defmodule PhilomenaQuery.Search.Api do @moduledoc """ Interaction with OpenSearch API by endpoint name. See for a complete reference. """ alias PhilomenaQuery.Search.Client @type server_url :: String.t() @type index_name :: String.t() @type properties :: map() @type mapping :: map() @type document :: map() @type document_id :: integer() @doc """ Create the index named `name` with the given `mapping`. """ @spec create_index(server_url(), index_name(), mapping()) :: Client.result() def create_index(url, name, mapping) do url |> prepare_url([name]) |> Client.put(mapping) end @doc """ Delete the index named `name`. """ @spec delete_index(server_url(), index_name()) :: Client.result() def delete_index(url, name) do url |> prepare_url([name]) |> Client.delete() end @doc """ Update the index named `name` with the given `properties`. """ @spec update_index_mapping(server_url(), index_name(), properties()) :: Client.result() def update_index_mapping(url, name, properties) do url |> prepare_url([name, "_mapping"]) |> Client.put(properties) end @doc """ Index `document` in the index named `name` with integer id `id`. """ @spec index_document(server_url(), index_name(), document(), document_id()) :: Client.result() def index_document(url, name, document, id) do url |> prepare_url([name, "_doc", Integer.to_string(id)]) |> Client.put(document) end @doc """ Remove document in the index named `name` with integer id `id`. """ @spec delete_document(server_url(), index_name(), document_id()) :: Client.result() def delete_document(url, name, id) do url |> prepare_url([name, "_doc", Integer.to_string(id)]) |> Client.delete() end @doc """ Bulk operation. """ @spec bulk(server_url(), list()) :: Client.result() def bulk(url, lines) do url |> prepare_url(["_bulk"]) |> end @doc """ Asynchronous scripted updates. Sets `conflicts` to `proceed` and `wait_for_completion` to `false`. """ @spec update_by_query(server_url(), index_name(), map()) :: Client.result() def update_by_query(url, name, body) do url |> prepare_url([name, "_update_by_query"]) |> append_query_string(%{conflicts: "proceed", wait_for_completion: "false"}) |> end @doc """ Search for documents in index named `name` with `query`. """ @spec search(server_url(), index_name(), map()) :: Client.result() def search(url, name, body) do url |> prepare_url([name, "_search"]) |> Client.get(body) end @doc """ Search for documents in all indices with specified `lines`. """ @spec msearch(server_url(), list()) :: Client.result() def msearch(url, lines) do url |> prepare_url(["_msearch"]) |> Client.get(lines) end @spec prepare_url(String.t(), [String.t()]) :: String.t() defp prepare_url(url, parts) when is_list(parts) do # Combine path generated by the parts with the main URL url |> URI.merge(Path.join(parts)) |> to_string() end @spec append_query_string(String.t(), map()) :: String.t() defp append_query_string(url, params) do url <> "?" <> URI.encode_query(params) end end