= for notice <- @conn.assigns.site_notices do .flash.flash--special .flash__icon i.fa.fa-info-circle .flash__message strong> = notice.title => notice.text = if notice.link not in [nil, ""] do a href=notice.link = notice.link_text .flash.flash--special .flash__icon i.fa.fa-dragon .flash__message strong> Here be dragons! ' This is a work-in-progress branch of the site code. At current state, it is approximately em> 40 percent ' finished. Everything is subject to change, and will probably be changed. ' Keep calm and don't freak out if something looks ugly/broken - it will be fixed. a href="https://derpibooru.org/forums/meta/topics/so-you-found-the-redesign?post_id=5609737" | Check out this topic for more info, the FAQ, and to yell at me about this. noscript.flash.flash--warning .flash__icon i.fa.fa-check .flash__message strong You don't appear to have Javascript enabled ' If you're using an add-on like NoScript, please allow => cdn_host() ' for the site to work properly. = if get_flash(@conn, :info) do .flash.flash--success .flash__icon i.fa.fa-check .flash__message = get_flash(@conn, :info) = if get_flash(@conn, :alert) do .flash.flash--information .flash__icon i.fa.fa-info-circle .flash__message = get_flash(@conn, :alert) = if get_flash(@conn, :error) do .flash.flash--danger .flash__icon i.fa.fa-exclamation-triangle .flash__message = get_flash(@conn, :error) = if get_flash(@conn, :warning) do .flash.flash--warning .flash__icon i.fa.fa-exclamation-circle .flash__message = get_flash(@conn, :warning)