defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ErrorView do use PhilomenaWeb, :view import PhilomenaWeb.LayoutView, only: [ stylesheet_path: 2, dark_stylesheet_path: 1, viewport_meta_tag: 1 ] @codes %{ 400 => {"Bad Request", "Couldn't process your request!"}, 403 => {"Forbidden", "Not allowed to access this page (are your cookies enabled?)"}, 404 => {"Not Found", "Couldn't find what you were looking for!"}, 500 => {"Internal Error", "Couldn't process your request!"} } # By default, Phoenix returns the status message from # the template name. For example, "404.html" becomes # "Not Found". def template_not_found(template, _assigns) do Phoenix.Controller.status_message_from_template(template) end def render(template, assigns) when template != "show.html" do {short_msg, long_msg} = @codes[assigns.status] || @codes[500] render( PhilomenaWeb.ErrorView, "show.html", conn: assigns.conn, status: assigns.status, short_msg: short_msg, long_msg: long_msg ) end end