defmodule Philomena.Comments do @moduledoc """ The Comments context. """ import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Ecto.Multi alias Philomena.Repo alias PhilomenaQuery.Search alias Philomena.UserStatistics alias Philomena.Comments.Comment alias Philomena.Comments.SearchIndex, as: CommentIndex alias Philomena.IndexWorker alias Philomena.Images.Image alias Philomena.Images alias Philomena.Notifications alias Philomena.Versions alias Philomena.Reports @doc """ Gets a single comment. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Comment does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_comment!(123) %Comment{} iex> get_comment!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_comment!(id), do: Repo.get!(Comment, id) @doc """ Creates a comment. ## Examples iex> create_comment(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Comment{}} iex> create_comment(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_comment(image, attribution, params \\ %{}) do comment = Ecto.build_assoc(image, :comments) |> Comment.creation_changeset(params, attribution) image_query = Image |> where(id: ^ image_lock_query = lock(image_query, "FOR UPDATE") |>, image_lock_query) |> Multi.insert(:comment, comment) |> Multi.update_all(:update_image, image_query, inc: [comments_count: 1]) |>, ¬ify_comment/2) |> Images.maybe_subscribe_on(:image, attribution[:user], :watch_on_reply) |> Repo.transaction() end defp notify_comment(_repo, %{image: image, comment: comment}) do Notifications.create_image_comment_notification(comment.user, image, comment) end @doc """ Updates a comment. ## Examples iex> update_comment(comment, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Comment{}} iex> update_comment(comment, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_comment(%Comment{} = comment, editor, attrs) do now = DateTime.utc_now(:second) current_body = comment.body current_reason = comment.edit_reason comment_changes = Comment.changeset(comment, attrs, now) |> Multi.update(:comment, comment_changes) |>, fn _repo, _changes -> Versions.create_version("Comment",,, %{ "body" => current_body, "edit_reason" => current_reason }) end) |> Repo.transaction() end @doc """ Deletes a Comment. ## Examples iex> delete_comment(comment) {:ok, %Comment{}} iex> delete_comment(comment) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_comment(%Comment{} = comment) do Repo.delete(comment) end def hide_comment(%Comment{} = comment, attrs, user) do report_query = Reports.close_report_query({"Comment",}, user) comment = Comment.hide_changeset(comment, attrs, user) |> Multi.update(:comment, comment) |> Multi.update_all(:reports, report_query, []) |> Repo.transaction() |> case do {:ok, %{comment: comment, reports: {_count, reports}}} -> Reports.reindex_reports(reports) reindex_comment(comment) {:ok, comment} error -> error end end def unhide_comment(%Comment{} = comment) do comment |> Comment.unhide_changeset() |> Repo.update() |> case do {:ok, comment} -> reindex_comment(comment) {:ok, comment} error -> error end end def destroy_comment(%Comment{} = comment) do comment |> Comment.destroy_changeset() |> Repo.update() end def approve_comment(%Comment{} = comment, user) do report_query = Reports.close_report_query({"Comment",}, user) comment = Comment.approve_changeset(comment) |> Multi.update(:comment, comment) |> Multi.update_all(:reports, report_query, []) |> Repo.transaction() |> case do {:ok, %{comment: comment, reports: {_count, reports}}} -> UserStatistics.inc_stat(comment.user, :comments_posted) Reports.reindex_reports(reports) reindex_comment(comment) {:ok, comment} error -> error end end def report_non_approved(%Comment{approved: true}), do: false def report_non_approved(comment) do Reports.create_system_report( {"Comment",}, "Approval", "Comment contains externally-embedded images and has been flagged for review." ) end def migrate_comments(image, duplicate_of_image) do {count, nil} = Comment |> where(image_id: ^ |> Repo.update_all(set: [image_id:]) Image |> where(id: ^ |> Repo.update_all(inc: [comments_count: count]) reindex_comments(duplicate_of_image) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking comment changes. ## Examples iex> change_comment(comment) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Comment{}} """ def change_comment(%Comment{} = comment) do Comment.changeset(comment, %{}) end def user_name_reindex(old_name, new_name) do data = CommentIndex.user_name_update_by_query(old_name, new_name) Search.update_by_query(Comment, data.query, data.set_replacements, data.replacements) end def reindex_comment(%Comment{} = comment) do Exq.enqueue(Exq, "indexing", IndexWorker, ["Comments", "id", []]) comment end def reindex_comments(image) do Exq.enqueue(Exq, "indexing", IndexWorker, ["Comments", "image_id", []]) image end def indexing_preloads do [:user, image: :tags] end def perform_reindex(column, condition) do Comment |> preload(^indexing_preloads()) |> where([c], field(c, ^column) in ^condition) |> Search.reindex(Comment) end end