.poll-results h4.poll__header ' Poll results: = @poll.title .poll-option-list elixir: winning = winning_option(@poll) winners? = @poll.total_votes > 0 = for option <- ranked_options(@poll) do div class=option_class(option, winning, winners?) .poll-option__text span.poll-option__label = option.label .poll-option__counts span => percent_of_total(option, @poll) => option.vote_count => pluralize("vote", "votes", option.vote_count) .poll-bar svg.poll-bar__image width=percent_of_total(option, @poll) height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1 1" preserveAspectRatio="none" rect class=poll_bar_class(option, winning, winners?) width="1" height="1" = if active?(@poll) do ' Poll ends = pretty_time(@poll.active_until) ' . = if @poll.total_votes > 0 do => @poll.total_votes => pluralize("vote", "votes", @poll.total_votes) - else ' No votes have been ' cast so far. - else ' Poll ended => pretty_time(@poll.active_until) ' with => @poll.total_votes = pluralize("vote", "votes", @poll.total_votes) ' .