.js-sourcesauce - has_sources = Enum.any?(@image.sources) = form_for @changeset, Routes.image_source_path(@conn, :update, @image), [method: "put", class: "hidden", id: "source-form", data: [remote: "true"]], fn f -> = if can?(@conn, :edit_metadata, @image) and !@conn.assigns.current_ban do = if @changeset.action do .alert.alert-danger p Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below. p 'The page(s) you found this image on. Images may have a maximum of span.js-max-source-count> 10 ' source URLs. Leave any sources you don't want to use blank. = inputs_for f, :sources, [as: "image[old_sources]", skip_hidden: true], fn fs -> = hidden_input fs, :source = inputs_for f, :sources, [skip_hidden: true], fn fs -> .field.js-image-source.field--inline.flex--no-wrap.flex--centered = text_input fs, :source, class: "input flex__grow js-source-url", placeholder: "Source URL" = error_tag fs, :source label.input--separate-left.flex__fixed.flex--centered a.js-source-remove href="#" i.fa.fa-trash> ' Delete .field button.button.js-image-add-source type="button" i.fa.fa-plus> ' Add source = submit "Save sources", class: "button button--separate-left" button.button.button--separate-left type="reset" data-click-hide="#source-form" data-click-show="#image-source" ' Cancel = render PhilomenaWeb.CaptchaView, "_captcha.html", name: "source", conn: @conn - else p ' You can't edit the source on this image. .block#image-source .block__header.flex span.block__header__title i.fas.fa-link> = if !has_sources || length(@image.sources) == 1 do ' Source - else ' Sources .block__header__buttons a.button#edit-source data-click-focus=".js-image-source" data-click-hide="#image-source" data-click-show="#source-form" title="Edit source" accessKey="s" i.fas.fa-edit = if has_sources do ' Add/Edit - else ' Add = if @source_change_count > 0 do a.button href=Routes.image_source_change_path(@conn, :index, @image) title="Source history" i.fa.fa-history> spanspan.hide-mobile> History | ( = @source_change_count | ) = if can?(@conn, :hide, @image) and not hide_staff_tools?(@conn) do = form_for @changeset, Routes.image_source_history_path(@conn, :delete, @image), [method: "delete"], fn _f -> a.button.button--warning type="submit" data-confirm="Are you really, really sure?" title="Wipe sources" i.fas.fa-eraser> ' Wipe .block__content.flex.flex--wrap.flex--column .image_sources = if has_sources do - [first_source | sources] = @image.sources .image_source__icon i class=image_source_icon(first_source.source) .image_source__link a.js-source-link href=first_source.source strong = first_source.source = for source <- sources do .image_source__icon i class=image_source_icon(source.source) .image_source__link a href=source.source strong = source.source - else .image_source__icon i.fa.fa-unlink .image_source__link em> not provided yet