<%= form_for @changeset, ~p"/images", [multipart: true], fn f -> %>

Read the site rules and check our do-not-post list

Don't post content the artist doesn't want here (or shared in general), including commercial content.

Please check it isn't already here with reverse search.

<% # todo: extract this %>

Select an image

Upload a file from your computer, or provide a link to the page containing the image and click Fetch.

<%= file_input(f, :image, class: "input js-scraper") %> <%= error_tag(f, :image) %> <%= error_tag(f, :image_size) %> <%= error_tag(f, :image_width) %> <%= error_tag(f, :image_height) %> <%= error_tag(f, :image_name) %> <%= error_tag(f, :image_mime_type) %> <%= error_tag(f, :image_duration) %> <%= error_tag(f, :image_orig_sha512_hash) %>
<%= url_input(f, :scraper_url, class: "input input--wide js-scraper", placeholder: "Link a deviantART page, a Tumblr post, or the image directly") %>

About this image

The page(s) you found this image on. Images may have a maximum of 10 source URLs. Leave any sources you don't want to use blank.

<%= inputs_for f, :sources, fn fs -> %>
<%= text_input(fs, :source, class: "input flex__grow js-source-url", placeholder: "Source URL") %> <%= error_tag(fs, :source) %>
<% end %>
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.TagView, "_tag_editor.html", f: f, name: :tag_input, type: :upload) %> <%= error_tag(f, :tag_input) %>

You can mouse over tags below to view a description, and click to add. Short tag names can be used and will expand to full.

<%= PhilomenaWeb.TagView.quick_tags(@conn) %>

<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_input.html", conn: @conn, f: f, action_icon: "pencil-alt", action_text: "Description", placeholder: "Describe this image in plain words - this should generally be info about the image that doesn't belong in the tags or source.", name: :description, class: "js-image-descr-input", required: false ) %>
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.MarkdownView, "_anon_checkbox.html", conn: @conn, f: f, label: "Post anonymously") %> <%= render(PhilomenaWeb.CaptchaView, "_captcha.html", name: "image", conn: @conn) %>
<%= submit("Upload", class: "button input--separate-top", autocomplete: "off", data: [disable_with: "Please wait..."]) %>
<% end %>