: "Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig", - Ocirc: "Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gydag acen grom", - Otilde: "Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gyda thild", - Ouml: "Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gyda didolnod", - times: "Arwydd lluosi", - Oslash: "Priflythyren O Lladinaidd gyda strôc", - Ugrave: "Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig", - Uacute: "Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig", - Ucirc: "Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gydag acen grom", - Uuml: "Priflythyren U Lladinaidd gyda didolnod", - Yacute: "Priflythyren Y Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig", - THORN: "Priflythyren Thorn", - szlig: "Llythyren s fach Lladinaidd siarp ", - agrave: "Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig", - aacute: "Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig", - acirc: "Llythyren a fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom", - 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otilde: "Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gyda thild", - ouml: "Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod", - divide: "Arwydd rhannu", - oslash: "Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gyda strôc", - ugrave: "Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig", - uacute: "Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddyrchafedig", - ucirc: "Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gydag acen grom", - uuml: "Llythyren u fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod", - yacute: "Llythyren y fach Lladinaidd gydag acen ddisgynedig", - thorn: "Llythyren o fach Lladinaidd gyda strôc", - yuml: "Llythyren y fach Lladinaidd gyda didolnod", - OElig: "Priflythyren cwlwm OE Lladinaidd ", - oelig: "Priflythyren cwlwm oe Lladinaidd ", - 372: "Priflythyren W gydag acen grom", - 374: "Priflythyren Y gydag acen grom", - 373: "Llythyren w fach gydag acen grom", - 375: "Llythyren y fach gydag acen grom", - sbquo: "Dyfynnod sengl 9-isel", - 8219: "Dyfynnod sengl 9-uchel cildro", - bdquo: "Dyfynnod dwbl 9-isel", - hellip: "Coll geiriau llorweddol", - trade: "Arwydd marc masnachol", - 9658: "Pwyntydd du i'r dde", - bull: "Bwled", - rarr: "Saeth i'r dde", - rArr: "Saeth ddwbl i'r dde", - hArr: "Saeth ddwbl i'r chwith", - diams: "Siwt diemwnt du", - asymp: "Bron yn hafal iddo" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/de.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/de.js deleted file mode 100644 index 3fd60d1..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/de.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "de", { - euro: "Euro Zeichen", - lsquo: "Hochkomma links", - rsquo: "Hochkomma rechts", - ldquo: "Anführungszeichen links", - rdquo: "Anführungszeichen rechts", - ndash: "kleiner Strich", - mdash: "mittlerer Strich", - iexcl: "invertiertes Ausrufezeichen", - cent: "Cent", - pound: "Pfund", - curren: "Währung", - yen: "Yen", - brvbar: "gestrichelte Linie", - sect: "§ Zeichen", - uml: "Diäresis", - copy: "Copyright", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal Anzeige", - laquo: "Nach links zeigenden Doppel-Winkel Anführungszeichen", - not: "Not-Zeichen", - reg: "Registriert", - macr: "Längezeichen", - deg: "Grad", - sup2: "Hoch 2", - sup3: "Hoch 3", - acute: "Akzentzeichen ", - micro: "Micro", - para: "Pilcrow-Zeichen", - middot: "Mittelpunkt", - cedil: "Cedilla", - sup1: "Hoch 1", - ordm: "Männliche Ordnungszahl Anzeige", - raquo: "Nach rechts zeigenden Doppel-Winkel Anführungszeichen", - frac14: "ein Viertel", - frac12: "Hälfte", - frac34: "Dreiviertel", - iquest: "Umgekehrtes Fragezeichen", - Agrave: "Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit AkzentGrave", - Aacute: "Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Akutakzent", - Acirc: "Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Zirkumflex", - Atilde: "Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Tilde", - Auml: "Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Trema", - Aring: "Lateinischer Buchstabe A mit Ring oben", - AElig: "Lateinischer Buchstabe Æ", - Ccedil: "Lateinischer Buchstabe C mit Cedille", - Egrave: "Lateinischer Buchstabe E mit AkzentGrave", - Eacute: "Lateinischer Buchstabe E mit Akutakzent", - Ecirc: "Lateinischer Buchstabe E mit Zirkumflex", - Euml: "Lateinischer Buchstabe E Trema", - Igrave: "Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit AkzentGrave", - Iacute: "Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit Akutakzent", - Icirc: "Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit Zirkumflex", - Iuml: "Lateinischer Buchstabe I mit Trema", - ETH: "Lateinischer Buchstabe Eth", - Ntilde: "Lateinischer Buchstabe N mit Tilde", - Ograve: "Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit AkzentGrave", - Oacute: "Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Akutakzent", - Ocirc: "Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Zirkumflex", - Otilde: "Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Tilde", - Ouml: "Lateinischer Buchstabe O mit Trema", - times: "Multiplikation", - Oslash: "Lateinischer Buchstabe O durchgestrichen", - Ugrave: "Lateinischer Buchstabe U mit Akzentgrave", - Uacute: "Lateinischer Buchstabe U mit Akutakzent", - Ucirc: "Lateinischer Buchstabe U mit Zirkumflex", - Uuml: "Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Trema", - Yacute: "Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Akzent", - THORN: "Lateinischer Buchstabe mit Dorn", - szlig: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe scharfe s", - agrave: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Accent grave", - aacute: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Akut", - acirc: "Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Zirkumflex", - atilde: "Lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Tilde", - auml: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Trema", - aring: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe a mit Ring oben", - aelig: "Lateinischer Buchstabe æ", - ccedil: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe c mit Cedille", - egrave: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Accent grave", - eacute: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Akut", - ecirc: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Zirkumflex", - euml: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe e mit Trema", - igrave: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit AkzentGrave", - iacute: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Akzent", - icirc: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Zirkumflex", - iuml: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Trema", - eth: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe eth", - ntilde: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe n mit Tilde", - ograve: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Accent grave", - oacute: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Akzent", - ocirc: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Zirkumflex", - otilde: "Lateinischer Buchstabe i mit Tilde", - ouml: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o mit Trema", - divide: "Divisionszeichen", - oslash: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe o durchgestrichen", - ugrave: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Accent grave", - uacute: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Akut", - ucirc: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Zirkumflex", - uuml: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe u mit Trema", - yacute: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe y mit Akut", - thorn: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe Dorn", - yuml: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe y mit Trema", - OElig: "Lateinischer Buchstabe Ligatur OE", - oelig: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe Ligatur OE", - 372: "Lateinischer Buchstabe W mit Zirkumflex", - 374: "Lateinischer Buchstabe Y mit Zirkumflex", - 373: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe w mit Zirkumflex", - 375: "Kleiner lateinischer Buchstabe y mit Zirkumflex", - sbquo: "Tiefergestelltes Komma", - 8219: "Rumgedrehtes Komma", - bdquo: "Doppeltes Anführungszeichen unten", - hellip: "horizontale Auslassungspunkte", - trade: "Handelszeichen", - 9658: "Dreickspfeil rechts", - bull: "Bullet", - rarr: "Pfeil rechts", - rArr: "Doppelpfeil rechts", - hArr: "Doppelpfeil links", - diams: "Karo", - asymp: "Ungefähr" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/el.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/el.js deleted file mode 100644 index 697d163..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/el.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "el", { - euro: "Σύμβολο Ευρώ", - lsquo: "Αριστερός χαρακτήρας μονού εισαγωγικού", - rsquo: "Δεξιός χαρακτήρας μονού εισαγωγικού", - ldquo: "Αριστερός χαρακτήρας διπλού εισαγωγικού", - rdquo: "Δεξιός χαρακτήρας διπλού εισαγωγικού", - ndash: "Παύλα en", - mdash: "Παύλα em", - iexcl: "Ανάποδο θαυμαστικό", - cent: "Σύμβολο σεντ", - pound: "Σύμβολο λίρας", - curren: "Σύμβολο συναλλαγματικής μονάδας", - yen: "Σύμβολο Γιεν", - brvbar: "Σπασμένη μπάρα", - sect: "Σύμβολο τμήματος", - uml: "Διαίρεση", - copy: "Σύμβολο πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", - laquo: "Αριστερός χαρακτήρας διπλού εισαγωγικού", - not: "Not sign", - reg: "Σύμβολο σημάτων κατατεθέν", - macr: "Μακρόν", - deg: "Σύμβολο βαθμού", - sup2: "Εκτεθειμένο δύο", - sup3: "Εκτεθειμένο τρία", - acute: "Οξεία", - micro: "Σύμβολο μικρού", - para: "Σύμβολο παραγράφου", - middot: "Μέση τελεία", - cedil: "Υπογεγραμμένη", - sup1: "Εκτεθειμένο ένα", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark", - frac14: "Γνήσιο κλάσμα ενός τετάρτου", - frac12: "Γνήσιο κλάσμα ενός δεύτερου", - frac34: "Γνήσιο κλάσμα τριών τετάρτων", - iquest: "Ανάποδο θαυμαστικό", - Agrave: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα A με βαρεία", - Aacute: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα A με οξεία", - Acirc: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα A με περισπωμένη", - Atilde: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα A με περισπωμένη", - Auml: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα A με διαλυτικά", - Aring: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα A με δακτύλιο επάνω", - AElig: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα Æ", - Ccedil: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα C με υπογεγραμμένη", - Egrave: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα E με βαρεία", - Eacute: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα E με οξεία", - Ecirc: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα Ε με περισπωμένη ", - Euml: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα Ε με διαλυτικά", - Igrave: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα I με βαρεία", - Iacute: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα I με οξεία", - Icirc: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα I με περισπωμένη", - Iuml: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα I με διαλυτικά ", - ETH: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα Eth", - Ntilde: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα N με περισπωμένη", - Ograve: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα O με βαρεία", - Oacute: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα O με οξεία", - Ocirc: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα O με περισπωμένη ", - Otilde: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα O με περισπωμένη", - Ouml: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα O με διαλυτικά", - times: "Σύμβολο πολλαπλασιασμού", - Oslash: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα O με μολυβιά", - Ugrave: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα U με βαρεία", - Uacute: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα U με οξεία", - Ucirc: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα U με περισπωμένη", - Uuml: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα U με διαλυτικά", - Yacute: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα Y με οξεία", - THORN: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα Thorn", - szlig: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα απότομο s", - agrave: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα a με βαρεία", - aacute: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα a με οξεία", - acirc: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα a με περισπωμένη", - atilde: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα a με περισπωμένη", - auml: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα a με διαλυτικά", - aring: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα a με δακτύλιο πάνω", - aelig: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα æ", - ccedil: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα c με υπογεγραμμένη", - egrave: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα ε με βαρεία", - eacute: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα e με οξεία", - ecirc: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα e με περισπωμένη", - euml: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα e με διαλυτικά", - igrave: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα i με βαρεία", - iacute: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα i με οξεία", - icirc: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα i με περισπωμένη", - iuml: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα i με διαλυτικά", - eth: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα eth", - ntilde: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα n με περισπωμένη", - ograve: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα o με βαρεία", - oacute: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα o με οξεία ", - ocirc: "Λατινικό πεζό γράμμα o με περισπωμένη", - otilde: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα o με περισπωμένη ", - ouml: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα o με διαλυτικά", - divide: "Σύμβολο διαίρεσης", - oslash: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα o με περισπωμένη", - ugrave: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα u με βαρεία", - uacute: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα u με οξεία", - ucirc: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα u με περισπωμένη", - uuml: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα u με διαλυτικά", - yacute: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα y με οξεία", - thorn: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα thorn", - yuml: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα y με διαλυτικά", - OElig: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο σύμπλεγμα ΟΕ", - oelig: "Λατινικό μικρό σύμπλεγμα oe", - 372: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα W με περισπωμένη", - 374: "Λατινικό κεφαλαίο γράμμα Y με περισπωμένη", - 373: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα w με περισπωμένη", - 375: "Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα y με περισπωμένη", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Οριζόντια αποσιωπητικά", - trade: "Σύμβολο εμπορικού κατατεθέν", - 9658: "Μαύρος δείκτης που δείχνει προς τα δεξιά", - bull: "Κουκκίδα", - rarr: "Δεξί βελάκι", - rArr: "Διπλό δεξί βελάκι", - hArr: "Διπλό βελάκι αριστερά-δεξιά", - diams: "Μαύρο διαμάντι", - asymp: "Σχεδόν ίσο με" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/en-gb.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/en-gb.js deleted file mode 100644 index 309c3c4..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/en-gb.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "en-gb", { - euro: "Euro sign", - lsquo: "Left single quotation mark", - rsquo: "Right single quotation mark", - ldquo: "Left double quotation mark", - rdquo: "Right double quotation mark", - ndash: "En dash", - mdash: "Em dash", - iexcl: "Inverted exclamation mark", - cent: "Cent sign", - pound: "Pound sign", - curren: "Currency sign", - yen: "Yen sign", - brvbar: "Broken bar", - sect: "Section sign", - uml: "Diaeresis", - copy: "Copyright sign", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", - laquo: "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark", - not: "Not sign", - reg: "Registered sign", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "Degree sign", - sup2: "Superscript two", - sup3: "Superscript three", - acute: "Acute accent", - micro: "Micro sign", - para: "Pilcrow sign", - middot: "Middle dot", - cedil: "Cedilla", - sup1: "Superscript one", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark", - frac14: "Vulgar fraction one quarter", - frac12: "Vulgar fraction one half", - frac34: "Vulgar fraction three quarters", - iquest: "Inverted question mark", - Agrave: "Latin capital letter A with grave accent", - Aacute: "Latin capital letter A with acute accent", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Latin capital letter A with tilde", - Auml: "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis", - Aring: "Latin capital letter A with ring above", - AElig: "Latin Capital letter Æ", - Ccedil: "Latin capital letter C with cedilla", - Egrave: "Latin capital letter E with grave accent", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "Latin capital letter I with grave accent", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "Latin capital letter Eth", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "Latin capital letter O with grave accent", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis", - times: "Multiplication sign", - Oslash: "Latin capital letter O with stroke", - Ugrave: "Latin capital letter U with grave accent", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Latin capital letter U with circumflex", - Uuml: "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "Latin capital letter Thorn", - szlig: "Latin small letter sharp s", - agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave accent", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", - atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", - auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "Latin small letter æ", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave accent", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave accent", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "Latin small letter eth", - ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", - ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave accent", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "Division sign", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave accent", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", - trade: "Trade mark sign", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "Bullet", - rarr: "Rightwards arrow", - rArr: "Rightwards double arrow", - hArr: "Left right double arrow", - diams: "Black diamond suit", - asymp: "Almost equal to" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/en.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/en.js deleted file mode 100644 index b788297..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/en.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "en", { - euro: "Euro sign", - lsquo: "Left single quotation mark", - rsquo: "Right single quotation mark", - ldquo: "Left double quotation mark", - rdquo: "Right double quotation mark", - ndash: "En dash", - mdash: "Em dash", - iexcl: "Inverted exclamation mark", - cent: "Cent sign", - pound: "Pound sign", - curren: "Currency sign", - yen: "Yen sign", - brvbar: "Broken bar", - sect: "Section sign", - uml: "Diaeresis", - copy: "Copyright sign", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", - laquo: "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark", - not: "Not sign", - reg: "Registered sign", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "Degree sign", - sup2: "Superscript two", - sup3: "Superscript three", - acute: "Acute accent", - micro: "Micro sign", - para: "Pilcrow sign", - middot: "Middle dot", - cedil: "Cedilla", - sup1: "Superscript one", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark", - frac14: "Vulgar fraction one quarter", - frac12: "Vulgar fraction one half", - frac34: "Vulgar fraction three quarters", - iquest: "Inverted question mark", - Agrave: "Latin capital letter A with grave accent", - Aacute: "Latin capital letter A with acute accent", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Latin capital letter A with tilde", - Auml: "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis", - Aring: "Latin capital letter A with ring above", - AElig: "Latin Capital letter Æ", - Ccedil: "Latin capital letter C with cedilla", - Egrave: "Latin capital letter E with grave accent", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "Latin capital letter I with grave accent", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "Latin capital letter Eth", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "Latin capital letter O with grave accent", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis", - times: "Multiplication sign", - Oslash: "Latin capital letter O with stroke", - Ugrave: "Latin capital letter U with grave accent", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Latin capital letter U with circumflex", - Uuml: "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "Latin capital letter Thorn", - szlig: "Latin small letter sharp s", - agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave accent", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", - atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", - auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "Latin small letter æ", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave accent", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave accent", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "Latin small letter eth", - ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", - ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave accent", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "Division sign", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave accent", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", - trade: "Trade mark sign", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "Bullet", - rarr: "Rightwards arrow", - rArr: "Rightwards double arrow", - hArr: "Left right double arrow", - diams: "Black diamond suit", - asymp: "Almost equal to" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/eo.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/eo.js deleted file mode 100644 index d441c12..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/eo.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "eo", { - euro: "Eŭrosigno", - lsquo: "Supra 6-citilo", - rsquo: "Supra 9-citilo", - ldquo: "Supra 66-citilo", - rdquo: "Supra 99-citilo", - ndash: "Streketo", - mdash: "Substreko", - iexcl: "Renversita krisigno", - cent: "Cendosigno", - pound: "Pundosigno", - curren: "Monersigno", - yen: "Enosigno", - brvbar: "Rompita vertikala streko", - sect: "Kurba paragrafo", - uml: "Tremao", - copy: "Kopirajtosigno", - ordf: "Adjektiva numerfinaĵo", - laquo: "Duobla malplio-citilo", - not: "Negohoko", - reg: "Registrita marko", - macr: "Superstreko", - deg: "Gradosigno", - sup2: "Supra indico 2", - sup3: "Supra indico 3", - acute: "Dekstra korno", - micro: "Mikrosigno", - para: "Rekta paragrafo", - middot: "Meza punkto", - cedil: "Zoeto", - sup1: "Supra indico 1", - ordm: "Substantiva numerfinaĵo", - raquo: "Duobla plio-citilo", - frac14: "Kvaronosigno", - frac12: "Duonosigno", - frac34: "Trikvaronosigno", - iquest: "renversita demandosigno", - Agrave: "Latina ĉeflitero A kun liva korno", - Aacute: "Latina ĉeflitero A kun dekstra korno", - Acirc: "Latina ĉeflitero A kun ĉapelo", - Atilde: "Latina ĉeflitero A kun tildo", - Auml: "Latina ĉeflitero A kun tremao", - Aring: "Latina ĉeflitero A kun superringo", - AElig: "Latina ĉeflitera ligaturo Æ", - Ccedil: "Latina ĉeflitero C kun zoeto", - Egrave: "Latina ĉeflitero E kun liva korno", - Eacute: "Latina ĉeflitero E kun dekstra korno", - Ecirc: "Latina ĉeflitero E kun ĉapelo", - Euml: "Latina ĉeflitero E kun tremao", - Igrave: "Latina ĉeflitero I kun liva korno", - Iacute: "Latina ĉeflitero I kun dekstra korno", - Icirc: "Latina ĉeflitero I kun ĉapelo", - Iuml: "Latina ĉeflitero I kun tremao", - ETH: "Latina ĉeflitero islanda edo", - Ntilde: "Latina ĉeflitero N kun tildo", - Ograve: "Latina ĉeflitero O kun liva korno", - Oacute: "Latina ĉeflitero O kun dekstra korno", - Ocirc: "Latina ĉeflitero O kun ĉapelo", - Otilde: "Latina ĉeflitero O kun tildo", - Ouml: "Latina ĉeflitero O kun tremao", - times: "Multipliko", - Oslash: "Latina ĉeflitero O trastrekita", - Ugrave: "Latina ĉeflitero U kun liva korno", - Uacute: "Latina ĉeflitero U kun dekstra korno", - Ucirc: "Latina ĉeflitero U kun ĉapelo", - Uuml: "Latina ĉeflitero U kun tremao", - Yacute: "Latina ĉeflitero Y kun dekstra korno", - THORN: "Latina ĉeflitero islanda dorno", - szlig: "Latina etlitero germana sozo (akra s)", - agrave: "Latina etlitero a kun liva korno", - aacute: "Latina etlitero a kun dekstra korno", - acirc: "Latina etlitero a kun ĉapelo", - atilde: "Latina etlitero a kun tildo", - auml: "Latina etlitero a kun tremao", - aring: "Latina etlitero a kun superringo", - aelig: "Latina etlitera ligaturo æ", - ccedil: "Latina etlitero c kun zoeto", - egrave: "Latina etlitero e kun liva korno", - eacute: "Latina etlitero e kun dekstra korno", - ecirc: "Latina etlitero e kun ĉapelo", - euml: "Latina etlitero e kun tremao", - igrave: "Latina etlitero i kun liva korno", - iacute: "Latina etlitero i kun dekstra korno", - icirc: "Latina etlitero i kun ĉapelo", - iuml: "Latina etlitero i kun tremao", - eth: "Latina etlitero islanda edo", - ntilde: "Latina etlitero n kun tildo", - ograve: "Latina etlitero o kun liva korno", - oacute: "Latina etlitero o kun dekstra korno", - ocirc: "Latina etlitero o kun ĉapelo", - otilde: "Latina etlitero o kun tildo", - ouml: "Latina etlitero o kun tremao", - divide: "Dividosigno", - oslash: "Latina etlitero o trastrekita", - ugrave: "Latina etlitero u kun liva korno", - uacute: "Latina etlitero u kun dekstra korno", - ucirc: "Latina etlitero u kun ĉapelo", - uuml: "Latina etlitero u kun tremao", - yacute: "Latina etlitero y kun dekstra korno", - thorn: "Latina etlitero islanda dorno", - yuml: "Latina etlitero y kun tremao", - OElig: "Latina ĉeflitera ligaturo Œ", - oelig: "Latina etlitera ligaturo œ", - 372: "Latina ĉeflitero W kun ĉapelo", - 374: "Latina ĉeflitero Y kun ĉapelo", - 373: "Latina etlitero w kun ĉapelo", - 375: "Latina etlitero y kun ĉapelo", - sbquo: "Suba 9-citilo", - 8219: "Supra renversita 9-citilo", - bdquo: "Suba 99-citilo", - hellip: "Tripunkto", - trade: "Varmarka signo", - 9658: "Nigra sago dekstren", - bull: "Bulmarko", - rarr: "Sago dekstren", - rArr: "Duobla sago dekstren", - hArr: "Duobla sago maldekstren", - diams: "Nigra kvadrato", - asymp: "Preskaŭ egala" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/es.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/es.js deleted file mode 100644 index 79d437f..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/es.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","es",{euro:"Símbolo de euro",lsquo:"Comilla simple izquierda",rsquo:"Comilla simple derecha",ldquo:"Comilla doble izquierda",rdquo:"Comilla doble derecha",ndash:"Guión corto",mdash:"Guión medio largo",iexcl:"Signo de admiración invertido",cent:"Símbolo centavo",pound:"Símbolo libra",curren:"Símbolo moneda",yen:"Símbolo yen",brvbar:"Barra vertical rota",sect:"Símbolo sección",uml:"Diéresis",copy:"Signo de derechos de autor",ordf:"Indicador ordinal femenino",laquo:"Abre comillas angulares", -not:"Signo negación",reg:"Signo de marca registrada",macr:"Guión alto",deg:"Signo de grado",sup2:"Superíndice dos",sup3:"Superíndice tres",acute:"Acento agudo",micro:"Signo micro",para:"Signo de pi",middot:"Punto medio",cedil:"Cedilla",sup1:"Superíndice uno",ordm:"Indicador orginal masculino",raquo:"Cierra comillas angulares",frac14:"Fracción ordinaria de un quarto",frac12:"Fracción ordinaria de una mitad",frac34:"Fracción ordinaria de tres cuartos",iquest:"Signo de interrogación invertido",Agrave:"Letra A latina mayúscula con acento grave", -Aacute:"Letra A latina mayúscula con acento agudo",Acirc:"Letra A latina mayúscula con acento circunflejo",Atilde:"Letra A latina mayúscula con tilde",Auml:"Letra A latina mayúscula con diéresis",Aring:"Letra A latina mayúscula con aro arriba",AElig:"Letra Æ latina mayúscula",Ccedil:"Letra C latina mayúscula con cedilla",Egrave:"Letra E latina mayúscula con acento grave",Eacute:"Letra E latina mayúscula con acento agudo",Ecirc:"Letra E latina mayúscula con acento circunflejo",Euml:"Letra E latina mayúscula con diéresis", -Igrave:"Letra I latina mayúscula con acento grave",Iacute:"Letra I latina mayúscula con acento agudo",Icirc:"Letra I latina mayúscula con acento circunflejo",Iuml:"Letra I latina mayúscula con diéresis",ETH:"Letra Eth latina mayúscula",Ntilde:"Letra N latina mayúscula con tilde",Ograve:"Letra O latina mayúscula con acento grave",Oacute:"Letra O latina mayúscula con acento agudo",Ocirc:"Letra O latina mayúscula con acento circunflejo",Otilde:"Letra O latina mayúscula con tilde",Ouml:"Letra O latina mayúscula con diéresis", -times:"Signo de multiplicación",Oslash:"Letra O latina mayúscula con barra inclinada",Ugrave:"Letra U latina mayúscula con acento grave",Uacute:"Letra U latina mayúscula con acento agudo",Ucirc:"Letra U latina mayúscula con acento circunflejo",Uuml:"Letra U latina mayúscula con diéresis",Yacute:"Letra Y latina mayúscula con acento agudo",THORN:"Letra Thorn latina mayúscula",szlig:"Letra s latina fuerte pequeña",agrave:"Letra a latina pequeña con acento grave",aacute:"Letra a latina pequeña con acento agudo", -acirc:"Letra a latina pequeña con acento circunflejo",atilde:"Letra a latina pequeña con tilde",auml:"Letra a latina pequeña con diéresis",aring:"Letra a latina pequeña con aro arriba",aelig:"Letra æ latina pequeña",ccedil:"Letra c latina pequeña con cedilla",egrave:"Letra e latina pequeña con acento grave",eacute:"Letra e latina pequeña con acento agudo",ecirc:"Letra e latina pequeña con acento circunflejo",euml:"Letra e latina pequeña con diéresis",igrave:"Letra i latina pequeña con acento grave", -iacute:"Letra i latina pequeña con acento agudo",icirc:"Letra i latina pequeña con acento circunflejo",iuml:"Letra i latina pequeña con diéresis",eth:"Letra eth latina pequeña",ntilde:"Letra n latina pequeña con tilde",ograve:"Letra o latina pequeña con acento grave",oacute:"Letra o latina pequeña con acento agudo",ocirc:"Letra o latina pequeña con acento circunflejo",otilde:"Letra o latina pequeña con tilde",ouml:"Letra o latina pequeña con diéresis",divide:"Signo de división",oslash:"Letra o latina minúscula con barra inclinada", -ugrave:"Letra u latina pequeña con acento grave",uacute:"Letra u latina pequeña con acento agudo",ucirc:"Letra u latina pequeña con acento circunflejo",uuml:"Letra u latina pequeña con diéresis",yacute:"Letra u latina pequeña con acento agudo",thorn:"Letra thorn latina minúscula",yuml:"Letra y latina pequeña con diéresis",OElig:"Diptongo OE latino en mayúscula",oelig:"Diptongo oe latino en minúscula",372:"Letra W latina mayúscula con acento circunflejo",374:"Letra Y latina mayúscula con acento circunflejo", -373:"Letra w latina pequeña con acento circunflejo",375:"Letra y latina pequeña con acento circunflejo",sbquo:"Comilla simple baja-9",8219:"Comilla simple alta invertida-9",bdquo:"Comillas dobles bajas-9",hellip:"Puntos suspensivos horizontales",trade:"Signo de marca registrada",9658:"Apuntador negro apuntando a la derecha",bull:"Viñeta",rarr:"Flecha a la derecha",rArr:"Flecha doble a la derecha",hArr:"Flecha izquierda derecha doble",diams:"Diamante negro",asymp:"Casi igual a"}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/et.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/et.js deleted file mode 100644 index 2d92567..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/et.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "et", { - euro: "Euromärk", - lsquo: "Alustav ühekordne jutumärk", - rsquo: "Lõpetav ühekordne jutumärk", - ldquo: "Alustav kahekordne jutumärk", - rdquo: "Lõpetav kahekordne jutumärk", - ndash: "Enn-kriips", - mdash: "Emm-kriips", - iexcl: "Pööratud hüüumärk", - cent: "Sendimärk", - pound: "Naela märk", - curren: "Valuutamärk", - yen: "Jeeni märk", - brvbar: "Katkestatud kriips", - sect: "Lõigu märk", - uml: "Täpid", - copy: "Autoriõiguse märk", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", - laquo: "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark", - not: "Ei-märk", - reg: "Registered sign", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "Kraadimärk", - sup2: "Ülaindeks kaks", - sup3: "Ülaindeks kolm", - acute: "Acute accent", - micro: "Mikro-märk", - para: "Pilcrow sign", - middot: "Keskpunkt", - cedil: "Cedilla", - sup1: "Ülaindeks üks", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark", - frac14: "Vulgar fraction one quarter", - frac12: "Vulgar fraction one half", - frac34: "Vulgar fraction three quarters", - iquest: "Inverted question mark", - Agrave: "Latin capital letter A with grave accent", - Aacute: "Latin capital letter A with acute accent", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Ladina suur A tildega", - Auml: "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis", - Aring: "Latin capital letter A with ring above", - AElig: "Latin Capital letter Æ", - Ccedil: "Latin capital letter C with cedilla", - Egrave: "Latin capital letter E with grave accent", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "Latin capital letter I with grave accent", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "Latin capital letter Eth", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "Latin capital letter O with grave accent", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Täppidega ladina suur O", - times: "Multiplication sign", - Oslash: "Latin capital letter O with stroke", - Ugrave: "Latin capital letter U with grave accent", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Kandilise katusega suur ladina U", - Uuml: "Täppidega ladina suur U", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "Latin capital letter Thorn", - szlig: "Ladina väike terav s", - agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave accent", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Kandilise katusega ladina väike a", - atilde: "Tildega ladina väike a", - auml: "Täppidega ladina väike a", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "Latin small letter æ", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave accent", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave accent", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "Latin small letter eth", - ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", - ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave accent", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "Jagamismärk", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave accent", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", - trade: "Kaubamärgi märk", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "Kuul", - rarr: "Nool paremale", - rArr: "Topeltnool paremale", - hArr: "Topeltnool vasakule", - diams: "Black diamond suit", - asymp: "Ligikaudu võrdne" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fa.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fa.js deleted file mode 100644 index 942a428..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fa.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "fa", { - euro: "نشان یورو", - lsquo: "علامت نقل قول تکی چپ", - rsquo: "علامت نقل قول تکی راست", - ldquo: "علامت نقل قول دوتایی چپ", - rdquo: "علامت نقل قول دوتایی راست", - ndash: "خط تیره En", - mdash: "خط تیره Em", - iexcl: "علامت تعجب وارونه", - cent: "نشان سنت", - pound: "نشان پوند", - curren: "نشان ارز", - yen: "نشان ین", - brvbar: "نوار شکسته", - sect: "نشان بخش", - uml: "نشان سواگیری", - copy: "نشان کپی رایت", - ordf: "شاخص ترتیبی مونث", - laquo: "اشاره چپ مکرر برای زاویه علامت نقل قول", - not: "نشان ثبت نشده", - reg: "نشان ثبت شده", - macr: "نشان خط بالای حرف", - deg: "نشان درجه", - sup2: "بالانویس دو", - sup3: "بالانویس سه", - acute: "لهجه غلیظ", - micro: "نشان مایکرو", - para: "نشان محل بند", - middot: "نقطه میانی", - cedil: "سدیل", - sup1: "بالانویس 1", - ordm: "شاخص ترتیبی مذکر", - raquo: "نشان زاویه‌دار دوتایی نقل قول راست چین", - frac14: "واحد عامیانه 1/4", - frac12: "واحد عامینه نصف", - frac34: "واحد عامیانه 3/4", - iquest: "علامت سوال معکوس", - Agrave: "حرف A بزرگ لاتین با تلفظ غلیظ", - Aacute: "حرف A بزرگ لاتین با تلفظ شدید", - Acirc: "حرف A بزرگ لاتین با دور", - Atilde: "حرف A بزرگ لاتین با صدای کامی", - Auml: "حرف A بزرگ لاتین با نشان سواگیری", - Aring: "حرف A بزرگ لاتین با حلقه بالا", - AElig: "حرف Æ بزرگ لاتین", - Ccedil: "حرف C بزرگ لاتین با نشان سواگیری", - Egrave: "حرف E بزرگ لاتین با تلفظ درشت", - Eacute: "حرف E بزرگ لاتین با تلفظ زیر", - Ecirc: "حرف E بزرگ لاتین با خمان", - Euml: "حرف E بزرگ لاتین با نشان سواگیری", - Igrave: "حرف I بزرگ لاتین با تلفظ درشت", - Iacute: "حرف I بزرگ لاتین با تلفظ ریز", - Icirc: "حرف I بزرگ لاتین با خمان", - Iuml: "حرف I بزرگ لاتین با نشان سواگیری", - ETH: "حرف لاتین بزرگ واکه ترتیبی", - Ntilde: "حرف N بزرگ لاتین با مد", - Ograve: "حرف O بزرگ لاتین با تلفظ درشت", - Oacute: "حرف O بزرگ لاتین با تلفظ ریز", - Ocirc: "حرف O بزرگ لاتین با خمان", - Otilde: "حرف O بزرگ لاتین با مد", - Ouml: "حرف O بزرگ لاتین با نشان سواگیری", - times: "نشان ضربدر", - Oslash: "حرف O بزرگ لاتین با میان خط", - Ugrave: "حرف U بزرگ لاتین با تلفظ درشت", - Uacute: "حرف U بزرگ لاتین با تلفظ ریز", - Ucirc: "حرف U بزرگ لاتین با خمان", - Uuml: "حرف U بزرگ لاتین با نشان سواگیری", - Yacute: "حرف Y بزرگ لاتین با تلفظ ریز", - THORN: "حرف بزرگ لاتین خاردار", - szlig: "حرف کوچک لاتین شارپ s", - agrave: "حرف a کوچک لاتین با تلفظ درشت", - aacute: "حرف a کوچک لاتین با تلفظ ریز", - acirc: "حرف a کوچک لاتین با خمان", - atilde: "حرف a کوچک لاتین با صدای کامی", - auml: "حرف a کوچک لاتین با نشان سواگیری", - aring: "حرف a کوچک لاتین گوشواره دار", - aelig: "حرف کوچک لاتین æ", - ccedil: "حرف c کوچک لاتین با نشان سدیل", - egrave: "حرف e کوچک لاتین با تلفظ درشت", - eacute: "حرف e کوچک لاتین با تلفظ ریز", - ecirc: "حرف e کوچک لاتین با خمان", - euml: "حرف e کوچک لاتین با نشان سواگیری", - igrave: "حرف i کوچک لاتین با تلفظ درشت", - iacute: "حرف i کوچک لاتین با تلفظ ریز", - icirc: "حرف i کوچک لاتین با خمان", - iuml: "حرف i کوچک لاتین با نشان سواگیری", - eth: "حرف کوچک لاتین eth", - ntilde: "حرف n کوچک لاتین با صدای کامی", - ograve: "حرف o کوچک لاتین با تلفظ درشت", - oacute: "حرف o کوچک لاتین با تلفظ زیر", - ocirc: "حرف o کوچک لاتین با خمان", - otilde: "حرف o کوچک لاتین با صدای کامی", - ouml: "حرف o کوچک لاتین با نشان سواگیری", - divide: "نشان بخش", - oslash: "حرف o کوچک لاتین با میان خط", - ugrave: "حرف u کوچک لاتین با تلفظ درشت", - uacute: "حرف u کوچک لاتین با تلفظ ریز", - ucirc: "حرف u کوچک لاتین با خمان", - uuml: "حرف u کوچک لاتین با نشان سواگیری", - yacute: "حرف y کوچک لاتین با تلفظ ریز", - thorn: "حرف کوچک لاتین خاردار", - yuml: "حرف y کوچک لاتین با نشان سواگیری", - OElig: "بند بزرگ لاتین OE", - oelig: "بند کوچک لاتین oe", - 372: "حرف W بزرگ لاتین با خمان", - 374: "حرف Y بزرگ لاتین با خمان", - 373: "حرف w کوچک لاتین با خمان", - 375: "حرف y کوچک لاتین با خمان", - sbquo: "نشان نقل قول تکی زیر-9", - 8219: "نشان نقل قول تکی high-reversed-9", - bdquo: "نقل قول دوتایی پایین-9", - hellip: "حذف افقی", - trade: "نشان تجاری", - 9658: "نشانگر سیاه جهت راست", - bull: "گلوله", - rarr: "فلش راست", - rArr: "فلش دوتایی راست", - hArr: "فلش دوتایی چپ راست", - diams: "نشان الماس سیاه", - asymp: "تقریبا برابر با" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fi.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fi.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7cde91a..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fi.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "fi", { - euro: "Euron merkki", - lsquo: "Vasen yksittäinen lainausmerkki", - rsquo: "Oikea yksittäinen lainausmerkki", - ldquo: "Vasen kaksoislainausmerkki", - rdquo: "Oikea kaksoislainausmerkki", - ndash: "En dash", - mdash: "Em dash", - iexcl: "Inverted exclamation mark", - cent: "Sentin merkki", - pound: "Punnan merkki", - curren: "Valuuttamerkki", - yen: "Yenin merkki", - brvbar: "Broken bar", - sect: "Section sign", - uml: "Diaeresis", - copy: "Copyright sign", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", - laquo: "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark", - not: "Not sign", - reg: "Rekisteröity merkki", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "Asteen merkki", - sup2: "Yläindeksi kaksi", - sup3: "Yläindeksi kolme", - acute: "Acute accent", - micro: "Mikron merkki", - para: "Pilcrow sign", - middot: "Middle dot", - cedil: "Cedilla", - sup1: "Yläindeksi yksi", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark", - frac14: "Vulgar fraction one quarter", - frac12: "Vulgar fraction one half", - frac34: "Vulgar fraction three quarters", - iquest: "Ylösalaisin oleva kysymysmerkki", - Agrave: "Latin capital letter A with grave accent", - Aacute: "Latin capital letter A with acute accent", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Latin capital letter A with tilde", - Auml: "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis", - Aring: "Latin capital letter A with ring above", - AElig: "Latin Capital letter Æ", - Ccedil: "Latin capital letter C with cedilla", - Egrave: "Latin capital letter E with grave accent", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "Latin capital letter I with grave accent", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "Latin capital letter Eth", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "Latin capital letter O with grave accent", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis", - times: "Kertomerkki", - Oslash: "Latin capital letter O with stroke", - Ugrave: "Latin capital letter U with grave accent", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Latin capital letter U with circumflex", - Uuml: "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "Latin capital letter Thorn", - szlig: "Latin small letter sharp s", - agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave accent", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", - atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", - auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "Latin small letter æ", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave accent", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave accent", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "Latin small letter eth", - ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", - ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave accent", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "Jakomerkki", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave accent", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", - trade: "Tavaramerkki merkki", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "Bullet", - rarr: "Nuoli oikealle", - rArr: "Kaksoisnuoli oikealle", - hArr: "Kaksoisnuoli oikealle ja vasemmalle", - diams: "Black diamond suit", - asymp: "Noin" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fr-ca.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fr-ca.js deleted file mode 100644 index d19e2e4..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fr-ca.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","fr-ca",{euro:"Symbole Euro",lsquo:"Guillemet simple ouvrant",rsquo:"Guillemet simple fermant",ldquo:"Guillemet double ouvrant",rdquo:"Guillemet double fermant",ndash:"Tiret haut",mdash:"Tiret",iexcl:"Point d'exclamation inversé",cent:"Symbole de cent",pound:"Symbole de Livre Sterling",curren:"Symbole monétaire",yen:"Symbole du Yen",brvbar:"Barre scindée",sect:"Symbole de section",uml:"Tréma",copy:"Symbole de copyright",ordf:"Indicateur ordinal féminin",laquo:"Guillemet français ouvrant", -not:"Indicateur de négation",reg:"Symbole de marque déposée",macr:"Macron",deg:"Degré",sup2:"Exposant 2",sup3:"Exposant 3",acute:"Accent aigüe",micro:"Symbole micro",para:"Paragraphe",middot:"Point médian",cedil:"Cédille",sup1:"Exposant 1",ordm:"Indicateur ordinal masculin",raquo:"Guillemet français fermant",frac14:"Un quart",frac12:"Une demi",frac34:"Trois quart",iquest:"Point d'interrogation inversé",Agrave:"A accent grave",Aacute:"A accent aigüe",Acirc:"A circonflexe",Atilde:"A tilde",Auml:"A tréma", -Aring:"A avec un rond au dessus",AElig:"Æ majuscule",Ccedil:"C cédille",Egrave:"E accent grave",Eacute:"E accent aigüe",Ecirc:"E accent circonflexe",Euml:"E tréma",Igrave:"I accent grave",Iacute:"I accent aigüe",Icirc:"I accent circonflexe",Iuml:"I tréma",ETH:"Lettre majuscule islandaise ED",Ntilde:"N tilde",Ograve:"O accent grave",Oacute:"O accent aigüe",Ocirc:"O accent circonflexe",Otilde:"O tilde",Ouml:"O tréma",times:"Symbole de multiplication",Oslash:"O barré",Ugrave:"U accent grave",Uacute:"U accent aigüe", -Ucirc:"U accent circonflexe",Uuml:"U tréma",Yacute:"Y accent aigüe",THORN:"Lettre islandaise Thorn majuscule",szlig:"Lettre minuscule allemande s dur",agrave:"a accent grave",aacute:"a accent aigüe",acirc:"a accent circonflexe",atilde:"a tilde",auml:"a tréma",aring:"a avec un cercle au dessus",aelig:"æ",ccedil:"c cédille",egrave:"e accent grave",eacute:"e accent aigüe",ecirc:"e accent circonflexe",euml:"e tréma",igrave:"i accent grave",iacute:"i accent aigüe",icirc:"i accent circonflexe",iuml:"i tréma", -eth:"Lettre minuscule islandaise ED",ntilde:"n tilde",ograve:"o accent grave",oacute:"o accent aigüe",ocirc:"O accent circonflexe",otilde:"O tilde",ouml:"O tréma",divide:"Symbole de division",oslash:"o barré",ugrave:"u accent grave",uacute:"u accent aigüe",ucirc:"u accent circonflexe",uuml:"u tréma",yacute:"y accent aigüe",thorn:"Lettre islandaise thorn minuscule",yuml:"y tréma",OElig:"ligature majuscule latine Œ",oelig:"ligature minuscule latine œ",372:"W accent circonflexe",374:"Y accent circonflexe", -373:"w accent circonflexe",375:"y accent circonflexe",sbquo:"Guillemet simple fermant",8219:"Guillemet-virgule supérieur culbuté",bdquo:"Guillemet-virgule double inférieur",hellip:"Points de suspension",trade:"Symbole de marque déposée",9658:"Flèche noire pointant vers la droite",bull:"Puce",rarr:"Flèche vers la droite",rArr:"Flèche double vers la droite",hArr:"Flèche double vers la gauche",diams:"Carreau",asymp:"Presque égal"}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fr.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fr.js deleted file mode 100644 index 2d1ad09..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/fr.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","fr",{euro:"Symbole Euro",lsquo:"Guillemet simple ouvrant",rsquo:"Guillemet simple fermant",ldquo:"Guillemet double ouvrant",rdquo:"Guillemet double fermant",ndash:"Tiret haut",mdash:"Tiret cadratin",iexcl:"Point d'exclamation inversé",cent:"Symbole Cent",pound:"Symbole Livre Sterling",curren:"Symbole monétaire",yen:"Symbole Yen",brvbar:"Barre verticale scindée",sect:"Section",uml:"Tréma",copy:"Symbole Copyright",ordf:"Indicateur ordinal féminin",laquo:"Guillemet français ouvrant", -not:"Crochet de négation",reg:"Marque déposée",macr:"Macron",deg:"Degré",sup2:"Exposant 2",sup3:"\\tExposant 3",acute:"Accent aigu",micro:"Omicron",para:"Paragraphe",middot:"Point médian",cedil:"Cédille",sup1:"\\tExposant 1",ordm:"Indicateur ordinal masculin",raquo:"Guillemet français fermant",frac14:"Un quart",frac12:"Un demi",frac34:"Trois quarts",iquest:"Point d'interrogation inversé",Agrave:"A majuscule accent grave",Aacute:"A majuscule accent aigu",Acirc:"A majuscule accent circonflexe",Atilde:"A majuscule avec caron", -Auml:"A majuscule tréma",Aring:"A majuscule avec un rond au-dessus",AElig:"Æ majuscule ligaturés",Ccedil:"C majuscule cédille",Egrave:"E majuscule accent grave",Eacute:"E majuscule accent aigu",Ecirc:"E majuscule accent circonflexe",Euml:"E majuscule tréma",Igrave:"I majuscule accent grave",Iacute:"I majuscule accent aigu",Icirc:"I majuscule accent circonflexe",Iuml:"I majuscule tréma",ETH:"Lettre majuscule islandaise ED",Ntilde:"N majuscule avec caron",Ograve:"O majuscule accent grave",Oacute:"O majuscule accent aigu", -Ocirc:"O majuscule accent circonflexe",Otilde:"O majuscule avec caron",Ouml:"O majuscule tréma",times:"Multiplication",Oslash:"O majuscule barré",Ugrave:"U majuscule accent grave",Uacute:"U majuscule accent aigu",Ucirc:"U majuscule accent circonflexe",Uuml:"U majuscule tréma",Yacute:"Y majuscule accent aigu",THORN:"Lettre islandaise Thorn majuscule",szlig:"Lettre minuscule allemande s dur",agrave:"a minuscule accent grave",aacute:"a minuscule accent aigu",acirc:"a minuscule accent circonflexe",atilde:"a minuscule avec caron", -auml:"a minuscule tréma",aring:"a minuscule avec un rond au-dessus",aelig:"æ minuscule ligaturés",ccedil:"c minuscule cédille",egrave:"e minuscule accent grave",eacute:"e minuscule accent aigu",ecirc:"e minuscule accent circonflexe",euml:"e minuscule tréma",igrave:"i minuscule accent grave",iacute:"i minuscule accent aigu",icirc:"i minuscule accent circonflexe",iuml:"i minuscule tréma",eth:"Lettre minuscule islandaise ED",ntilde:"n minuscule avec caron",ograve:"o minuscule accent grave",oacute:"o minuscule accent aigu", -ocirc:"o minuscule accent circonflexe",otilde:"o minuscule avec caron",ouml:"o minuscule tréma",divide:"Division",oslash:"o minuscule barré",ugrave:"u minuscule accent grave",uacute:"u minuscule accent aigu",ucirc:"u minuscule accent circonflexe",uuml:"u minuscule tréma",yacute:"y minuscule accent aigu",thorn:"Lettre islandaise thorn minuscule",yuml:"y minuscule tréma",OElig:"ligature majuscule latine Œ",oelig:"ligature minuscule latine œ",372:"W majuscule accent circonflexe",374:"Y majuscule accent circonflexe", -373:"w minuscule accent circonflexe",375:"y minuscule accent circonflexe",sbquo:"Guillemet simple fermant (anglais)",8219:"Guillemet-virgule supérieur culbuté",bdquo:"Guillemet-virgule double inférieur",hellip:"Points de suspension",trade:"Marque commerciale (trade mark)",9658:"Flèche noire pointant vers la droite",bull:"Gros point médian",rarr:"Flèche vers la droite",rArr:"Double flèche vers la droite",hArr:"Double flèche vers la gauche",diams:"Carreau noir",asymp:"Presque égal"}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/gl.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/gl.js deleted file mode 100644 index f16d366..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/gl.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","gl",{euro:"Símbolo do euro",lsquo:"Comiña simple esquerda",rsquo:"Comiña simple dereita",ldquo:"Comiñas dobres esquerda",rdquo:"Comiñas dobres dereita",ndash:"Guión",mdash:"Raia",iexcl:"Signo de admiración invertido",cent:"Símbolo do centavo",pound:"Símbolo da libra",curren:"Símbolo de moeda",yen:"Símbolo do yen",brvbar:"Barra vertical rota",sect:"Símbolo de sección",uml:"Diérese",copy:"Símbolo de dereitos de autoría",ordf:"Indicador ordinal feminino",laquo:"Comiñas latinas, apertura", -not:"Signo negación",reg:"Símbolo de marca rexistrada",macr:"Guión alto",deg:"Signo de grao",sup2:"Superíndice dous",sup3:"Superíndice tres",acute:"Acento agudo",micro:"Signo de micro",para:"Signo de pi",middot:"Punto medio",cedil:"Cedilla",sup1:"Superíndice un",ordm:"Indicador ordinal masculino",raquo:"Comiñas latinas, peche",frac14:"Fracción ordinaria de un cuarto",frac12:"Fracción ordinaria de un medio",frac34:"Fracción ordinaria de tres cuartos",iquest:"Signo de interrogación invertido",Agrave:"Letra A latina maiúscula con acento grave", -Aacute:"Letra A latina maiúscula con acento agudo",Acirc:"Letra A latina maiúscula con acento circunflexo",Atilde:"Letra A latina maiúscula con til",Auml:"Letra A latina maiúscula con diérese",Aring:"Letra A latina maiúscula con aro enriba",AElig:"Letra Æ latina maiúscula",Ccedil:"Letra C latina maiúscula con cedilla",Egrave:"Letra E latina maiúscula con acento grave",Eacute:"Letra E latina maiúscula con acento agudo",Ecirc:"Letra E latina maiúscula con acento circunflexo",Euml:"Letra E latina maiúscula con diérese", -Igrave:"Letra I latina maiúscula con acento grave",Iacute:"Letra I latina maiúscula con acento agudo",Icirc:"Letra I latina maiúscula con acento circunflexo",Iuml:"Letra I latina maiúscula con diérese",ETH:"Letra Ed latina maiúscula",Ntilde:"Letra N latina maiúscula con til",Ograve:"Letra O latina maiúscula con acento grave",Oacute:"Letra O latina maiúscula con acento agudo",Ocirc:"Letra O latina maiúscula con acento circunflexo",Otilde:"Letra O latina maiúscula con til",Ouml:"Letra O latina maiúscula con diérese", -times:"Signo de multiplicación",Oslash:"Letra O latina maiúscula con barra transversal",Ugrave:"Letra U latina maiúscula con acento grave",Uacute:"Letra U latina maiúscula con acento agudo",Ucirc:"Letra U latina maiúscula con acento circunflexo",Uuml:"Letra U latina maiúscula con diérese",Yacute:"Letra Y latina maiúscula con acento agudo",THORN:"Letra Thorn latina maiúscula",szlig:"Letra s latina forte minúscula",agrave:"Letra a latina minúscula con acento grave",aacute:"Letra a latina minúscula con acento agudo", -acirc:"Letra a latina minúscula con acento circunflexo",atilde:"Letra a latina minúscula con til",auml:"Letra a latina minúscula con diérese",aring:"Letra a latina minúscula con aro enriba",aelig:"Letra æ latina minúscula",ccedil:"Letra c latina minúscula con cedilla",egrave:"Letra e latina minúscula con acento grave",eacute:"Letra e latina minúscula con acento agudo",ecirc:"Letra e latina minúscula con acento circunflexo",euml:"Letra e latina minúscula con diérese",igrave:"Letra i latina minúscula con acento grave", -iacute:"Letra i latina minúscula con acento agudo",icirc:"Letra i latina minúscula con acento circunflexo",iuml:"Letra i latina minúscula con diérese",eth:"Letra ed latina minúscula",ntilde:"Letra n latina minúscula con til",ograve:"Letra o latina minúscula con acento grave",oacute:"Letra o latina minúscula con acento agudo",ocirc:"Letra o latina minúscula con acento circunflexo",otilde:"Letra o latina minúscula con til",ouml:"Letra o latina minúscula con diérese",divide:"Signo de división",oslash:"Letra o latina minúscula con barra transversal", -ugrave:"Letra u latina minúscula con acento grave",uacute:"Letra u latina minúscula con acento agudo",ucirc:"Letra u latina minúscula con acento circunflexo",uuml:"Letra u latina minúscula con diérese",yacute:"Letra y latina minúscula con acento agudo",thorn:"Letra Thorn latina minúscula",yuml:"Letra y latina minúscula con diérese",OElig:"Ligadura OE latina maiúscula",oelig:"Ligadura oe latina minúscula",372:"Letra W latina maiúscula con acento circunflexo",374:"Letra Y latina maiúscula con acento circunflexo", -373:"Letra w latina minúscula con acento circunflexo",375:"Letra y latina minúscula con acento circunflexo",sbquo:"Comiña simple baixa, de apertura",8219:"Comiña simple alta, de peche",bdquo:"Comiñas dobres baixas, de apertura",hellip:"Elipse, puntos suspensivos",trade:"Signo de marca rexistrada",9658:"Apuntador negro apuntando á dereita",bull:"Viñeta",rarr:"Frecha á dereita",rArr:"Frecha dobre á dereita",hArr:"Frecha dobre da esquerda á dereita",diams:"Diamante negro",asymp:"Case igual a"}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/he.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/he.js deleted file mode 100644 index c28c7da..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/he.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "he", { - euro: "יורו", - lsquo: "סימן ציטוט יחיד שמאלי", - rsquo: "סימן ציטוט יחיד ימני", - ldquo: "סימן ציטוט כפול שמאלי", - rdquo: "סימן ציטוט כפול ימני", - ndash: "קו מפריד קצר", - mdash: "קו מפריד ארוך", - iexcl: "סימן קריאה הפוך", - cent: "סנט", - pound: "פאונד", - curren: "מטבע", - yen: "ין", - brvbar: "קו שבור", - sect: "סימן מקטע", - uml: "שתי נקודות אופקיות (Diaeresis)", - copy: "סימן זכויות יוצרים (Copyright)", - ordf: "סימן אורדינאלי נקבי", - laquo: "סימן ציטוט זווית כפולה לשמאל", - not: "סימן שלילה מתמטי", - reg: "סימן רשום", - macr: "מקרון (הגיה ארוכה)", - deg: "מעלות", - sup2: "2 בכתיב עילי", - sup3: "3 בכתיב עילי", - acute: "סימן דגוש (Acute)", - micro: "מיקרו", - para: "סימון פסקה", - middot: "נקודה אמצעית", - cedil: "סדיליה", - sup1: "1 בכתיב עילי", - ordm: "סימן אורדינאלי זכרי", - raquo: "סימן ציטוט זווית כפולה לימין", - frac14: "רבע בשבר פשוט", - frac12: "חצי בשבר פשוט", - frac34: "שלושה רבעים בשבר פשוט", - iquest: "סימן שאלה הפוך", - Agrave: "אות לטינית A עם גרש (Grave)", - Aacute: "Latin capital letter A with acute accent", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Latin capital letter A with tilde", - Auml: "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis", - Aring: "Latin capital letter A with ring above", - AElig: "אות לטינית Æ גדולה", - Ccedil: "Latin capital letter C with cedilla", - Egrave: "אות לטינית E עם גרש (Grave)", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "אות לטינית I עם גרש (Grave)", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "אות לטינית Eth גדולה", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "אות לטינית O עם גרש (Grave)", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis", - times: "סימן כפל", - Oslash: "Latin capital letter O with stroke", - Ugrave: "אות לטינית U עם גרש (Grave)", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Latin capital letter U with circumflex", - Uuml: "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "אות לטינית Thorn גדולה", - szlig: "אות לטינית s חדה קטנה", - agrave: "אות לטינית a עם גרש (Grave)", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", - atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", - auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "אות לטינית æ קטנה", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "אות לטינית e עם גרש (Grave)", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "אות לטינית i עם גרש (Grave)", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "אות לטינית eth קטנה", - ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", - ograve: "אות לטינית o עם גרש (Grave)", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "סימן חלוקה", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "אות לטינית u עם גרש (Grave)", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "אות לטינית thorn קטנה", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "סימן ציטוט נמוך יחיד", - 8219: "סימן ציטוט", - bdquo: "סימן ציטוט נמוך כפול", - hellip: "שלוש נקודות", - trade: "סימן טריידמארק", - 9658: "סמן שחור לצד ימין", - bull: "תבליט (רשימה)", - rarr: "חץ לימין", - rArr: "חץ כפול לימין", - hArr: "חץ כפול לימין ושמאל", - diams: "יהלום מלא", - asymp: "כמעט שווה" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/hr.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/hr.js deleted file mode 100644 index ba642bc..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/hr.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "hr", { - euro: "Euro znak", - lsquo: "Lijevi jednostruki navodnik", - rsquo: "Desni jednostruki navodnik", - ldquo: "Lijevi dvostruki navodnik", - rdquo: "Desni dvostruki navodnik", - ndash: "En crtica", - mdash: "Em crtica", - iexcl: "Naopaki uskličnik", - cent: "Cent znak", - pound: "Funta znak", - curren: "Znak valute", - yen: "Yen znak", - brvbar: "Potrgana prečka", - sect: "Znak odjeljka", - uml: "Prijeglasi", - copy: "Copyright znak", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", - laquo: "Lijevi dvostruki uglati navodnik", - not: "Not znak", - reg: "Registered znak", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "Stupanj znak", - sup2: "Superscript two", - sup3: "Superscript three", - acute: "Acute accent", - micro: "Mikro znak", - para: "Pilcrow sign", - middot: "Srednja točka", - cedil: "Cedilla", - sup1: "Superscript one", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "Desni dvostruku uglati navodnik", - frac14: "Vulgar fraction one quarter", - frac12: "Vulgar fraction one half", - frac34: "Vulgar fraction three quarters", - iquest: "Naopaki upitnik", - Agrave: "Veliko latinsko slovo A s akcentom", - Aacute: "Latinično veliko slovo A sa oštrim naglaskom", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Latin capital letter A with tilde", - Auml: "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis", - Aring: "Latin capital letter A with ring above", - AElig: "Latin Capital letter Æ", - Ccedil: "Latin capital letter C with cedilla", - Egrave: "Latin capital letter E with grave accent", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "Latin capital letter I with grave accent", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "Latin capital letter Eth", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "Latin capital letter O with grave accent", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis", - times: "Multiplication sign", - Oslash: "Latin capital letter O with stroke", - Ugrave: "Latin capital letter U with grave accent", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Latin capital letter U with circumflex", - Uuml: "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "Latin capital letter Thorn", - szlig: "Latin small letter sharp s", - agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave accent", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", - atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", - auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "Latin small letter æ", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave accent", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave accent", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "Latin small letter eth", - ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", - ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave accent", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "Division sign", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave accent", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", - trade: "Trade mark sign", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "Bullet", - rarr: "Rightwards arrow", - rArr: "Rightwards double arrow", - hArr: "Left right double arrow", - diams: "Black diamond suit", - asymp: "Almost equal to" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/hu.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/hu.js deleted file mode 100644 index 165cf31..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/hu.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "hu", { - euro: "Euró jel", - lsquo: "Bal szimpla idézőjel", - rsquo: "Jobb szimpla idézőjel", - ldquo: "Bal dupla idézőjel", - rdquo: "Jobb dupla idézőjel", - ndash: "Rövid gondolatjel", - mdash: "Hosszú gondolatjel", - iexcl: "Fordított felkiáltójel", - cent: "Cent jel", - pound: "Font jel", - curren: "Valuta jel", - yen: "Yen jel", - brvbar: "Hosszú kettőspont", - sect: "Paragrafus jel", - uml: "Kettős hangzó jel", - copy: "Szerzői jog jel", - ordf: "Női sorrend mutatója", - laquo: "Balra mutató duplanyíl", - not: "Feltételes kötőjel", - reg: "Bejegyzett védjegy jele", - macr: "Hosszúsági jel", - deg: "Fok jel", - sup2: "Négyzeten jel", - sup3: "Köbön jel", - acute: "Éles ékezet", - micro: "Mikro-jel", - para: "Bekezdés jel", - middot: "Közép pont", - cedil: "Cédille", - sup1: "Elsőn jel", - ordm: "Férfi sorrend mutatója", - raquo: "Jobbra mutató duplanyíl", - frac14: "Egy negyed jel", - frac12: "Egy ketted jel", - frac34: "Három negyed jel", - iquest: "Fordított kérdőjel", - Agrave: "Latin nagy A fordított ékezettel", - Aacute: "Latin nagy A normál ékezettel", - Acirc: "Latin nagy A hajtott ékezettel", - Atilde: "Latin nagy A hullámjellel", - Auml: "Latin nagy A kettőspont ékezettel", - Aring: "Latin nagy A gyűrű ékezettel", - AElig: "Latin nagy Æ betű", - Ccedil: "Latin nagy C cedillával", - Egrave: "Latin nagy E fordított ékezettel", - Eacute: "Latin nagy E normál ékezettel", - Ecirc: "Latin nagy E hajtott ékezettel", - Euml: "Latin nagy E dupla kettőspont ékezettel", - Igrave: "Latin nagy I fordított ékezettel", - Iacute: "Latin nagy I normál ékezettel", - Icirc: "Latin nagy I hajtott ékezettel", - Iuml: "Latin nagy I kettőspont ékezettel", - ETH: "Latin nagy Eth betű", - Ntilde: "Latin nagy N hullámjellel", - Ograve: "Latin nagy O fordított ékezettel", - Oacute: "Latin nagy O normál ékezettel", - Ocirc: "Latin nagy O hajtott ékezettel", - Otilde: "Latin nagy O hullámjellel", - Ouml: "Latin nagy O kettőspont ékezettel", - times: "Szorzás jel", - Oslash: "Latin O betű áthúzással", - Ugrave: "Latin nagy U fordított ékezettel", - Uacute: "Latin nagy U normál ékezettel", - Ucirc: "Latin nagy U hajtott ékezettel", - Uuml: "Latin nagy U kettőspont ékezettel", - Yacute: "Latin nagy Y normál ékezettel", - THORN: "Latin nagy Thorn betű", - szlig: "Latin kis s betű", - agrave: "Latin kis a fordított ékezettel", - aacute: "Latin kis a normál ékezettel", - acirc: "Latin kis a hajtott ékezettel", - atilde: "Latin kis a hullámjellel", - auml: "Latin kis a kettőspont ékezettel", - aring: "Latin kis a gyűrű ékezettel", - aelig: "Latin kis æ betű", - ccedil: "Latin kis c cedillával", - egrave: "Latin kis e fordított ékezettel", - eacute: "Latin kis e normál ékezettel", - ecirc: "Latin kis e hajtott ékezettel", - euml: "Latin kis e dupla kettőspont ékezettel", - igrave: "Latin kis i fordított ékezettel", - iacute: "Latin kis i normál ékezettel", - icirc: "Latin kis i hajtott ékezettel", - iuml: "Latin kis i kettőspont ékezettel", - eth: "Latin kis eth betű", - ntilde: "Latin kis n hullámjellel", - ograve: "Latin kis o fordított ékezettel", - oacute: "Latin kis o normál ékezettel", - ocirc: "Latin kis o hajtott ékezettel", - otilde: "Latin kis o hullámjellel", - ouml: "Latin kis o kettőspont ékezettel", - divide: "Osztásjel", - oslash: "Latin kis o betű áthúzással", - ugrave: "Latin kis u fordított ékezettel", - uacute: "Latin kis u normál ékezettel", - ucirc: "Latin kis u hajtott ékezettel", - uuml: "Latin kis u kettőspont ékezettel", - yacute: "Latin kis y normál ékezettel", - thorn: "Latin kis thorn jel", - yuml: "Latin kis y kettőspont ékezettel", - OElig: "Latin nagy OE-jel", - oelig: "Latin kis oe-jel", - 372: "Latin nagy W hajtott ékezettel", - 374: "Latin nagy Y hajtott ékezettel", - 373: "Latin kis w hajtott ékezettel", - 375: "Latin kis y hajtott ékezettel", - sbquo: "Nyitó nyomdai szimpla idézőjel", - 8219: "Záró nyomdai záró idézőjel", - bdquo: "Nyitó nyomdai dupla idézőjel", - hellip: "Három pont", - trade: "Kereskedelmi védjegy jele", - 9658: "Jobbra mutató fekete mutató", - bull: "Golyó", - rarr: "Jobbra mutató nyíl", - rArr: "Jobbra mutató duplanyíl", - hArr: "Bal-jobb duplanyíl", - diams: "Fekete gyémánt jel", - asymp: "Majdnem egyenlő jel" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/id.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/id.js deleted file mode 100644 index a345f08..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/id.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "id", { - euro: "Tanda Euro", - lsquo: "Left single quotation mark", - rsquo: "Right single quotation mark", - ldquo: "Left double quotation mark", - rdquo: "Right double quotation mark", - ndash: "En dash", - mdash: "Em dash", - iexcl: "Inverted exclamation mark", - cent: "Cent sign", - pound: "Pound sign", - curren: "Currency sign", - yen: "Tanda Yen", - brvbar: "Broken bar", - sect: "Section sign", - uml: "Diaeresis", - copy: "Tanda Hak Cipta", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", - laquo: "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark", - not: "Not sign", - reg: "Tanda Telah Terdaftar", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "Degree sign", - sup2: "Superscript two", - sup3: "Superscript three", - acute: "Acute accent", - micro: "Micro sign", - para: "Pilcrow sign", - middot: "Middle dot", - cedil: "Cedilla", - sup1: "Superscript one", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark", - frac14: "Vulgar fraction one quarter", - frac12: "Vulgar fraction one half", - frac34: "Vulgar fraction three quarters", - iquest: "Inverted question mark", - Agrave: "Latin capital letter A with grave accent", - Aacute: "Latin capital letter A with acute accent", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Latin capital letter A with tilde", - Auml: "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis", - Aring: "Latin capital letter A with ring above", - AElig: "Latin Capital letter Æ", - Ccedil: "Latin capital letter C with cedilla", - Egrave: "Latin capital letter E with grave accent", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "Latin capital letter I with grave accent", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "Latin capital letter Eth", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "Latin capital letter O with grave accent", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis", - times: "Multiplication sign", - Oslash: "Latin capital letter O with stroke", - Ugrave: "Latin capital letter U with grave accent", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Latin capital letter U with circumflex", - Uuml: "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "Latin capital letter Thorn", - szlig: "Latin small letter sharp s", - agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave accent", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", - atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", - auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "Latin small letter æ", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave accent", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave accent", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "Latin small letter eth", - ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", - ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave accent", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "Division sign", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave accent", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", - trade: "Trade mark sign", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "Bullet", - rarr: "Rightwards arrow", - rArr: "Rightwards double arrow", - hArr: "Left right double arrow", - diams: "Black diamond suit", - asymp: "Almost equal to" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/it.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/it.js deleted file mode 100644 index 8f69012..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/it.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "it", { - euro: "Simbolo Euro", - lsquo: "Virgoletta singola sinistra", - rsquo: "Virgoletta singola destra", - ldquo: "Virgolette aperte", - rdquo: "Virgolette chiuse", - ndash: "Trattino", - mdash: "Trattino lungo", - iexcl: "Punto esclavamativo invertito", - cent: "Simbolo Cent", - pound: "Simbolo Sterlina", - curren: "Simbolo Moneta", - yen: "Simbolo Yen", - brvbar: "Barra interrotta", - sect: "Simbolo di sezione", - uml: "Dieresi", - copy: "Simbolo Copyright", - ordf: "Indicatore ordinale femminile", - laquo: "Virgolette basse aperte", - not: "Nessun segno", - reg: "Simbolo Registrato", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "Simbolo Grado", - sup2: "Apice Due", - sup3: "Apice Tre", - acute: "Accento acuto", - micro: "Simbolo Micro", - para: "Simbolo Paragrafo", - middot: "Punto centrale", - cedil: "Cediglia", - sup1: "Apice Uno", - ordm: "Indicatore ordinale maschile", - raquo: "Virgolette basse chiuse", - frac14: "Frazione volgare un quarto", - frac12: "Frazione volgare un mezzo", - frac34: "Frazione volgare tre quarti", - iquest: "Punto interrogativo invertito", - Agrave: "Lettera maiuscola latina A con accento grave", - Aacute: "Lettera maiuscola latina A con accento acuto", - Acirc: "Lettera maiuscola latina A con accento circonflesso", - Atilde: "Lettera maiuscola latina A con tilde", - Auml: "Lettera maiuscola latina A con dieresi", - Aring: "Lettera maiuscola latina A con anello sopra", - AElig: "Lettera maiuscola latina AE", - Ccedil: "Lettera maiuscola latina C con cediglia", - Egrave: "Lettera maiuscola latina E con accento grave", - Eacute: "Lettera maiuscola latina E con accento acuto", - Ecirc: "Lettera maiuscola latina E con accento circonflesso", - Euml: "Lettera maiuscola latina E con dieresi", - Igrave: "Lettera maiuscola latina I con accento grave", - Iacute: "Lettera maiuscola latina I con accento acuto", - Icirc: "Lettera maiuscola latina I con accento circonflesso", - Iuml: "Lettera maiuscola latina I con dieresi", - ETH: "Lettera maiuscola latina Eth", - Ntilde: "Lettera maiuscola latina N con tilde", - Ograve: "Lettera maiuscola latina O con accento grave", - Oacute: "Lettera maiuscola latina O con accento acuto", - Ocirc: "Lettera maiuscola latina O con accento circonflesso", - Otilde: "Lettera maiuscola latina O con tilde", - Ouml: "Lettera maiuscola latina O con dieresi", - times: "Simbolo di moltiplicazione", - Oslash: "Lettera maiuscola latina O barrata", - Ugrave: "Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento grave", - Uacute: "Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento acuto", - Ucirc: "Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento circonflesso", - Uuml: "Lettera maiuscola latina U con accento circonflesso", - Yacute: "Lettera maiuscola latina Y con accento acuto", - THORN: "Lettera maiuscola latina Thorn", - szlig: "Lettera latina minuscola doppia S", - agrave: "Lettera minuscola latina a con accento grave", - aacute: "Lettera minuscola latina a con accento acuto", - acirc: "Lettera minuscola latina a con accento circonflesso", - atilde: "Lettera minuscola latina a con tilde", - auml: "Lettera minuscola latina a con dieresi", - aring: "Lettera minuscola latina a con anello superiore", - aelig: "Lettera minuscola latina ae", - ccedil: "Lettera minuscola latina c con cediglia", - egrave: "Lettera minuscola latina e con accento grave", - eacute: "Lettera minuscola latina e con accento acuto", - ecirc: "Lettera minuscola latina e con accento circonflesso", - euml: "Lettera minuscola latina e con dieresi", - igrave: "Lettera minuscola latina i con accento grave", - iacute: "Lettera minuscola latina i con accento acuto", - icirc: "Lettera minuscola latina i con accento circonflesso", - iuml: "Lettera minuscola latina i con dieresi", - eth: "Lettera minuscola latina eth", - ntilde: "Lettera minuscola latina n con tilde", - ograve: "Lettera minuscola latina o con accento grave", - oacute: "Lettera minuscola latina o con accento acuto", - ocirc: "Lettera minuscola latina o con accento circonflesso", - otilde: "Lettera minuscola latina o con tilde", - ouml: "Lettera minuscola latina o con dieresi", - divide: "Simbolo di divisione", - oslash: "Lettera minuscola latina o barrata", - ugrave: "Lettera minuscola latina u con accento grave", - uacute: "Lettera minuscola latina u con accento acuto", - ucirc: "Lettera minuscola latina u con accento circonflesso", - uuml: "Lettera minuscola latina u con dieresi", - yacute: "Lettera minuscola latina y con accento acuto", - thorn: "Lettera minuscola latina thorn", - yuml: "Lettera minuscola latina y con dieresi", - OElig: "Legatura maiuscola latina OE", - oelig: "Legatura minuscola latina oe", - 372: "Lettera maiuscola latina W con accento circonflesso", - 374: "Lettera maiuscola latina Y con accento circonflesso", - 373: "Lettera minuscola latina w con accento circonflesso", - 375: "Lettera minuscola latina y con accento circonflesso", - sbquo: "Singola virgoletta bassa low-9", - 8219: "Singola virgoletta bassa low-9 inversa", - bdquo: "Doppia virgoletta bassa low-9", - hellip: "Ellissi orizzontale", - trade: "Simbolo TM", - 9658: "Puntatore nero rivolto verso destra", - bull: "Punto", - rarr: "Freccia verso destra", - rArr: "Doppia freccia verso destra", - hArr: "Doppia freccia sinistra destra", - diams: "Simbolo nero diamante", - asymp: "Quasi uguale a" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ja.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ja.js deleted file mode 100644 index 84fb8fa..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ja.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","ja",{euro:"ユーロ記号",lsquo:"左シングル引用符",rsquo:"右シングル引用符",ldquo:"左ダブル引用符",rdquo:"右ダブル引用符",ndash:"半角ダッシュ",mdash:"全角ダッシュ",iexcl:"逆さ感嘆符",cent:"セント記号",pound:"ポンド記号",curren:"通貨記号",yen:"円記号",brvbar:"上下に分かれた縦棒",sect:"節記号",uml:"分音記号(ウムラウト)",copy:"著作権表示記号",ordf:"女性序数標識",laquo:" 始め二重山括弧引用記号",not:"論理否定記号",reg:"登録商標記号",macr:"長音符",deg:"度記号",sup2:"上つき2, 2乗",sup3:"上つき3, 3乗",acute:"揚音符",micro:"ミクロン記号",para:"段落記号",middot:"中黒",cedil:"セディラ",sup1:"上つき1",ordm:"男性序数標識",raquo:"終わり二重山括弧引用記号", -frac14:"四分の一",frac12:"二分の一",frac34:"四分の三",iquest:"逆疑問符",Agrave:"抑音符つき大文字A",Aacute:"揚音符つき大文字A",Acirc:"曲折アクセントつき大文字A",Atilde:"チルダつき大文字A",Auml:"分音記号つき大文字A",Aring:"リングつき大文字A",AElig:"AとEの合字",Ccedil:"セディラつき大文字C",Egrave:"抑音符つき大文字E",Eacute:"揚音符つき大文字E",Ecirc:"曲折アクセントつき大文字E",Euml:"分音記号つき大文字E",Igrave:"抑音符つき大文字I",Iacute:"揚音符つき大文字I",Icirc:"曲折アクセントつき大文字I",Iuml:"分音記号つき大文字I",ETH:"[アイスランド語]大文字ETH",Ntilde:"チルダつき大文字N",Ograve:"抑音符つき大文字O",Oacute:"揚音符つき大文字O",Ocirc:"曲折アクセントつき大文字O",Otilde:"チルダつき大文字O",Ouml:" 分音記号つき大文字O", -times:"乗算記号",Oslash:"打ち消し線つき大文字O",Ugrave:"抑音符つき大文字U",Uacute:"揚音符つき大文字U",Ucirc:"曲折アクセントつき大文字U",Uuml:"分音記号つき大文字U",Yacute:"揚音符つき大文字Y",THORN:"[アイスランド語]大文字THORN",szlig:"ドイツ語エスツェット",agrave:"抑音符つき小文字a",aacute:"揚音符つき小文字a",acirc:"曲折アクセントつき小文字a",atilde:"チルダつき小文字a",auml:"分音記号つき小文字a",aring:"リングつき小文字a",aelig:"aとeの合字",ccedil:"セディラつき小文字c",egrave:"抑音符つき小文字e",eacute:"揚音符つき小文字e",ecirc:"曲折アクセントつき小文字e",euml:"分音記号つき小文字e",igrave:"抑音符つき小文字i",iacute:"揚音符つき小文字i",icirc:"曲折アクセントつき小文字i",iuml:"分音記号つき小文字i",eth:"アイスランド語小文字eth", -ntilde:"チルダつき小文字n",ograve:"抑音符つき小文字o",oacute:"揚音符つき小文字o",ocirc:"曲折アクセントつき小文字o",otilde:"チルダつき小文字o",ouml:"分音記号つき小文字o",divide:"除算記号",oslash:"打ち消し線つき小文字o",ugrave:"抑音符つき小文字u",uacute:"揚音符つき小文字u",ucirc:"曲折アクセントつき小文字u",uuml:"分音記号つき小文字u",yacute:"揚音符つき小文字y",thorn:"アイスランド語小文字thorn",yuml:"分音記号つき小文字y",OElig:"OとEの合字",oelig:"oとeの合字",372:"曲折アクセントつき大文字W",374:"曲折アクセントつき大文字Y",373:"曲折アクセントつき小文字w",375:"曲折アクセントつき小文字y",sbquo:"シングル下引用符",8219:"左右逆の左引用符",bdquo:"ダブル下引用符",hellip:"三点リーダ",trade:"商標記号",9658:"右黒三角ポインタ",bull:"黒丸", -rarr:"右矢印",rArr:"右二重矢印",hArr:"左右二重矢印",diams:"ダイヤ",asymp:"漸近"}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/km.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/km.js deleted file mode 100644 index 4a672a3..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/km.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "km", { - euro: "សញ្ញា​អឺរ៉ូ", - lsquo: "Left single quotation mark", - rsquo: "Right single quotation mark", - ldquo: "Left double quotation mark", - rdquo: "Right double quotation mark", - ndash: "En dash", - mdash: "Em dash", - iexcl: "Inverted exclamation mark", - cent: "សញ្ញា​សេន", - pound: "សញ្ញា​ផោន", - curren: "សញ្ញា​រូបិយបណ្ណ", - yen: "សញ្ញា​យ៉េន", - brvbar: "Broken bar", - sect: "Section sign", - uml: "Diaeresis", - copy: "សញ្ញា​រក្សា​សិទ្ធិ", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", - laquo: "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark", - not: "Not sign", - reg: "Registered sign", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "សញ្ញា​ដឺក្រេ", - sup2: "Superscript two", - sup3: "Superscript three", - acute: "Acute accent", - micro: "សញ្ញា​មីក្រូ", - para: "Pilcrow sign", - middot: "Middle dot", - cedil: "Cedilla", - sup1: "Superscript one", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark", - frac14: "Vulgar fraction one quarter", - frac12: "Vulgar fraction one half", - frac34: "Vulgar fraction three quarters", - iquest: "Inverted question mark", - Agrave: "Latin capital letter A with grave accent", - Aacute: "Latin capital letter A with acute accent", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Latin capital letter A with tilde", - Auml: "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis", - Aring: "Latin capital letter A with ring above", - AElig: "Latin Capital letter Æ", - Ccedil: "Latin capital letter C with cedilla", - Egrave: "Latin capital letter E with grave accent", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "Latin capital letter I with grave accent", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "Latin capital letter Eth", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "Latin capital letter O with grave accent", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis", - times: "Multiplication sign", - Oslash: "Latin capital letter O with stroke", - Ugrave: "Latin capital letter U with grave accent", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Latin capital letter U with circumflex", - Uuml: "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "Latin capital letter Thorn", - szlig: "Latin small letter sharp s", - agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave accent", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", - atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", - auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "Latin small letter æ", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave accent", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave accent", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "Latin small letter eth", - ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", - ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave accent", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "Division sign", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave accent", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", - trade: "Trade mark sign", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "Bullet", - rarr: "Rightwards arrow", - rArr: "Rightwards double arrow", - hArr: "Left right double arrow", - diams: "Black diamond suit", - asymp: "Almost equal to" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ku.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ku.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0f9eebb..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ku.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "ku", { - euro: "نیشانەی یۆرۆ", - lsquo: "نیشانەی فاریزەی سەرووژێری تاکی چەپ", - rsquo: "نیشانەی فاریزەی سەرووژێری تاکی ڕاست", - ldquo: "نیشانەی فاریزەی سەرووژێری دووهێندەی چه‌پ", - rdquo: "نیشانەی فاریزەی سەرووژێری دووهێندەی ڕاست", - ndash: "تەقەڵی کورت", - mdash: "تەقەڵی درێژ", - iexcl: "نیشانەی هەڵەوگێڕی سەرسوڕهێنەر", - cent: "نیشانەی سەنت", - pound: "نیشانەی پاوەند", - curren: "نیشانەی دراو", - yen: "نیشانەی یەنی ژاپۆنی", - brvbar: "شریتی ئەستوونی پچڕاو", - sect: "نیشانەی دوو s لەسەریەک", - uml: "خاڵ", - copy: "نیشانەی مافی چاپ", - ordf: "هێڵ لەسەر پیتی a", - laquo: "دوو تیری بەدووایەکی چەپ", - not: "نیشانەی نەخێر", - reg: "نیشانەی R لەناو بازنەدا", - macr: "ماکڕۆن", - deg: "نیشانەی پلە", - sup2: "سەرنووسی دوو", - sup3: "سەرنووسی سێ", - acute: "لاری تیژ", - micro: "نیشانەی u لق درێژی چەپی خواروو", - para: "نیشانەی پەڕەگراف", - middot: "ناوەڕاستی خاڵ", - cedil: "نیشانەی c ژێر چووکرە", - sup1: "سەرنووسی یەک", - ordm: "هێڵ لەژێر پیتی o", - raquo: "دوو تیری بەدووایەکی ڕاست", - frac14: "یەک لەسەر چووار", - frac12: "یەک لەسەر دوو", - frac34: "سێ لەسەر چووار", - iquest: "هێمای هەڵەوگێری پرسیار", - Agrave: "پیتی لاتینی A-ی گەورە لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری لار", - Aacute: "پیتی لاتینی A-ی گەورە لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری تیژ", - Acirc: "پیتی لاتینی A-ی گەورە لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - Atilde: "پیتی لاتینی A-ی گەورە لەگەڵ زەڕە", - Auml: "پیتی لاتینی A-ی گەورە لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - Aring: "پیتی لاتینی گەورەی Å", - AElig: "پیتی لاتینی گەورەی Æ", - Ccedil: "پیتی لاتینی C-ی گەورە لەگەڵ ژێر چووکرە", - Egrave: "پیتی لاتینی E-ی گەورە لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری لار", - Eacute: "پیتی لاتینی E-ی گەورە لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری تیژ", - Ecirc: "پیتی لاتینی E-ی گەورە لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - Euml: "پیتی لاتینی E-ی گەورە لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - Igrave: "پیتی لاتینی I-ی گەورە لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری لار", - Iacute: "پیتی لاتینی I-ی گەورە لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری تیژ", - Icirc: "پیتی لاتینی I-ی گەورە لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - Iuml: "پیتی لاتینی I-ی گەورە لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - ETH: "پیتی لاتینی E-ی گەورەی", - Ntilde: "پیتی لاتینی N-ی گەورە لەگەڵ زەڕە", - Ograve: "پیتی لاتینی O-ی گەورە لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری لار", - Oacute: "پیتی لاتینی O-ی گەورە لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری تیژ", - Ocirc: "پیتی لاتینی O-ی گەورە لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - Otilde: "پیتی لاتینی O-ی گەورە لەگەڵ زەڕە", - Ouml: "پیتی لاتینی O-ی گەورە لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - times: "نیشانەی لێکدان", - Oslash: "پیتی لاتینی گەورەی Ø لەگەڵ هێمای دڵ وەستان", - Ugrave: "پیتی لاتینی U-ی گەورە لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری لار", - Uacute: "پیتی لاتینی U-ی گەورە لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری تیژ", - Ucirc: "پیتی لاتینی U-ی گەورە لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - Uuml: "پیتی لاتینی U-ی گەورە لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - Yacute: "پیتی لاتینی Y-ی گەورە لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری تیژ", - THORN: "پیتی لاتینی دڕکی گەورە", - szlig: "پیتی لاتنی نووک تیژی s", - agrave: "پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووک لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری لار", - aacute: "پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری تیژ", - acirc: "پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - atilde: "پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك لەگەڵ زەڕە", - auml: "پیتی لاتینی a-ی بچووك لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - aring: "پیتی لاتینی å-ی بچووك", - aelig: "پیتی لاتینی æ-ی بچووك", - ccedil: "پیتی لاتینی c-ی بچووك لەگەڵ ژێر چووکرە", - egrave: "پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری لار", - eacute: "پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری تیژ", - ecirc: "پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - euml: "پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - igrave: "پیتی لاتینی i-ی بچووك لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری لار", - iacute: "پیتی لاتینی i-ی بچووك لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری تیژ", - icirc: "پیتی لاتینی i-ی بچووك لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - iuml: "پیتی لاتینی i-ی بچووك لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - eth: "پیتی لاتینی e-ی بچووك", - ntilde: "پیتی لاتینی n-ی بچووك لەگەڵ زەڕە", - ograve: "پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری لار", - oacute: "پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك له‌گەڵ ڕوومەتداری تیژ", - ocirc: "پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - otilde: "پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك لەگەڵ زەڕە", - ouml: "پیتی لاتینی o-ی بچووك لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - divide: "نیشانەی دابەش", - oslash: "پیتی لاتینی گەورەی ø لەگەڵ هێمای دڵ وەستان", - ugrave: "پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری لار", - uacute: "پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری تیژ", - ucirc: "پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - uuml: "پیتی لاتینی u-ی بچووك لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - yacute: "پیتی لاتینی y-ی بچووك لەگەڵ ڕوومەتداری تیژ", - thorn: "پیتی لاتینی دڕکی بچووك", - yuml: "پیتی لاتینی y-ی بچووك لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - OElig: "پیتی لاتینی گەورەی پێکەوەنووسراوی OE", - oelig: "پیتی لاتینی بچووکی پێکەوەنووسراوی oe", - 372: "پیتی لاتینی W-ی گەورە لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - 374: "پیتی لاتینی Y-ی گەورە لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - 373: "پیتی لاتینی w-ی بچووکی لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - 375: "پیتی لاتینی y-ی بچووکی لەگەڵ نیشانە لەسەری", - sbquo: "نیشانەی فاریزەی نزم", - 8219: "نیشانەی فاریزەی بەرزی پێچەوانە", - bdquo: "دوو فاریزەی تەنیش یەك", - hellip: "ئاسۆیی بازنە", - trade: "نیشانەی بازرگانی", - 9658: "ئاراستەی ڕەشی دەستی ڕاست", - bull: "فیشەك", - rarr: "تیری دەستی ڕاست", - rArr: "دووتیری دەستی ڕاست", - hArr: "دوو تیری ڕاست و چەپ", - diams: "ڕەشی پاقڵاوەیی", - asymp: "نیشانەی یەکسانە" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/lv.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/lv.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7c043b3..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/lv.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "lv", { - euro: "Euro zīme", - lsquo: "Kreisā vienkārtīga pēdiņa", - rsquo: "Labā vienkārtīga pēdiņa", - ldquo: "Kreisā dubult pēdiņa", - rdquo: "Labā dubult pēdiņa", - ndash: "En svītra", - mdash: "Em svītra", - iexcl: "Apgriezta izsaukuma zīme", - cent: "Centu naudas zīme", - pound: "Sterliņu mārciņu naudas zīme", - curren: "Valūtas zīme", - yen: "Jenu naudas zīme", - brvbar: "Vertikāla pārrauta līnija", - sect: "Paragrāfa zīme", - uml: "Diakritiska zīme", - copy: "Autortiesību zīme", - ordf: "Sievišķas kārtas rādītājs", - laquo: "Kreisā dubult stūra pēdiņu zīme", - not: "Neparakstīts", - reg: "Reģistrēta zīme", - macr: "Garumzīme", - deg: "Grādu zīme", - sup2: "Augšraksts divi", - sup3: "Augšraksts trīs", - acute: "Akūta uzsvara zīme", - micro: "Mikro zīme", - para: "Rindkopas zīme ", - middot: "Vidējs punkts", - cedil: "Āķītis zem burta", - sup1: "Augšraksts viens", - ordm: "Vīrišķīgas kārtas rādītājs", - raquo: "Labā dubult stūra pēdiņu zīme", - frac14: "Vulgāra frakcija 1/4", - frac12: "Vulgāra frakcija 1/2", - frac34: "Vulgāra frakcija 3/4", - iquest: "Apgriezta jautājuma zīme", - Agrave: "Lielais latīņu burts A ar uzsvara zīmi", - Aacute: "Lielais latīņu burts A ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi", - Acirc: "Lielais latīņu burts A ar diakritisku zīmi", - Atilde: "Lielais latīņu burts A ar tildi ", - Auml: "Lielais latīņu burts A ar diakritisko zīmi", - Aring: "Lielais latīņu burts A ar aplīti augšā", - AElig: "Lielais latīņu burts Æ", - Ccedil: "Lielais latīņu burts C ar āķīti zem burta", - Egrave: "Lielais latīņu burts E ar apostrofu", - Eacute: "Lielais latīņu burts E ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi", - Ecirc: "Lielais latīņu burts E ar diakritisko zīmi", - Euml: "Lielais latīņu burts E ar diakritisko zīmi", - Igrave: "Lielais latīņu burts I ar uzsvaras zīmi", - Iacute: "Lielais latīņu burts I ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi", - Icirc: "Lielais latīņu burts I ar diakritisko zīmi", - Iuml: "Lielais latīņu burts I ar diakritisko zīmi", - ETH: "Lielais latīņu burts Eth", - Ntilde: "Lielais latīņu burts N ar tildi", - Ograve: "Lielais latīņu burts O ar uzsvara zīmi", - Oacute: "Lielais latīņu burts O ar akūto uzsvara zīmi", - Ocirc: "Lielais latīņu burts O ar diakritisko zīmi", - Otilde: "Lielais latīņu burts O ar tildi", - Ouml: "Lielais latīņu burts O ar diakritisko zīmi", - times: "Reizināšanas zīme ", - Oslash: "Lielais latīņu burts O ar iesvītrojumu", - Ugrave: "Lielais latīņu burts U ar uzsvaras zīmi", - Uacute: "Lielais latīņu burts U ar akūto uzsvars zīmi", - Ucirc: "Lielais latīņu burts U ar diakritisko zīmi", - Uuml: "Lielais latīņu burts U ar diakritisko zīmi", - Yacute: "Lielais latīņu burts Y ar akūto uzsvaras zīmi", - THORN: "Lielais latīņu burts torn", - szlig: "Mazs latīņu burts ar ligatūru", - agrave: "Mazs latīņu burts a ar uzsvara zīmi", - aacute: "Mazs latīņu burts a ar akūto uzsvara zīmi", - acirc: "Mazs latīņu burts a ar diakritisko zīmi", - atilde: "Mazs latīņu burts a ar tildi", - auml: "Mazs latīņu burts a ar diakritisko zīmi", - aring: "Mazs latīņu burts a ar aplīti augšā", - aelig: "Mazs latīņu burts æ", - ccedil: "Mazs latīņu burts c ar āķīti zem burta", - egrave: "Mazs latīņu burts e ar uzsvara zīmi ", - eacute: "Mazs latīņu burts e ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi", - ecirc: "Mazs latīņu burts e ar diakritisko zīmi", - euml: "Mazs latīņu burts e ar diakritisko zīmi", - igrave: "Mazs latīņu burts i ar uzsvara zīmi ", - iacute: "Mazs latīņu burts i ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi", - icirc: "Mazs latīņu burts i ar diakritisko zīmi", - iuml: "Mazs latīņu burts i ar diakritisko zīmi", - eth: "Mazs latīņu burts eth", - ntilde: "Mazs latīņu burts n ar tildi", - ograve: "Mazs latīņu burts o ar uzsvara zīmi ", - oacute: "Mazs latīņu burts o ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi", - ocirc: "Mazs latīņu burts o ar diakritisko zīmi", - otilde: "Mazs latīņu burts o ar tildi", - ouml: "Mazs latīņu burts o ar diakritisko zīmi", - divide: "Dalīšanas zīme", - oslash: "Mazs latīņu burts o ar iesvītrojumu", - ugrave: "Mazs latīņu burts u ar uzsvara zīmi ", - uacute: "Mazs latīņu burts u ar akūtu uzsvara zīmi", - ucirc: "Mazs latīņu burts u ar diakritisko zīmi", - uuml: "Mazs latīņu burts u ar diakritisko zīmi", - yacute: "Mazs latīņu burts y ar akūtu uzsvaras zīmi", - thorn: "Mazs latīņu burts torns", - yuml: "Mazs latīņu burts y ar diakritisko zīmi", - OElig: "Liela latīņu ligatūra OE", - oelig: "Maza latīņu ligatūra oe", - 372: "Liels latīņu burts W ar diakritisko zīmi ", - 374: "Liels latīņu burts Y ar diakritisko zīmi ", - 373: "Mazs latīņu burts w ar diakritisko zīmi ", - 375: "Mazs latīņu burts y ar diakritisko zīmi ", - sbquo: "Mazas-9 vienkārtīgas pēdiņas", - 8219: "Lielas-9 vienkārtīgas apgrieztas pēdiņas", - bdquo: "Mazas-9 dubultas pēdiņas", - hellip: "Horizontāli daudzpunkti", - trade: "Preču zīmes zīme", - 9658: "Melns pa labi pagriezts radītājs", - bull: "Lode", - rarr: "Bulta pa labi", - rArr: "Dubulta Bulta pa labi", - hArr: "Bulta pa kreisi", - diams: "Dubulta Bulta pa kreisi", - asymp: "Gandrīz vienāds ar" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/nb.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/nb.js deleted file mode 100644 index 3791fd6..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/nb.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "nb", { - euro: "Eurosymbol", - lsquo: "Venstre enkelt anførselstegn", - rsquo: "Høyre enkelt anførselstegn", - ldquo: "Venstre dobbelt anførselstegn", - rdquo: "Høyre anførsesltegn", - ndash: "Kort tankestrek", - mdash: "Lang tankestrek", - iexcl: "Omvendt utropstegn", - cent: "Centsymbol", - pound: "Pundsymbol", - curren: "Valutategn", - yen: "Yensymbol", - brvbar: "Brutt loddrett strek", - sect: "Paragraftegn", - uml: "Tøddel", - copy: "Copyrighttegn", - ordf: "Feminin ordensindikator", - laquo: "Venstre anførselstegn", - not: "Negasjonstegn", - reg: "Registrert varemerke-tegn", - macr: "Makron", - deg: "Gradsymbol", - sup2: "Hevet totall", - sup3: "Hevet tretall", - acute: "Akutt aksent", - micro: "Mikrosymbol", - para: "Avsnittstegn", - middot: "Midtstilt prikk", - cedil: "Cedille", - sup1: "Hevet ettall", - ordm: "Maskulin ordensindikator", - raquo: "Høyre anførselstegn", - frac14: "Fjerdedelsbrøk", - frac12: "Halvbrøk", - frac34: "Tre fjerdedelers brøk", - iquest: "Omvendt spørsmålstegn", - Agrave: "Stor A med grav aksent", - Aacute: "Stor A med akutt aksent", - Acirc: "Stor A med cirkumfleks", - Atilde: "Stor A med tilde", - Auml: "Stor A med tøddel", - Aring: "Stor Å", - AElig: "Stor Æ", - Ccedil: "Stor C med cedille", - Egrave: "Stor E med grav aksent", - Eacute: "Stor E med akutt aksent", - Ecirc: "Stor E med cirkumfleks", - Euml: "Stor E med tøddel", - Igrave: "Stor I med grav aksent", - Iacute: "Stor I med akutt aksent", - Icirc: "Stor I med cirkumfleks", - Iuml: "Stor I med tøddel", - ETH: "Stor Edd/stungen D", - Ntilde: "Stor N med tilde", - Ograve: "Stor O med grav aksent", - Oacute: "Stor O med akutt aksent", - Ocirc: "Stor O med cirkumfleks", - Otilde: "Stor O med tilde", - Ouml: "Stor O med tøddel", - times: "Multiplikasjonstegn", - Oslash: "Stor Ø", - Ugrave: "Stor U med grav aksent", - Uacute: "Stor U med akutt aksent", - Ucirc: "Stor U med cirkumfleks", - Uuml: "Stor U med tøddel", - Yacute: "Stor Y med akutt aksent", - THORN: "Stor Thorn", - szlig: "Liten dobbelt-s/Eszett", - agrave: "Liten a med grav aksent", - aacute: "Liten a med akutt aksent", - acirc: "Liten a med cirkumfleks", - atilde: "Liten a med tilde", - auml: "Liten a med tøddel", - aring: "Liten å", - aelig: "Liten æ", - ccedil: "Liten c med cedille", - egrave: "Liten e med grav aksent", - eacute: "Liten e med akutt aksent", - ecirc: "Liten e med cirkumfleks", - euml: "Liten e med tøddel", - igrave: "Liten i med grav aksent", - iacute: "Liten i med akutt aksent", - icirc: "Liten i med cirkumfleks", - iuml: "Liten i med tøddel", - eth: "Liten edd/stungen d", - ntilde: "Liten n med tilde", - ograve: "Liten o med grav aksent", - oacute: "Liten o med akutt aksent", - ocirc: "Liten o med cirkumfleks", - otilde: "Liten o med tilde", - ouml: "Liten o med tøddel", - divide: "Divisjonstegn", - oslash: "Liten ø", - ugrave: "Liten u med grav aksent", - uacute: "Liten u med akutt aksent", - ucirc: "Liten u med cirkumfleks", - uuml: "Liten u med tøddel", - yacute: "Liten y med akutt aksent", - thorn: "Liten thorn", - yuml: "Liten y med tøddel", - OElig: "Stor ligatur av O og E", - oelig: "Liten ligatur av o og e", - 372: "Stor W med cirkumfleks", - 374: "Stor Y med cirkumfleks", - 373: "Liten w med cirkumfleks", - 375: "Liten y med cirkumfleks", - sbquo: "Enkelt lavt 9-anførselstegn", - 8219: "Enkelt høyt reversert 9-anførselstegn", - bdquo: "Dobbelt lavt 9-anførselstegn", - hellip: "Ellipse", - trade: "Varemerkesymbol", - 9658: "Svart høyrevendt peker", - bull: "Tykk interpunkt", - rarr: "Høyrevendt pil", - rArr: "Dobbel høyrevendt pil", - hArr: "Dobbel venstrevendt pil", - diams: "Svart ruter", - asymp: "Omtrent likhetstegn" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/nl.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/nl.js deleted file mode 100644 index 68edf37..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/nl.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","nl",{euro:"Euro-teken",lsquo:"Linker enkel aanhalingsteken",rsquo:"Rechter enkel aanhalingsteken",ldquo:"Linker dubbel aanhalingsteken",rdquo:"Rechter dubbel aanhalingsteken",ndash:"En dash",mdash:"Em dash",iexcl:"Omgekeerd uitroepteken",cent:"Cent-teken",pound:"Pond-teken",curren:"Valuta-teken",yen:"Yen-teken",brvbar:"Gebroken streep",sect:"Paragraaf-teken",uml:"Trema",copy:"Copyright-teken",ordf:"Vrouwelijk ordinaal",laquo:"Linker guillemet",not:"Ongelijk-teken", -reg:"Geregistreerd handelsmerk-teken",macr:"Macron",deg:"Graden-teken",sup2:"Superscript twee",sup3:"Superscript drie",acute:"Accent aigu",micro:"Micro-teken",para:"Alinea-teken",middot:"Halfhoge punt",cedil:"Cedille",sup1:"Superscript een",ordm:"Mannelijk ordinaal",raquo:"Rechter guillemet",frac14:"Breuk kwart",frac12:"Breuk half",frac34:"Breuk driekwart",iquest:"Omgekeerd vraagteken",Agrave:"Latijnse hoofdletter A met een accent grave",Aacute:"Latijnse hoofdletter A met een accent aigu",Acirc:"Latijnse hoofdletter A met een circonflexe", -Atilde:"Latijnse hoofdletter A met een tilde",Auml:"Latijnse hoofdletter A met een trema",Aring:"Latijnse hoofdletter A met een corona",AElig:"Latijnse hoofdletter Æ",Ccedil:"Latijnse hoofdletter C met een cedille",Egrave:"Latijnse hoofdletter E met een accent grave",Eacute:"Latijnse hoofdletter E met een accent aigu",Ecirc:"Latijnse hoofdletter E met een circonflexe",Euml:"Latijnse hoofdletter E met een trema",Igrave:"Latijnse hoofdletter I met een accent grave",Iacute:"Latijnse hoofdletter I met een accent aigu", -Icirc:"Latijnse hoofdletter I met een circonflexe",Iuml:"Latijnse hoofdletter I met een trema",ETH:"Latijnse hoofdletter Eth",Ntilde:"Latijnse hoofdletter N met een tilde",Ograve:"Latijnse hoofdletter O met een accent grave",Oacute:"Latijnse hoofdletter O met een accent aigu",Ocirc:"Latijnse hoofdletter O met een circonflexe",Otilde:"Latijnse hoofdletter O met een tilde",Ouml:"Latijnse hoofdletter O met een trema",times:"Maal-teken",Oslash:"Latijnse hoofdletter O met een schuine streep",Ugrave:"Latijnse hoofdletter U met een accent grave", -Uacute:"Latijnse hoofdletter U met een accent aigu",Ucirc:"Latijnse hoofdletter U met een circonflexe",Uuml:"Latijnse hoofdletter U met een trema",Yacute:"Latijnse hoofdletter Y met een accent aigu",THORN:"Latijnse hoofdletter Thorn",szlig:"Latijnse kleine ringel-s",agrave:"Latijnse kleine letter a met een accent grave",aacute:"Latijnse kleine letter a met een accent aigu",acirc:"Latijnse kleine letter a met een circonflexe",atilde:"Latijnse kleine letter a met een tilde",auml:"Latijnse kleine letter a met een trema", -aring:"Latijnse kleine letter a met een corona",aelig:"Latijnse kleine letter æ",ccedil:"Latijnse kleine letter c met een cedille",egrave:"Latijnse kleine letter e met een accent grave",eacute:"Latijnse kleine letter e met een accent aigu",ecirc:"Latijnse kleine letter e met een circonflexe",euml:"Latijnse kleine letter e met een trema",igrave:"Latijnse kleine letter i met een accent grave",iacute:"Latijnse kleine letter i met een accent aigu",icirc:"Latijnse kleine letter i met een circonflexe", -iuml:"Latijnse kleine letter i met een trema",eth:"Latijnse kleine letter eth",ntilde:"Latijnse kleine letter n met een tilde",ograve:"Latijnse kleine letter o met een accent grave",oacute:"Latijnse kleine letter o met een accent aigu",ocirc:"Latijnse kleine letter o met een circonflexe",otilde:"Latijnse kleine letter o met een tilde",ouml:"Latijnse kleine letter o met een trema",divide:"Deel-teken",oslash:"Latijnse kleine letter o met een schuine streep",ugrave:"Latijnse kleine letter u met een accent grave", -uacute:"Latijnse kleine letter u met een accent aigu",ucirc:"Latijnse kleine letter u met een circonflexe",uuml:"Latijnse kleine letter u met een trema",yacute:"Latijnse kleine letter y met een accent aigu",thorn:"Latijnse kleine letter thorn",yuml:"Latijnse kleine letter y met een trema",OElig:"Latijnse hoofdletter Œ",oelig:"Latijnse kleine letter œ",372:"Latijnse hoofdletter W met een circonflexe",374:"Latijnse hoofdletter Y met een circonflexe",373:"Latijnse kleine letter w met een circonflexe", -375:"Latijnse kleine letter y met een circonflexe",sbquo:"Lage enkele aanhalingsteken",8219:"Hoge omgekeerde enkele aanhalingsteken",bdquo:"Lage dubbele aanhalingsteken",hellip:"Beletselteken",trade:"Trademark-teken",9658:"Zwarte driehoek naar rechts",bull:"Bullet",rarr:"Pijl naar rechts",rArr:"Dubbele pijl naar rechts",hArr:"Dubbele pijl naar links",diams:"Zwart ruitje",asymp:"Benaderingsteken"}); 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All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "no", { - euro: "Eurosymbol", - lsquo: "Venstre enkelt anførselstegn", - rsquo: "Høyre enkelt anførselstegn", - ldquo: "Venstre dobbelt anførselstegn", - rdquo: "Høyre anførsesltegn", - ndash: "Kort tankestrek", - mdash: "Lang tankestrek", - iexcl: "Omvendt utropstegn", - cent: "Centsymbol", - pound: "Pundsymbol", - curren: "Valutategn", - yen: "Yensymbol", - brvbar: "Brutt loddrett strek", - sect: "Paragraftegn", - uml: "Tøddel", - copy: "Copyrighttegn", - ordf: "Feminin ordensindikator", - laquo: "Venstre anførselstegn", - not: "Negasjonstegn", - reg: "Registrert varemerke-tegn", - macr: "Makron", - deg: "Gradsymbol", - sup2: "Hevet totall", - sup3: "Hevet tretall", - acute: "Akutt aksent", - micro: "Mikrosymbol", - para: "Avsnittstegn", - middot: "Midtstilt prikk", - cedil: "Cedille", - sup1: "Hevet ettall", - ordm: "Maskulin ordensindikator", - raquo: "Høyre anførselstegn", - frac14: "Fjerdedelsbrøk", - frac12: "Halvbrøk", - frac34: "Tre fjerdedelers brøk", - iquest: "Omvendt spørsmålstegn", - Agrave: "Stor A med grav aksent", - Aacute: "Stor A med akutt aksent", - Acirc: "Stor A med cirkumfleks", - Atilde: "Stor A med tilde", - Auml: "Stor A med tøddel", - Aring: "Stor Å", - AElig: "Stor Æ", - Ccedil: "Stor C med cedille", - Egrave: "Stor E med grav aksent", - Eacute: "Stor E med akutt aksent", - Ecirc: "Stor E med cirkumfleks", - Euml: "Stor E med tøddel", - Igrave: "Stor I med grav aksent", - Iacute: "Stor I med akutt aksent", - Icirc: "Stor I med cirkumfleks", - Iuml: "Stor I med tøddel", - ETH: "Stor Edd/stungen D", - Ntilde: "Stor N med tilde", - Ograve: "Stor O med grav aksent", - Oacute: "Stor O med akutt aksent", - Ocirc: "Stor O med cirkumfleks", - Otilde: "Stor O med tilde", - Ouml: "Stor O med tøddel", - times: "Multiplikasjonstegn", - Oslash: "Stor Ø", - Ugrave: "Stor U med grav aksent", - Uacute: "Stor U med akutt aksent", - Ucirc: "Stor U med cirkumfleks", - Uuml: "Stor U med tøddel", - Yacute: "Stor Y med akutt aksent", - THORN: "Stor Thorn", - szlig: "Liten dobbelt-s/Eszett", - agrave: "Liten a med grav aksent", - aacute: "Liten a med akutt aksent", - acirc: "Liten a med cirkumfleks", - atilde: "Liten a med tilde", - auml: "Liten a med tøddel", - aring: "Liten å", - aelig: "Liten æ", - ccedil: "Liten c med cedille", - egrave: "Liten e med grav aksent", - eacute: "Liten e med akutt aksent", - ecirc: "Liten e med cirkumfleks", - euml: "Liten e med tøddel", - igrave: "Liten i med grav aksent", - iacute: "Liten i med akutt aksent", - icirc: "Liten i med cirkumfleks", - iuml: "Liten i med tøddel", - eth: "Liten edd/stungen d", - ntilde: "Liten n med tilde", - ograve: "Liten o med grav aksent", - oacute: "Liten o med akutt aksent", - ocirc: "Liten o med cirkumfleks", - otilde: "Liten o med tilde", - ouml: "Liten o med tøddel", - divide: "Divisjonstegn", - oslash: "Liten ø", - ugrave: "Liten u med grav aksent", - uacute: "Liten u med akutt aksent", - ucirc: "Liten u med cirkumfleks", - uuml: "Liten u med tøddel", - yacute: "Liten y med akutt aksent", - thorn: "Liten thorn", - yuml: "Liten y med tøddel", - OElig: "Stor ligatur av O og E", - oelig: "Liten ligatur av o og e", - 372: "Stor W med cirkumfleks", - 374: "Stor Y med cirkumfleks", - 373: "Liten w med cirkumfleks", - 375: "Liten y med cirkumfleks", - sbquo: "Enkelt lavt 9-anførselstegn", - 8219: "Enkelt høyt reversert 9-anførselstegn", - bdquo: "Dobbelt lavt 9-anførselstegn", - hellip: "Ellipse", - trade: "Varemerkesymbol", - 9658: "Svart høyrevendt peker", - bull: "Tykk interpunkt", - rarr: "Høyrevendt pil", - rArr: "Dobbel høyrevendt pil", - hArr: "Dobbel venstrevendt pil", - diams: "Svart ruter", - asymp: "Omtrent likhetstegn" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/pl.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/pl.js deleted file mode 100644 index f925797..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/pl.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "pl", { - euro: "Znak euro", - lsquo: "Cudzysłów pojedynczy otwierający", - rsquo: "Cudzysłów pojedynczy zamykający", - ldquo: "Cudzysłów apostrofowy otwierający", - rdquo: "Cudzysłów apostrofowy zamykający", - ndash: "Półpauza", - mdash: "Pauza", - iexcl: "Odwrócony wykrzyknik", - cent: "Znak centa", - pound: "Znak funta", - curren: "Znak waluty", - yen: "Znak jena", - brvbar: "Przerwana pionowa kreska", - sect: "Paragraf", - uml: "Diereza", - copy: "Znak praw autorskich", - ordf: "Wskaźnik rodzaju żeńskiego liczebnika porządkowego", - laquo: "Lewy cudzysłów ostrokątny", - not: "Znak negacji", - reg: "Zastrzeżony znak towarowy", - macr: "Makron", - deg: "Znak stopnia", - sup2: "Druga potęga", - sup3: "Trzecia potęga", - acute: "Akcent ostry", - micro: "Znak mikro", - para: "Znak akapitu", - middot: "Kropka środkowa", - cedil: "Cedylla", - sup1: "Pierwsza potęga", - ordm: "Wskaźnik rodzaju męskiego liczebnika porządkowego", - raquo: "Prawy cudzysłów ostrokątny", - frac14: "Ułamek zwykły jedna czwarta", - frac12: "Ułamek zwykły jedna druga", - frac34: "Ułamek zwykły trzy czwarte", - iquest: "Odwrócony znak zapytania", - Agrave: "Wielka litera A z akcentem ciężkim", - Aacute: "Wielka litera A z akcentem ostrym", - Acirc: "Wielka litera A z akcentem przeciągłym", - Atilde: "Wielka litera A z tyldą", - Auml: "Wielka litera A z dierezą", - Aring: "Wielka litera A z kółkiem", - AElig: "Wielka ligatura Æ", - Ccedil: "Wielka litera C z cedyllą", - Egrave: "Wielka litera E z akcentem ciężkim", - Eacute: "Wielka litera E z akcentem ostrym", - Ecirc: "Wielka litera E z akcentem przeciągłym", - Euml: "Wielka litera E z dierezą", - Igrave: "Wielka litera I z akcentem ciężkim", - Iacute: "Wielka litera I z akcentem ostrym", - Icirc: "Wielka litera I z akcentem przeciągłym", - Iuml: "Wielka litera I z dierezą", - ETH: "Wielka litera Eth", - Ntilde: "Wielka litera N z tyldą", - Ograve: "Wielka litera O z akcentem ciężkim", - Oacute: "Wielka litera O z akcentem ostrym", - Ocirc: "Wielka litera O z akcentem przeciągłym", - Otilde: "Wielka litera O z tyldą", - Ouml: "Wielka litera O z dierezą", - times: "Znak mnożenia wektorowego", - Oslash: "Wielka litera O z przekreśleniem", - Ugrave: "Wielka litera U z akcentem ciężkim", - Uacute: "Wielka litera U z akcentem ostrym", - Ucirc: "Wielka litera U z akcentem przeciągłym", - Uuml: "Wielka litera U z dierezą", - Yacute: "Wielka litera Y z akcentem ostrym", - THORN: "Wielka litera Thorn", - szlig: "Mała litera ostre s (eszet)", - agrave: "Mała litera a z akcentem ciężkim", - aacute: "Mała litera a z akcentem ostrym", - acirc: "Mała litera a z akcentem przeciągłym", - atilde: "Mała litera a z tyldą", - auml: "Mała litera a z dierezą", - aring: "Mała litera a z kółkiem", - aelig: "Mała ligatura æ", - ccedil: "Mała litera c z cedyllą", - egrave: "Mała litera e z akcentem ciężkim", - eacute: "Mała litera e z akcentem ostrym", - ecirc: "Mała litera e z akcentem przeciągłym", - euml: "Mała litera e z dierezą", - igrave: "Mała litera i z akcentem ciężkim", - iacute: "Mała litera i z akcentem ostrym", - icirc: "Mała litera i z akcentem przeciągłym", - iuml: "Mała litera i z dierezą", - eth: "Mała litera eth", - ntilde: "Mała litera n z tyldą", - ograve: "Mała litera o z akcentem ciężkim", - oacute: "Mała litera o z akcentem ostrym", - ocirc: "Mała litera o z akcentem przeciągłym", - otilde: "Mała litera o z tyldą", - ouml: "Mała litera o z dierezą", - divide: "Anglosaski znak dzielenia", - oslash: "Mała litera o z przekreśleniem", - ugrave: "Mała litera u z akcentem ciężkim", - uacute: "Mała litera u z akcentem ostrym", - ucirc: "Mała litera u z akcentem przeciągłym", - uuml: "Mała litera u z dierezą", - yacute: "Mała litera y z akcentem ostrym", - thorn: "Mała litera thorn", - yuml: "Mała litera y z dierezą", - OElig: "Wielka ligatura OE", - oelig: "Mała ligatura oe", - 372: "Wielka litera W z akcentem przeciągłym", - 374: "Wielka litera Y z akcentem przeciągłym", - 373: "Mała litera w z akcentem przeciągłym", - 375: "Mała litera y z akcentem przeciągłym", - sbquo: "Pojedynczy apostrof dolny", - 8219: "Pojedynczy apostrof górny", - bdquo: "Podwójny apostrof dolny", - hellip: "Wielokropek", - trade: "Znak towarowy", - 9658: "Czarny wskaźnik wskazujący w prawo", - bull: "Punktor", - rarr: "Strzałka w prawo", - rArr: "Podwójna strzałka w prawo", - hArr: "Podwójna strzałka w lewo", - diams: "Czarny znak karo", - asymp: "Znak prawie równe" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/pt-br.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/pt-br.js deleted file mode 100644 index e3f7831..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/pt-br.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","pt-br",{euro:"Euro",lsquo:"Aspas simples esquerda",rsquo:"Aspas simples direita",ldquo:"Aspas duplas esquerda",rdquo:"Aspas duplas direita",ndash:"Traço",mdash:"Travessão",iexcl:"Ponto de exclamação invertido",cent:"Cent",pound:"Cerquilha",curren:"Dinheiro",yen:"Yen",brvbar:"Bara interrompida",sect:"Símbolo de Parágrafo",uml:"Trema",copy:"Direito de Cópia",ordf:"Indicador ordinal feminino",laquo:"Aspas duplas angulares esquerda",not:"Negação",reg:"Marca Registrada", -macr:"Mácron",deg:"Grau",sup2:"2 Superscrito",sup3:"3 Superscrito",acute:"Acento agudo",micro:"Micro",para:"Pé de mosca",middot:"Ponto mediano",cedil:"Cedilha",sup1:"1 Superscrito",ordm:"Indicador ordinal masculino",raquo:"Aspas duplas angulares direita",frac14:"Um quarto",frac12:"Um meio",frac34:"Três quartos",iquest:"Interrogação invertida",Agrave:"A maiúsculo com acento grave",Aacute:"A maiúsculo com acento agudo",Acirc:"A maiúsculo com acento circunflexo",Atilde:"A maiúsculo com til",Auml:"A maiúsculo com trema", -Aring:"A maiúsculo com anel acima",AElig:"Æ maiúsculo",Ccedil:"Ç maiúlculo",Egrave:"E maiúsculo com acento grave",Eacute:"E maiúsculo com acento agudo",Ecirc:"E maiúsculo com acento circumflexo",Euml:"E maiúsculo com trema",Igrave:"I maiúsculo com acento grave",Iacute:"I maiúsculo com acento agudo",Icirc:"I maiúsculo com acento circunflexo",Iuml:"I maiúsculo com crase",ETH:"Eth maiúsculo",Ntilde:"N maiúsculo com til",Ograve:"O maiúsculo com acento grave",Oacute:"O maiúsculo com acento agudo",Ocirc:"O maiúsculo com acento circunflexo", -Otilde:"O maiúsculo com til",Ouml:"O maiúsculo com trema",times:"Multiplicação",Oslash:"Diâmetro",Ugrave:"U maiúsculo com acento grave",Uacute:"U maiúsculo com acento agudo",Ucirc:"U maiúsculo com acento circunflexo",Uuml:"U maiúsculo com trema",Yacute:"Y maiúsculo com acento agudo",THORN:"Thorn maiúsculo",szlig:"Eszett minúsculo",agrave:"a minúsculo com acento grave",aacute:"a minúsculo com acento agudo",acirc:"a minúsculo com acento circunflexo",atilde:"a minúsculo com til",auml:"a minúsculo com trema", -aring:"a minúsculo com anel acima",aelig:"æ minúsculo",ccedil:"ç minúsculo",egrave:"e minúsculo com acento grave",eacute:"e minúsculo com acento agudo",ecirc:"e minúsculo com acento circunflexo",euml:"e minúsculo com trema",igrave:"i minúsculo com acento grave",iacute:"i minúsculo com acento agudo",icirc:"i minúsculo com acento circunflexo",iuml:"i minúsculo com trema",eth:"eth minúsculo",ntilde:"n minúsculo com til",ograve:"o minúsculo com acento grave",oacute:"o minúsculo com acento agudo",ocirc:"o minúsculo com acento circunflexo", -otilde:"o minúsculo com til",ouml:"o minúsculo com trema",divide:"Divisão",oslash:"o minúsculo com cortado ou diâmetro",ugrave:"u minúsculo com acento grave",uacute:"u minúsculo com acento agudo",ucirc:"u minúsculo com acento circunflexo",uuml:"u minúsculo com trema",yacute:"y minúsculo com acento agudo",thorn:"thorn minúsculo",yuml:"y minúsculo com trema",OElig:"Ligação tipográfica OE maiúscula",oelig:"Ligação tipográfica oe minúscula",372:"W maiúsculo com acento circunflexo",374:"Y maiúsculo com acento circunflexo", -373:"w minúsculo com acento circunflexo",375:"y minúsculo com acento circunflexo",sbquo:"Aspas simples inferior direita",8219:"Aspas simples superior esquerda",bdquo:"Aspas duplas inferior direita",hellip:"Reticências",trade:"Trade mark",9658:"Ponta de seta preta para direita",bull:"Ponto lista",rarr:"Seta para direita",rArr:"Seta dupla para direita",hArr:"Seta dupla direita e esquerda",diams:"Ouros",asymp:"Aproximadamente"}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/pt.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/pt.js deleted file mode 100644 index 6bb8be7..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/pt.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "pt", { - euro: "Símbolo do Euro", - lsquo: "Aspa esquerda simples", - rsquo: "Aspa direita simples", - ldquo: "Aspa esquerda dupla", - rdquo: "Aspa direita dupla", - ndash: "Travessão Simples", - mdash: "Travessão Longo", - iexcl: "Ponto de exclamação invertido", - cent: "Símbolo do Cêntimo", - pound: "Símbolo da Libra", - curren: "Símbolo de Moeda", - yen: "Símbolo do Iene", - brvbar: "Barra quebrada", - sect: "Símbolo de Secção", - uml: "Trema", - copy: "Símbolo dos Direitos de Autor", - ordf: "Indicador ordinal feminino", - laquo: "Aspa esquerda ângulo duplo", - not: "Não Símbolo", - reg: "Símbolo de Registado", - macr: "Mácron", - deg: "Símbolo de Grau", - sup2: "Expoente 2", - sup3: "Expoente 3", - acute: "Acento agudo", - micro: "Símbolo de Micro", - para: "Símbolo de Parágrafo", - middot: "Ponto do Meio", - cedil: "Cedilha", - sup1: "Expoente 1", - ordm: "Indicador ordinal masculino", - raquo: "Aspas ângulo duplo pra Direita", - frac14: "Fração vulgar 1/4", - frac12: "Fração vulgar 1/2", - frac34: "Fração vulgar 3/4", - iquest: "Ponto de interrugação invertido", - Agrave: "Letra maiúscula latina A com acento grave", - Aacute: "Letra maiúscula latina A com acento agudo", - Acirc: "Letra maiúscula latina A com circunflexo", - Atilde: "Letra maiúscula latina A com til", - Auml: "Letra maiúscula latina A com trema", - Aring: "Letra maiúscula latina A com sinal diacrítico", - AElig: "Letra Maiúscula Latina Æ", - Ccedil: "Letra maiúscula latina C com cedilha", - Egrave: "Letra maiúscula latina E com acento grave", - Eacute: "Letra maiúscula latina E com acento agudo", - Ecirc: "Letra maiúscula latina E com circunflexo", - Euml: "Letra maiúscula latina E com trema", - Igrave: "Letra maiúscula latina I com acento grave", - Iacute: "Letra maiúscula latina I com acento agudo", - Icirc: "Letra maiúscula latina I com cincunflexo", - Iuml: "Letra maiúscula latina I com trema", - ETH: "Letra maiúscula latina Eth (Ðð)", - Ntilde: "Letra maiúscula latina N com til", - Ograve: "Letra maiúscula latina O com acento grave", - Oacute: "Letra maiúscula latina O com acento agudo", - Ocirc: "Letra maiúscula latina I com circunflexo", - Otilde: "Letra maiúscula latina O com til", - Ouml: "Letra maiúscula latina O com trema", - times: "Símbolo de Multiplicação", - Oslash: "Letra maiúscula O com barra", - Ugrave: "Letra maiúscula latina U com acento grave", - Uacute: "Letra maiúscula latina U com acento agudo", - Ucirc: "Letra maiúscula latina U com circunflexo", - Uuml: "Letra maiúscula latina E com trema", - Yacute: "Letra maiúscula latina Y com acento agudo", - THORN: "Letra maiúscula latina Rúnico", - szlig: "Letra minúscula latina s forte", - agrave: "Letra minúscula latina a com acento grave", - aacute: "Letra minúscula latina a com acento agudo", - acirc: "Letra minúscula latina a com circunflexo", - atilde: "Letra minúscula latina a com til", - auml: "Letra minúscula latina a com trema", - aring: "Letra minúscula latina a com sinal diacrítico", - 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ucirc: "Letra minúscula latina u com circunflexo", - uuml: "Letra minúscula latina u com trema", - yacute: "Letra minúscula latina y com acento agudo", - thorn: "Letra minúscula latina Rúnico", - yuml: "Letra minúscula latina y com trema", - OElig: "Ligadura maiúscula latina OE", - oelig: "Ligadura minúscula latina oe", - 372: "Letra maiúscula latina W com circunflexo", - 374: "Letra maiúscula latina Y com circunflexo", - 373: "Letra minúscula latina w com circunflexo", - 375: "Letra minúscula latina y com circunflexo", - sbquo: "Aspa Simples inferior-9", - 8219: "Aspa Simples superior invertida-9", - bdquo: "Aspa Duplas inferior-9", - hellip: "Elipse Horizontal ", - trade: "Símbolo de Marca Registada", - 9658: "Ponteiro preto direito", - bull: "Marca", - rarr: "Seta para a direita", - rArr: "Seta dupla para a direita", - hArr: "Seta dupla direita esquerda", - diams: "Naipe diamante preto", - asymp: "Quase igual a " -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ru.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ru.js deleted file mode 100644 index f3f4a57..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ru.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "ru", { - euro: "Знак евро", - lsquo: "Левая одинарная кавычка", - rsquo: "Правая одинарная кавычка", - ldquo: "Левая двойная кавычка", - rdquo: "Левая двойная кавычка", - ndash: "Среднее тире", - mdash: "Длинное тире", - iexcl: "перевёрнутый восклицательный знак", - cent: "Цент", - pound: "Фунт", - curren: "Знак валюты", - yen: "Йена", - brvbar: "Вертикальная черта с разрывом", - sect: "Знак параграфа", - uml: "Умлаут", - copy: "Знак охраны авторского права", - ordf: "Указатель окончания женского рода ...ая", - laquo: "Левая кавычка-«ёлочка»", - not: "Отрицание", - reg: "Знак охраны смежных прав\\t", - macr: "Макрон", - deg: "Градус", - sup2: "Надстрочное два", - sup3: "Надстрочное три", - acute: "Акут", - micro: "Микро", - para: "Абзац", - middot: "Интерпункт", - cedil: "Седиль", - sup1: "Надстрочная единица", - ordm: "Порядковое числительное", - raquo: "Правая кавычка-«ёлочка»", - frac14: "Одна четвертая", - frac12: "Одна вторая", - frac34: "Три четвёртых", - iquest: "Перевёрнутый вопросительный знак", - Agrave: "Латинская заглавная буква А с апострофом", - Aacute: "Латинская заглавная буква A с ударением", - Acirc: "Латинская заглавная буква А с циркумфлексом", - Atilde: "Латинская заглавная буква А с тильдой", - Auml: "Латинская заглавная буква А с тремой", - Aring: "Латинская заглавная буква А с кольцом над ней", - AElig: "Латинская большая буква Æ", - Ccedil: "Латинская заглавная буква C с седилью", - Egrave: "Латинская заглавная буква Е с апострофом", - Eacute: "Латинская заглавная буква Е с ударением", - Ecirc: "Латинская заглавная буква Е с циркумфлексом", - Euml: "Латинская заглавная буква Е с тремой", - Igrave: "Латинская заглавная буква I с апострофом", - Iacute: "Латинская заглавная буква I с ударением", - Icirc: "Латинская заглавная буква I с циркумфлексом", - Iuml: "Латинская заглавная буква I с тремой", - ETH: "Латинская большая буква Eth", - Ntilde: "Латинская заглавная буква N с тильдой", - Ograve: "Латинская заглавная буква O с апострофом", - Oacute: "Латинская заглавная буква O с ударением", - Ocirc: "Латинская заглавная буква O с циркумфлексом", - Otilde: "Латинская заглавная буква O с тильдой", - Ouml: "Латинская заглавная буква O с тремой", - times: "Знак умножения", - Oslash: "Латинская большая перечеркнутая O", - Ugrave: "Латинская заглавная буква U с апострофом", - Uacute: "Латинская заглавная буква U с ударением", - Ucirc: "Латинская заглавная буква U с циркумфлексом", - Uuml: "Латинская заглавная буква U с тремой", - Yacute: "Латинская заглавная буква Y с ударением", - THORN: "Латинская заглавная буква Thorn", - szlig: "Знак диеза", - agrave: "Латинская маленькая буква a с апострофом", - aacute: "Латинская маленькая буква a с ударением", - acirc: "Латинская маленькая буква a с циркумфлексом", - atilde: "Латинская маленькая буква a с тильдой", - auml: "Латинская маленькая буква a с тремой", - aring: "Латинская маленькая буква a с кольцом", - aelig: "Латинская маленькая буква æ", - ccedil: "Латинская маленькая буква с с седилью", - egrave: "Латинская маленькая буква е с апострофом", - eacute: "Латинская маленькая буква е с ударением", - ecirc: "Латинская маленькая буква е с циркумфлексом", - euml: "Латинская маленькая буква е с тремой", - igrave: "Латинская маленькая буква i с апострофом", - iacute: "Латинская маленькая буква i с ударением", - icirc: "Латинская маленькая буква i с циркумфлексом", - iuml: "Латинская маленькая буква i с тремой", - eth: "Латинская маленькая буква eth", - ntilde: "Латинская маленькая буква n с тильдой", - ograve: "Латинская маленькая буква o с апострофом", - oacute: "Латинская маленькая буква o с ударением", - ocirc: "Латинская маленькая буква o с циркумфлексом", - otilde: "Латинская маленькая буква o с тильдой", - ouml: "Латинская маленькая буква o с тремой", - divide: "Знак деления", - oslash: "Латинская строчная перечеркнутая o", - ugrave: "Латинская маленькая буква u с апострофом", - uacute: "Латинская маленькая буква u с ударением", - ucirc: "Латинская маленькая буква u с циркумфлексом", - uuml: "Латинская маленькая буква u с тремой", - yacute: "Латинская маленькая буква y с ударением", - thorn: "Латинская маленькая буква thorn", - yuml: "Латинская маленькая буква y с тремой", - OElig: "Латинская прописная лигатура OE", - oelig: "Латинская строчная лигатура oe", - 372: "Латинская заглавная буква W с циркумфлексом", - 374: "Латинская заглавная буква Y с циркумфлексом", - 373: "Латинская маленькая буква w с циркумфлексом", - 375: "Латинская маленькая буква y с циркумфлексом", - sbquo: "Нижняя одинарная кавычка", - 8219: "Правая одинарная кавычка", - bdquo: "Левая двойная кавычка", - hellip: "Горизонтальное многоточие", - trade: "Товарный знак", - 9658: "Черный указатель вправо", - bull: "Маркер списка", - rarr: "Стрелка вправо", - rArr: "Двойная стрелка вправо", - hArr: "Двойная стрелка влево-вправо", - diams: "Черный ромб", - asymp: "Примерно равно" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/si.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/si.js deleted file mode 100644 index a79f04a..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/si.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "si", { - euro: "යුරෝ සලකුණ", - lsquo: "වමේ තනි උපුටා දක්වීම ", - rsquo: "දකුණේ තනි උපුටා දක්වීම ", - ldquo: "වමේ දිත්ව උපුටා දක්වීම ", - rdquo: "දකුණේ දිත්ව උපුටා දක්වීම ", - ndash: "En dash", - mdash: "Em dash", - iexcl: "යටිකුරු හර්ෂදී ", - cent: "Cent sign", - pound: "Pound sign", - curren: "මුල්‍යමය ", - yen: "යෙන් ", - brvbar: "Broken bar", - sect: "තෙරේම් ", - uml: "Diaeresis", - copy: "පිටපත් අයිතිය ", - ordf: "දර්ශකය", - laquo: "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark", - not: "සලකුණක් නොවේ", - reg: "සලකුණක් ලියාපදිංචි කිරීම", - macr: "මුද්‍රිත ", - deg: "සලකුණේ ", - sup2: "උඩු ලකුණු දෙක", - sup3: "Superscript three", - acute: "Acute accent", - micro: "Micro sign", - para: "Pilcrow sign", - middot: "Middle dot", - cedil: "Cedilla", - sup1: "Superscript one", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark", - frac14: "Vulgar fraction one quarter", - frac12: "Vulgar fraction one half", - frac34: "Vulgar fraction three quarters", - iquest: "Inverted question mark", - Agrave: "Latin capital letter A with grave accent", - Aacute: "Latin capital letter A with acute accent", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Latin capital letter A with tilde", - Auml: "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis", - Aring: "Latin capital letter A with ring above", - AElig: "Latin Capital letter Æ", - Ccedil: "Latin capital letter C with cedilla", - Egrave: "Latin capital letter E with grave accent", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "Latin capital letter I with grave accent", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "Latin capital letter Eth", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "Latin capital letter O with grave accent", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis", - times: "Multiplication sign", - Oslash: "Latin capital letter O with stroke", - Ugrave: "Latin capital letter U with grave accent", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Latin capital letter U with circumflex", - Uuml: "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "Latin capital letter Thorn", - szlig: "Latin small letter sharp s", - agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave accent", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", - atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", - auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "Latin small letter æ", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave accent", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave accent", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "Latin small letter eth", - ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", - ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave accent", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "Division sign", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave accent", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", - trade: "Trade mark sign", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "Bullet", - rarr: "Rightwards arrow", - rArr: "Rightwards double arrow", - hArr: "Left right double arrow", - diams: "Black diamond suit", - asymp: "Almost equal to" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sk.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sk.js deleted file mode 100644 index 44d2cca..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sk.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "sk", { - euro: "Znak eura", - lsquo: "Ľavá jednoduchá úvodzovka", - rsquo: "Pravá jednoduchá úvodzovka", - ldquo: "Pravá dvojitá úvodzovka", - rdquo: "Pravá dvojitá úvodzovka", - ndash: "En pomlčka", - mdash: "Em pomlčka", - iexcl: "Obrátený výkričník", - cent: "Znak centu", - pound: "Znak libry", - curren: "Znak meny", - yen: "Znak jenu", - brvbar: "Prerušená zvislá čiara", - sect: "Znak odseku", - uml: "Prehláska", - copy: "Znak copyrightu", - ordf: "Ženský indikátor rodu", - laquo: "Znak dvojitých lomených úvodzoviek vľavo", - not: "Logistický zápor", - reg: "Znak registrácie", - macr: "Pomlčka nad", - deg: "Znak stupňa", - sup2: "Dvojka ako horný index", - sup3: "Trojka ako horný index", - acute: "Dĺžeň", - micro: "Znak mikro", - para: "Znak odstavca", - middot: "Bodka uprostred", - cedil: "Chvost vľavo", - sup1: "Jednotka ako horný index", - ordm: "Mužský indikátor rodu", - raquo: "Znak dvojitých lomených úvodzoviek vpravo", - frac14: "Obyčajný zlomok jedna štvrtina", - frac12: "Obyčajný zlomok jedna polovica", - frac34: "Obyčajný zlomok tri štvrtiny", - iquest: "Otočený otáznik", - Agrave: "Veľké písmeno latinky A s accentom", - Aacute: "Veľké písmeno latinky A s dĺžňom", - Acirc: "Veľké písmeno latinky A s mäkčeňom", - Atilde: "Veľké písmeno latinky A s tildou", - Auml: "Veľké písmeno latinky A s dvoma bodkami", - Aring: "Veľké písmeno latinky A s krúžkom nad", - AElig: "Veľké písmeno latinky Æ", - Ccedil: "Veľké písmeno latinky C s chvostom vľavo", - Egrave: "Veľké písmeno latinky E s accentom", - Eacute: "Veľké písmeno latinky E s dĺžňom", - Ecirc: "Veľké písmeno latinky E s mäkčeňom", - Euml: "Veľké písmeno latinky E s dvoma bodkami", - Igrave: "Veľké písmeno latinky I s accentom", - Iacute: "Veľké písmeno latinky I s dĺžňom", - Icirc: "Veľké písmeno latinky I s mäkčeňom", - Iuml: "Veľké písmeno latinky I s dvoma bodkami", - ETH: "Veľké písmeno latinky Eth", - Ntilde: "Veľké písmeno latinky N s tildou", - Ograve: "Veľké písmeno latinky O s accentom", - Oacute: "Veľké písmeno latinky O s dĺžňom", - Ocirc: "Veľké písmeno latinky O s mäkčeňom", - Otilde: "Veľké písmeno latinky O s tildou", - Ouml: "Veľké písmeno latinky O s dvoma bodkami", - times: "Znak násobenia", - Oslash: "Veľké písmeno latinky O preškrtnuté", - Ugrave: "Veľké písmeno latinky U s accentom", - Uacute: "Veľké písmeno latinky U s dĺžňom", - Ucirc: "Veľké písmeno latinky U s mäkčeňom", - Uuml: "Veľké písmeno latinky U s dvoma bodkami", - Yacute: "Veľké písmeno latinky Y s dĺžňom", - THORN: "Veľké písmeno latinky Thorn", - szlig: "Malé písmeno latinky ostré s", - agrave: "Malé písmeno latinky a s accentom", - aacute: "Malé písmeno latinky a s dĺžňom", - acirc: "Malé písmeno latinky a s mäkčeňom", - atilde: "Malé písmeno latinky a s tildou", - auml: "Malé písmeno latinky a s dvoma bodkami", - aring: "Malé písmeno latinky a s krúžkom nad", - aelig: "Malé písmeno latinky æ", - ccedil: "Malé písmeno latinky c s chvostom vľavo", - egrave: "Malé písmeno latinky e s accentom", - eacute: "Malé písmeno latinky e s dĺžňom", - ecirc: "Malé písmeno latinky e s mäkčeňom", - euml: "Malé písmeno latinky e s dvoma bodkami", - igrave: "Malé písmeno latinky i s accentom", - iacute: "Malé písmeno latinky i s dĺžňom", - icirc: "Malé písmeno latinky i s mäkčeňom", - iuml: "Malé písmeno latinky i s dvoma bodkami", - eth: "Malé písmeno latinky eth", - ntilde: "Malé písmeno latinky n s tildou", - ograve: "Malé písmeno latinky o s accentom", - oacute: "Malé písmeno latinky o s dĺžňom", - ocirc: "Malé písmeno latinky o s mäkčeňom", - otilde: "Malé písmeno latinky o s tildou", - ouml: "Malé písmeno latinky o s dvoma bodkami", - divide: "Znak delenia", - oslash: "Malé písmeno latinky o preškrtnuté", - ugrave: "Malé písmeno latinky u s accentom", - uacute: "Malé písmeno latinky u s dĺžňom", - ucirc: "Malé písmeno latinky u s mäkčeňom", - uuml: "Malé písmeno latinky u s dvoma bodkami", - yacute: "Malé písmeno latinky y s dĺžňom", - thorn: "Malé písmeno latinky thorn", - yuml: "Malé písmeno latinky y s dvoma bodkami", - OElig: "Veľká ligatúra latinky OE", - oelig: "Malá ligatúra latinky OE", - 372: "Veľké písmeno latinky W s mäkčeňom", - 374: "Veľké písmeno latinky Y s mäkčeňom", - 373: "Malé písmeno latinky w s mäkčeňom", - 375: "Malé písmeno latinky y s mäkčeňom", - sbquo: "Dolná jednoduchá 9-úvodzovka", - 8219: "Horná jednoduchá otočená 9-úvodzovka", - bdquo: "Dolná dvojitá 9-úvodzovka", - hellip: "Trojbodkový úvod", - trade: "Znak ibchodnej značky", - 9658: "Čierny ukazovateľ smerujúci vpravo", - bull: "Kruh", - rarr: "Šípka vpravo", - rArr: "Dvojitá šipka vpravo", - hArr: "Dvojitá šipka vľavo a vpravo", - diams: "Čierne piky", - asymp: "Skoro sa rovná" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sl.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sl.js deleted file mode 100644 index 84759b6..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sl.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","sl",{euro:"Evro znak",lsquo:"Levi enojni narekovaj",rsquo:"Desni enojni narekovaj",ldquo:"Levi dvojni narekovaj",rdquo:"Desni dvojni narekovaj",ndash:"En pomišljaj",mdash:"Em pomišljaj",iexcl:"Obrnjen klicaj",cent:"Cent znak",pound:"Funt znak",curren:"Znak valute",yen:"Jen znak",brvbar:"Zlomljena črta",sect:"Znak oddelka",uml:"Diaeresis",copy:"Znak avtorskih pravic",ordf:"Ženski zaporedni kazalnik",laquo:"Levi obrnjen dvojni kotni narekovaj",not:"Ne znak",reg:"Registrirani znak", -macr:"Macron",deg:"Znak stopinj",sup2:"Nadpisano dva",sup3:"Nadpisano tri",acute:"Ostrivec",micro:"Mikro znak",para:"Pilcrow znak",middot:"Sredinska pika",cedil:"Cedilla",sup1:"Nadpisano ena",ordm:"Moški zaporedni kazalnik",raquo:"Desno obrnjen dvojni kotni narekovaj",frac14:"Ena četrtina",frac12:"Ena polovica",frac34:"Tri četrtine",iquest:"Obrnjen vprašaj",Agrave:"Velika latinska črka A s krativcem",Aacute:"Velika latinska črka A z ostrivcem",Acirc:"Velika latinska črka A s strešico",Atilde:"Velika latinska črka A z tildo", -Auml:"Velika latinska črka A z diaeresis-om",Aring:"Velika latinska črka A z obročem",AElig:"Velika latinska črka Æ",Ccedil:"Velika latinska črka C s cedillo",Egrave:"Velika latinska črka E s krativcem",Eacute:"Velika latinska črka E z ostrivcem",Ecirc:"Velika latinska črka E s strešico",Euml:"Velika latinska črka E z diaeresis-om",Igrave:"Velika latinska črka I s krativcem",Iacute:"Velika latinska črka I z ostrivcem",Icirc:"Velika latinska črka I s strešico",Iuml:"Velika latinska črka I z diaeresis-om", -ETH:"Velika latinska črka Eth",Ntilde:"Velika latinska črka N s tildo",Ograve:"Velika latinska črka O s krativcem",Oacute:"Velika latinska črka O z ostrivcem",Ocirc:"Velika latinska črka O s strešico",Otilde:"Velika latinska črka O s tildo",Ouml:"Velika latinska črka O z diaeresis-om",times:"Znak za množenje",Oslash:"Velika prečrtana latinska črka O",Ugrave:"Velika latinska črka U s krativcem",Uacute:"Velika latinska črka U z ostrivcem",Ucirc:"Velika latinska črka U s strešico",Uuml:"Velika latinska črka U z diaeresis-om", -Yacute:"Velika latinska črka Y z ostrivcem",THORN:"Velika latinska črka Thorn",szlig:"Mala ostra latinska črka s",agrave:"Mala latinska črka a s krativcem",aacute:"Mala latinska črka a z ostrivcem",acirc:"Mala latinska črka a s strešico",atilde:"Mala latinska črka a s tildo",auml:"Mala latinska črka a z diaeresis-om",aring:"Mala latinska črka a z obročem",aelig:"Mala latinska črka æ",ccedil:"Mala latinska črka c s cedillo",egrave:"Mala latinska črka e s krativcem",eacute:"Mala latinska črka e z ostrivcem", -ecirc:"Mala latinska črka e s strešico",euml:"Mala latinska črka e z diaeresis-om",igrave:"Mala latinska črka i s krativcem",iacute:"Mala latinska črka i z ostrivcem",icirc:"Mala latinska črka i s strešico",iuml:"Mala latinska črka i z diaeresis-om",eth:"Mala latinska črka eth",ntilde:"Mala latinska črka n s tildo",ograve:"Mala latinska črka o s krativcem",oacute:"Mala latinska črka o z ostrivcem",ocirc:"Mala latinska črka o s strešico",otilde:"Mala latinska črka o s tildo",ouml:"Mala latinska črka o z diaeresis-om", -divide:"Znak za deljenje",oslash:"Mala prečrtana latinska črka o",ugrave:"Mala latinska črka u s krativcem",uacute:"Mala latinska črka u z ostrivcem",ucirc:"Mala latinska črka u s strešico",uuml:"Mala latinska črka u z diaeresis-om",yacute:"Mala latinska črka y z ostrivcem",thorn:"Mala latinska črka thorn",yuml:"Mala latinska črka y z diaeresis-om",OElig:"Velika latinska ligatura OE",oelig:"Mala latinska ligatura oe",372:"Velika latinska črka W s strešico",374:"Velika latinska črka Y s strešico", -373:"Mala latinska črka w s strešico",375:"Mala latinska črka y s strešico",sbquo:"Enojni nizki-9 narekovaj",8219:"Enojni visoki-obrnjen-9 narekovaj",bdquo:"Dvojni nizki-9 narekovaj",hellip:"Horizontalni izpust",trade:"Znak blagovne znamke",9658:"Črni desno-usmerjen kazalec",bull:"Krogla",rarr:"Desno-usmerjena puščica",rArr:"Desno-usmerjena dvojna puščica",hArr:"Leva in desna dvojna puščica",diams:"Črna kara",asymp:"Skoraj enako"}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sq.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sq.js deleted file mode 100644 index c709800..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sq.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","sq",{euro:"Shenja e Euros",lsquo:"Thonjëza majtas me një vi",rsquo:"Thonjëza djathtas me një vi",ldquo:"Thonjëza majtas",rdquo:"Thonjëza djathtas",ndash:"En viza lidhëse",mdash:"Em viza lidhëse",iexcl:"Pikëçuditëse e përmbysur",cent:"Shenja e Centit",pound:"Shejna e Funtit",curren:"Shenja e valutës",yen:"Shenja e Jenit",brvbar:"Viza e këputur",sect:"Shenja e pjesës",uml:"Diaeresis",copy:"Shenja e të drejtave të kopjimit",ordf:"Feminine ordinal indicator",laquo:"Left-pointing double angle quotation mark", -not:"Nuk ka shenjë",reg:"Shenja e të regjistruarit",macr:"Macron",deg:"Shenja e shkallës",sup2:"Super-skripta dy",sup3:"Super-skripta tre",acute:"Theks i mprehtë",micro:"Shjenja e Mikros",para:"Pilcrow sign",middot:"Pika e Mesme",cedil:"Hark nën shkronja",sup1:"Super-skripta një",ordm:"Masculine ordinal indicator",raquo:"Right-pointing double angle quotation mark",frac14:"Thyesa një të katrat",frac12:"Thyesa një të dytat",frac34:"Thyesa tre të katrat",iquest:"Pikëpyetje e përmbysur",Agrave:"Shkronja e madhe latine A me theks të rëndë", -Aacute:"Shkronja e madhe latine A me theks akute",Acirc:"Shkronja e madhe latine A me theks lakor",Atilde:"Shkronja e madhe latine A me tildë",Auml:"Shkronja e madhe latine A me dy pika",Aring:"Shkronja e madhe latine A me unazë mbi",AElig:"Shkronja e madhe latine Æ",Ccedil:"Shkronja e madhe latine C me hark poshtë",Egrave:"Shkronja e madhe latine E me theks të rëndë",Eacute:"Shkronja e madhe latine E me theks akute",Ecirc:"Shkronja e madhe latine E me theks lakor",Euml:"Shkronja e madhe latine E me dy pika", -Igrave:"Shkronja e madhe latine I me theks të rëndë",Iacute:"Shkronja e madhe latine I me theks akute",Icirc:"Shkronja e madhe latine I me theks lakor",Iuml:"Shkronja e madhe latine I me dy pika",ETH:"Shkronja e madhe latine Eth",Ntilde:"Shkronja e madhe latine N me tildë",Ograve:"Shkronja e madhe latine O me theks të rëndë",Oacute:"Shkronja e madhe latine O me theks akute",Ocirc:"Shkronja e madhe latine O me theks lakor",Otilde:"Shkronja e madhe latine O me tildë",Ouml:"Shkronja e madhe latine O me dy pika", -times:"Shenja e shumëzimit",Oslash:"Shkronja e madhe latine O me vizë në mes",Ugrave:"Shkronja e madhe latine U me theks të rëndë",Uacute:"Shkronja e madhe latine U me theks akute",Ucirc:"Shkronja e madhe latine U me theks lakor",Uuml:"Shkronja e madhe latine U me dy pika",Yacute:"Shkronja e madhe latine Y me theks akute",THORN:"Shkronja e madhe latine Thorn",szlig:"Shkronja e vogë latine s e mprehtë",agrave:"Shkronja e vogë latine a me theks të rëndë",aacute:"Shkronja e vogë latine a me theks të mprehtë", -acirc:"Shkronja e vogël latine a me theks lakor",atilde:"Shkronja e vogël latine a me tildë",auml:"Shkronja e vogël latine a me dy pika",aring:"Shkronja e vogë latine a me unazë mbi",aelig:"Shkronja e vogë latine æ",ccedil:"Shkronja e vogël latine c me hark poshtë",egrave:"Shkronja e vogë latine e me theks të rëndë",eacute:"Shkronja e vogë latine e me theks të mprehtë",ecirc:"Shkronja e vogël latine e me theks lakor",euml:"Shkronja e vogël latine e me dy pika",igrave:"Shkronja e vogë latine i me theks të rëndë", -iacute:"Shkronja e vogë latine i me theks të mprehtë",icirc:"Shkronja e vogël latine i me theks lakor",iuml:"Shkronja e vogël latine i me dy pika",eth:"Shkronja e vogë latine eth",ntilde:"Shkronja e vogël latine n me tildë",ograve:"Shkronja e vogë latine o me theks të rëndë",oacute:"Shkronja e vogë latine o me theks të mprehtë",ocirc:"Shkronja e vogël latine o me theks lakor",otilde:"Shkronja e vogël latine o me tildë",ouml:"Shkronja e vogël latine o me dy pika",divide:"Shenja ndarëse",oslash:"Shkronja e vogël latine o me vizë në mes", -ugrave:"Shkronja e vogë latine u me theks të rëndë",uacute:"Shkronja e vogë latine u me theks të mprehtë",ucirc:"Shkronja e vogël latine u me theks lakor",uuml:"Shkronja e vogël latine u me dy pika",yacute:"Shkronja e vogë latine y me theks të mprehtë",thorn:"Shkronja e vogël latine thorn",yuml:"Shkronja e vogël latine y me dy pika",OElig:"Shkronja e madhe e bashkuar latine OE",oelig:"Shkronja e vogël e bashkuar latine oe",372:"Shkronja e madhe latine W me theks lakor",374:"Shkronja e madhe latine Y me theks lakor", -373:"Shkronja e vogël latine w me theks lakor",375:"Shkronja e vogël latine y me theks lakor",sbquo:"Single low-9 quotation mark",8219:"Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark",bdquo:"Double low-9 quotation mark",hellip:"Horizontal ellipsis",trade:"Shenja e Simbolit Tregtarë",9658:"Black right-pointing pointer",bull:"Pulla",rarr:"Shigjeta djathtas",rArr:"Shenja të dyfishta djathtas",hArr:"Shigjeta e dyfishë majtas-djathtas",diams:"Black diamond suit",asymp:"Gati e barabar me"}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sv.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sv.js deleted file mode 100644 index fb57c4f..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/sv.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "sv", { - euro: "Eurotecken", - lsquo: "Enkelt vänster citattecken", - rsquo: "Enkelt höger citattecken", - ldquo: "Dubbelt vänster citattecken", - rdquo: "Dubbelt höger citattecken", - ndash: "Snedstreck", - mdash: "Långt tankstreck", - iexcl: "Inverterad utropstecken", - cent: "Centtecken", - pound: "Pundtecken", - curren: "Valutatecken", - yen: "Yentecken", - brvbar: "Brutet lodrätt streck", - sect: "Paragraftecken", - uml: "Diaeresis", - copy: "Upphovsrättstecken", - ordf: "Feminit ordningstalsindikator", - laquo: "Vänsterställt dubbelt vinkelcitationstecken", - not: "Icke-tecken", - reg: "Registrerad", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "Grader", - sup2: "Upphöjt två", - sup3: "Upphöjt tre", - acute: "Akut accent", - micro: "Mikrotecken", - para: "Alinea", - middot: "Centrerad prick", - cedil: "Cedilj", - sup1: "Upphöjt en", - ordm: "Maskulina ordningsändelsen", - raquo: "Högerställt dubbelt vinkelcitationstecken", - frac14: "Bråktal - en kvart", - frac12: "Bråktal - en halv", - frac34: "Bråktal - tre fjärdedelar", - iquest: "Inverterat frågetecken", - Agrave: "Stort A med grav accent", - Aacute: "Stort A med akutaccent", - Acirc: "Stort A med circumflex", - Atilde: "Stort A med tilde", - Auml: "Stort A med diaresis", - Aring: "Stort A med ring ovan", - AElig: "Stort Æ", - Ccedil: "Stort C med cedilj", - Egrave: "Stort E med grav accent", - Eacute: "Stort E med aktuaccent", - Ecirc: "Stort E med circumflex", - Euml: "Stort E med diaeresis", - Igrave: "Stort I med grav accent", - Iacute: "Stort I med akutaccent", - Icirc: "Stort I med circumflex", - Iuml: "Stort I med diaeresis", - ETH: "Stort Eth", - Ntilde: "Stort N med tilde", - Ograve: "Stort O med grav accent", - Oacute: "Stort O med aktuaccent", - Ocirc: "Stort O med circumflex", - Otilde: "Stort O med tilde", - Ouml: "Stort O med diaeresis", - times: "Multiplicera", - Oslash: "Stor Ø", - Ugrave: "Stort U med grav accent", - Uacute: "Stort U med akutaccent", - Ucirc: "Stort U med circumflex", - Uuml: "Stort U med diaeresis", - Yacute: "Stort Y med akutaccent", - THORN: "Stort Thorn", - szlig: "Litet dubbel-s/Eszett", - agrave: "Litet a med grav accent", - aacute: "Litet a med akutaccent", - acirc: "Litet a med circumflex", - atilde: "Litet a med tilde", - auml: "Litet a med diaeresis", - aring: "Litet a med ring ovan", - aelig: "Bokstaven æ", - ccedil: "Litet c med cedilj", - egrave: "Litet e med grav accent", - eacute: "Litet e med akutaccent", - ecirc: "Litet e med circumflex", - euml: "Litet e med diaeresis", - igrave: "Litet i med grav accent", - iacute: "Litet i med akutaccent", - icirc: "LItet i med circumflex", - iuml: "Litet i med didaeresis", - eth: "Litet eth", - ntilde: "Litet n med tilde", - ograve: "LItet o med grav accent", - oacute: "LItet o med akutaccent", - ocirc: "Litet o med circumflex", - otilde: "LItet o med tilde", - ouml: "Litet o med diaeresis", - divide: "Division", - oslash: "ø", - ugrave: "Litet u med grav accent", - uacute: "Litet u med akutaccent", - ucirc: "LItet u med circumflex", - uuml: "Litet u med diaeresis", - yacute: "Litet y med akutaccent", - thorn: "Litet thorn", - yuml: "Litet y med diaeresis", - OElig: "Stor ligatur av OE", - oelig: "Liten ligatur av oe", - 372: "Stort W med circumflex", - 374: "Stort Y med circumflex", - 373: "Litet w med circumflex", - 375: "Litet y med circumflex", - sbquo: "Enkelt lågt 9-citationstecken", - 8219: "Enkelt högt bakvänt 9-citationstecken", - bdquo: "Dubbelt lågt 9-citationstecken", - hellip: "Horisontellt uteslutningstecken", - trade: "Varumärke", - 9658: "Svart högervänd pekare", - bull: "Listpunkt", - rarr: "Högerpil", - rArr: "Dubbel högerpil", - hArr: "Dubbel vänsterpil", - diams: "Svart ruter", - asymp: "Ungefär lika med" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/th.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/th.js deleted file mode 100644 index 8acef7d..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/th.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "th", { - euro: "Euro sign", - lsquo: "Left single quotation mark", - rsquo: "Right single quotation mark", - ldquo: "Left double quotation mark", - rdquo: "Right double quotation mark", - ndash: "En dash", - mdash: "Em dash", - iexcl: "Inverted exclamation mark", - cent: "Cent sign", - pound: "Pound sign", - curren: "สัญลักษณ์สกุลเงิน", - yen: "สัญลักษณ์เงินเยน", - brvbar: "Broken bar", - sect: "Section sign", - uml: "Diaeresis", - copy: "Copyright sign", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", - laquo: "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark", - not: "Not sign", - reg: "Registered sign", - macr: "Macron", - deg: "Degree sign", - sup2: "Superscript two", - sup3: "Superscript three", - acute: "Acute accent", - micro: "Micro sign", - para: "Pilcrow sign", - middot: "Middle dot", - cedil: "Cedilla", - sup1: "Superscript one", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark", - frac14: "Vulgar fraction one quarter", - frac12: "Vulgar fraction one half", - frac34: "Vulgar fraction three quarters", - iquest: "Inverted question mark", - Agrave: "Latin capital letter A with grave accent", - Aacute: "Latin capital letter A with acute accent", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Latin capital letter A with tilde", - Auml: "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis", - Aring: "Latin capital letter A with ring above", - AElig: "Latin Capital letter Æ", - Ccedil: "Latin capital letter C with cedilla", - Egrave: "Latin capital letter E with grave accent", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "Latin capital letter I with grave accent", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "Latin capital letter Eth", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "Latin capital letter O with grave accent", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis", - times: "Multiplication sign", - Oslash: "Latin capital letter O with stroke", - Ugrave: "Latin capital letter U with grave accent", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Latin capital letter U with circumflex", - Uuml: "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "Latin capital letter Thorn", - szlig: "Latin small letter sharp s", - agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave accent", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", - atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", - auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "Latin small letter æ", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave accent", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave accent", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "Latin small letter eth", - ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", - ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave accent", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "Division sign", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave accent", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", - trade: "Trade mark sign", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "สัญลักษณ์หัวข้อย่อย", - rarr: "Rightwards arrow", - rArr: "Rightwards double arrow", - hArr: "Left right double arrow", - diams: "Black diamond suit", - asymp: "Almost equal to" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/tr.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/tr.js deleted file mode 100644 index 49f98d3..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/tr.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "tr", { - euro: "Euro işareti", - lsquo: "Sol tek tırnak işareti", - rsquo: "Sağ tek tırnak işareti", - ldquo: "Sol çift tırnak işareti", - rdquo: "Sağ çift tırnak işareti", - ndash: "En tire", - mdash: "Em tire", - iexcl: "Ters ünlem işareti", - cent: "Cent işareti", - pound: "Pound işareti", - curren: "Para birimi işareti", - yen: "Yen işareti", - brvbar: "Kırık bar", - sect: "Bölüm işareti", - uml: "İki sesli harfin ayrılması", - copy: "Telif hakkı işareti", - ordf: "Dişil sıralı gösterge", - laquo: "Sol-işaret çift açı tırnak işareti", - not: "Not işareti", - reg: "Kayıtlı işareti", - macr: "Makron", - deg: "Derece işareti", - sup2: "İkili üstsimge", - sup3: "Üçlü üstsimge", - acute: "Aksan işareti", - micro: "Mikro işareti", - para: "Pilcrow işareti", - middot: "Orta nokta", - cedil: "Kedilla", - sup1: "Üstsimge", - ordm: "Eril sıralı gösterge", - raquo: "Sağ işaret çift açı tırnak işareti", - frac14: "Bayağı kesrin dörtte biri", - frac12: "Bayağı kesrin bir yarım", - frac34: "Bayağı kesrin dörtte üç", - iquest: "Ters soru işareti", - Agrave: "Aksanlı latin harfi", - Aacute: "Aşırı aksanıyla Latin harfi", - Acirc: "Çarpık Latin harfi", - Atilde: "Tilde latin harfi", - Auml: "Sesli harf ayrılımlıı latin harfi", - Aring: "Halkalı latin büyük A harfi", - AElig: "Latin büyük Æ harfi", - Ccedil: "Latin büyük C harfi ile kedilla", - Egrave: "Aksanlı latin büyük E harfi", - Eacute: "Aşırı vurgulu latin büyük E harfi", - Ecirc: "Çarpık latin büyük E harfi", - Euml: "Sesli harf ayrılımlıı latin büyük E harfi", - Igrave: "Aksanlı latin büyük I harfi", - Iacute: "Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük I harfi", - Icirc: "Çarpık latin büyük I harfi", - Iuml: "Sesli harf ayrılımlıı latin büyük I harfi", - ETH: "Latin büyük Eth harfi", - Ntilde: "Tildeli latin büyük N harfi", - Ograve: "Aksanlı latin büyük O harfi", - Oacute: "Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük O harfi", - Ocirc: "Çarpık latin büyük O harfi", - Otilde: "Tildeli latin büyük O harfi", - Ouml: "Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin büyük O harfi", - times: "Çarpma işareti", - Oslash: "Vurgulu latin büyük O harfi", - Ugrave: "Aksanlı latin büyük U harfi", - Uacute: "Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük U harfi", - Ucirc: "Çarpık latin büyük U harfi", - Uuml: "Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin büyük U harfi", - Yacute: "Aşırı aksanlı latin büyük Y harfi", - THORN: "Latin büyük Thorn harfi", - szlig: "Latin küçük keskin s harfi", - agrave: "Aksanlı latin küçük a harfi", - aacute: "Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük a harfi", - acirc: "Çarpık latin küçük a harfi", - atilde: "Tildeli latin küçük a harfi", - auml: "Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük a harfi", - aring: "Halkalı latin küçük a harfi", - aelig: "Latin büyük æ harfi", - ccedil: "Kedillalı latin küçük c harfi", - egrave: "Aksanlı latin küçük e harfi", - eacute: "Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük e harfi", - ecirc: "Çarpık latin küçük e harfi", - euml: "Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük e harfi", - igrave: "Aksanlı latin küçük i harfi", - iacute: "Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük i harfi", - icirc: "Çarpık latin küçük i harfi", - iuml: "Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük i harfi", - eth: "Latin küçük eth harfi", - ntilde: "Tildeli latin küçük n harfi", - ograve: "Aksanlı latin küçük o harfi", - oacute: "Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük o harfi", - ocirc: "Çarpık latin küçük o harfi", - otilde: "Tildeli latin küçük o harfi", - ouml: "Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük o harfi", - divide: "Bölme işareti", - oslash: "Vurgulu latin küçük o harfi", - ugrave: "Aksanlı latin küçük u harfi", - uacute: "Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük u harfi", - ucirc: "Çarpık latin küçük u harfi", - uuml: "Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük u harfi", - yacute: "Aşırı aksanlı latin küçük y harfi", - thorn: "Latin küçük thorn harfi", - yuml: "Sesli harf ayrılımlı latin küçük y harfi", - OElig: "Latin büyük bağlı OE harfi", - oelig: "Latin küçük bağlı oe harfi", - 372: "Çarpık latin büyük W harfi", - 374: "Çarpık latin büyük Y harfi", - 373: "Çarpık latin küçük w harfi", - 375: "Çarpık latin küçük y harfi", - sbquo: "Tek düşük-9 tırnak işareti", - 8219: "Tek yüksek-ters-9 tırnak işareti", - bdquo: "Çift düşük-9 tırnak işareti", - hellip: "Yatay elips", - trade: "Marka tescili işareti", - 9658: "Siyah sağ işaret işaretçisi", - bull: "Koyu nokta", - rarr: "Sağa doğru ok", - rArr: "Sağa doğru çift ok", - hArr: "Sol, sağ çift ok", - diams: "Siyah elmas takımı", - asymp: "Hemen hemen eşit" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/tt.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/tt.js deleted file mode 100644 index 555aaf9..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/tt.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "tt", { - euro: "Евро тамгасы", - lsquo: "Сул бер иңле куштырнаклар", - rsquo: "Уң бер иңле куштырнаклар", - ldquo: "Сул ике иңле куштырнаклар", - rdquo: "Уң ике иңле куштырнаклар", - ndash: "Кыска сызык", - mdash: "Озын сызык", - iexcl: "Әйләндерелгән өндәү билгесе", - cent: "Цент тамгасы", - pound: "Фунт тамгасы", - curren: "Акча берәмлеге тамгасы", - yen: "Иена тамгасы", - brvbar: "Broken bar", - sect: "Section sign", - uml: "Диерезис", - copy: "Хокук иясе булу билгесе", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", - laquo: "Ачылучы чыршысыман җәя", - not: "Not sign", - reg: "Теркәләнгән булу билгесе", - macr: "Макрон", - deg: "Градус билгесе", - sup2: "Икенче өске индекс", - sup3: "Өченче өске индекс", - acute: "Басым билгесе", - micro: "Микро билгесе", - para: "Параграф билгесе", - middot: "Middle dot", - cedil: "Седиль", - sup1: "Беренче өске индекс", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "Ябылучы чыршысыман җәя", - frac14: "Гади дүрттән бер билгесе", - frac12: "Гади икедән бер билгесе", - frac34: "Гади дүрттән өч билгесе", - iquest: "Әйләндерелгән өндәү билгесе", - Agrave: "Гравис белән латин A баш хәрефе", - Aacute: "Басым билгесе белән латин A баш хәрефе", - Acirc: "Циркумфлекс белән латин A баш хәрефе", - Atilde: "Тильда белән латин A баш хәрефе", - Auml: "Диерезис белән латин A баш хәрефе", - Aring: "Өстендә боҗра булган латин A баш хәрефе", - AElig: "Латин Æ баш хәрефе", - Ccedil: "Седиль белән латин C баш хәрефе", - Egrave: "Гравис белән латин E баш хәрефе", - Eacute: "Басым билгесе белән латин E баш хәрефе", - Ecirc: "Циркумфлекс белән латин E баш хәрефе", - Euml: "Диерезис белән латин E баш хәрефе", - Igrave: "Гравис белән латин I баш хәрефе", - Iacute: "Басым билгесе белән латин I баш хәрефе", - Icirc: "Циркумфлекс белән латин I баш хәрефе", - Iuml: "Диерезис белән латин I баш хәрефе", - ETH: "Латин Eth баш хәрефе", - Ntilde: "Тильда белән латин N баш хәрефе", - Ograve: "Гравис белән латин O баш хәрефе", - Oacute: "Басым билгесе белән латин O баш хәрефе", - Ocirc: "Циркумфлекс белән латин O баш хәрефе", - Otilde: "Тильда белән латин O баш хәрефе", - Ouml: "Диерезис белән латин O баш хәрефе", - times: "Тапкырлау билгесе", - Oslash: "Сызык белән латин O баш хәрефе", - Ugrave: "Гравис белән латин U баш хәрефе", - Uacute: "Басым билгесе белән латин U баш хәрефе", - Ucirc: "Циркумфлекс белән латин U баш хәрефе", - Uuml: "Диерезис белән латин U баш хәрефе", - Yacute: "Басым билгесе белән латин Y баш хәрефе", - THORN: "Латин Thorn баш хәрефе", - szlig: "Латин beta юл хәрефе", - agrave: "Гравис белән латин a юл хәрефе", - aacute: "Басым билгесе белән латин a юл хәрефе", - acirc: "Циркумфлекс белән латин a юл хәрефе", - atilde: "Тильда белән латин a юл хәрефе", - auml: "Диерезис белән латин a юл хәрефе", - aring: "Өстендә боҗра булган латин a юл хәрефе", - aelig: "Латин æ юл хәрефе", - ccedil: "Седиль белән латин c юл хәрефе", - egrave: "Гравис белән латин e юл хәрефе", - eacute: "Басым билгесе белән латин e юл хәрефе", - ecirc: "Циркумфлекс белән латин e юл хәрефе", - euml: "Диерезис белән латин e юл хәрефе", - igrave: "Гравис белән латин i юл хәрефе", - iacute: "Басым билгесе белән латин i юл хәрефе", - icirc: "Циркумфлекс белән латин i юл хәрефе", - iuml: "Диерезис белән латин i юл хәрефе", - eth: "Латин eth юл хәрефе", - ntilde: "Тильда белән латин n юл хәрефе", - ograve: "Гравис белән латин o юл хәрефе", - oacute: "Басым билгесе белән латин o юл хәрефе", - ocirc: "Циркумфлекс белән латин o юл хәрефе", - otilde: "Тильда белән латин o юл хәрефе", - ouml: "Диерезис белән латин o юл хәрефе", - divide: "Бүлү билгесе", - oslash: "Сызык белән латин o юл хәрефе", - ugrave: "Гравис белән латин u юл хәрефе", - uacute: "Басым билгесе белән латин u юл хәрефе", - ucirc: "Циркумфлекс белән латин u юл хәрефе", - uuml: "Диерезис белән латин u юл хәрефе", - yacute: "Басым билгесе белән латин y юл хәрефе", - thorn: "Латин thorn юл хәрефе", - yuml: "Диерезис белән латин y юл хәрефе", - OElig: "Латин лигатура OE баш хәрефе", - oelig: "Латин лигатура oe юл хәрефе", - 372: "Циркумфлекс белән латин W баш хәрефе", - 374: "Циркумфлекс белән латин Y баш хәрефе", - 373: "Циркумфлекс белән латин w юл хәрефе", - 375: "Циркумфлекс белән латин y юл хәрефе", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Ятма эллипс", - trade: "Сәүдә маркасы билгесе", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "Bullet", - rarr: "Rightwards arrow", - rArr: "Rightwards double arrow", - hArr: "Left right double arrow", - diams: "Black diamond suit", - asymp: "Almost equal to" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ug.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ug.js deleted file mode 100644 index 3f50161..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/ug.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "ug", { - euro: "ياۋرو بەلگىسى", - lsquo: "يالاڭ پەش سول", - rsquo: "يالاڭ پەش ئوڭ", - ldquo: "قوش پەش سول", - rdquo: "قوش پەش ئوڭ", - ndash: "سىزىقچە", - mdash: "سىزىق", - iexcl: "ئۈندەش", - cent: "تىيىن بەلگىسى", - pound: "فوند ستېرلىڭ", - curren: "پۇل بەلگىسى", - yen: "ياپونىيە يىنى", - brvbar: "ئۈزۈك بالداق", - sect: "پاراگراف بەلگىسى", - uml: "تاۋۇش ئايرىش بەلگىسى", - copy: "نەشر ھوقۇقى بەلگىسى", - ordf: "Feminine ordinal indicator", - laquo: "قوش تىرناق سول", - not: "غەيرى بەلگە", - reg: "خەتلەتكەن تاۋار ماركىسى", - macr: "سوزۇش بەلگىسى", - deg: "گىرادۇس بەلگىسى", - sup2: "يۇقىرى ئىندېكىس 2", - sup3: "يۇقىرى ئىندېكىس 3", - acute: "ئۇرغۇ بەلگىسى", - micro: "Micro sign", - para: "ئابزاس بەلگىسى", - middot: "ئوتتۇرا چېكىت", - cedil: "ئاستىغا قوشۇلىدىغان بەلگە", - sup1: "يۇقىرى ئىندېكىس 1", - ordm: "Masculine ordinal indicator", - raquo: "قوش تىرناق ئوڭ", - frac14: "ئاددىي كەسىر تۆتتىن بىر", - frac12: "ئاددىي كەسىر ئىككىدىن بىر", - frac34: "ئاددىي كەسىر ئۈچتىن تۆرت", - iquest: "Inverted question mark", - Agrave: "Latin capital letter A with grave accent", - Aacute: "Latin capital letter A with acute accent", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Latin capital letter A with tilde", - Auml: "Latin capital letter A with diaeresis", - Aring: "Latin capital letter A with ring above", - AElig: "Latin Capital letter Æ", - Ccedil: "Latin capital letter C with cedilla", - Egrave: "Latin capital letter E with grave accent", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "Latin capital letter I with grave accent", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "Latin capital letter Eth", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "قوش پەش ئوڭ", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis", - times: "Multiplication sign", - Oslash: "Latin capital letter O with stroke", - Ugrave: "Latin capital letter U with grave accent", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Latin capital letter U with circumflex", - Uuml: "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "Latin capital letter Thorn", - szlig: "Latin small letter sharp s", - agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave accent", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", - atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", - auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "Latin small letter æ", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave accent", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave accent", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "Latin small letter eth", - ntilde: "تىك موللاق سوئال بەلگىسى", - ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave accent", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "بۆلۈش بەلگىسى", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave accent", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", - trade: "خەتلەتكەن تاۋار ماركىسى بەلگىسى", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "Bullet", - rarr: "ئوڭ يا ئوق", - rArr: "ئوڭ قوش سىزىق يا ئوق", - hArr: "ئوڭ سول قوش سىزىق يا ئوق", - diams: "ئۇيۇل غىچ", - asymp: "تەخمىنەن تەڭ" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/uk.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/uk.js deleted file mode 100644 index aa28b63..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/uk.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "uk", { - euro: "Знак євро", - lsquo: "Ліві одинарні лапки", - rsquo: "Праві одинарні лапки", - ldquo: "Ліві подвійні лапки", - rdquo: "Праві подвійні лапки", - ndash: "Середнє тире", - mdash: "Довге тире", - iexcl: "Перевернутий знак оклику", - cent: "Знак цента", - pound: "Знак фунта", - curren: "Знак валюти", - yen: "Знак єни", - brvbar: "Переривчаста вертикальна лінія", - sect: "Знак параграфу", - uml: "Умлаут", - copy: "Знак авторських прав", - ordf: "Жіночий порядковий вказівник", - laquo: "ліві вказівні подвійні кутові дужки", - not: "Заперечення", - reg: "Знак охорони суміжних прав", - macr: "Макрон", - deg: "Знак градуса", - sup2: "два у верхньому індексі", - sup3: "три у верхньому індексі", - acute: "Знак акута", - micro: "Знак мікро", - para: "Знак абзацу", - middot: "Інтерпункт", - cedil: "Седиль", - sup1: "Один у верхньому індексі", - ordm: "Чоловічий порядковий вказівник", - raquo: "праві вказівні подвійні кутові дужки", - frac14: "Одна четвертина", - frac12: "Одна друга", - frac34: "три четвертих", - iquest: "Перевернутий знак питання", - Agrave: "Велика латинська A з гравісом", - Aacute: "Велика латинська А з акутом", - Acirc: "Велика латинська А з циркумфлексом", - Atilde: "Велика латинська А з тильдою", - Auml: "Велике латинське А з умлаутом", - Aring: "Велика латинська A з кільцем згори", - AElig: "Велика латинська Æ", - Ccedil: "Велика латинська C з седиллю", - Egrave: "Велика латинська E з гравісом", - Eacute: "Велика латинська E з акутом", - Ecirc: "Велика латинська E з циркумфлексом", - Euml: "Велика латинська А з умлаутом", - Igrave: "Велика латинська I з гравісом", - Iacute: "Велика латинська I з акутом", - Icirc: "Велика латинська I з циркумфлексом", - Iuml: "Велика латинська І з умлаутом", - ETH: "Велика латинська Eth", - Ntilde: "Велика латинська N з тильдою", - Ograve: "Велика латинська O з гравісом", - Oacute: "Велика латинська O з акутом", - Ocirc: "Велика латинська O з циркумфлексом", - Otilde: "Велика латинська O з тильдою", - Ouml: "Велика латинська О з умлаутом", - times: "Знак множення", - Oslash: "Велика латинська перекреслена O ", - Ugrave: "Велика латинська U з гравісом", - Uacute: "Велика латинська U з акутом", - Ucirc: "Велика латинська U з циркумфлексом", - Uuml: "Велика латинська U з умлаутом", - Yacute: "Велика латинська Y з акутом", - THORN: "Велика латинська Торн", - szlig: "Мала латинська есцет", - agrave: "Мала латинська a з гравісом", - aacute: "Мала латинська a з акутом", - acirc: "Мала латинська a з циркумфлексом", - atilde: "Мала латинська a з тильдою", - auml: "Мала латинська a з умлаутом", - aring: "Мала латинська a з кільцем згори", - aelig: "Мала латинська æ", - ccedil: "Мала латинська C з седиллю", - egrave: "Мала латинська e з гравісом", - eacute: "Мала латинська e з акутом", - ecirc: "Мала латинська e з циркумфлексом", - euml: "Мала латинська e з умлаутом", - igrave: "Мала латинська i з гравісом", - iacute: "Мала латинська i з акутом", - icirc: "Мала латинська i з циркумфлексом", - iuml: "Мала латинська i з умлаутом", - eth: "Мала латинська Eth", - ntilde: "Мала латинська n з тильдою", - ograve: "Мала латинська o з гравісом", - oacute: "Мала латинська o з акутом", - ocirc: "Мала латинська o з циркумфлексом", - otilde: "Мала латинська o з тильдою", - ouml: "Мала латинська o з умлаутом", - divide: "Знак ділення", - oslash: "Мала латинська перекреслена o", - ugrave: "Мала латинська u з гравісом", - uacute: "Мала латинська u з акутом", - ucirc: "Мала латинська u з циркумфлексом", - uuml: "Мала латинська u з умлаутом", - yacute: "Мала латинська y з акутом", - thorn: "Мала латинська торн", - yuml: "Мала латинська y з умлаутом", - OElig: "Велика латинська лігатура OE", - oelig: "Мала латинська лігатура oe", - 372: "Велика латинська W з циркумфлексом", - 374: "Велика латинська Y з циркумфлексом", - 373: "Мала латинська w з циркумфлексом", - 375: "Мала латинська y з циркумфлексом", - sbquo: "Одиничні нижні лабки", - 8219: "Верхні одиничні обернені лабки", - bdquo: "Подвійні нижні лабки", - hellip: "Три крапки", - trade: "Знак торгової марки", - 9658: "Чорний правий вказівник", - bull: "Маркер списку", - rarr: "Стрілка вправо", - rArr: "Подвійна стрілка вправо", - hArr: "Подвійна стрілка вліво-вправо", - diams: "Чорний діамонт", - asymp: "Наближено дорівнює" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/vi.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/vi.js deleted file mode 100644 index cfd8573..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/vi.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "vi", { - euro: "Ký hiệu Euro", - lsquo: "Dấu ngoặc đơn trái", - rsquo: "Dấu ngoặc đơn phải", - ldquo: "Dấu ngoặc đôi trái", - rdquo: "Dấu ngoặc đôi phải", - ndash: "Gạch ngang tiếng anh", - mdash: "Gạch ngang Em", - iexcl: "Chuyển đổi dấu chấm than", - cent: "Ký tự tiền Mỹ", - pound: "Ký tự tiền Anh", - curren: "Ký tự tiền tệ", - yen: "Ký tự tiền Yên Nhật", - brvbar: "Thanh hỏng", - sect: "Ký tự khu vực", - uml: "Dấu tách đôi", - copy: "Ký tự bản quyền", - ordf: "Phần chỉ thị giống cái", - laquo: "Chọn dấu ngoặc đôi trái", - not: "Không có ký tự", - reg: "Ký tự đăng ký", - macr: "Dấu nguyên âm dài", - deg: "Ký tự độ", - sup2: "Chữ trồi lên trên dạng 2", - sup3: "Chữ trồi lên trên dạng 3", - acute: "Dấu trọng âm", - micro: "Ký tự micro", - para: "Ký tự đoạn văn", - middot: "Dấu chấm tròn", - cedil: "Dấu móc lưới", - sup1: "Ký tự trồi lên cấp 1", - ordm: "Ký tự biểu hiện giống đực", - raquo: "Chọn dấu ngoặc đôi phải", - frac14: "Tỉ lệ một phần tư", - frac12: "Tỉ lệ một nửa", - frac34: "Tỉ lệ ba phần tư", - iquest: "Chuyển đổi dấu chấm hỏi", - Agrave: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa A với dấu huyền", - Aacute: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa A với dấu sắc", - Acirc: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa A với dấu mũ", - Atilde: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa A với dấu ngã", - Auml: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa A với dấu hai chấm trên đầu", - Aring: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa A với biểu tượng vòng tròn trên đầu", - AElig: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa của Æ", - Ccedil: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa C với dấu móc bên dưới", - Egrave: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa E với dấu huyền", - Eacute: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa E với dấu sắc", - Ecirc: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa E với dấu mũ", - Euml: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa E với dấu hai chấm trên đầu", - Igrave: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa I với dấu huyền", - Iacute: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa I với dấu sắc", - Icirc: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa I với dấu mũ", - Iuml: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa I với dấu hai chấm trên đầu", - ETH: "Viết hoa của ký tự Eth", - Ntilde: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa N với dấu ngã", - Ograve: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa O với dấu huyền", - Oacute: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa O với dấu sắc", - Ocirc: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa O với dấu mũ", - Otilde: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa O với dấu ngã", - Ouml: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa O với dấu hai chấm trên đầu", - times: "Ký tự phép toán nhân", - Oslash: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa A với dấu ngã xuống", - Ugrave: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa U với dấu huyền", - Uacute: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa U với dấu sắc", - Ucirc: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa U với dấu mũ", - Uuml: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa U với dấu hai chấm trên đầu", - Yacute: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa Y với dấu sắc", - THORN: "Phần viết hoa của ký tự Thorn", - szlig: "Ký tự viết nhỏ la-tinh của chữ s", - agrave: "Ký tự la-tinh thường với dấu huyền", - aacute: "Ký tự la-tinh thường với dấu sắc", - acirc: "Ký tự la-tinh thường với dấu mũ", - atilde: "Ký tự la-tinh thường với dấu ngã", - auml: "Ký tự la-tinh thường với dấu hai chấm trên đầu", - aring: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường với biểu tượng vòng tròn trên đầu", - aelig: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường của æ", - ccedil: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường của c với dấu móc bên dưới", - egrave: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường e với dấu huyền", - eacute: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường e với dấu sắc", - ecirc: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường e với dấu mũ", - euml: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường e với dấu hai chấm trên đầu", - igrave: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường i với dấu huyền", - iacute: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường i với dấu sắc", - icirc: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường i với dấu mũ", - iuml: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường i với dấu hai chấm trên đầu", - eth: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường của eth", - ntilde: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường n với dấu ngã", - ograve: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường o với dấu huyền", - oacute: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường o với dấu sắc", - ocirc: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường o với dấu mũ", - otilde: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường o với dấu ngã", - ouml: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường o với dấu hai chấm trên đầu", - divide: "Ký hiệu phép tính chia", - oslash: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường o với dấu ngã", - ugrave: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường u với dấu huyền", - uacute: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường u với dấu sắc", - ucirc: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường u với dấu mũ", - uuml: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường u với dấu hai chấm trên đầu", - yacute: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường y với dấu sắc", - thorn: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường của chữ thorn", - yuml: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường y với dấu hai chấm trên đầu", - OElig: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa gạch nối OE", - oelig: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường gạch nối OE", - 372: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa W với dấu mũ", - 374: "Ký tự la-tinh viết hoa Y với dấu mũ", - 373: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường w với dấu mũ", - 375: "Ký tự la-tinh viết thường y với dấu mũ", - sbquo: "Dấu ngoặc đơn thấp số-9", - 8219: "Dấu ngoặc đơn đảo ngược số-9", - bdquo: "Gấp đôi dấu ngoặc đơn số-9", - hellip: "Tĩnh dược chiều ngang", - trade: "Ký tự thương hiệu", - 9658: "Ký tự trỏ về hướng bên phải màu đen", - bull: "Ký hiệu", - rarr: "Mũi tên hướng bên phải", - rArr: "Mũi tên hướng bên phải dạng đôi", - hArr: "Mũi tên hướng bên trái dạng đôi", - diams: "Ký hiệu hình thoi", - asymp: "Gần bằng với" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js deleted file mode 100644 index 6896e91..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/zh-cn.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar","zh-cn",{euro:"欧元符号",lsquo:"左单引号",rsquo:"右单引号",ldquo:"左双引号",rdquo:"右双引号",ndash:"短划线",mdash:"长划线",iexcl:"竖翻叹号",cent:"分币符号",pound:"英镑符号",curren:"货币符号",yen:"日元符号",brvbar:"间断条",sect:"节标记",uml:"分音符",copy:"版权所有标记",ordf:"阴性顺序指示符",laquo:"左指双尖引号",not:"非标记",reg:"注册标记",macr:"长音符",deg:"度标记",sup2:"上标二",sup3:"上标三",acute:"锐音符",micro:"微符",para:"段落标记",middot:"中间点",cedil:"下加符",sup1:"上标一",ordm:"阳性顺序指示符",raquo:"右指双尖引号",frac14:"普通分数四分之一",frac12:"普通分数二分之一",frac34:"普通分数四分之三",iquest:"竖翻问号", -Agrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 A",Aacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 A",Acirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 A",Atilde:"带颚化符的拉丁文大写字母 A",Auml:"带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 A",Aring:"带上圆圈的拉丁文大写字母 A",AElig:"拉丁文大写字母 Ae",Ccedil:"带下加符的拉丁文大写字母 C",Egrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 E",Eacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 E",Ecirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 E",Euml:"带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 E",Igrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 I",Iacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 I",Icirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 I",Iuml:"带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 I",ETH:"拉丁文大写字母 Eth",Ntilde:"带颚化符的拉丁文大写字母 N",Ograve:"带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 O",Oacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 O",Ocirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 O",Otilde:"带颚化符的拉丁文大写字母 O", -Ouml:"带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 O",times:"乘号",Oslash:"带粗线的拉丁文大写字母 O",Ugrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 U",Uacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文大写字母 U",Ucirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 U",Uuml:"带分音符的拉丁文大写字母 U",Yacute:"带抑音符的拉丁文大写字母 Y",THORN:"拉丁文大写字母 Thorn",szlig:"拉丁文小写字母清音 S",agrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 A",aacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 A",acirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 A",atilde:"带颚化符的拉丁文小写字母 A",auml:"带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 A",aring:"带上圆圈的拉丁文小写字母 A",aelig:"拉丁文小写字母 Ae",ccedil:"带下加符的拉丁文小写字母 C",egrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 E",eacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 E",ecirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 E",euml:"带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 E",igrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 I", -iacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 I",icirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 I",iuml:"带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 I",eth:"拉丁文小写字母 Eth",ntilde:"带颚化符的拉丁文小写字母 N",ograve:"带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 O",oacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 O",ocirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 O",otilde:"带颚化符的拉丁文小写字母 O",ouml:"带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 O",divide:"除号",oslash:"带粗线的拉丁文小写字母 O",ugrave:"带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 U",uacute:"带锐音符的拉丁文小写字母 U",ucirc:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 U",uuml:"带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 U",yacute:"带抑音符的拉丁文小写字母 Y",thorn:"拉丁文小写字母 Thorn",yuml:"带分音符的拉丁文小写字母 Y",OElig:"拉丁文大写连字 Oe",oelig:"拉丁文小写连字 Oe",372:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 W",374:"带扬抑符的拉丁文大写字母 Y", -373:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 W",375:"带扬抑符的拉丁文小写字母 Y",sbquo:"单下 9 形引号",8219:"单高横翻 9 形引号",bdquo:"双下 9 形引号",hellip:"水平省略号",trade:"商标标志",9658:"实心右指指针",bull:"加重号",rarr:"向右箭头",rArr:"向右双线箭头",hArr:"左右双线箭头",diams:"实心方块纸牌",asymp:"约等于"}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/zh.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/zh.js deleted file mode 100644 index 1903757..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/lang/zh.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("specialchar", "zh", { - euro: "歐元符號", - lsquo: "左單引號", - rsquo: "右單引號", - ldquo: "左雙引號", - rdquo: "右雙引號", - ndash: "短破折號", - mdash: "長破折號", - iexcl: "倒置的驚嘆號", - cent: "美分符號", - pound: "英鎊符號", - curren: "貨幣符號", - yen: "日圓符號", - brvbar: "Broken bar", - sect: "章節符號", - uml: "分音符號", - copy: "版權符號", - ordf: "雌性符號", - laquo: "左雙角括號", - not: "Not 符號", - reg: "註冊商標符號", - macr: "長音符號", - deg: "度數符號", - sup2: "上標字 2", - sup3: "上標字 3", - acute: "尖音符號", - micro: "Micro sign", - para: "段落符號", - middot: "中間點", - cedil: "字母 C 下面的尾型符號 ", - sup1: "上標", - ordm: "雄性符號", - raquo: "右雙角括號", - frac14: "四分之一符號", - frac12: "Vulgar fraction one half", - frac34: "Vulgar fraction three quarters", - iquest: "Inverted question mark", - Agrave: "Latin capital letter A with grave accent", - Aacute: "Latin capital letter A with acute accent", - Acirc: "Latin capital letter A with circumflex", - Atilde: "Latin capital letter A with tilde", - Auml: "拉丁大寫字母 E 帶分音符號", - Aring: "拉丁大寫字母 A 帶上圓圈", - AElig: "拉丁大寫字母 Æ", - Ccedil: "拉丁大寫字母 C 帶下尾符號", - Egrave: "Latin capital letter E with grave accent", - Eacute: "Latin capital letter E with acute accent", - Ecirc: "Latin capital letter E with circumflex", - Euml: "Latin capital letter E with diaeresis", - Igrave: "Latin capital letter I with grave accent", - Iacute: "Latin capital letter I with acute accent", - Icirc: "Latin capital letter I with circumflex", - Iuml: "Latin capital letter I with diaeresis", - ETH: "Latin capital letter Eth", - Ntilde: "Latin capital letter N with tilde", - Ograve: "Latin capital letter O with grave accent", - Oacute: "Latin capital letter O with acute accent", - Ocirc: "Latin capital letter O with circumflex", - Otilde: "Latin capital letter O with tilde", - Ouml: "Latin capital letter O with diaeresis", - times: "乘號", - Oslash: "拉丁大寫字母 O 帶粗線符號", - Ugrave: "Latin capital letter U with grave accent", - Uacute: "Latin capital letter U with acute accent", - Ucirc: "Latin capital letter U with circumflex", - Uuml: "Latin capital letter U with diaeresis", - Yacute: "Latin capital letter Y with acute accent", - THORN: "Latin capital letter Thorn", - szlig: "Latin small letter sharp s", - agrave: "Latin small letter a with grave accent", - aacute: "Latin small letter a with acute accent", - acirc: "Latin small letter a with circumflex", - atilde: "Latin small letter a with tilde", - auml: "Latin small letter a with diaeresis", - aring: "Latin small letter a with ring above", - aelig: "Latin small letter æ", - ccedil: "Latin small letter c with cedilla", - egrave: "Latin small letter e with grave accent", - eacute: "Latin small letter e with acute accent", - ecirc: "Latin small letter e with circumflex", - euml: "Latin small letter e with diaeresis", - igrave: "Latin small letter i with grave accent", - iacute: "Latin small letter i with acute accent", - icirc: "Latin small letter i with circumflex", - iuml: "Latin small letter i with diaeresis", - eth: "Latin small letter eth", - ntilde: "Latin small letter n with tilde", - ograve: "Latin small letter o with grave accent", - oacute: "Latin small letter o with acute accent", - ocirc: "Latin small letter o with circumflex", - otilde: "Latin small letter o with tilde", - ouml: "Latin small letter o with diaeresis", - divide: "Division sign", - oslash: "Latin small letter o with stroke", - ugrave: "Latin small letter u with grave accent", - uacute: "Latin small letter u with acute accent", - ucirc: "Latin small letter u with circumflex", - uuml: "Latin small letter u with diaeresis", - yacute: "Latin small letter y with acute accent", - thorn: "Latin small letter thorn", - yuml: "Latin small letter y with diaeresis", - OElig: "Latin capital ligature OE", - oelig: "Latin small ligature oe", - 372: "Latin capital letter W with circumflex", - 374: "Latin capital letter Y with circumflex", - 373: "Latin small letter w with circumflex", - 375: "Latin small letter y with circumflex", - sbquo: "Single low-9 quotation mark", - 8219: "Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark", - bdquo: "Double low-9 quotation mark", - hellip: "Horizontal ellipsis", - trade: "Trade mark sign", - 9658: "Black right-pointing pointer", - bull: "Bullet", - rarr: "Rightwards arrow", - rArr: "Rightwards double arrow", - hArr: "Left right double arrow", - diams: "Black diamond suit", - asymp: "Almost equal to" -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js deleted file mode 100644 index c4d1696..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.dialog.add("specialchar",function(i){var e,l=i.lang.specialchar,k=function(c){var b,c=c.data?c.data.getTarget():new CKEDITOR.dom.element(c);if("a"==c.getName()&&(b=c.getChild(0).getHtml()))c.removeClass("cke_light_background"),e.hide(),c=i.document.createElement("span"),c.setHtml(b),i.insertText(c.getText())},m=CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(k),j,g=function(c,b){var a,b=b||c.data.getTarget();"span"==b.getName()&&(b=b.getParent());if("a"==b.getName()&&(a=b.getChild(0).getHtml())){j&&d(null,j); -var f=e.getContentElement("info","htmlPreview").getElement();e.getContentElement("info","charPreview").getElement().setHtml(a);f.setHtml(CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(a));b.getParent().addClass("cke_light_background");j=b}},d=function(c,b){b=b||c.data.getTarget();"span"==b.getName()&&(b=b.getParent());"a"==b.getName()&&(e.getContentElement("info","charPreview").getElement().setHtml(" "),e.getContentElement("info","htmlPreview").getElement().setHtml(" "),b.getParent().removeClass("cke_light_background"), -j=void 0)},n=CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(c){var c=new CKEDITOR.dom.event(c),b=c.getTarget(),a;a=c.getKeystroke();var f="rtl"==i.lang.dir;switch(a){case 38:if(a=b.getParent().getParent().getPrevious())a=a.getChild([b.getParent().getIndex(),0]),a.focus(),d(null,b),g(null,a);c.preventDefault();break;case 40:if(a=b.getParent().getParent().getNext())if((a=a.getChild([b.getParent().getIndex(),0]))&&1==a.type)a.focus(),d(null,b),g(null,a);c.preventDefault();break;case 32:k({data:c});c.preventDefault(); -break;case f?37:39:if(a=b.getParent().getNext())a=a.getChild(0),1==a.type?(a.focus(),d(null,b),g(null,a),c.preventDefault(!0)):d(null,b);else if(a=b.getParent().getParent().getNext())(a=a.getChild([0,0]))&&1==a.type?(a.focus(),d(null,b),g(null,a),c.preventDefault(!0)):d(null,b);break;case f?39:37:(a=b.getParent().getPrevious())?(a=a.getChild(0),a.focus(),d(null,b),g(null,a),c.preventDefault(!0)):(a=b.getParent().getParent().getPrevious())?(a=a.getLast().getChild(0),a.focus(),d(null,b),g(null,a),c.preventDefault(!0)): -d(null,b)}});return{title:l.title,minWidth:430,minHeight:280,buttons:[CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton],charColumns:17,onLoad:function(){for(var c=this.definition.charColumns,b=i.config.specialChars,a=CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId()+"_specialchar_table_label",f=[''],d=0,g=b.length,h,e;d');for(var j=0;j'+h+''+e+"")}else f.push('")}f.push("")}f.push("
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All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -(function(){function r(a){for(var e=0,l=0,k=0,m,g=a.$.rows.length;kl&&(l=e)}return l}function o(a){return function(){var e=this.getValue(),e=!!(CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.integer()(e)&&0n.getSize("width")?"100%":500:0,getValue:q,validate:CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.cssLength(a.lang.common.invalidCssLength.replace("%1",a.lang.common.width)),onChange:function(){var a=this.getDialog().getContentElement("advanced","advStyles");a&& -a.updateStyle("width",this.getValue())},setup:function(a){this.setValue(a.getStyle("width"))},commit:k}]},{type:"hbox",widths:["5em"],children:[{type:"text",id:"txtHeight",requiredContent:"table{height}",controlStyle:"width:5em",label:a.lang.common.height,title:a.lang.common.cssLengthTooltip,"default":"",getValue:q,validate:CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.cssLength(a.lang.common.invalidCssLength.replace("%1",a.lang.common.height)),onChange:function(){var a=this.getDialog().getContentElement("advanced","advStyles"); -a&&a.updateStyle("height",this.getValue())},setup:function(a){(a=a.getStyle("height"))&&this.setValue(a)},commit:k}]},{type:"html",html:" "},{type:"text",id:"txtCellSpace",requiredContent:"table[cellspacing]",controlStyle:"width:3em",label:a.lang.table.cellSpace,"default":a.filter.check("table[cellspacing]")?1:0,validate:CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.number(a.lang.table.invalidCellSpacing),setup:function(a){this.setValue(a.getAttribute("cellSpacing")||"")},commit:function(a,d){this.getValue()?d.setAttribute("cellSpacing", -this.getValue()):d.removeAttribute("cellSpacing")}},{type:"text",id:"txtCellPad",requiredContent:"table[cellpadding]",controlStyle:"width:3em",label:a.lang.table.cellPad,"default":a.filter.check("table[cellpadding]")?1:0,validate:CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.number(a.lang.table.invalidCellPadding),setup:function(a){this.setValue(a.getAttribute("cellPadding")||"")},commit:function(a,d){this.getValue()?d.setAttribute("cellPadding",this.getValue()):d.removeAttribute("cellPadding")}}]}]},{type:"html",align:"right", -html:""},{type:"vbox",padding:0,children:[{type:"text",id:"txtCaption",requiredContent:"caption",label:a.lang.table.caption,setup:function(a){this.enable();a=a.getElementsByTag("caption");if(0"+h.widthPx}]},f,{type:"select",id:"wordWrap",label:c.wordWrap,"default":"yes",items:[[c.yes,"yes"],[c.no,"no"]],setup:d(function(a){var b=a.getAttribute("noWrap");if("nowrap"==a.getStyle("white-space")|| -b)return"no"}),commit:function(a){"no"==this.getValue()?a.setStyle("white-space","nowrap"):a.removeStyle("white-space");a.removeAttribute("noWrap")}},f,{type:"select",id:"hAlign",label:c.hAlign,"default":"",items:[[e.notSet,""],[e.alignLeft,"left"],[e.alignCenter,"center"],[e.alignRight,"right"]],setup:d(function(a){var b=a.getAttribute("align");return a.getStyle("text-align")||b||""}),commit:function(a){var b=this.getValue();b?a.setStyle("text-align",b):a.removeStyle("text-align");a.removeAttribute("align")}}, -{type:"select",id:"vAlign",label:c.vAlign,"default":"",items:[[e.notSet,""],[e.alignTop,"top"],[e.alignMiddle,"middle"],[e.alignBottom,"bottom"],[c.alignBaseline,"baseline"]],setup:d(function(a){var b=a.getAttribute("vAlign"),a=a.getStyle("vertical-align");switch(a){case "top":case "middle":case "bottom":case "baseline":break;default:a=""}return a||b||""}),commit:function(a){var b=this.getValue();b?a.setStyle("vertical-align",b):a.removeStyle("vertical-align");a.removeAttribute("vAlign")}}]},f,{type:"vbox", -padding:0,children:[{type:"select",id:"cellType",label:c.cellType,"default":"td",items:[[c.data,"td"],[c.header,"th"]],setup:d(function(a){return a.getName()}),commit:function(a){a.renameNode(this.getValue())}},f,{type:"text",id:"rowSpan",label:c.rowSpan,"default":"",validate:i.integer(c.invalidRowSpan),setup:d(function(a){if((a=parseInt(a.getAttribute("rowSpan"),10))&&1!=a)return a}),commit:function(a){var b=parseInt(this.getValue(),10);b&&1!=b?a.setAttribute("rowSpan",this.getValue()):a.removeAttribute("rowSpan")}}, -{type:"text",id:"colSpan",label:c.colSpan,"default":"",validate:i.integer(c.invalidColSpan),setup:d(function(a){if((a=parseInt(a.getAttribute("colSpan"),10))&&1!=a)return a}),commit:function(a){var b=parseInt(this.getValue(),10);b&&1!=b?a.setAttribute("colSpan",this.getValue()):a.removeAttribute("colSpan")}},f,{type:"hbox",padding:0,widths:["60%","40%"],children:[{type:"text",id:"bgColor",label:c.bgColor,"default":"",setup:d(function(a){var b=a.getAttribute("bgColor");return a.getStyle("background-color")|| -b}),commit:function(a){this.getValue()?a.setStyle("background-color",this.getValue()):a.removeStyle("background-color");a.removeAttribute("bgColor")}},k?{type:"button",id:"bgColorChoose","class":"colorChooser",label:c.chooseColor,onLoad:function(){this.getElement().getParent().setStyle("vertical-align","bottom")},onClick:function(){g.getColorFromDialog(function(a){a&&this.getDialog().getContentElement("info","bgColor").setValue(a);this.focus()},this)}}:f]},f,{type:"hbox",padding:0,widths:["60%","40%"], -children:[{type:"text",id:"borderColor",label:c.borderColor,"default":"",setup:d(function(a){var b=a.getAttribute("borderColor");return a.getStyle("border-color")||b}),commit:function(a){this.getValue()?a.setStyle("border-color",this.getValue()):a.removeStyle("border-color");a.removeAttribute("borderColor")}},k?{type:"button",id:"borderColorChoose","class":"colorChooser",label:c.chooseColor,style:(m?"margin-right":"margin-left")+": 10px",onLoad:function(){this.getElement().getParent().setStyle("vertical-align", -"bottom")},onClick:function(){g.getColorFromDialog(function(a){a&&this.getDialog().getContentElement("info","borderColor").setValue(a);this.focus()},this)}}:f]}]}]}]}],onShow:function(){this.cells=CKEDITOR.plugins.tabletools.getSelectedCells(this._.editor.getSelection());this.setupContent(this.cells)},onOk:function(){for(var a=this._.editor.getSelection(),b=a.createBookmarks(),c=this.cells,d=0;d
'),d='';a.image&&b&&(d+='');d+='");k.on("click",function(){p(a.html)});return k}function p(a){var b=CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent();b.getValueOf("selectTpl","chkInsertOpt")?(c.fire("saveSnapshot"),c.setData(a,function(){b.hide();var a=c.createRange();a.moveToElementEditStart(c.editable());a.select();setTimeout(function(){c.fire("saveSnapshot")},0)})):(c.insertHtml(a),b.hide())}function i(a){var b=a.data.getTarget(), -c=g.equals(b);if(c||g.contains(b)){var d=a.data.getKeystroke(),f=g.getElementsByTag("a"),e;if(f){if(c)e=f.getItem(0);else switch(d){case 40:e=b.getNext();break;case 38:e=b.getPrevious();break;case 13:case 32:b.fire("click")}e&&(e.focus(),a.data.preventDefault())}}}var h=CKEDITOR.plugins.get("templates");CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet(CKEDITOR.getUrl(h.path+"dialogs/templates.css"));var g,h="cke_tpl_list_label_"+CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(),f=c.lang.templates,l=c.config;return{title:c.lang.templates.title, -minWidth:CKEDITOR.env.ie?440:400,minHeight:340,contents:[{id:"selectTpl",label:f.title,elements:[{type:"vbox",padding:5,children:[{id:"selectTplText",type:"html",html:""+f.selectPromptMsg+""},{id:"templatesList",type:"html",focus:!0,html:'
'+f.options+""},{id:"chkInsertOpt",type:"checkbox",label:f.insertOption, -"default":l.templates_replaceContent}]}]}],buttons:[CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton],onShow:function(){var a=this.getContentElement("selectTpl","templatesList");g=a.getElement();CKEDITOR.loadTemplates(l.templates_files,function(){var b=(l.templates||"default").split(",");if(b.length){var c=g;c.setHtml("");for(var d=0,h=b.length;d'+f.emptyListMsg+"")});this._.element.on("keydown",i)},onHide:function(){this._.element.removeListener("keydown",i)}}})})(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/default.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/default.js deleted file mode 100644 index d8c172e..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/default.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -CKEDITOR.addTemplates("default",{imagesPath:CKEDITOR.getUrl(CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath("templates")+"templates/images/"),templates:[{title:"Image and Title",image:"template1.gif",description:"One main image with a title and text that surround the image.",html:'

Type the title here

Type the text here

'},{title:"Strange Template",image:"template2.gif",description:"A template that defines two colums, each one with a title, and some text.", -html:'

Title 1

Title 2

Text 1Text 2

More text goes here.

'},{title:"Text and Table",image:"template3.gif",description:"A title with some text and a table.",html:'

Title goes here

Table title

Type the text here

'}]}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template1.gif b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template1.gif deleted file mode 100644 index efdabbe..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template1.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template2.gif b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template2.gif deleted file mode 100644 index d1cebb3..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template2.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template3.gif b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template3.gif deleted file mode 100644 index db41cb4..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images/template3.gif and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/LICENSE.md b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/LICENSE.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4f4b466..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/LICENSE.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -Software License Agreement -========================== - -**CKEditor WSC Plugin** -Copyright © 2012, [CKSource](http://cksource.com) - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - -Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice: - -* GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"): - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html - -* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"): - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html - -* Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL"): - http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html - -You are not required to, but if you want to explicitly declare the license you have chosen to be bound to when using, -reproducing, modifying and distributing this software, just include a text file titled "legal.txt" in your version of -this software, indicating your license choice. - -Sources of Intellectual Property Included in this plugin --------------------------------------------------------- - -Where not otherwise indicated, all plugin content is authored by CKSource engineers and consists of CKSource-owned -intellectual property. In some specific instances, the plugin will incorporate work done by developers outside of -CKSource with their express permission. - -Trademarks ----------- - -CKEditor is a trademark of CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All other brand and product names are trademarks, registered -trademarks or service marks of their respective holders. diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/README.md b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9adfc80..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -CKEditor WebSpellChecker Plugin -=============================== - -This plugin brings Web Spell Checker (WSC) into CKEditor. - -WSC is "installation-less", using the web-services of [WebSpellChecker.net](http://www.webspellchecker.net/). It's an -out of the box solution. - -Installation ------------- - -1. Clone/copy this repository contents in a new "plugins/wsc" folder in your CKEditor installation. -2. Enable the "wsc" plugin in the CKEditor configuration file (config.js): - - config.extraPlugins = 'wsc'; - -That's all. WSC will appear on the editor toolbar and will be ready to use. - -License -------- - -Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice: [GPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) -, [LGPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) and [MPL](http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html). - -See LICENSE.md for more information. - -Developed in cooperation with [WebSpellChecker.net](http://www.webspellchecker.net/). diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/ciframe.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/ciframe.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5a58e30..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/ciframe.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - -

- diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/tmpFrameset.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/tmpFrameset.html deleted file mode 100644 index a2368c2..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/tmpFrameset.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.css b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.css deleted file mode 100644 index 773ff84..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. -For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ - -html, body { - background-color: transparent; - margin: 0px; - padding: 0px; -} - -body { - padding: 10px; -} - -body, td, input, select, textarea { - font-size: 11px; - font-family: 'Microsoft Sans Serif', Arial, Helvetica, Verdana; -} - -.midtext { - padding: 0px; - margin: 10px; -} - -.midtext p { - padding: 0px; - margin: 10px; -} - -.Button { - border: #737357 1px solid; - color: #3b3b1f; - background-color: #c7c78f; -} - -.PopupTabArea { - color: #737357; - background-color: #e3e3c7; -} - -.PopupTitleBorder { - border-bottom: #d5d59d 1px solid; -} - -.PopupTabEmptyArea { - padding-left: 10px; - border-bottom: #d5d59d 1px solid; -} - -.PopupTab, .PopupTabSelected { - border-right: #d5d59d 1px solid; - border-top: #d5d59d 1px solid; - border-left: #d5d59d 1px solid; - padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px; - color: #737357; -} - -.PopupTab { - margin-top: 1px; - border-bottom: #d5d59d 1px solid; - cursor: pointer; -} - -.PopupTabSelected { - font-weight: bold; - cursor: default; - padding-top: 4px; - border-bottom: #f1f1e3 1px solid; - background-color: #f1f1e3; -} diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.js deleted file mode 100644 index 443145c..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -(function(){function y(a){if(!a)throw"Languages-by-groups list are required for construct selectbox";var c=[],d="",f;for(f in a)for(var g in a[f]){var h=a[f][g];"en_US"==h?d=h:c.push(h)}c.sort();d&&c.unshift(d);return{getCurrentLangGroup:function(c){a:{for(var d in a)for(var f in a[d])if(f.toUpperCase()===c.toUpperCase()){c=d;break a}c=""}return c},setLangList:function(){var c={},d;for(d in a)for(var f in a[d])c[a[d][f]]=f;return c}()}}var e=function(){var a=function(a,b,f){var f=f||{},g=f.expires; -if("number"==typeof g&&g){var h=new Date;h.setTime(h.getTime()+1E3*g);g=f.expires=h}g&&g.toUTCString&&(f.expires=g.toUTCString());var b=encodeURIComponent(b),a=a+"="+b,e;for(e in f)b=f[e],a+="; "+e,!0!==b&&(a+="="+b);document.cookie=a};return{postMessage:{init:function(a){window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("message",a,!1):window.attachEvent("onmessage",a)},send:function(a){var b=Object.prototype.toString,f=a.fn||null,g=a.id||"",e=a.target||window,i=a.message||{id:g};a.message&&"[object Object]"== -b.call(a.message)&&(a.message.id||(a.message.id=g),i=a.message);a=window.JSON.stringify(i,f);e.postMessage(a,"*")},unbindHandler:function(a){window.removeEventListener?window.removeEventListener("message",a,!1):window.detachEvent("onmessage",a)}},hash:{create:function(){},parse:function(){}},cookie:{set:a,get:function(a){return(a=document.cookie.match(RegExp("(?:^|; )"+a.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,"\\$1")+"=([^;]*)")))?decodeURIComponent(a[1]):void 0},remove:function(c){a(c,"",{expires:-1})}}, -misc:{findFocusable:function(a){var b=null;a&&(b=a.find("a[href], area[href], input, select, textarea, button, *[tabindex], *[contenteditable]"));return b},isVisible:function(a){return!(0===a.offsetWidth||0==a.offsetHeight||"none"===(document.defaultView&&document.defaultView.getComputedStyle?document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a,null).display:a.currentStyle?a.currentStyle.display:a.style.display))},hasClass:function(a,b){return!(!a.className||!a.className.match(RegExp("(\\s|^)"+b+"(\\s|$)")))}}}}(), -a=a||{};a.TextAreaNumber=null;a.load=!0;a.cmd={SpellTab:"spell",Thesaurus:"thes",GrammTab:"grammar"};a.dialog=null;a.optionNode=null;a.selectNode=null;a.grammerSuggest=null;a.textNode={};a.iframeMain=null;a.dataTemp="";a.div_overlay=null;a.textNodeInfo={};a.selectNode={};a.selectNodeResponce={};a.langList=null;a.langSelectbox=null;a.banner="";a.show_grammar=null;a.div_overlay_no_check=null;a.targetFromFrame={};a.onLoadOverlay=null;a.LocalizationComing={};a.OverlayPlace=null;a.LocalizationButton={ChangeTo:{instance:null, -text:"Change to"},ChangeAll:{instance:null,text:"Change All"},IgnoreWord:{instance:null,text:"Ignore word"},IgnoreAllWords:{instance:null,text:"Ignore all words"},Options:{instance:null,text:"Options",optionsDialog:{instance:null}},AddWord:{instance:null,text:"Add word"},FinishChecking:{instance:null,text:"Finish Checking"}};a.LocalizationLabel={ChangeTo:{instance:null,text:"Change to"},Suggestions:{instance:null,text:"Suggestions"}};var z=function(b){var c,d;for(d in b)c=b[d].instance.getElement().getFirst()|| -b[d].instance.getElement(),c.setText(a.LocalizationComing[d])},A=function(b){for(var c in b){if(!b[c].instance.setLabel)break;b[c].instance.setLabel(a.LocalizationComing[c])}},j,q;a.framesetHtml=function(b){return"'};a.setIframe=function(b,c){var d;d=a.framesetHtml(c);var f=a.iframeNumber+"_"+c;b.getElement().setHtml(d); -d=document.getElementById(f);d=d.contentWindow?d.contentWindow:d.contentDocument.document?d.contentDocument.document:d.contentDocument;d.document.open();d.document.write('iframe
- - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Create and Destroy Editor Instances for Ajax Applications -


- This sample shows how to create and destroy CKEditor instances on the fly. After the removal of CKEditor the - content created inside the editing - area will be displayed in a <div> element. -


- For details of how to create this setup check the source code of this sample page - for JavaScript code responsible for the creation and destruction of a CKEditor instance. -


Click the buttons to create and remove a CKEditor instance.


- - -

- -
- - - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/api.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/api.html deleted file mode 100644 index 454b025..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/api.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,202 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - API Usage — CKEditor Sample - - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Using CKEditor JavaScript API -


- This sample shows how to use the - CKEditor JavaScript API - to interact with the editor at runtime. -


- For details on how to create this setup check the source code of this sample page. -

- - -
- -
- - - - -


- - -
- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/appendto.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/appendto.html deleted file mode 100644 index 18520c2..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/appendto.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - CKEDITOR.appendTo — CKEditor Sample - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Append To Page Element Using JavaScript Code -


- CKEDITOR.appendTo is basically to place editors - inside existing DOM elements. Unlike CKEDITOR.replace, - a target container to be replaced is no longer necessary. A new editor - instance is inserted directly wherever it is desired. -

CKEDITOR.appendTo( 'container_id',
-	{ /* Configuration options to be used. */ }
-	'Editor content to be used.'
- -
- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/inlineall/logo.png b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/inlineall/logo.png deleted file mode 100644 index 334e7ac..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/inlineall/logo.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/outputxhtml/outputxhtml.css b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/outputxhtml/outputxhtml.css deleted file mode 100644 index ce46a7d..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/outputxhtml/outputxhtml.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,173 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license - * - * Styles used by the XHTML 1.1 sample page (xhtml.html). - */ - -/** - * Basic definitions for the editing area. - */ -body { - font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; - font-size: 80%; - color: #000000; - background-color: #ffffff; - padding: 5px; - margin: 0px; -} - -/** - * Core styles. - */ - -.Bold { - font-weight: bold; -} - -.Italic { - font-style: italic; -} - -.Underline { - text-decoration: underline; -} - -.StrikeThrough { - text-decoration: line-through; -} - -.Subscript { - vertical-align: sub; - font-size: smaller; -} - -.Superscript { - vertical-align: super; - font-size: smaller; -} - -/** - * Font faces. - */ - -.FontComic { - font-family: 'Comic Sans MS'; -} - -.FontCourier { - font-family: 'Courier New'; -} - -.FontTimes { - font-family: 'Times New Roman'; -} - -/** - * Font sizes. - */ - -.FontSmaller { - font-size: smaller; -} - -.FontLarger { - font-size: larger; -} - -.FontSmall { - font-size: 8pt; -} - -.FontBig { - font-size: 14pt; -} - -.FontDouble { - font-size: 200%; -} - -/** - * Font colors. - */ -.FontColor1 { - color: #ff9900; -} - -.FontColor2 { - color: #0066cc; -} - -.FontColor3 { - color: #ff0000; -} - -.FontColor1BG { - background-color: #ff9900; -} - -.FontColor2BG { - background-color: #0066cc; -} - -.FontColor3BG { - background-color: #ff0000; -} - -/** - * Indentation. - */ - -.Indent1 { - margin-left: 40px; -} - -.Indent2 { - margin-left: 80px; -} - -.Indent3 { - margin-left: 120px; -} - -/** - * Alignment. - */ - -.JustifyLeft { - text-align: left; -} - -.JustifyRight { - text-align: right; -} - -.JustifyCenter { - text-align: center; -} - -.JustifyFull { - text-align: justify; -} - -/** - * Other. - */ - -code { - font-family: courier, monospace; - background-color: #eeeeee; - padding-left: 1px; - padding-right: 1px; - border: #c0c0c0 1px solid; -} - -kbd { - padding: 0px 1px 0px 1px; - border-width: 1px 2px 2px 1px; - border-style: solid; -} - -blockquote { - color: #808080; -} diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/posteddata.php b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/posteddata.php deleted file mode 100644 index 0a6e79a..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/posteddata.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Sample — CKEditor - - - -

- CKEditor — Posted Data -

- - - - - - - - - - - $value) { - if ((!is_string($value) && !is_numeric($value)) || !is_string($key)) - continue; - - $value = htmlspecialchars((string)$value); - ?> - - - - - -
Field NameValue
- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/sample.jpg b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/sample.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index a4a77fa..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/sample.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/uilanguages/languages.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/uilanguages/languages.js deleted file mode 100644 index 3f7ff62..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/assets/uilanguages/languages.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -/* - Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -var CKEDITOR_LANGS=function(){var c={af:"Afrikaans",ar:"Arabic",bg:"Bulgarian",bn:"Bengali/Bangla",bs:"Bosnian",ca:"Catalan",cs:"Czech",cy:"Welsh",da:"Danish",de:"German",el:"Greek",en:"English","en-au":"English (Australia)","en-ca":"English (Canadian)","en-gb":"English (United Kingdom)",eo:"Esperanto",es:"Spanish",et:"Estonian",eu:"Basque",fa:"Persian",fi:"Finnish",fo:"Faroese",fr:"French","fr-ca":"French (Canada)",gl:"Galician",gu:"Gujarati",he:"Hebrew",hi:"Hindi",hr:"Croatian",hu:"Hungarian",id:"Indonesian", -is:"Icelandic",it:"Italian",ja:"Japanese",ka:"Georgian",km:"Khmer",ko:"Korean",ku:"Kurdish",lt:"Lithuanian",lv:"Latvian",mk:"Macedonian",mn:"Mongolian",ms:"Malay",nb:"Norwegian Bokmal",nl:"Dutch",no:"Norwegian",pl:"Polish",pt:"Portuguese (Portugal)","pt-br":"Portuguese (Brazil)",ro:"Romanian",ru:"Russian",si:"Sinhala",sk:"Slovak",sq:"Albanian",sl:"Slovenian",sr:"Serbian (Cyrillic)","sr-latn":"Serbian (Latin)",sv:"Swedish",th:"Thai",tr:"Turkish",tt:"Tatar",ug:"Uighur",uk:"Ukrainian",vi:"Vietnamese", -zh:"Chinese Traditional","zh-cn":"Chinese Simplified"},b=[],a;for(a in CKEDITOR.lang.languages)b.push({code:a,name:c[a]||a});b.sort(function(a,b){return a.name - - - - - Data Filtering — CKEditor Sample - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Data Filtering and Features Activation -


- This sample page demonstrates the idea of Advanced Content Filter - (ACF), a sophisticated - tool that takes control over what kind of data is accepted by the editor and what - kind of output is produced. -


When and what is being filtered?


- ACF controls - every single source of data that comes to the editor. - It process both HTML that is inserted manually (i.e. pasted by the user) - and programmatically like: -

-editor.setData( '<p>Hello world!</p>' );

- ACF discards invalid, - useless HTML tags and attributes so the editor remains "clean" during - runtime. ACF behaviour - can be configured and adjusted for a particular case to prevent the - output HTML (i.e. in CMS systems) from being polluted. - - This kind of filtering is a first, client-side line of defense - against "tag soups", - the tool that precisely restricts which tags, attributes and styles - are allowed (desired). When properly configured, ACF - is an easy and fast way to produce a high-quality, intentionally filtered HTML. -

- -

How to configure or disable ACF?


- Advanced Content Filter is enabled by default, working in "automatic mode", yet - it provides a set of easy rules that allow adjusting filtering rules - and disabling the entire feature when necessary. The config property - responsible for this feature is config.allowedContent. -


- By "automatic mode" is meant that loaded plugins decide which kind - of content is enabled and which is not. For example, if the link - plugin is loaded it implies that <a> tag is - automatically allowed. Each plugin is given a set - of predefined ACF rules - that control the editor until - config.allowedContent - is defined manually. -


- Let's assume our intention is to restrict the editor to accept (produce) paragraphs - only: no attributes, no styles, no other tags. - With ACF - this is very simple. Basically set - config.allowedContent to 'p': -

-var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( textarea_id, {
-	allowedContent: 'p'
-} );

- Now try to play with allowed content: -

-// Trying to insert disallowed tag and attribute.
-editor.setData( '<p style="color: red">Hello <em>world</em>!</p>' );
-alert( editor.getData() );
-// Filtered data is returned.
-"<p>Hello world!</p>"

- What happened? Since config.allowedContent: 'p' is set the editor assumes - that only plain <p> are accepted. Nothing more. This is why - style attribute and <em> tag are gone. The same - filtering would happen if we pasted disallowed HTML into this editor. -


- This is just a small sample of what ACF - can do. To know more, please refer to the sample section below and - the official Advanced Content Filter - guide. -


- You may, of course, want CKEditor to avoid filtering of any kind. - To get rid of ACF, - basically set - config.allowedContent to true like this: -

-CKEDITOR.replace( textarea_id, {
-	allowedContent: true
-} );
- -

Beyond data flow: Features activation


- ACF is far more than - I/O control: the entire - UI of the editor is adjusted to what - filters restrict. For example: if <a> tag is - disallowed - by ACF, - then accordingly link command, toolbar button and link dialog - are also disabled. Editor is smart: it knows which features must be - removed from the interface to match filtering rules. -


- CKEditor can be far more specific. If <a> tag is - allowed by filtering rules to be used but it is restricted - to have only one attribute (href) - config.allowedContent = 'a[!href]', then - "Target" tab of the link dialog is automatically disabled as target - attribute isn't included in ACF rules - for <a>. This behaviour applies to dialog fields, context - menus and toolbar buttons. -

- -

Sample configurations


- There are several editor instances below that present different - ACF setups. All of them, - except the last inline instance, share the same HTML content to visualize - how different filtering rules affect the same input data. -

- -
- -

- This editor is using default configuration ("automatic mode"). It means that - - config.allowedContent is defined by loaded plugins. - Each plugin extends filtering rules to make it's own associated content - available for the user. -

- - - -
- -
- -
- -

- This editor is using a custom configuration for - ACF: -

-CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor2', {
-	allowedContent:
-		'h1 h2 h3 p blockquote strong em;' +
-		'a[!href];' +
-		'img(left,right)[!src,alt,width,height];' +
-		'table tr th td caption;' +
-		'span{!font-family};' +'
-		'span{!color};' +
-		'span(!marker);' +
-		'del ins'
-} );

- The following rules may require additional explanation: -

  • - h1 h2 h3 p blockquote strong em - These tags - are accepted by the editor. Any tag attributes will be discarded. -
  • -
  • - a[!href] - href attribute is obligatory - for <a> tag. Tags without this attribute - are disarded. No other attribute will be accepted. -
  • -
  • - img(left,right)[!src,alt,width,height] - src - attribute is obligatory for <img> tag. - alt, width, height - and class attributes are accepted but - class must be either class="left" - or class="right" -
  • -
  • - table tr th td caption - These tags - are accepted by the editor. Any tag attributes will be discarded. -
  • -
  • - span{!font-family}, span{!color}, - span(!marker) - <span> tags - will be accepted if either font-family or - color style is set or class="marker" - is present. -
  • -
  • - del ins - These tags - are accepted by the editor. Any tag attributes will be discarded. -
  • -

- Please note that UI of the - editor is different. It's a response to what happened to the filters. - Since text-align isn't allowed, the align toolbar is gone. - The same thing happened to subscript/superscript, strike, underline - (<u>, <sub>, <sup> - are disallowed by - config.allowedContent) and many other buttons. -

- - -
- -
- -
- -

- This editor is using a custom configuration for - ACF. - Note that filters can be configured as an object literal - as an alternative to a string-based definition. -

-CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor3', {
-	allowedContent: {
-		'b i ul ol big small': true,
-		'h1 h2 h3 p blockquote li': {
-			styles: 'text-align'
-		},
-		a: { attributes: '!href,target' },
-		img: {
-			attributes: '!src,alt',
-			styles: 'width,height',
-			classes: 'left,right'
-		}
-	}
-} );
- - -
- -
- -
- -

- This editor is using a custom set of plugins and buttons. -

-CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor4', {
-	removePlugins: 'bidi,font,forms,flash,horizontalrule,iframe,justify,table,tabletools,smiley',
-	removeButtons: 'Anchor,Underline,Strike,Subscript,Superscript,Image',
-	format_tags: 'p;h1;h2;h3;pre;address'
-} );

- As you can see, removing plugins and buttons implies filtering. - Several tags are not allowed in the editor because there's no - plugin/button that is responsible for creating and editing this - kind of content (for example: the image is missing because - of removeButtons: 'Image'). The conclusion is that - ACF works "backwards" - as well: modifying UI - elements is changing allowed content rules. -

- - -
- -
- -
- -

- This editor is built on editable <h1> element. - ACF takes care of - what can be included in <h1>. Note that there - are no block styles in Styles combo. Also why lists, indentation, - blockquote, div, form and other buttons are missing. -


- ACF makes sure that - no disallowed tags will come to <h1> so the final - markup is valid. If the user tried to paste some invalid HTML - into this editor (let's say a list), it would be automatically - converted into plain text. -


- Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first humans, Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, on the Moon on July 20, - 1969, at 20:18 UTC. -

- - - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/divreplace.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/divreplace.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7f64bad..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/divreplace.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Replace DIV — CKEditor Sample - - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Replace DIV with CKEditor on the Fly -


- This sample shows how to automatically replace <div> elements - with a CKEditor instance on the fly, following user's doubleclick. The content - that was previously placed inside the <div> element will now - be moved into CKEditor editing area. -


- For details on how to create this setup check the source code of this sample page. -


- Double-click any of the following <div> elements to transform them into - editor instances. -


- Part 1 -


- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras et ipsum quis mi - semper accumsan. Integer pretium dui id massa. Suspendisse in nisl sit amet urna - rutrum imperdiet. Nulla eu tellus. Donec ante nisi, ullamcorper quis, fringilla - nec, sagittis eleifend, pede. Nulla commodo interdum massa. Donec id metus. Fusce - eu ipsum. Suspendisse auctor. Phasellus fermentum porttitor risus. -


- Part 2 -


- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras et ipsum quis mi - semper accumsan. Integer pretium dui id massa. Suspendisse in nisl sit amet urna - rutrum imperdiet. Nulla eu tellus. Donec ante nisi, ullamcorper quis, fringilla - nec, sagittis eleifend, pede. Nulla commodo interdum massa. Donec id metus. Fusce - eu ipsum. Suspendisse auctor. Phasellus fermentum porttitor risus. -


- Donec velit. Mauris massa. Vestibulum non nulla. Nam suscipit arcu nec elit. Phasellus - sollicitudin iaculis ante. Ut non mauris et sapien tincidunt adipiscing. Vestibulum - vitae leo. Suspendisse nec mi tristique nulla laoreet vulputate. -


- Part 3 -


- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras et ipsum quis mi - semper accumsan. Integer pretium dui id massa. Suspendisse in nisl sit amet urna - rutrum imperdiet. Nulla eu tellus. Donec ante nisi, ullamcorper quis, fringilla - nec, sagittis eleifend, pede. Nulla commodo interdum massa. Donec id metus. Fusce - eu ipsum. Suspendisse auctor. Phasellus fermentum porttitor risus. -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/index.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3373bcb..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - CKEditor Samples - - - -

- CKEditor Samples -


- Basic Samples -

Replace textarea elements by class name
Automatic replacement of all textarea elements of a given class with a CKEditor instance.
- -
Replace textarea elements by code
Replacement of textarea elements with CKEditor instances by using a JavaScript call.
- -
Create editors with jQuery
Creating standard and inline CKEditor instances with jQuery adapter.
- -

- Basic Customization -

User Interface color
Changing CKEditor User Interface color and adding a toolbar button that lets the user set the UI - color. -
- -
User Interface languages
Changing CKEditor User Interface language and adding a drop-down list that lets the user choose the UI - language. -
- - -


Magicline plugin
Using the Magicline plugin to access difficult focus spaces.
- -
Full page support
CKEditor inserted with a JavaScript call and used to edit the whole page from <html> to </html>.

- Inline Editing -

Massive inline editor creation
Turn all elements with contentEditable = true attribute into inline editors.
- -
Convert element into an inline editor by code
Conversion of DOM elements into inline CKEditor instances by using a JavaScript call.
- -
Replace textarea with inline editor New! -
A form with a textarea that is replaced by an inline editor at runtime.
- - -
- -

- Advanced Samples -

Data filtering and features activation New!
Data filtering and automatic features activation basing on configuration.
- -
Replace DIV elements on the fly
Transforming a div element into an instance of CKEditor with a mouse click.
- -
Append editor instances
Appending editor instances to existing DOM elements.
- -
Create and destroy editor instances for Ajax applications
Creating and destroying CKEditor instances on the fly and saving the contents entered into the editor - window. -
- -
Basic usage of the API
Using the CKEditor JavaScript API to interact with the editor at runtime.
- -
XHTML-compliant style
Configuring CKEditor to produce XHTML 1.1 compliant attributes and styles.
- -
Read-only mode
Using the readOnly API to block introducing changes to the editor contents.
- -
"Tab" key-based navigation
Navigating among editor instances with tab key.
- - -
Using the JavaScript API to customize dialog - windows
Using the dialog windows API to customize dialog windows without changing the original editor code.
- -
Using the "Enter" key in CKEditor -
Configuring the behavior of Enter and Shift+Enter keys.
- -
Output for Flash
Configuring CKEditor to produce HTML code that can be used with Adobe Flash.
- -
Output HTML
Configuring CKEditor to produce legacy HTML 4 code.
- -
Toolbar Configurations
Configuring CKEditor to display full or custom toolbar layout.
- -
- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/index.php b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/index.php deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/inlineall.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/inlineall.html deleted file mode 100644 index 13ab66d..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/inlineall.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,316 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Massive inline editing — CKEditor Sample - - - - - - -

CKEditor Samples » Massive inline editing


This sample page demonstrates the inline editing feature - CKEditor instances will be created automatically - from page elements with contentEditable attribute set to value true:

<div contenteditable="true" > ... </div>

Click inside of any element below to start editing.

- -

- Fusce vitae porttitor -


- - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet dolor. Duis blandit vestibulum faucibus a, tortor. - -


- Proin nunc justo felis mollis tincidunt, risus risus pede, posuere cubilia Curae, Nullam euismod, - enim. Etiam nibh ultricies dolor ac dignissim erat volutpat. Vivamus fermentum nisl nulla sem in metus. Maecenas wisi. Donec nec erat volutpat. -


- Fusce vitae porttitor a, euismod convallis nisl, blandit risus tortor, pretium. - Vehicula vitae, imperdiet vel, ornare enim vel sodales rutrum -


- Libero nunc, rhoncus ante ipsum non ipsum. Nunc eleifend pede turpis id sollicitudin fringilla. - Phasellus ultrices, velit ac arcu. -


Pellentesque nunc. Donec suscipit erat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique ullamcorper.


Mauris mattis feugiat lectus nec mauris. Nullam vitae ante.


- Integer condimentum sit amet -


- Aenean nonummy a, mattis varius. Cras aliquet. - Praesent magna non mattis ac, rhoncus nunc, rhoncus eget, cursus - pulvinar mollis.


Proin id nibh. Sed eu libero posuere sed, lectus. Phasellus dui gravida gravida feugiat mattis ac, - felis.


Integer condimentum sit amet, tempor elit odio, a dolor non ante at sapien. Sed ac lectus. Nulla - ligula quis eleifend mi, id leo velit pede cursus arcu id nulla ac lectus. Phasellus vestibulum. - Nunc viverra enim quis diam.


- Praesent wisi accumsan sit amet nibh -


Donec ullamcorper, risus tortor, pretium porttitor. Morbi quam quis lectus non leo.


Integer faucibus scelerisque. Proin faucibus at, aliquet vulputate, odio - at eros. Fusce gravida, erat vitae augue. Fusce urna fringilla - gravida.


In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent wisi accumsan sit amet nibh. Maecenas orci luctus a, - lacinia quam sem, posuere commodo, odio condimentum tempor, pede semper risus. Suspendisse pede. In - hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam sed laoreet sit amet erat. Integer.


- CKEditor logo -


Quisque justo neque, mattis sed, fermentum ultrices posuere cubilia Curae, - Vestibulum elit metus, quis placerat ut, lectus. Ut sagittis, nunc libero, egestas consequat - lobortis velit rutrum ut, faucibus turpis. Fusce porttitor, nulla quis turpis. Nullam laoreet vel, - consectetuer tellus suscipit ultricies, hendrerit wisi. Donec odio nec velit ac nunc sit amet, - accumsan cursus aliquet. Vestibulum ante sit amet sagittis mi.


- Nullam laoreet vel consectetuer tellus suscipit -

  • Ut sagittis, nunc libero, egestas consequat lobortis velit rutrum ut, faucibus turpis.
  • -
  • Fusce porttitor, nulla quis turpis. Nullam laoreet vel, consectetuer tellus suscipit ultricies, - hendrerit wisi. -
  • -
  • Mauris eget tellus. Donec non felis. Nam eget dolor. Vestibulum enim. Donec.
  • -

Quisque justo neque, mattis sed, fermentum ultrices posuere - cubilia Curae, Vestibulum elit metus, quis placerat ut, lectus.


Nullam laoreet vel, consectetuer tellus suscipit ultricies, hendrerit wisi. Ut sagittis, nunc libero, - egestas consequat lobortis velit rutrum ut, faucibus turpis. Fusce porttitor, nulla quis turpis.


Donec odio nec velit ac nunc sit amet, accumsan cursus aliquet. Vestibulum ante sit amet sagittis mi. - Sed in nonummy faucibus turpis. Mauris eget tellus. Donec non felis. Nam eget dolor. Vestibulum - enim. Donec.

- Tags of this article: -

- inline, editing, floating, CKEditor -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/inlinebycode.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/inlinebycode.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7bf11e6..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/inlinebycode.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Inline Editing by Code — CKEditor Sample - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Inline Editing by Code -


- This sample shows how to create an inline editor instance of CKEditor. It is created - with a JavaScript call using the following code: -

-// This property tells CKEditor to not activate every element with contenteditable=true element.
-CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
-var editor = CKEDITOR.inline( document.getElementById( 'editable' ) );

- Note that editable in the code above is the id - attribute of the <div> element to be converted into an inline instance. -


Saturn V carrying Apollo 11 Apollo 11

- -

Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first humans, Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, on the Moon on July 20, - 1969, at 20:18 UTC. Armstrong became the first to step onto the lunar surface 6 hours later on July 21 at 02:56 - UTC.

- -

Armstrong spent about three and a half two and a half hours outside the spacecraft, Aldrin slightly less; - and together they collected 47.5 pounds (21.5 kg) of lunar material for return to Earth. A third member of - the mission, Michael Collins, piloted the command - spacecraft alone in lunar orbit until Armstrong and Aldrin returned to it for the trip back to Earth.

- -

Broadcasting and quotes

- -

Broadcast on live TV to a world-wide audience, Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface and described the event - as:

- -

One small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.

- -

Apollo 11 effectively ended the Space - Race and fulfilled a national goal proposed in 1961 by the late U.S. President John F. Kennedy in a speech - before the United States Congress:

- -

[...] before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth.

- -

Technical details

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mission crew
CommanderNeil A. Armstrong
Command Module PilotMichael Collins
Lunar Module PilotEdwin "Buzz" E. Aldrin, Jr.
- -

Launched by a Saturn V rocket from Kennedy Space Center in - Merritt Island, Florida on July 16, Apollo 11 was the fifth manned mission of NASA's Apollo program. The Apollo - spacecraft had three parts:

- -
  1. Command Module with a cabin for the three astronauts which was the only part which landed - back on Earth -
  2. -
  3. Service Module which supported the Command Module with propulsion, electrical power, oxygen - and water -
  4. -
  5. Lunar Module for landing on the Moon.
  6. -
- -

After being sent to the Moon by the Saturn V's upper stage, the astronauts separated the spacecraft from it - and travelled for three days until they entered into lunar orbit. Armstrong and Aldrin then moved into the Lunar - Module and landed in the Sea of Tranquility. They stayed a total of about 21 - and a half hours on the lunar surface. After lifting off in the upper part of the Lunar Module and rejoining - Collins in the Command Module, they returned to Earth and landed in the Pacific Ocean on July 24. -

- -

Source: Wikipedia.org

- - - - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/inlinetextarea.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/inlinetextarea.html deleted file mode 100644 index f8ed6e3..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/inlinetextarea.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Replace Textarea with Inline Editor — CKEditor Sample - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Replace Textarea with Inline Editor -


- You can also create an inline editor from a textarea - element. In this case the textarea will be replaced - by a div element with inline editing enabled. -

-// "article-body" is the name of a textarea element.
-var editor = CKEDITOR.inline( 'article-body' );

This is a sample form with some fields


- Title:


- Article Body (Textarea converted to CKEditor):
- -


- -

- - - - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/jquery.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/jquery.html deleted file mode 100644 index 14aef51..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/jquery.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - jQuery Adapter — CKEditor Sample - - - - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Create Editors with jQuery -


- This sample shows how to use the jQuery adapter. - Note that you have to include both CKEditor and jQuery scripts before including the adapter. -

- -
-<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
-<script src="/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>
-<script src="/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js"></script>
- -

Then you can replace HTML elements with a CKEditor instance using the ckeditor() method.

- -
-$( document ).ready( function() {
-	$( 'textarea#editor1' ).ckeditor();
-} );
- -

Inline Example

- -

Saturn V carrying Apollo 11Apollo 11 was the - spaceflight that landed the first humans, Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, on the Moon on - July 20, 1969, at 20:18 UTC. Armstrong became the first to step onto the lunar surface 6 hours later on July - 21 at 02:56 UTC.


Armstrong spent about three and a half two and a half hours outside the spacecraft, Aldrin slightly - less; and together they collected 47.5 pounds (21.5 kg) of lunar material for return to Earth. A third - member of the mission, Michael Collins, piloted the command spacecraft alone in lunar orbit until Armstrong - and Aldrin returned to it for the trip back to Earth. -

Broadcast on live TV to a world-wide audience, Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface and described the - event as:


One small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.


Apollo 11 effectively ended the Space - Race and fulfilled a national goal proposed in 1961 by the late U.S. President John F. Kennedy in a - speech before the United States Congress:


[...] before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the - Earth.

- -
- -

Classic (iframe-based) Example

- - - -

- - - - - -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/dialog/assets/my_dialog.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/dialog/assets/my_dialog.js deleted file mode 100644 index a07d1ec..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/dialog/assets/my_dialog.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -/** - * Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license - */ - -CKEDITOR.dialog.add('myDialog', function (editor) { - return { - title: 'My Dialog', - minWidth: 400, - minHeight: 200, - contents: [ - { - id: 'tab1', - label: 'First Tab', - title: 'First Tab', - elements: [ - { - id: 'input1', - type: 'text', - label: 'Text Field' - }, - { - id: 'select1', - type: 'select', - label: 'Select Field', - items: [ - ['option1', 'value1'], - ['option2', 'value2'] - ] - } - ] - }, - { - id: 'tab2', - label: 'Second Tab', - title: 'Second Tab', - elements: [ - { - id: 'button1', - type: 'button', - label: 'Button Field' - } - ] - } - ] - }; -}); - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/dialog/dialog.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/dialog/dialog.html deleted file mode 100644 index 26274ba..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/dialog/dialog.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Using API to Customize Dialog Windows — CKEditor Sample - - - - - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Using CKEditor Dialog API -


- This sample shows how to use the - CKEditor Dialog API - to customize CKEditor dialog windows without changing the original editor code. - The following customizations are being done in the example below: -


- For details on how to create this setup check the source code of this sample page. -


A custom dialog is added to the editors using the pluginsLoaded event, from an external dialog definition file:

  1. Creating a custom dialog window – "My Dialog" dialog window opened with the "My Dialog" - toolbar button. -
  2. -
  3. Creating a custom button – Add button to open the dialog with "My Dialog" toolbar button. -
  4. -
- - -

The below editor modify the dialog definition of the above added dialog using the dialogDefinition - event:

  1. Adding dialog tab – Add new tab "My Tab" to dialog window.
  2. -
  3. Removing a dialog window tab – Remove "Second Tab" page from the dialog window.
  4. -
  5. Adding dialog window fields – Add "My Custom Field" to the dialog window.
  6. -
  7. Removing dialog window field – Remove "Select Field" selection field from the dialog - window. -
  8. -
  9. Setting default values for dialog window fields – Set default value of "Text Field" text - field. -
  10. -
  11. Setup initial focus for dialog window – Put initial focus on "My Custom Field" text - field. -
  12. -
- - - - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/enterkey/enterkey.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/enterkey/enterkey.html deleted file mode 100644 index ba55d1e..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/enterkey/enterkey.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - ENTER Key Configuration — CKEditor Sample - - - - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » ENTER Key Configuration -


- This sample shows how to configure the Enter and Shift+Enter keys - to perform actions specified in the - enterMode - and shiftEnterMode - parameters, respectively. - You can choose from the following options: -

  • ENTER_P – new <p> paragraphs are created;
  • -
  • ENTER_BR – lines are broken with <br> elements;
  • -
  • ENTER_DIV – new <div> blocks are created.
  • -

- The sample code below shows how to configure CKEditor to create a <div> block when - Enter key is pressed. -

-CKEDITOR.replace( 'textarea_id', {

- Note that textarea_id in the code above is the id attribute of - the <textarea> element to be replaced. -

- When Enter is pressed:
- -
- When Shift+Enter is pressed:
- -

- -


- -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/htmlwriter/assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.fla b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/htmlwriter/assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.fla deleted file mode 100644 index 27e68cc..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/htmlwriter/assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.fla and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/htmlwriter/assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.swf b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/htmlwriter/assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.swf deleted file mode 100644 index dbe17b6..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/htmlwriter/assets/outputforflash/outputforflash.swf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/htmlwriter/assets/outputforflash/swfobject.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/htmlwriter/assets/outputforflash/swfobject.js deleted file mode 100644 index 95fdf0a..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/htmlwriter/assets/outputforflash/swfobject.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -var swfobject=function(){function u(){if(!s){try{var a=d.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(d.createElement("span"));a.parentNode.removeChild(a)}catch(b){return}s=!0;for(var a=x.length,c=0;cf){f++;setTimeout(arguments.callee,10);return}a.removeChild(b);c=null;D()})()}else D()}function D(){var a=p.length;if(0e.wk))t(c,!0),f&&(g.success=!0,g.ref=E(c),f(g));else if(p[b].expressInstall&&F()){g={};g.data=p[b].expressInstall;g.width=d.getAttribute("width")||"0";g.height=d.getAttribute("height")||"0";d.getAttribute("class")&&(g.styleclass=d.getAttribute("class"));d.getAttribute("align")&&(g.align=d.getAttribute("align"));for(var h={},d=d.getElementsByTagName("param"),j=d.length,k=0;ke.wk)}function G(a,b,c,f){A=!0;H=f||null;N={success:!1,id:c};var g=n(c);if(g){"OBJECT"==g.nodeName?(w=I(g),B=null):(w=g,B=c);a.id= -O;if(typeof a.width==i||!/%$/.test(a.width)&&310>parseInt(a.width,10))a.width="310";if(typeof a.height==i||!/%$/.test(a.height)&&137>parseInt(a.height,10))a.height="137";d.title=d.title.slice(0,47)+" - Flash Player Installation";f=e.ie&&e.win?"ActiveX":"PlugIn";f="MMredirectURL="+m.location.toString().replace(/&/g,"%26")+"&MMplayerType="+f+"&MMdoctitle="+d.title;b.flashvars=typeof b.flashvars!=i?b.flashvars+("&"+f):f;e.ie&&(e.win&&4!=g.readyState)&&(f=d.createElement("div"),c+="SWFObjectNew",f.setAttribute("id", -c),g.parentNode.insertBefore(f,g),g.style.display="none",function(){g.readyState==4?g.parentNode.removeChild(g):setTimeout(arguments.callee,10)}());J(a,b,c)}}function W(a){if(e.ie&&e.win&&4!=a.readyState){var b=d.createElement("div");a.parentNode.insertBefore(b,a);b.parentNode.replaceChild(I(a),b);a.style.display="none";(function(){4==a.readyState?a.parentNode.removeChild(a):setTimeout(arguments.callee,10)})()}else a.parentNode.replaceChild(I(a),a)}function I(a){var b=d.createElement("div");if(e.win&& -e.ie)b.innerHTML=a.innerHTML;else if(a=a.getElementsByTagName(r)[0])if(a=a.childNodes)for(var c=a.length,f=0;fe.wk)return f;if(g)if(typeof a.id==i&&(a.id=c),e.ie&&e.win){var o="",h;for(h in a)a[h]!=Object.prototype[h]&&("data"==h.toLowerCase()?b.movie=a[h]:"styleclass"==h.toLowerCase()?o+=' class="'+a[h]+'"':"classid"!=h.toLowerCase()&&(o+=" "+ -h+'="'+a[h]+'"'));h="";for(var j in b)b[j]!=Object.prototype[j]&&(h+='');g.outerHTML='"+h+"";C[C.length]=a.id;f=n(a.id)}else{j=d.createElement(r);j.setAttribute("type",y);for(var k in a)a[k]!=Object.prototype[k]&&("styleclass"==k.toLowerCase()?j.setAttribute("class",a[k]):"classid"!=k.toLowerCase()&&j.setAttribute(k,a[k]));for(o in b)b[o]!=Object.prototype[o]&&"movie"!=o.toLowerCase()&& -(a=j,h=o,k=b[o],c=d.createElement("param"),c.setAttribute("name",h),c.setAttribute("value",k),a.appendChild(c));g.parentNode.replaceChild(j,g);f=j}return f}function P(a){var b=n(a);b&&"OBJECT"==b.nodeName&&(e.ie&&e.win?(b.style.display="none",function(){if(4==b.readyState){var c=n(a);if(c){for(var f in c)"function"==typeof c[f]&&(c[f]=null);c.parentNode.removeChild(c)}}else setTimeout(arguments.callee,10)}()):b.parentNode.removeChild(b))}function n(a){var b=null;try{b=d.getElementById(a)}catch(c){}return b} -function U(a,b,c){a.attachEvent(b,c);v[v.length]=[a,b,c]}function z(a){var b=e.pv,a=a.split(".");a[0]=parseInt(a[0],10);a[1]=parseInt(a[1],10)||0;a[2]=parseInt(a[2],10)||0;return b[0]>a[0]||b[0]==a[0]&&b[1]>a[1]||b[0]==a[0]&&b[1]==a[1]&&b[2]>=a[2]?!0:!1}function Q(a,b,c,f){if(!e.ie||!e.mac){var g=d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];if(g){c=c&&"string"==typeof c?c:"screen";f&&(K=l=null);if(!l||K!=c)f=d.createElement("style"),f.setAttribute("type","text/css"),f.setAttribute("media",c),l=g.appendChild(f), -e.ie&&(e.win&&typeof d.styleSheets!=i&&0\.;]/.exec(a)&&typeof encodeURIComponent!=i?encodeURIComponent(a):a}var i="undefined",r="object",y="application/x-shockwave-flash", -O="SWFObjectExprInst",m=window,d=document,q=navigator,T=!1,x=[function(){T?V():D()}],p=[],C=[],v=[],w,B,H,N,s=!1,A=!1,l,K,R=!0,e=function(){var a=typeof d.getElementById!=i&&typeof d.getElementsByTagName!=i&&typeof d.createElement!=i,b=q.userAgent.toLowerCase(),c=q.platform.toLowerCase(),f=c?/win/.test(c):/win/.test(b),c=c?/mac/.test(c):/mac/.test(b),b=/webkit/.test(b)?parseFloat(b.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/,"$1")):!1,g=!+"\v1",e=[0,0,0],h=null;if(typeof q.plugins!=i&&typeof q.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]== -r){if((h=q.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description)&&!(typeof q.mimeTypes!=i&&q.mimeTypes[y]&&!q.mimeTypes[y].enabledPlugin))T=!0,g=!1,h=h.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/,"$1"),e[0]=parseInt(h.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/,"$1"),10),e[1]=parseInt(h.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/,"$1"),10),e[2]=/[a-zA-Z]/.test(h)?parseInt(h.replace(/^.*[a-zA-Z]+(.*)$/,"$1"),10):0}else if(typeof m.ActiveXObject!=i)try{var j=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");if(j&&(h=j.GetVariable("$version")))g=!0,h=h.split(" ")[1].split(","), -e=[parseInt(h[0],10),parseInt(h[1],10),parseInt(h[2],10)]}catch(k){}return{w3:a,pv:e,wk:b,ie:g,win:f,mac:c}}();(function(){e.w3&&((typeof d.readyState!=i&&"complete"==d.readyState||typeof d.readyState==i&&(d.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]||d.body))&&u(),s||(typeof d.addEventListener!=i&&d.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",u,!1),e.ie&&e.win&&(d.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"==d.readyState&&(d.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",arguments.callee),u())}),m==top&&function(){if(!s){try{d.documentElement.doScroll("left")}catch(a){setTimeout(arguments.callee, -0);return}u()}}()),e.wk&&function(){s||(/loaded|complete/.test(d.readyState)?u():setTimeout(arguments.callee,0))}(),M(u)))})();(function(){e.ie&&e.win&&window.attachEvent("onunload",function(){for(var a=v.length,b=0;be.wk)&&a&&b&&c&&d&&g?(t(b,!1),L(function(){c+="";d+="";var e={};if(k&&typeof k===r)for(var l in k)e[l]=k[l];e.data=a;e.width=c;e.height=d;l={};if(j&&typeof j===r)for(var p in j)l[p]=j[p];if(h&&typeof h===r)for(var q in h)l.flashvars=typeof l.flashvars!=i?l.flashvars+("&"+q+"="+h[q]):q+"="+h[q];if(z(g))p=J(e,l,b),e.id== -b&&t(b,!0),n.success=!0,n.ref=p;else{if(o&&F()){e.data=o;G(e,l,b,m);return}t(b,!0)}m&&m(n)})):m&&m(n)},switchOffAutoHideShow:function(){R=!1},ua:e,getFlashPlayerVersion:function(){return{major:e.pv[0],minor:e.pv[1],release:e.pv[2]}},hasFlashPlayerVersion:z,createSWF:function(a,b,c){if(e.w3)return J(a,b,c)},showExpressInstall:function(a,b,c,d){e.w3&&F()&&G(a,b,c,d)},removeSWF:function(a){e.w3&&P(a)},createCSS:function(a,b,c,d){e.w3&&Q(a,b,c,d)},addDomLoadEvent:L,addLoadEvent:M,getQueryParamValue:function(a){var b= -d.location.search||d.location.hash;if(b){/\?/.test(b)&&(b=b.split("?")[1]);if(null==a)return S(b);for(var b=b.split("&"),c=0;c - - - - - Output for Flash — CKEditor Sample - - - - - - - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Producing Flash Compliant HTML Output -


- This sample shows how to configure CKEditor to output - HTML code that can be used with - - Adobe Flash. - The code will contain a subset of standard HTML elements like <b>, - <i>, and <p> as well as HTML attributes. -


- To add a CKEditor instance outputting Flash compliant HTML code, load the editor using a standard - JavaScript call, and define CKEditor features to use HTML elements and attributes. -


- For details on how to create this setup check the source code of this sample page. -


- To see how it works, create some content in the editing area of CKEditor on the left - and send it to the Flash object on the right side of the page by using the - Send to Flash button. -

- - - - - -
- - -

- -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/htmlwriter/outputhtml.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/htmlwriter/outputhtml.html deleted file mode 100644 index efd1de1..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/htmlwriter/outputhtml.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - HTML Compliant Output — CKEditor Sample - - - - - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Producing HTML Compliant Output -


- This sample shows how to configure CKEditor to output valid - HTML 4.01 code. - Traditional HTML elements like <b>, - <i>, and <font> are used in place of - <strong>, <em>, and CSS styles. -


- To add a CKEditor instance outputting legacy HTML 4.01 code, load the editor using a standard - JavaScript call, and define CKEditor features to use the HTML compliant elements and attributes. -


- A snippet of the configuration code can be seen below; check the source of this page for - full definition: -

-CKEDITOR.replace( 'textarea_id', {
-	coreStyles_bold: { element: 'b' },
-	coreStyles_italic: { element: 'i' },
-	fontSize_style: {
-		element: 'font',
-		attributes: { 'size': '#(size)' }
-	}
-	...

- - - -


- -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/magicline/magicline.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/magicline/magicline.html deleted file mode 100644 index a3b9fbe..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/magicline/magicline.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,207 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Using Magicline plugin — CKEditor Sample - - - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Using Magicline plugin -


- This sample shows the advantages of Magicline plugin - which is to enhance the editing process. Thanks to this plugin, - a number of difficult focus spaces which are inaccessible due to - browser issues can now be focused. -


- Magicline plugin shows a red line with a handler - which, when clicked, inserts a paragraph and allows typing. To see this, - focus an editor and move your mouse above the focus space you want - to access. The plugin is enabled by default so no additional - configuration is necessary. -

- -

- This editor uses a default Magicline setup. -

- - -
- -

- This editor is using a blue line. -

-CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor2', {
-	magicline_color: 'blue'
- - -
- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/toolbar/toolbar.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/toolbar/toolbar.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7a8092c..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/toolbar/toolbar.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,237 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Toolbar Configuration — CKEditor Sample - - - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Toolbar Configuration -


- This sample page demonstrates editor with loaded full toolbar (all registered - buttons) and, if - current editor's configuration modifies default settings, also editor with modified - toolbar. -

- -

Since CKEditor 4 there are two ways to configure toolbar buttons.

- -

By config.toolbar

- -

- You can explicitly define which buttons are displayed in which groups and in which order. - This is the more precise setting, but less flexible. If newly added plugin adds its - own button you'll have to add it manually to your config.toolbar setting as well. -

- -

To add a CKEditor instance with custom toolbar setting, insert the following JavaScript call to your code:

- -
-CKEDITOR.replace( 'textarea_id', {
-	toolbar: [
-		{ name: 'document', items: [ 'Source', '-', 'NewPage', 'Preview', '-', 'Templates' ] },	// Defines toolbar group with name (used to create voice label) and items in 3 subgroups.
-		[ 'Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste', 'PasteText', 'PasteFromWord', '-', 'Undo', 'Redo' ],			// Defines toolbar group without name.
-		'/',																					// Line break - next group will be placed in new line.
-		{ name: 'basicstyles', items: [ 'Bold', 'Italic' ] }
-	]
- -

By config.toolbarGroups -

- -

- You can define which groups of buttons (like e.g. basicstyles, clipboard - and forms) are displayed and in which order. Registered buttons are associated - with toolbar groups by toolbar property in their definition. - This setting's advantage is that you don't have to modify toolbar configuration - when adding/removing plugins which register their own buttons. -

- -

To add a CKEditor instance with custom toolbar groups setting, insert the following JavaScript call to your - code:

- -
-CKEDITOR.replace( 'textarea_id', {
-	toolbarGroups: [
-		{ name: 'document',	   groups: [ 'mode', 'document' ] },			// Displays document group with its two subgroups.
- 		{ name: 'clipboard',   groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ] },			// Group's name will be used to create voice label.
- 		'/',																// Line break - next group will be placed in new line.
- 		{ name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
- 		{ name: 'links' }
-	]
-	// NOTE: Remember to leave 'toolbar' property with the default value (null).
- - - -

Full toolbar configuration


Below you can see editor with full toolbar, generated automatically by the editor.


- Note: To create editor instance with full toolbar you don't have to set anything. - Just leave toolbar and toolbarGroups with the default, null values. -

- -

- - - - - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/wysiwygarea/fullpage.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/wysiwygarea/fullpage.html deleted file mode 100644 index 81d129c..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/plugins/wysiwygarea/fullpage.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Full Page Editing — CKEditor Sample - - - - - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Full Page Editing -


- This sample shows how to configure CKEditor to edit entire HTML pages, from the - <html> tag to the </html> tag. -


- The CKEditor instance below is inserted with a JavaScript call using the following code: -

-CKEDITOR.replace( 'textarea_id', {
-	fullPage: true,
-	allowedContent: true

- Note that textarea_id in the code above is the id attribute of - the <textarea> element to be replaced. -


- The allowedContent in the code above is set to true to disable content - filtering. - Setting this option is not obligatory, but in full page mode there is a strong chance that one may want be able - to freely enter any HTML content in source mode without any limitations. -

- - - -

- -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/readonly.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/readonly.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6927b38..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/readonly.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Using the CKEditor Read-Only API — CKEditor Sample - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Using the CKEditor Read-Only API -


- This sample shows how to use the - setReadOnly - API to put editor into the read-only state that makes it impossible for users to change the editor contents. -


- For details on how to create this setup check the source code of this sample page. -


- -


- - -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/replacebyclass.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/replacebyclass.html deleted file mode 100644 index efe34da..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/replacebyclass.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Replace Textareas by Class Name — CKEditor Sample - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Replace Textarea Elements by Class Name -


- This sample shows how to automatically replace all <textarea> elements - of a given class with a CKEditor instance. -


- To replace a <textarea> element, simply assign it the ckeditor - class, as in the code below: -

-<textarea class="ckeditor" name="editor1"></textarea>

- Note that other <textarea> attributes (like id or name) need to be - adjusted to your document. -


- - -


- -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/replacebycode.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/replacebycode.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5bc3ccd..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/replacebycode.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Replace Textarea by Code — CKEditor Sample - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Replace Textarea Elements Using JavaScript Code -


- This editor is using an <iframe> element-based editing area, provided by the Wysiwygarea - plugin. -

-CKEDITOR.replace( 'textarea_id' )
- - -

- -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/sample.css b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/sample.css deleted file mode 100644 index 97b0b3d..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/sample.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,320 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. -For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ - -html, body, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, div, span, blockquote, p, address, form, fieldset, img, ul, ol, dl, dt, dd, li, hr, table, td, th, strong, em, sup, sub, dfn, ins, del, q, cite, var, samp, code, kbd, tt, pre { - line-height: 1.5; -} - -body { - padding: 10px 30px; -} - -input, textarea, select, option, optgroup, button, td, th { - font-size: 100%; -} - -pre { - -moz-tab-size: 4; - -o-tab-size: 4; - -webkit-tab-size: 4; - tab-size: 4; -} - -pre, code, kbd, samp, tt { - font-family: monospace, monospace; - font-size: 1em; -} - -body { - width: 960px; - margin: 0 auto; -} - -code { - background: #f3f3f3; - border: 1px solid #ddd; - padding: 1px 4px; - - -moz-border-radius: 3px; - -webkit-border-radius: 3px; - border-radius: 3px; -} - -abbr { - border-bottom: 1px dotted #555; - cursor: pointer; -} - -.new, .beta { - text-transform: uppercase; - font-size: 10px; - font-weight: bold; - padding: 1px 4px; - margin: 0 0 0 5px; - color: #fff; - float: right; - - -moz-border-radius: 3px; - -webkit-border-radius: 3px; - border-radius: 3px; -} - -.new { - background: #FF7E00; - border: 1px solid #DA8028; - text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #C97626; - - -moz-box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 #FFA54E inset; - -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 #FFA54E inset; - box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 #FFA54E inset; -} - -.beta { - background: #18C0DF; - border: 1px solid #19AAD8; - text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #048CAD; - font-style: italic; - - -moz-box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 #50D4FD inset; - -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 #50D4FD inset; - box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 #50D4FD inset; -} - -h1.samples { - color: #0782C1; - font-size: 200%; - font-weight: normal; - margin: 0; - padding: 0; -} - -h1.samples a { - color: #0782C1; - text-decoration: none; - border-bottom: 1px dotted #0782C1; -} - -.samples a:hover { - border-bottom: 1px dotted #0782C1; -} - -h2.samples { - color: #000000; - font-size: 130%; - margin: 15px 0 0 0; - padding: 0; -} - -p, blockquote, address, form, pre, dl, h1.samples, h2.samples { - margin-bottom: 15px; -} - -ul.samples { - margin-bottom: 15px; -} - -.clear { - clear: both; -} - -fieldset { - margin: 0; - padding: 10px; -} - -body, input, textarea { - color: #333333; - font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; -} - -body { - font-size: 75%; -} - -a.samples { - color: #189DE1; - text-decoration: none; -} - -form { - margin: 0; - padding: 0; -} - -pre.samples { - background-color: #F7F7F7; - border: 1px solid #D7D7D7; - overflow: auto; - padding: 0.25em; - white-space: pre-wrap; /* CSS 2.1 */ - word-wrap: break-word; /* IE7 */ -} - -#footer { - clear: both; - padding-top: 10px; -} - -#footer hr { - margin: 10px 0 15px 0; - height: 1px; - border: solid 1px gray; - border-bottom: none; -} - -#footer p { - margin: 0 10px 10px 10px; - float: left; -} - -#footer #copy { - float: right; -} - -#outputSample { - width: 100%; - table-layout: fixed; -} - -#outputSample thead th { - color: #dddddd; - background-color: #999999; - padding: 4px; - white-space: nowrap; -} - -#outputSample tbody th { - vertical-align: top; - text-align: left; -} - -#outputSample pre { - margin: 0; - padding: 0; -} - -.description { - border: 1px dotted #B7B7B7; - margin-bottom: 10px; - padding: 10px 10px 0; - overflow: hidden; -} - -label { - display: block; - margin-bottom: 6px; -} - -/** - * CKEditor editables are automatically set with the "cke_editable" class - * plus cke_editable_(inline|themed) depending on the editor type. - */ - -/* Style a bit the inline editables. */ -.cke_editable.cke_editable_inline { - cursor: pointer; -} - -/* Once an editable element gets focused, the "cke_focus" class is - added to it, so we can style it differently. */ -.cke_editable.cke_editable_inline.cke_focus { - box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 20px 3px #ddd, inset 0 0 1px #000; - outline: none; - background: #eee; - cursor: text; -} - -/* Avoid pre-formatted overflows inline editable. */ -.cke_editable_inline pre { - white-space: pre-wrap; - word-wrap: break-word; -} - -/** - * Samples index styles. - */ - -.twoColumns, -.twoColumnsLeft, -.twoColumnsRight { - overflow: hidden; -} - -.twoColumnsLeft, -.twoColumnsRight { - width: 45%; -} - -.twoColumnsLeft { - float: left; -} - -.twoColumnsRight { - float: right; -} - -dl.samples { - padding: 0 0 0 40px; -} - -dl.samples > dt { - display: list-item; - list-style-type: disc; - list-style-position: outside; - margin: 0 0 3px; -} - -dl.samples > dd { - margin: 0 0 3px; -} - -.warning { - color: #ff0000; - background-color: #FFCCBA; - border: 2px dotted #ff0000; - padding: 15px 10px; - margin: 10px 0; -} - -/* Used on inline samples */ - -blockquote { - font-style: italic; - font-family: Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif; - padding: 2px 0; - border-style: solid; - border-color: #ccc; - border-width: 0; -} - -.cke_contents_ltr blockquote { - padding-left: 20px; - padding-right: 8px; - border-left-width: 5px; -} - -.cke_contents_rtl blockquote { - padding-left: 8px; - padding-right: 20px; - border-right-width: 5px; -} - -img.right { - border: 1px solid #ccc; - float: right; - margin-left: 15px; - padding: 5px; -} - -img.left { - border: 1px solid #ccc; - float: left; - margin-right: 15px; - padding: 5px; -} - -.marker { - background-color: Yellow; -} diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/sample.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/sample.js deleted file mode 100644 index e98a857..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/sample.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -/** - * Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license - */ - -// Tool scripts for the sample pages. -// This file can be ignored and is not required to make use of CKEditor. - -(function () { - CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function (ev) { - // Check for sample compliance. - var editor = ev.editor, - meta = CKEDITOR.document.$.getElementsByName('ckeditor-sample-required-plugins'), - requires = meta.length ? CKEDITOR.dom.element.get(meta[0]).getAttribute('content').split(',') : [], - missing = [], - i; - - if (requires.length) { - for (i = 0; i < requires.length; i++) { - if (!editor.plugins[requires[i]]) - missing.push('' + requires[i] + ''); - } - - if (missing.length) { - var warn = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( - '
' + - 'To fully experience this demo, the ' + missing.join(', ') + ' plugin' + (missing.length > 1 ? 's are' : ' is') + ' required.' + - '
' - ); - warn.insertBefore(editor.container); - } - } - - // Set icons. - var doc = new CKEDITOR.dom.document(document), - icons = doc.find('.button_icon'); - - for (i = 0; i < icons.count(); i++) { - var icon = icons.getItem(i), - name = icon.getAttribute('data-icon'), - style = CKEDITOR.skin.getIconStyle(name, (CKEDITOR.lang.dir == 'rtl')); - - icon.addClass('cke_button_icon'); - icon.addClass('cke_button__' + name + '_icon'); - icon.setAttribute('style', style); - icon.setStyle('float', 'none'); - - } - }); -})(); diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/sample_posteddata.php b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/sample_posteddata.php deleted file mode 100644 index e076223..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/sample_posteddata.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -
-  CKEditor - Posted Data
-  We are sorry, but your Web server does not support the PHP language used in this script.
-  Please note that CKEditor can be used with any other server-side language than just PHP.
-  To save the content created with CKEditor you need to read the POST data on the server
-  side and write it to a file or the database.
-  Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
-  For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
*/ -include "assets/posteddata.php"; diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/tabindex.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/tabindex.html deleted file mode 100644 index 080a56d..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/tabindex.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - TAB Key-Based Navigation — CKEditor Sample - - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » TAB Key-Based Navigation -


- This sample shows how tab key navigation among editor instances is - affected by the tabIndex attribute from - the original page element. Use TAB key to move between the editors. -


- -


- -


- -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/uicolor.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/uicolor.html deleted file mode 100644 index b3535c5..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/uicolor.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - UI Color Picker — CKEditor Sample - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » UI Color -


- This sample shows how to automatically replace <textarea> elements - with a CKEditor instance with an option to change the color of its user interface.
- Note:The UI skin color feature depends on the CKEditor skin - compatibility. The Moono and Kama skins are examples of skins that work with it. -


- This editor instance has a UI color value defined in configuration to change the skin color, - To specify the color of the user interface, set the uiColor property: -

-CKEDITOR.replace( 'textarea_id', {
-	uiColor: '#14B8C4'

- Note that textarea_id in the code above is the id attribute of - the <textarea> element to be replaced. -


- - -


- -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/uilanguages.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/uilanguages.html deleted file mode 100644 index ab9f0e4..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/uilanguages.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - User Interface Globalization — CKEditor Sample - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » User Interface Languages -


- This sample shows how to automatically replace <textarea> elements - with a CKEditor instance with an option to change the language of its user interface. -


- It pulls the language list from CKEditor _languages.js file that contains the list of supported - languages and creates - a drop-down list that lets the user change the UI language. -


- By default, CKEditor automatically localizes the editor to the language of the user. - The UI language can be controlled with two configuration options: - language - and - - defaultLanguage. The defaultLanguage setting specifies the - default CKEditor language to be used when a localization suitable for user's settings is not available. -


- To specify the user interface language that will be used no matter what language is - specified in user's browser or operating system, set the language property: -

-CKEDITOR.replace( 'textarea_id', {
-	// Load the German interface.
-	language: 'de'

- Note that textarea_id in the code above is the id attribute of - the <textarea> element to be replaced. -


- Available languages ( languages!):
- -
- - (You may see strange characters if your system does not support the selected language) - -


- - -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/xhtmlstyle.html b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/xhtmlstyle.html deleted file mode 100644 index b673d4d..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/samples/xhtmlstyle.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,232 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - XHTML Compliant Output — CKEditor Sample - - - - - - -

- CKEditor Samples » Producing XHTML Compliant Output -


- This sample shows how to configure CKEditor to output valid - XHTML 1.1 code. - Deprecated elements (<font>, <u>) or attributes - (size, face) will be replaced with XHTML compliant code. -


- To add a CKEditor instance outputting valid XHTML code, load the editor using a standard - JavaScript call and define CKEditor features to use the XHTML compliant elements and styles. -


- A snippet of the configuration code can be seen below; check the source of this page for - full definition: -

-CKEDITOR.replace( 'textarea_id', {
-	contentsCss: 'assets/outputxhtml.css',
-	coreStyles_bold: {
-		element: 'span',
-		attributes: { 'class': 'Bold' }
-	},
-	coreStyles_italic: {
-		element: 'span',
-		attributes: { 'class': 'Italic' }
-	},
-	...

- - - -


- -

- - - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/index.php b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/index.php deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/dialog.css b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/dialog.css deleted file mode 100644 index 76c4651..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/dialog.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. -For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license -*/ -.cke_dialog{visibility:visible}.cke_dialog_body{z-index:1;background:#eaeaea;border:1px solid #b2b2b2;border-bottom-color:#999;-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px;-moz-box-shadow:0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.15);-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.15);box-shadow:0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.15)}.cke_dialog strong{font-weight:bold}.cke_dialog_title{font-weight:bold;font-size:13px;cursor:move;position:relative;color:#474747;text-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.75);border-bottom:1px solid #999;padding:6px 10px;-moz-border-radius:2px 2px 0 0;-webkit-border-radius:2px 2px 0 0;border-radius:2px 2px 0 0;-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 0 #fff inset;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 0 #fff inset;box-shadow:0 1px 0 #fff inset;background:#cfd1cf;background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(#f5f5f5),to(#cfd1cf));background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#f5f5f5,#cfd1cf);background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#f5f5f5,#cfd1cf);background-image:-o-linear-gradient(top,#f5f5f5,#cfd1cf);background-image:-ms-linear-gradient(top,#f5f5f5,#cfd1cf);background-image:linear-gradient(top,#f5f5f5,#cfd1cf);filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(gradientType=0,startColorstr='#f5f5f5',endColorstr='#cfd1cf')}.cke_dialog_contents{background-color:#fff;overflow:auto;padding:15px 10px 5px 10px;margin-top:30px;border-top:1px solid #bfbfbf;-moz-border-radius:0 0 3px 3px;-webkit-border-radius:0 0 3px 3px;border-radius:0 0 3px 3px}.cke_dialog_contents_body{overflow:auto;padding:17px 10px 5px 10px;margin-top:22px}.cke_dialog_footer{text-align:right;position:relative;border:0;outline:1px solid #bfbfbf;-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 0 #fff inset;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 0 #fff inset;box-shadow:0 1px 0 #fff inset;-moz-border-radius:0 0 2px 2px;-webkit-border-radius:0 0 2px 2px;border-radius:0 0 2px 2px;background:#cfd1cf;background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(#ebebeb),to(#cfd1cf));background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#ebebeb,#cfd1cf);background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#ebebeb,#cfd1cf);background-image:-o-linear-gradient(top,#ebebeb,#cfd1cf);background-image:-ms-linear-gradient(top,#ebebeb,#cfd1cf);background-image:linear-gradient(top,#ebebeb,#cfd1cf);filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(gradientType=0,startColorstr='#ebebeb',endColorstr='#cfd1cf')}.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer{text-align:left}.cke_hc .cke_dialog_footer{outline:0;border-top:1px solid #fff}.cke_dialog .cke_resizer{margin-top:22px}.cke_dialog .cke_resizer_rtl{margin-left:5px}.cke_dialog .cke_resizer_ltr{margin-right:5px}.cke_dialog_tabs{height:24px;display:inline-block;margin:5px 0 0;position:absolute;z-index:2;left:10px}.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_tabs{right:10px}a.cke_dialog_tab{height:16px;padding:4px 8px;margin-right:3px;display:inline-block;cursor:pointer;line-height:16px;outline:0;color:#595959;border:1px solid #bfbfbf;-moz-border-radius:3px 3px 0 0;-webkit-border-radius:3px 3px 0 0;border-radius:3px 3px 0 0;background:#d4d4d4;background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(#fafafa),to(#ededed));background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#fafafa,#ededed);background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#fafafa,#ededed);background-image:-o-linear-gradient(top,#fafafa,#ededed);background-image:-ms-linear-gradient(top,#fafafa,#ededed);background-image:linear-gradient(top,#fafafa,#ededed);filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(gradientType=0,startColorstr='#fafafa',endColorstr='#ededed')}.cke_rtl a.cke_dialog_tab{margin-right:0;margin-left:3px}a.cke_dialog_tab:hover{background:#ebebeb;background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#ebebeb 0,#dfdfdf 100%);background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0%,#ebebeb),color-stop(100%,#dfdfdf));background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#ebebeb 0,#dfdfdf 100%);background:-o-linear-gradient(top,#ebebeb 0,#dfdfdf 100%);background:-ms-linear-gradient(top,#ebebeb 0,#dfdfdf 100%);background:linear-gradient(to bottom,#ebebeb 0,#dfdfdf 100%);filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ebebeb',endColorstr='#dfdfdf',GradientType=0)}a.cke_dialog_tab_selected{background:#fff;color:#383838;border-bottom-color:#fff;cursor:default;filter:none}a.cke_dialog_tab_selected:hover{background:#ededed;background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#ededed 0,#fff 100%);background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0%,#ededed),color-stop(100%,#fff));background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#ededed 0,#fff 100%);background:-o-linear-gradient(top,#ededed 0,#fff 100%);background:-ms-linear-gradient(top,#ededed 0,#fff 100%);background:linear-gradient(to bottom,#ededed 0,#fff 100%);filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ededed',endColorstr='#ffffff',GradientType=0)}.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab:hover,.cke_hc a.cke_dialog_tab_selected{border:3px solid;padding:2px 6px}a.cke_dialog_tab_disabled{color:#bababa;cursor:default}.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_tabs{display:none}.cke_single_page .cke_dialog_contents{padding-top:5px;margin-top:0;border-top:0}.cke_dialog_close_button{background-image:url(images/close.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:50%;position:absolute;cursor:pointer;text-align:center;height:20px;width:20px;top:5px;z-index:5;opacity:.8;filter:alpha(opacity = 80)}.cke_dialog_close_button:hover{opacity:1;filter:alpha(opacity = 100)}.cke_hidpi .cke_dialog_close_button{background-image:url(images/hidpi/close.png);background-size:16px}.cke_dialog_close_button span{display:none}.cke_hc .cke_dialog_close_button span{display:inline;cursor:pointer;font-weight:bold;position:relative;top:3px}.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_close_button{right:5px}.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_close_button{left:6px}.cke_dialog_close_button{top:4px}div.cke_disabled .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content div *{background-color:#ddd;cursor:default}.cke_dialog_ui_vbox table,.cke_dialog_ui_hbox table{margin:auto}.cke_dialog_ui_vbox_child{padding:5px 0}.cke_dialog_ui_hbox{width:100%}.cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,.cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child,.cke_dialog_ui_hbox_last{vertical-align:top}.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child{padding-right:10px}.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child{padding-left:10px}.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_footer_buttons .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,.cke_ltr .cke_dialog_footer_buttons .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child{padding-right:5px}.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer_buttons .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first,.cke_rtl .cke_dialog_footer_buttons .cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child{padding-left:5px;padding-right:0}.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password,.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea,.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_select,.cke_hc div.cke_dialog_ui_input_file{border:1px solid}textarea.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea{overflow:auto;resize:none}input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text,input.cke_dialog_ui_input_password,textarea.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea{background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #c9cccf;border-top-color:#aeb3b9;padding:4px 6px;outline:0;width:100%;*width:95%;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px;-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.15) inset;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.15) inset;box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.15) inset}input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text:hover,input.cke_dialog_ui_input_password:hover,textarea.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea:hover{border:1px solid #aeb3b9;border-top-color:#a0a6ad}input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text:focus,input.cke_dialog_ui_input_password:focus,textarea.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea:focus,select.cke_dialog_ui_input_select:focus{outline:0;border:1px solid #139ff7;border-top-color:#1392e9}a.cke_dialog_ui_button{display:inline-block;*display:inline;*zoom:1;padding:4px 0;margin:0;text-align:center;color:#333;vertical-align:middle;cursor:pointer;border:1px solid #b6b6b6;border-bottom-color:#999;-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px;-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5),0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,.15) inset,0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.15) inset;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5),0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,.15) inset,0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.15) inset;box-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5),0 0 2px rgba(255,255,255,.15) inset,0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.15) inset;background:#e4e4e4;background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left 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- background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__paste_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__paste_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -360px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__bgcolor_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -384px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__textcolor_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -408px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__templates_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__templates_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -432px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__templates_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__templates_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -456px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__creatediv_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -480px !important; 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- background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__form_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -648px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__hiddenfield_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -672px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__imagebutton_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -696px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__radio_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -720px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__select_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__select_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -744px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__select_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__select_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -768px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__textarea_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__textarea_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -792px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__textarea_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__textarea_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -816px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__textfield_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__textfield_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -840px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__textfield_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__textfield_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -864px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__horizontalrule_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -888px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__iframe_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -912px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__image_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -936px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__indent_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__indent_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -960px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__indent_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__indent_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -984px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__outdent_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__outdent_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1008px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__outdent_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__outdent_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1032px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__smiley_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1056px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__justifyblock_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1080px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__justifycenter_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1104px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__justifyleft_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1128px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__justifyright_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1152px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__language_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1176px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__anchor_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__anchor_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1200px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__anchor_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__anchor_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1224px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__link_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1248px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__unlink_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1272px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__bulletedlist_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__bulletedlist_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1296px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__bulletedlist_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__bulletedlist_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1320px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__numberedlist_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__numberedlist_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1344px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__numberedlist_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__numberedlist_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1368px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__maximize_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1392px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__newpage_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__newpage_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1416px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__newpage_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__newpage_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1440px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__pagebreak_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__pagebreak_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1464px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__pagebreak_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__pagebreak_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1488px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__pastetext_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__pastetext_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1512px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__pastetext_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__pastetext_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1536px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__pastefromword_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__pastefromword_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1560px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__pastefromword_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__pastefromword_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1584px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__preview_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__preview_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1608px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__preview_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__preview_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1632px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__print_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1656px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__removeformat_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1680px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__save_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1704px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__selectall_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1728px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__showblocks_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__showblocks_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1752px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__showblocks_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__showblocks_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1776px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__source_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__source_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1800px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__source_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__source_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1824px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__specialchar_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1848px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__scayt_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1872px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__table_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1896px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__redo_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__redo_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1920px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__redo_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__redo_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1944px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_rtl.cke_hidpi .cke_button__undo_icon, .cke_hidpi .cke_mixed_dir_content .cke_rtl .cke_button__undo_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1968px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_ltr .cke_button__undo_icon, .cke_ltr.cke_hidpi .cke_button__undo_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -1992px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} - -.cke_hidpi .cke_button__spellchecker_icon { - background: url(icons_hidpi.png) no-repeat 0 -2016px !important; - background-size: 16px !important; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/icons.png b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/icons.png deleted file mode 100644 index 1ec992d..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/icons.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/icons_hidpi.png b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/icons_hidpi.png deleted file mode 100644 index 6e103c0..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/icons_hidpi.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/arrow.png b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/arrow.png deleted file mode 100644 index 0d1eb39..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/arrow.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/close.png b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/close.png deleted file mode 100644 index 04b9c97..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/close.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/hidpi/close.png b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/hidpi/close.png deleted file mode 100644 index 8abca8e..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/hidpi/close.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/hidpi/lock-open.png b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/hidpi/lock-open.png deleted file mode 100644 index aa5e740..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/hidpi/lock-open.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/hidpi/lock.png b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/hidpi/lock.png deleted file mode 100644 index 5404b06..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/hidpi/lock.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/hidpi/refresh.png b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/hidpi/refresh.png deleted file mode 100644 index 1ebef34..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/hidpi/refresh.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/lock-open.png b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/lock-open.png deleted file mode 100644 index 3b256c0..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/lock-open.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/lock.png b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/lock.png deleted file mode 100644 index c127f9e..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/lock.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/refresh.png b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/refresh.png deleted file mode 100644 index a1a061c..0000000 Binary files a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/images/refresh.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/readme.md b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/readme.md deleted file mode 100644 index 5bf184c..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/readme.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -"Moono" Skin -==================== - -This skin has been chosen for the **default skin** of CKEditor 4.x, elected from the CKEditor -[skin contest](http://ckeditor.com/blog/new_ckeditor_4_skin) and further shaped by the CKEditor team. "Moono" is -maintained by the core developers. - -For more information about skins, please check the [CKEditor Skin SDK](http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_4.x/Skin_SDK) -documentation. - -Features -------------------- -"Moono" is a monochromatic skin, which offers a modern look coupled with gradients and transparency. It comes with the -following features: - -- Chameleon feature with brightness, -- high-contrast compatibility, -- graphics source provided in SVG. - -Directory Structure -------------------- - -CSS parts: - -- **editor.css**: the main CSS file. It's simply loading several other files, for easier maintenance, -- **mainui.css**: the file contains styles of entire editor outline structures, -- **toolbar.css**: the file contains styles of the editor toolbar space (top), -- **richcombo.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo ui elements on toolbar, -- **panel.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo drop-down, it's not loaded until the first panel open up, -- **elementspath.css**: the file contains styles of the editor elements path bar (bottom), -- **menu.css**: the file contains styles of all editor menus including context menu and button drop-down, it's not - loaded until the first menu open up, -- **dialog.css**: the CSS files for the dialog UI, it's not loaded until the first dialog open, -- **reset.css**: the file defines the basis of style resets among all editor UI spaces, -- **preset.css**: the file defines the default styles of some UI elements reflecting the skin preference, -- **editor_XYZ.css** and **dialog_XYZ.css**: browser specific CSS hacks. - -Other parts: - -- **skin.js**: the only JavaScript part of the skin that registers the skin, its browser specific files and its icons - and defines the Chameleon feature, -- **icons/**: contains all skin defined icons, -- **images/**: contains a fill general used images, -- **dev/**: contains SVG source of the skin icons. - -License -------- - -Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - -Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice: [GPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) -, [LGPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) and [MPL](http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html). - -See LICENSE.md for more information. diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/styles.js b/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/styles.js deleted file mode 100644 index 24d22a7..0000000 --- a/admin/js/plugins/ckeditor/styles.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -/** - * Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. - * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license - */ - -// This file contains style definitions that can be used by CKEditor plugins. -// -// The most common use for it is the "stylescombo" plugin, which shows a combo -// in the editor toolbar, containing all styles. Other plugins instead, like -// the div plugin, use a subset of the styles on their feature. -// -// If you don't have plugins that depend on this file, you can simply ignore it. -// Otherwise it is strongly recommended to customize this file to match your -// website requirements and design properly. - -CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add('default', [ - /* Block Styles */ - - // These styles are already available in the "Format" combo ("format" plugin), - // so they are not needed here by default. You may enable them to avoid - // placing the "Format" combo in the toolbar, maintaining the same features. - /* - { name: 'Paragraph', element: 'p' }, - { name: 'Heading 1', element: 'h1' }, - { name: 'Heading 2', element: 'h2' }, - { name: 'Heading 3', element: 'h3' }, - { name: 'Heading 4', element: 'h4' }, - { name: 'Heading 5', element: 'h5' }, - { name: 'Heading 6', element: 'h6' }, - { name: 'Preformatted Text',element: 'pre' }, - { name: 'Address', element: 'address' }, - */ - - {name: 'Italic Title', element: 'h2', styles: {'font-style': 'italic'}}, - {name: 'Subtitle', element: 'h3', styles: {'color': '#aaa', 'font-style': 'italic'}}, - { - name: 'Special Container', - element: 'div', - styles: { - padding: '5px 10px', - background: '#eee', - border: '1px solid #ccc' - } - }, - - /* Inline Styles */ - - // These are core styles available as toolbar buttons. You may opt enabling - // some of them in the Styles combo, removing them from the toolbar. - // (This requires the "stylescombo" plugin) - /* - { name: 'Strong', element: 'strong', overrides: 'b' }, - { name: 'Emphasis', element: 'em' , overrides: 'i' }, - { name: 'Underline', element: 'u' }, - { name: 'Strikethrough', element: 'strike' }, - { name: 'Subscript', element: 'sub' }, - { name: 'Superscript', element: 'sup' }, - */ - - {name: 'Marker', element: 'span', attributes: {'class': 'marker'}}, - - {name: 'Big', element: 'big'}, - {name: 'Small', element: 'small'}, - {name: 'Typewriter', element: 'tt'}, - - {name: 'Computer Code', element: 'code'}, - {name: 'Keyboard Phrase', element: 'kbd'}, - {name: 'Sample Text', element: 'samp'}, - {name: 'Variable', element: 'var'}, - - {name: 'Deleted Text', element: 'del'}, - {name: 'Inserted Text', element: 'ins'}, - - {name: 'Cited Work', element: 'cite'}, - {name: 'Inline Quotation', element: 'q'}, - - {name: 'Language: RTL', element: 'span', attributes: {'dir': 'rtl'}}, - {name: 'Language: LTR', element: 'span', attributes: {'dir': 'ltr'}}, - - /* Object Styles */ - - { - name: 'Styled image (left)', - element: 'img', - attributes: {'class': 'left'} - }, - - { - name: 'Styled image (right)', - element: 'img', - attributes: {'class': 'right'} - }, - - { - name: 'Compact table', - element: 'table', - attributes: { - cellpadding: '5', - cellspacing: '0', - border: '1', - bordercolor: '#ccc' - }, - styles: { - 'border-collapse': 'collapse' - } - }, - - {name: 'Borderless Table', element: 'table', styles: {'border-style': 'hidden', 'background-color': '#E6E6FA'}}, - {name: 'Square Bulleted List', element: 'ul', styles: {'list-style-type': 'square'}} -]); - diff --git a/admin/js/plugins/index.php b/admin/js/plugins/index.php deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/admin/menu.php b/admin/menu.php index a12543a..300a689 100644 --- a/admin/menu.php +++ b/admin/menu.php @@ -28,9 +28,6 @@
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  • diff --git a/admin/pages.php b/admin/pages.php deleted file mode 100644 index 46bfab2..0000000 --- a/admin/pages.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ - - * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License - * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 - * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. - * - * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License in GPL.txt for more details. - */ -define('IN_ADMIN', 1); -require_once('common.php'); - -updateAdminHistory($conn); - -if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { - if (isset($_POST['editme'])) { - $edit_me_id = htmlentities(Trim($_POST['editme'])); - $page_name = Trim($_POST['page_name']); - $page_title = Trim($_POST['page_title']); - $page_content = $_POST['data']; - - $query = "UPDATE pages SET last_date='$date', page_name='$page_name', page_title='$page_title', page_content='$page_content' WHERE id='$edit_me_id'"; - } else { - $page_name = Trim($_POST['page_name']); - $page_title = Trim($_POST['page_title']); - $page_content = $_POST['data']; - - $query = "INSERT INTO pages (last_date,page_name,page_title,page_content) VALUES ('$date','$page_name','$page_title','$page_content')"; - } - mysqli_query($con, $query); - $page_name = ""; - $page_title = ""; - $page_content = ""; -} - -if (isset($_GET['edit'])) { - - $page_id = trim($_GET['edit']); - $sql = "SELECT * FROM pages where id='$page_id'"; - $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql); - - //we loop through each records - while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { - //populate and display results data in each row - $page_name = $row['page_name']; - $page_title = $row['page_title']; - $page_content = $row['page_content']; - } -} - -?> - - - - - - - Paste - Pages - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - -
    - - -
    - -
    - - - - - -
    Add a Page
    - -
    - "> -
    - '; - } - ?> -
    - -
    - -
    - - - - - - - - - - - - ' . mysqli_error($con) . ' - '; - } else { - echo ' -
    - Page deleted. -
    '; - } - } - $rec_limit = 20; - $query = "SELECT count(id) FROM pages"; - $retval = mysqli_query($con, $query); - - $row = mysqli_fetch_array($retval); - $rec_count = Trim($row[0]); - - - if (isset($_GET['page'])) { // Get the current page - $page = $_GET['page'] + 1; - $offset = $rec_limit * $page; - } else { - // Show first set of results - $page = 0; - $offset = 0; - } - $left_rec = $rec_count - ($page * $rec_limit); - // Set the specific query to display in the table - $sql = "SELECT * FROM pages ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT $offset, $rec_limit"; - $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql); - $no = 1; - // Loop through each records - while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { - // Populate and display results data in each row - echo ''; - echo ''; - echo ''; - echo ''; - $myid = $row['id']; - echo ''; - echo ''; - echo ''; - $no++; - } - echo ''; - echo ''; - echo '
    Date AddedPage NamePage TitleViewEditDelete
    ' . $row['last_date'] . '' . $row['page_name'] . '' . $row['page_title'] . '' . " View " . '' . " Edit " . '' . " Delete " . '
    '; - // Display the pagination - echo '
      '; - if ($left_rec < $rec_limit) { - $last = $page - 2; - if ($last < 0) { - - } else { - echo @"
    • Previous
    • "; - } - } elseif ($page == 0) { - echo @"
    • Next
    • "; - } elseif ($page > 0) { - $last = $page - 2; - echo @"
    • Previous
    • "; - echo @"
    • Next
    • "; - } - echo '
    '; - ?> -
    - -
    - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/admin/tasksqqq.php b/admin/tasksqqq.php index 240e180..441f086 100644 --- a/admin/tasksqqq.php +++ b/admin/tasksqqq.php @@ -134,9 +134,6 @@ if ($last_ip == $ip) {
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  • diff --git a/theme/bulma/main.php b/theme/bulma/main.php index 1acf184..4f7f4b8 100644 --- a/theme/bulma/main.php +++ b/theme/bulma/main.php @@ -124,9 +124,7 @@
    $row) { + foreach ($res as $index => $row) { $title = Trim($row['title']); $titlehov = ($row['title']); $p_member = Trim($row['member']);