defmodule Philomena.Repo.Migrations.Cleanup do use Ecto.Migration def change do # NULL values updates = """ update badge_awards set label='' where label is null; update badge_awards set reason='' where reason is null; update badge_awards set badge_name='' where badge_name is null; update channels set thumbnail_url='' where thumbnail_url is null; delete from commission_items where commission_id is null; update commission_items set add_ons='' where add_ons is null; update commissions set will_create='' where will_create is null; update commissions set will_not_create='' where will_not_create is null; update comments set ip='' where ip is null; update comments set fingerprint='bd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' where fingerprint is null; update duplicate_reports set reason='' where reason is null; update filters set hidden_complex_str='' where hidden_complex_str is null; update filters set spoilered_complex_str='' where spoilered_complex_str is null; update fingerprint_bans set note='' where note is null; update images set ip='' where ip is null; update images set fingerprint='bd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' where fingerprint is null; update posts set ip='' where ip is null; update posts set fingerprint='bd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' where fingerprint is null; update source_changes set fingerprint='bd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' where fingerprint is null; update subnet_bans set note='' where note is null; update tag_changes set ip='' where ip is null; update tag_changes set fingerprint='bd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' where fingerprint is null; update user_bans set note='' where note is null; """ # These statements should not be run by the migration in production. # Run them manually in psql before this migration instead. if direction() == :up and System.get_env("MIX_ENV") != "prod" do for stmt <- String.split(updates, "\n") do execute(stmt) end end # Missing default values missing_default = [ adverts: [:notes], badge_awards: [:label, :reason, :badge_name], commission_items: [:add_ons], commissions: [:will_create, :will_not_create], duplicate_reports: [:reason], filters: [:hidden_complex_str, :spoilered_complex_str], fingerprint_bans: [:note], subnet_bans: [:note], user_bans: [:note] ] for {table, columns} <- missing_default do add_default = Enum.map_join(columns, ", ", &"alter column #{&1} set default ''") remove_default = Enum.map_join(columns, ", ", &"alter column #{&1} drop default") execute( "alter table #{table} #{add_default};", "alter table #{table} #{remove_default};" ) end # Missing NOT NULL constraints missing_not_null = [ adverts: [ :image, :clicks, :impressions, :live, :link, :title, :notes, :start_date, :finish_date, :restrictions ], badges: [:image, :priority], badge_awards: [:label, :reason, :badge_name], channels: [:thumbnail_url], comments: [:approved, :anonymous, :destroyed_content, :image_id, :ip, :fingerprint], commission_items: [:commission_id, :item_type, :description, :base_price, :add_ons], commissions: [:information, :contact, :will_create, :will_not_create], duplicate_reports: [:reason], filters: [:hidden_complex_str, :spoilered_complex_str], fingerprint_bans: [:fingerprint, :note], images: [:anonymous, :approved, :ip, :fingerprint, :image_orig_size], messages: [:approved], posts: [:approved, :ip, :fingerprint], reports: [:system], source_changes: [:fingerprint], subnet_bans: [:note, :specification], tag_changes: [:ip, :fingerprint], topics: [:anonymous], user_bans: [:note], versions: [:created_at] ] for {table, columns} <- missing_not_null do add_not_null = Enum.map_join(columns, ", ", &"alter column #{&1} set not null") remove_not_null = Enum.map_join(columns, ", ", &"alter column #{&1} drop not null") execute( "alter table #{table} #{add_not_null};", "alter table #{table} #{remove_not_null};" ) end # Unused columns alter table(:artist_links) do remove :path, :"character varying(255)" remove :hostname, :"character varying(255)" end alter table(:channels) do remove :watcher_ids, {:array, :integer}, default: [], null: false remove :watcher_count, :integer, default: 0, null: false remove :tags, :string remove :viewer_minutes_today, :integer, default: 0, null: false remove :viewer_minutes_thisweek, :integer, default: 0, null: false remove :viewer_minutes_thismonth, :integer, default: 0, null: false remove :total_viewer_minutes, :integer, default: 0, null: false remove :next_check_at, :"timestamp without time zone" remove :last_live_at, :"timestamp without time zone" remove :banner_image, :string remove :channel_image, :string remove :remote_stream_id, :integer end alter table(:comments) do remove :user_agent, :string, default: "" remove :referrer, :string, default: "" remove :name_at_post_time, :string remove :body_textile, :string, default: "", null: false end alter table(:commission_items) do remove :description_textile, :string remove :add_ons_textile, :string end alter table(:commissions) do remove :information_textile, :string remove :contact_textile, :string remove :will_create_textile, :string remove :will_not_create_textile, :string end alter table(:dnp_entries) do remove :conditions_textile, :string, default: "", null: false remove :reason_textile, :string, default: "", null: false remove :instructions_textile, :string, default: "", null: false end alter table(:forums) do remove :watcher_ids, {:array, :integer}, default: [], null: false remove :watcher_count, :integer, default: 0, null: false end alter table(:galleries) do remove :watcher_ids, {:array, :integer}, default: [], null: false remove :watcher_count, :integer, default: 0, null: false end alter table(:images) do remove :tag_ids, {:array, :integer}, default: [], null: false remove :watcher_ids, {:array, :integer}, default: [], null: false remove :watcher_count, :integer, default: 0, null: false remove :user_agent, :string, default: "" remove :referrer, :string, default: "" remove :votes_count, :integer, default: 0, null: false remove :tag_list_cache, :string remove :tag_list_plus_alias_cache, :string remove :file_name_cache, :string remove :ne_intensity, :"double precision" remove :nw_intensity, :"double precision" remove :se_intensity, :"double precision" remove :sw_intensity, :"double precision" remove :average_intensity, :"double precision" remove :description_textile, :string, default: "", null: false remove :scratchpad_textile, :string end alter table(:messages) do remove :body_textile, :string, default: "", null: false end alter table(:mod_notes) do remove :body_textile, :text, default: "", null: false end alter table(:poll_votes) do remove :rank, :integer end alter table(:polls) do remove :deleted_by_id, references(:users, name: "fk_rails_2bf9149369") remove :hidden_from_users, :boolean, default: false, null: false remove :deletion_reason, :string, default: "", null: false end alter table(:posts) do remove :user_agent, :string, default: "" remove :referrer, :string, default: "" remove :name_at_post_time, :string remove :body_textile, :string, default: "", null: false end alter table(:reports) do remove :referrer, :string, default: "" remove :reason_textile, :string, default: "", null: false end alter table(:roles) do remove :resource_id, :integer remove :created_at, :"timestamp without time zone" remove :updated_at, :"timestamp without time zone" end alter table(:source_changes) do remove :user_agent, :string, size: 255, default: "" remove :referrer, :string, size: 255, default: "" end alter table(:tags) do remove :description_textile, :string, default: "" end alter table(:tag_changes) do remove :user_agent, :string, default: "" remove :referrer, :string, default: "" end alter table(:topics) do remove :watcher_ids, {:array, :integer}, default: [], null: false remove :watcher_count, :integer, default: 0, null: false end alter table(:users) do remove :sign_in_count, :integer, default: 0, null: false remove :current_sign_in_at, :"timestamp without time zone" remove :current_sign_in_ip, :inet remove :last_sign_in_at, :"timestamp without time zone" remove :last_sign_in_ip, :inet remove :unread_notification_ids, {:array, :integer}, default: [], null: false remove :last_donation_at, :"timestamp without time zone" remove :description_textile, :string remove :scratchpad_textile, :text end # Wrong data type, created by Phoenix (timestamp(0) without time zone) for table <- [ :channel_live_notifications, :forum_post_notifications, :forum_topic_notifications, :gallery_image_notifications, :image_comment_notifications, :image_merge_notifications, :source_changes ] do alter table(table) do modify :created_at, :"timestamp without time zone", from: :"timestamp(0) without time zone" modify :updated_at, :"timestamp without time zone", from: :"timestamp(0) without time zone" end end for table <- [:autocomplete, :moderation_logs, :user_tokens] do alter table(table) do modify :created_at, :"timestamp without time zone", from: :"timestamp(0) without time zone" end end alter table(:users) do modify :confirmed_at, :"timestamp without time zone", from: :"timestamp(0) without time zone" end # Wrong data type, created by Rails (timestamp(6) without time zone) for table <- [:image_features, :static_pages, :static_page_versions] do alter table(table) do modify :created_at, :"timestamp without time zone", from: :"timestamp(6) without time zone" modify :updated_at, :"timestamp without time zone", from: :"timestamp(6) without time zone" end end end end