defmodule PhilomenaWeb.CommentController do use PhilomenaWeb, :controller alias Philomena.{Images.Image, Comments.Comment, Textile.Renderer} alias Philomena.Repo import Ecto.Query def index(conn, params) do comments = Comment.search_records( %{ query: %{ bool: %{ must: parse_search(conn, params) ++ [%{term: %{hidden_from_users: false}}] } }, sort: parse_sort(params) }, conn.assigns.pagination, Comment |> preload([image: [:tags], user: [awards: :badge]]) ) rendered = comments.entries |> Renderer.render_collection() comments = %{comments | entries:, rendered)} render(conn, "index.html", comments: comments) end defp parse_search(conn, %{"comment" => comment_params}) do parse_author(comment_params) ++ parse_image_id(conn, comment_params) ++ parse_body(comment_params) end defp parse_search(_conn, _params), do: [%{match_all: %{}}] defp parse_author(%{"author" => author}) when author not in [nil, ""] do case String.contains?(author, ["*", "?"]) do true -> [ %{wildcard: %{author: author}}, %{term: %{anonymous: false}} ] false -> [ %{term: %{author: author}}, %{term: %{anonymous: false}} ] end end defp parse_author(_params), do: [] defp parse_image_id(conn, %{"image_id" => image_id}) when image_id not in [nil, ""] do with {image_id, _rest} <- Integer.parse(image_id), true <- valid_image?(conn.assigns.current_user, image_id) do [%{term: %{image_id: image_id}}] else _error -> [] end end defp parse_image_id(_conn, _params), do: [] defp parse_body(%{"body" => body}) when body not in [nil, ""], do: [%{match: %{body: body}}] defp parse_body(_params), do: [] defp parse_sort(%{"comment" => %{"sf" => sf, "sd" => sd}}) when sf in ["posted_at", "_score"] and sd in ["desc", "asc"] do %{sf => sd} end defp parse_sort(_params) do %{posted_at: :desc} end defp valid_image?(user, image_id) do image = Image |> where(id: ^image_id) |> Canada.Can.can?(user, :show, image) end end