/** * @fileOverview Utilities to aid in unit testing where multiple potential values need to be considered. * Picking from a pool of limited data randomly can add further resilience. */ /** * Randomly returns either `true` or `false` */ export const getRandomBoolean = (): boolean => Math.random() > 0.5; /** * Returns a random integer between `min` and `max`, inclusive */ export function getRandomIntBetween(min: number, max: number): number { const intMin = Math.ceil(min); const intMax = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (intMax - intMin + 1) + intMin); } /** * Returns a random item from the provided `array`, throws an error if `array is empty */ export const getRandomArrayItem = <T>(array: T[]): T => { if (array.length === 0) throw new Error('Attempt to pick random item from empty array'); return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]; };