defmodule Search.DateParser do import NimbleParsec defp to_int(input), do: Search.Helpers.to_int(input) defp build_datetime(naive, tz_off, tz_hour, tz_minute) do tz_hour = tz_hour |> Integer.to_string() |> String.pad_leading(2, "0") tz_minute = tz_minute |> Integer.to_string() |> String.pad_leading(2, "0") iso8601_string = "#{NaiveDateTime.to_iso8601(naive)}#{tz_off}#{tz_hour}#{tz_minute}" # Unbelievable that there is no way to build this with integer arguments. # WTF, Elixir? {:ok, datetime, _offset} = DateTime.from_iso8601(iso8601_string) datetime end defp timezone_bounds([]), do: ["+", 0, 0] defp timezone_bounds([tz_off, tz_hour]), do: [tz_off, tz_hour, 0] defp timezone_bounds([tz_off, tz_hour, tz_minute]), do: [tz_off, tz_hour, tz_minute] defp date_bounds([year]) do lower = %NaiveDateTime{year: year, month: 1, day: 1, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0} upper = NaiveDateTime.add(lower, 31_536_000, :second) [lower, upper] end defp date_bounds([year, month]) do lower = %NaiveDateTime{year: year, month: month, day: 1, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0} upper = NaiveDateTime.add(lower, 2_592_000, :second) [lower, upper] end defp date_bounds([year, month, day]) do lower = %NaiveDateTime{year: year, month: month, day: day, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0} upper = NaiveDateTime.add(lower, 86400, :second) [lower, upper] end defp date_bounds([year, month, day, hour]) do lower = %NaiveDateTime{year: year, month: month, day: day, hour: hour, minute: 0, second: 0} upper = NaiveDateTime.add(lower, 3600, :second) [lower, upper] end defp date_bounds([year, month, day, hour, minute]) do lower = %NaiveDateTime{ year: year, month: month, day: day, hour: hour, minute: minute, second: 0 } upper = NaiveDateTime.add(lower, 60, :second) [lower, upper] end defp date_bounds([year, month, day, hour, minute, second]) do lower = %NaiveDateTime{ year: year, month: month, day: day, hour: hour, minute: minute, second: second } upper = NaiveDateTime.add(lower, 1, :second) [lower, upper] end defp absolute_datetime(opts) do date = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :date) timezone = Keyword.get(opts, :timezone, []) [lower, upper] = date_bounds(date) [tz_off, tz_hour, tz_minute] = timezone_bounds(timezone) lower = build_datetime(lower, tz_off, tz_hour, tz_minute) upper = build_datetime(upper, tz_off, tz_hour, tz_minute) [lower, upper] end defp relative_datetime([count, scale]) do now = DateTime.utc_now() lower = DateTime.add(now, (count + 1) * -scale, :second) upper = DateTime.add(now, count * -scale, :second) [lower, upper] end space = choice([string(" "), string("\t"), string("\n"), string("\r"), string("\v"), string("\f")]) |> ignore() pos_2dig_int = ascii_char('123456789') |> ascii_char('0123456789') |> reduce(:to_int) year = integer(4) month = pos_2dig_int day = pos_2dig_int hour = integer(2) minute = integer(2) second = integer(2) tz_hour = integer(2) tz_minute = integer(2) ymd_sep = ignore(string("-")) hms_sep = ignore(string(":")) iso8601_sep = ignore(choice([string("T"), string("t"), space])) iso8601_tzsep = choice([string("+"), string("-")]) zulu = ignore(choice([string("Z"), string("z")])) date_part = year |> optional( ymd_sep |> concat(month) |> optional( ymd_sep |> concat(day) |> optional( iso8601_sep |> optional( hour |> optional( hms_sep |> concat(minute) |> optional(concat(hms_sep, second)) ) ) ) ) ) |> tag(:date) timezone_part = choice([ iso8601_tzsep |> concat(tz_hour) |> optional( hms_sep |> concat(tz_minute) ) |> tag(:timezone), zulu ]) absolute_date = date_part |> optional(timezone_part) |> reduce(:absolute_datetime) |> unwrap_and_tag(:date) relative_date = integer(min: 1) |> ignore(concat(space, empty())) |> choice([ string("second") |> optional(string("s")) |> replace(1), string("minute") |> optional(string("s")) |> replace(60), string("hour") |> optional(string("s")) |> replace(3_600), string("day") |> optional(string("s")) |> replace(86_400), string("week") |> optional(string("s")) |> replace(604_800), string("month") |> optional(string("s")) |> replace(2_592_000), string("year") |> optional(string("s")) |> replace(31_536_000) ]) |> ignore(string(" ago")) |> reduce(:relative_datetime) |> unwrap_and_tag(:date) date = choice([ absolute_date, relative_date ]) |> repeat(space) |> eos() |> label("a RFC3339 datetime fragment, like `2019-01-01', or relative date, like `3 days ago'") defparsec :parse, date end