defmodule Philomena.Galleries do @moduledoc """ The Galleries context. """ import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Ecto.Multi alias Philomena.Repo alias PhilomenaQuery.Search alias Philomena.Galleries.Gallery alias Philomena.Galleries.Interaction alias Philomena.Galleries.SearchIndex, as: GalleryIndex alias Philomena.IndexWorker alias Philomena.GalleryReorderWorker alias Philomena.Notifications alias Philomena.Images use Philomena.Subscriptions, on_delete: :clear_gallery_notification, id_name: :gallery_id @doc """ Gets a single gallery. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Gallery does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_gallery!(123) %Gallery{} iex> get_gallery!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_gallery!(id), do: Repo.get!(Gallery, id) @doc """ Creates a gallery. ## Examples iex> create_gallery(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Gallery{}} iex> create_gallery(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_gallery(user, attrs \\ %{}) do %Gallery{} |> Gallery.creation_changeset(attrs, user) |> Repo.insert() |> reindex_after_update() end @doc """ Updates a gallery. ## Examples iex> update_gallery(gallery, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Gallery{}} iex> update_gallery(gallery, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_gallery(%Gallery{} = gallery, attrs) do gallery |> Gallery.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() |> reindex_after_update() end @doc """ Deletes a Gallery. ## Examples iex> delete_gallery(gallery) {:ok, %Gallery{}} iex> delete_gallery(gallery) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_gallery(%Gallery{} = gallery) do images = Interaction |> where(gallery_id: ^ |> select([i], i.image_id) |> Repo.all() |> Multi.delete(:gallery, gallery) |> Repo.transaction() |> case do {:ok, %{gallery: gallery}} -> unindex_gallery(gallery) Images.reindex_images(images) {:ok, gallery} error -> error end end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking gallery changes. ## Examples iex> change_gallery(gallery) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Gallery{}} """ def change_gallery(%Gallery{} = gallery) do Gallery.changeset(gallery, %{}) end def user_name_reindex(old_name, new_name) do data = GalleryIndex.user_name_update_by_query(old_name, new_name) Search.update_by_query(Gallery, data.query, data.set_replacements, data.replacements) end defp reindex_after_update({:ok, gallery}) do reindex_gallery(gallery) {:ok, gallery} end defp reindex_after_update(error) do error end def reindex_gallery(%Gallery{} = gallery) do Exq.enqueue(Exq, "indexing", IndexWorker, ["Galleries", "id", []]) gallery end def unindex_gallery(%Gallery{} = gallery) do Search.delete_document(, Gallery) gallery end def indexing_preloads do [:subscribers, :creator, :interactions] end def perform_reindex(column, condition) do Gallery |> preload(^indexing_preloads()) |> where([g], field(g, ^column) in ^condition) |> Search.reindex(Gallery) end def add_image_to_gallery(gallery, image) do |>, fn repo, %{} -> gallery = Gallery |> where(id: ^ |> lock("FOR UPDATE") |> {:ok, gallery} end) |>, fn repo, %{} -> position = (last_position( || -1) + 1 %Interaction{gallery_id:} |> Interaction.changeset(%{"image_id" =>, "position" => position}) |> repo.insert() end) |>, fn repo, %{} -> now = DateTime.utc_now() {count, nil} = Gallery |> where(id: ^ |> repo.update_all(inc: [image_count: 1], set: [updated_at: now]) {:ok, count} end) |>, ¬ify_gallery/2) |> Repo.transaction() |> case do {:ok, result} -> Images.reindex_image(image) reindex_gallery(gallery) {:ok, result} error -> error end end def remove_image_from_gallery(gallery, image) do |>, fn repo, %{} -> gallery = Gallery |> where(id: ^ |> lock("FOR UPDATE") |> {:ok, gallery} end) |>, fn repo, %{} -> {count, nil} = Interaction |> where(gallery_id: ^, image_id: ^ |> repo.delete_all() {:ok, count} end) |>, fn repo, %{interaction: interaction_count} -> now = DateTime.utc_now() {count, nil} = Gallery |> where(id: ^ |> repo.update_all(inc: [image_count: -interaction_count], set: [updated_at: now]) {:ok, count} end) |> Repo.transaction() |> case do {:ok, result} -> Images.reindex_image(image) reindex_gallery(gallery) {:ok, result} error -> error end end defp notify_gallery(_repo, %{gallery: gallery}) do Notifications.create_gallery_image_notification(gallery) end defp last_position(gallery_id) do Interaction |> where(gallery_id: ^gallery_id) |> Repo.aggregate(:max, :position) end def reorder_gallery(gallery, image_ids) do Exq.enqueue(Exq, "indexing", GalleryReorderWorker, [, image_ids]) end def perform_reorder(gallery_id, image_ids) do gallery = get_gallery!(gallery_id) interactions = Interaction |> where([gi], gi.image_id in ^image_ids and gi.gallery_id == ^ |> order_by(^position_order(gallery)) |> Repo.all() interaction_positions = interactions |> Enum.with_index() |> {interaction, index} -> {index, interaction.position} end) images_present =, &{&1.image_id, true}) requested = image_ids |> Enum.filter(&images_present[&1]) |> Enum.with_index() |> changes = interactions |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.flat_map(fn {interaction, current_index} -> new_index = requested[interaction.image_id] case new_index == current_index do true -> [] false -> [ [ id:, position: interaction_positions[new_index] ] ] end end) changes |> Enum.each(fn change -> id = Keyword.fetch!(change, :id) change = Keyword.delete(change, :id) Interaction |> where([i], == ^id) |> Repo.update_all(set: change) end) # Do the update in a single statement # Repo.insert_all( # Interaction, # changes, # on_conflict: {:replace, [:position]}, # conflict_target: [:id] # ) # Now update all the associated images Images.reindex_images(Map.keys(requested)) end defp position_order(%{order_position_asc: true}), do: [asc: :position] defp position_order(_gallery), do: [desc: :position] @doc """ Removes all gallery notifications for a given gallery and user. ## Examples iex> clear_gallery_notification(gallery, user) :ok """ def clear_gallery_notification(%Gallery{} = gallery, user) do Notifications.clear_gallery_image_notification(gallery, user) :ok end end