defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Topic.HideController do import Plug.Conn use PhilomenaWeb, :controller alias Philomena.Topics.Topic alias Philomena.Topics alias Philomena.Repo import Ecto.Query plug :load_topic plug PhilomenaWeb.CanaryMapPlug, create: :hide, delete: :hide plug :authorize_resource, model: Topic, id_name: "topic_id", persisted: true def create(conn, %{"topic" => topic_params}) do topic = conn.assigns.topic deletion_reason = topic_params["deletion_reason"] user = conn.assigns.current_user case Topics.hide_topic(topic, deletion_reason, user) do {:ok, topic} -> conn |> put_flash(:info, "Topic successfully hidden!") |> redirect(to: Routes.forum_topic_path(conn, :show,, topic)) {:error, _changeset} -> conn |> put_flash(:error, "Unable to hide the topic!") |> redirect(to: Routes.forum_topic_path(conn, :show,, topic)) end end def delete(conn, _opts) do topic = conn.assigns.topic case Topics.unhide_topic(topic) do {:ok, topic} -> conn |> put_flash(:info, "Topic successfully restored!") |> redirect(to: Routes.forum_topic_path(conn, :show,, topic)) {:error, _changeset} -> conn |> put_flash(:error, "Unable to restore the topic!") |> redirect(to: Routes.forum_topic_path(conn, :show,, topic)) end end defp load_topic(conn, _opts) do topic = Topic |> where(forum_id: ^conn.params["forum_id"], slug: ^conn.params["topic_id"]) |> preload([:forum]) |> Plug.Conn.assign(conn, :topic, topic) end end