= form_for @changeset, Routes.image_path(@conn, :create), [multipart: true], fn f ->
      ' Read the
      a> href="/pages/rules" site rules
      ' and check our
      a> href="/dnp" do-not-post list
      ' Don't post content the artist doesn't want here (or shared in general),
      strong including commercial content.

  = if !@conn.assigns.current_user do
      strong<> Sorry, but due to spam, anonymous uploaders need to fill this out.
      | If you're logged in, you can still post anonymously and won't have to deal with captchas!

      = checkbox f, :captcha, class: "js-captcha", value: 0
      = label f, :captcha, "I am not a robot!"

      ' Please check it isn't already here with
      a href="/search/reverse" reverse search.

  / todo: extract this
  h4 Select an image
    p Upload a file from your computer, or provide a link to the page containing the image and click Fetch.
      = file_input f, :image, class: "input js-scraper"
      = error_tag f, :image_size
      = error_tag f, :image_width
      = error_tag f, :image_height
      = error_tag f, :image_name
      = error_tag f, :image_mime_type
      = error_tag f, :image_orig_sha512_hash

      = url_input f, :scraper_url, class: "input input--wide js-scraper", placeholder: "Link a deviantART page, a Tumblr post, or the image directly"
      button.button.button--separate-left#js-scraper-preview type="button" title="Fetch the image at the specified URL" data-disable-with="Fetch"
        ' Fetch


  h4 About this image
    = label f, :source_url, "The page you found this image on"
    = url_input f, :source_url, class: "input input--wide js-image-input", placeholder: "Source URL"
    label for="image[tag_input]"
      ' Describe with
      strong> 3+
      ' tags, including ratings and applicable artist tags

    = render PhilomenaWeb.TagView, "_tag_editor.html", f: f, name: :tag_input, type: :upload

    button.button.button--state-success.button--separate-left.button--bold id="tagsinput-save" type="button" title="This button saves the tags listed above to your browser, allowing you to retrieve them again by clicking the Load button" Save
    button.button.button--state-warning.button--separate-left.button--bold id="tagsinput-load" type="button" title="This button loads any saved tags from your browser" Load
    button.button.button--state-danger.button--separate-left.button--bold id="tagsinput-clear" type="button" title="This button will clear the list of tags above" Clear

    p You can mouse over tags below to view a description, and click to add. Short tag names can be used and will expand to full.

    .block.js-tagtable data-target='[name="image[tag_input]"]'
      = PhilomenaWeb.TagView.quick_tags(@conn)


        = link "Description", to: "#", class: "selected", data: [click_tab: "write"]
        = link "Preview", to: "#", data: [click_tab: "preview"]

      .block__tab.selected data-tab="write"
        = render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_help.html", conn: @conn
        = render PhilomenaWeb.TextileView, "_toolbar.html", conn: @conn

        = textarea f, :description, class: "input input--wide input--text js-preview-description js-image-input js-toolbar-input", placeholder: "Describe this image in plain words - this should generally be info about the image that doesn't belong in the tags or source."
      .block__tab.hidden data-tab="preview"
        | Loading preview...

  = if @conn.assigns.current_user do
      = label f, :anonymous, "Post anonymously"
      = checkbox f, :anonymous, class: "checkbox", value: anonymous_by_default?(@conn)

    = submit "Upload", class: "button", autocomplete: "off", data: [disable_with: "Please wait..."]