import { assertNotNull, assertNotUndefined } from '../utils/assert'; import { AstMatcher, ParseError, TokenList } from './types'; type TokenName = string; type Token = [TokenName, RegExp]; const tokenList: Token[] = [ ['fuzz', /^~(?:\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/], ['boost', /^\^[-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?/], ['quoted_lit', /^\s*"(?:[^"]|\\")+"/], ['lparen', /^\s*\(\s*/], ['rparen', /^\s*\)\s*/], ['and_op', /^\s*(?:&&|AND)\s+/], ['and_op', /^\s*,\s*/], ['or_op', /^\s*(?:\|\||OR)\s+/], ['not_op', /^\s*NOT(?:\s+|(?=\())/], ['not_op', /^\s*[!-]\s*/], ['space', /^\s+/], ['word', /^(?:\\[\s,()^~]|[^\s,()^~])+/], ['word', /^(?:\\[\s,()]|[^\s,()])+/], ]; export type ParseTerm = (term: string, fuzz: number, boost: number) => AstMatcher; export interface Range { start: number; end: number; } export interface TermContext { range: Range; content: string; } export interface LexResult { tokenList: TokenList; termContexts: TermContext[]; error: ParseError | null; } export function generateLexResult(searchStr: string, parseTerm: ParseTerm): LexResult { const opQueue: string[] = []; const groupNegate: boolean[] = []; let searchTerm: string | null = null; let boostFuzzStr = ''; let localSearchStr: string = searchStr; let negate = false; let boost = 1; let fuzz = 0; let lparenCtr = 0; let termIndex = 0; let index = 0; const ret: LexResult = { tokenList: [], termContexts: [], error: null, }; const beginTerm = (token: string) => { searchTerm = token; termIndex = index; }; const endTerm = () => { if (searchTerm !== null) { // Push to stack. ret.tokenList.push(parseTerm(searchTerm, fuzz, boost)); ret.termContexts.push({ range: { start: termIndex, end: termIndex + searchTerm.length }, content: searchTerm, }); // Reset term and options data. boost = 1; fuzz = 0; searchTerm = null; boostFuzzStr = ''; lparenCtr = 0; } if (negate) { ret.tokenList.push('not_op'); negate = false; } }; while (localSearchStr.length > 0) { for (const [tokenName, tokenRe] of tokenList) { const match = tokenRe.exec(localSearchStr); if (!match) { continue; } const token = match[0]; const tokenIsBinaryOp = ['and_op', 'or_op'].indexOf(tokenName) !== -1; const tokenIsGroupStart = tokenName === 'rparen' && lparenCtr === 0; if (searchTerm !== null && (tokenIsBinaryOp || tokenIsGroupStart)) { endTerm(); } switch (tokenName) { case 'and_op': while (opQueue[0] === 'and_op') { ret.tokenList.push(assertNotUndefined(opQueue.shift())); } opQueue.unshift('and_op'); break; case 'or_op': while (opQueue[0] === 'and_op' || opQueue[0] === 'or_op') { ret.tokenList.push(assertNotUndefined(opQueue.shift())); } opQueue.unshift('or_op'); break; case 'not_op': if (searchTerm) { // We're already inside a search term, so it does not apply, obv. searchTerm += token; } else { negate = !negate; } break; case 'lparen': if (searchTerm) { // If we are inside the search term, do not error out just yet; // instead, consider it as part of the search term, as a user convenience. searchTerm += token; lparenCtr += 1; } else { opQueue.unshift('lparen'); groupNegate.push(negate); negate = false; } break; case 'rparen': if (lparenCtr > 0) { searchTerm = assertNotNull(searchTerm) + token; lparenCtr -= 1; } else { while (opQueue.length > 0) { const op = assertNotUndefined(opQueue.shift()); if (op === 'lparen') { break; } ret.tokenList.push(op); } if (groupNegate.length > 0 && groupNegate.pop()) { ret.tokenList.push('not_op'); } } break; case 'fuzz': if (searchTerm) { // For this and boost operations, we store the current match so far // to a temporary string in case this is actually inside the term. fuzz = parseFloat(token.substring(1)); boostFuzzStr += token; } else { beginTerm(token); } break; case 'boost': if (searchTerm) { boost = parseFloat(token.substring(1)); boostFuzzStr += token; } else { beginTerm(token); } break; case 'quoted_lit': if (searchTerm) { searchTerm += token; } else { beginTerm(token); } break; case 'word': if (searchTerm) { if (fuzz !== 0 || boost !== 1) { boost = 1; fuzz = 0; searchTerm += boostFuzzStr; boostFuzzStr = ''; } searchTerm += token; } else { beginTerm(token); } break; default: // Append extra spaces within search terms. if (searchTerm) { searchTerm += token; } } // Truncate string and restart the token tests. localSearchStr = localSearchStr.substring(token.length); index += token.length; // Break since we have found a match. break; } } // Append final tokens to the stack. endTerm(); if (opQueue.indexOf('rparen') !== -1 || opQueue.indexOf('lparen') !== -1) { ret.error = new ParseError('Mismatched parentheses.'); } // Concatenate remaining operators to the token stack. ret.tokenList.push(...opQueue); return ret; } export function generateLexArray(searchStr: string, parseTerm: ParseTerm): TokenList { const ret = generateLexResult(searchStr, parseTerm); if (ret.error) { throw ret.error; } return ret.tokenList; }