defmodule Mix.Tasks.UploadToS3 do use Mix.Task alias Philomena.{ Adverts.Advert, Badges.Badge, Images.Image, Tags.Tag, Users.User } alias Philomena.Images.Thumbnailer alias Philomena.Objects alias Philomena.Batch import Ecto.Query @shortdoc "Dumps existing image files to S3 storage backend" @requirements ["app.start"] @impl Mix.Task def run(args) do {args, rest} = OptionParser.parse_head!(args, strict: [ concurrency: :integer, adverts: :boolean, avatars: :boolean, badges: :boolean, tags: :boolean, images: :boolean ] ) concurrency = Keyword.get(args, :concurrency, 4) time = with [time] <- rest, {:ok, time, _} <- DateTime.from_iso8601(time) do time else _ -> raise ArgumentError, "Must provide a RFC3339 start time, like 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" end if args[:adverts] do file_root = System.get_env("OLD_ADVERT_FILE_ROOT", "priv/static/system/images/adverts") new_file_root = Application.fetch_env!(:philomena, :advert_file_root) IO.puts("\nAdverts:") upload_typical( where(Advert, [a], not is_nil(a.image) and a.updated_at >= ^time), concurrency, file_root, new_file_root, :image ) end if args[:avatars] do file_root = System.get_env("OLD_AVATAR_FILE_ROOT", "priv/static/system/images/avatars") new_file_root = Application.fetch_env!(:philomena, :avatar_file_root) IO.puts("\nAvatars:") upload_typical( where(User, [u], not is_nil(u.avatar) and u.updated_at >= ^time), concurrency, file_root, new_file_root, :avatar ) end if args[:badges] do file_root = System.get_env("OLD_BADGE_FILE_ROOT", "priv/static/system/images") new_file_root = Application.fetch_env!(:philomena, :badge_file_root) IO.puts("\nBadges:") upload_typical( where(Badge, [b], not is_nil(b.image) and b.updated_at >= ^time), concurrency, file_root, new_file_root, :image ) end if args[:tags] do file_root = System.get_env("OLD_TAG_FILE_ROOT", "priv/static/system/images") new_file_root = Application.fetch_env!(:philomena, :tag_file_root) IO.puts("\nTags:") upload_typical( where(Tag, [t], not is_nil(t.image) and t.updated_at >= ^time), concurrency, file_root, new_file_root, :image ) end if args[:images] do file_root = Path.join(System.get_env("OLD_IMAGE_FILE_ROOT", "priv/static/system/images"), "thumbs") new_file_root = Application.fetch_env!(:philomena, :image_file_root) # Temporarily set file root to empty path so we can get the proper prefix Application.put_env(:philomena, :image_file_root, "") IO.puts("\nImages:") upload_images( where(Image, [i], not is_nil(i.image) and i.updated_at >= ^time), concurrency, file_root, new_file_root ) end end defp upload_typical(queryable, batch_size, file_root, new_file_root, field_name) do Batch.record_batches(queryable, [batch_size: batch_size], fn models -> models |> Task.async_stream(&upload_typical_model(&1, file_root, new_file_root, field_name)) |> IO.write("\r#{hd(models).id} (#{DateTime.to_iso8601(hd(models).updated_at)})") end) end defp upload_typical_model(model, file_root, new_file_root, field_name) do field = Map.fetch!(model, field_name) path = Path.join(file_root, field) if File.regular?(path) do put_file(path, Path.join(new_file_root, field)) end end defp upload_images(queryable, batch_size, file_root, new_file_root) do Batch.record_batches(queryable, [batch_size: batch_size], fn models -> models |> Task.async_stream(&upload_image_model(&1, file_root, new_file_root)) |> IO.write("\r#{hd(models).id} (#{DateTime.to_iso8601(hd(models).updated_at)})") end) end defp upload_image_model(model, file_root, new_file_root) do path_prefix = Thumbnailer.image_thumb_prefix(model) Thumbnailer.all_versions(model) |> version -> path = Path.join([file_root, path_prefix, version]) new_path = Path.join([new_file_root, path_prefix, version]) if File.regular?(path) do put_file(path, new_path) end end) end defp put_file(path, uploaded_path) do Objects.put(uploaded_path, path) end end