{ "users": [{ "name": "Hot Pocket Consumer", "email": "moderator@example.com", "password": "philomena", "role": "moderator" }, { "name": "Hoping For a Promotion", "email": "assistant@example.com", "password": "philomena", "role": "assistant" }, { "name": "Pleb", "email": "user@example.com", "password": "philomena", "role": "user" } ], "remote_images": [{ "url": "https://derpicdn.net/img/2015/9/26/988000/thumb.gif", "source_url": "https://derpibooru.org/988000", "description": "Fairly large GIF (~23MB), use to test WebM stuff.", "tag_input": "alicorn, angry, animated, art, artist:assasinmonkey, artist:equum_amici, badass, barrier, crying, dark, epic, female, fight, force field, glare, glow, good vs evil, lord tirek, low angle, magic, mare, messy mane, metal as fuck, perspective, plot, pony, raised hoof, safe, size difference, spread wings, stomping, twilight's kingdom, twilight sparkle, twilight sparkle (alicorn), twilight vs tirek, underhoof" }, { "url": "https://derpicdn.net/img/2012/1/2/25/large.png", "source_url": "https://derpibooru.org/25", "tag_input": "artist:moe, canterlot, castle, cliff, cloud, detailed background, fog, forest, grass, mountain, mountain range, nature, no pony, outdoors, path, river, safe, scenery, scenery porn, signature, source needed, sunset, technical advanced, town, tree, useless source url, water, waterfall, widescreen, wood" }, { "url": "https://derpicdn.net/img/2018/6/28/1767886/full.webm", "source_url": "http://hydrusbeta.deviantart.com/art/Gleaming-in-the-Sun-Our-Colors-Shine-in-Every-Hue-611497309", "tag_input": "3d, animated, architecture, artist:hydrusbeta, castle, cloud, crystal empire, crystal palace, flag, flag waving, no pony, no sound, safe, scenery, webm" }, { "url": "https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2015/2/19/832750.jpg", "source_url": "http://sovietrussianbrony.tumblr.com/post/111504505079/this-image-actually-took-me-ages-to-edit-the", "tag_input": "artist:rhads, artist:the sexy assistant, canterlot, cloud, cloudsdale, cloudy, edit, lens flare, no pony, ponyville, rainbow, river, safe, scenery, sweet apple acres" }, { "url": "https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2016/3/17/1110529.jpg", "source_url": "https://www.deviantart.com/devinian/art/Commission-Crystals-of-thy-heart-511134926", "tag_input": "artist:devinian, aurora crystialis, bridge, cloud, crepuscular rays, crystal empire, crystal palace, edit, flower, forest, grass, log, mountain, no pony, river, road, safe, scenery, scenery porn, source needed, stars, sunset, swing, tree, wallpaper" }, { "url": "https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2019/6/16/2067468.svg", "source_url": "https://derpibooru.org/2067468", "tag_input": "artist:cheezedoodle96, babs seed, bloom and gloom, cutie mark, cutie mark only, no pony, safe, scissors, simple background, svg, .svg available, transparent background, vector" } ], "comments": [ "bold is **bold**, italic is _italic_, spoiler is ||spoiler||, code is `code`, underline is __underline__, strike is ~~strike~~, sup is ^sup^, sub is %sub%.", "inline embedded thumbnails (tsp): >>1t >>1s >>1p", "embedded image inside a spoiler: ||who needs it anyway >>1s||", "spoilers inside of a table\n\nHello | World\n--- | ---:\n`||cool beans!||` | ||cool beans!||" ], "forum_posts": [{ "dis": [{ "Example topic": [ "example post", "yet another example post" ] }, { "Second example topic": [ "post", "post 2" ] } ] }, { "art": [{ "Embedded images": [ ">>1t >>1s >>1p", ">>1", "non-existent: >>1000t >>1000s >>1000p >>1000" ] }] } ] }