/** * Autocomplete. */ import { LocalAutocompleter } from './utils/local-autocompleter'; import { handleError } from './utils/requests'; import { getTermContexts } from './match_query'; import store from './utils/store'; import { TermContext } from './query/lex.ts'; import { $, $$, makeEl, removeEl } from './utils/dom.ts'; type TermSuggestion = { label: string; value: string; }; const cachedSuggestions: Record = {}; let inputField: HTMLInputElement | null = null, originalTerm: string | undefined, originalQuery: string | undefined, selectedTerm: TermContext | null = null; function removeParent() { const parent = $('.autocomplete'); if (parent) removeEl(parent); } function removeSelected() { const selected = $('.autocomplete__item--selected'); if (selected) selected.classList.remove('autocomplete__item--selected'); } function isSearchField(targetInput: HTMLElement): boolean { return targetInput && targetInput.dataset.acMode === 'search'; } function restoreOriginalValue() { if (!inputField) { return; } if (isSearchField(inputField) && originalQuery) { inputField.value = originalQuery; } if (originalTerm) { inputField.value = originalTerm; } } function applySelectedValue(selection: string) { if (!inputField) { return; } if (!isSearchField(inputField)) { inputField.value = selection; return; } if (selectedTerm && originalQuery) { const [startIndex, endIndex] = selectedTerm[0]; inputField.value = originalQuery.slice(0, startIndex) + selection + originalQuery.slice(endIndex); inputField.setSelectionRange(startIndex + selection.length, startIndex + selection.length); inputField.focus(); } } function changeSelected(firstOrLast: Element | null, current: Element | null, sibling: Element | null) { if (current && sibling) { // if the currently selected item has a sibling, move selection to it current.classList.remove('autocomplete__item--selected'); sibling.classList.add('autocomplete__item--selected'); } else if (current) { // if the next keypress will take the user outside the list, restore the unautocompleted term restoreOriginalValue(); removeSelected(); } else if (firstOrLast) { // if no item in the list is selected, select the first or last firstOrLast.classList.add('autocomplete__item--selected'); } } function isSelectionOutsideCurrentTerm(): boolean { if (!inputField || !selectedTerm) return true; if (inputField.selectionStart === null || inputField.selectionEnd === null) return true; const selectionIndex = Math.min(inputField.selectionStart, inputField.selectionEnd); const [startIndex, endIndex] = selectedTerm[0]; return startIndex > selectionIndex || endIndex < selectionIndex; } function keydownHandler(event: KeyboardEvent) { const selected = $('.autocomplete__item--selected'), firstItem = $('.autocomplete__item:first-of-type'), lastItem = $('.autocomplete__item:last-of-type'); if (inputField && isSearchField(inputField)) { // Prevent submission of the search field when Enter was hit if (selected && event.keyCode === 13) event.preventDefault(); // Enter // Close autocompletion popup when text cursor is outside current tag if (selectedTerm && firstItem && (event.keyCode === 37 || event.keyCode === 39)) { // ArrowLeft || ArrowRight requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (isSelectionOutsideCurrentTerm()) removeParent(); }); } } if (event.keyCode === 38) changeSelected(lastItem, selected, selected && selected.previousElementSibling); // ArrowUp if (event.keyCode === 40) changeSelected(firstItem, selected, selected && selected.nextElementSibling); // ArrowDown if (event.keyCode === 13 || event.keyCode === 27 || event.keyCode === 188) removeParent(); // Enter || Esc || Comma if (event.keyCode === 38 || event.keyCode === 40) { // ArrowUp || ArrowDown const newSelected = $('.autocomplete__item--selected'); if (newSelected?.dataset.value) applySelectedValue(newSelected.dataset.value); event.preventDefault(); } } function createItem(list: HTMLUListElement, suggestion: TermSuggestion) { const item = makeEl('li', { className: 'autocomplete__item', }); let ignoreMouseOver = true; item.textContent = suggestion.label; item.dataset.value = suggestion.value; item.addEventListener('mouseover', () => { // Prevent selection when mouse entered the element without actually moving. if (ignoreMouseOver) { return; } removeSelected(); item.classList.add('autocomplete__item--selected'); }); item.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { removeSelected(); }); item.addEventListener( 'mousemove', () => { ignoreMouseOver = false; item.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('mouseover')); }, { once: true, }, ); item.addEventListener('click', () => { if (!inputField || !item.dataset.value) return; applySelectedValue(item.dataset.value); inputField.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('autocomplete', { detail: { type: 'click', label: suggestion.label, value: suggestion.value, }, }), ); }); list.appendChild(item); } function createList(parentElement: HTMLElement, suggestions: TermSuggestion[]) { const list = makeEl('ul', { className: 'autocomplete__list', }); suggestions.forEach(suggestion => createItem(list, suggestion)); parentElement.appendChild(list); } function createParent(): HTMLElement { const parent = makeEl('div'); parent.className = 'autocomplete'; if (inputField && inputField.parentElement) { // Position the parent below the inputfield parent.style.position = 'absolute'; parent.style.left = `${inputField.offsetLeft}px`; // Take the inputfield offset, add its height and subtract the amount by which the parent element has scrolled parent.style.top = `${inputField.offsetTop + inputField.offsetHeight - inputField.parentElement.scrollTop}px`; } // We append the parent at the end of body document.body.appendChild(parent); return parent; } function showAutocomplete(suggestions: TermSuggestion[], fetchedTerm: string, targetInput: HTMLInputElement) { // Remove old autocomplete suggestions removeParent(); // Save suggestions in cache cachedSuggestions[fetchedTerm] = suggestions; // If the input target is not empty, still visible, and suggestions were found if (targetInput.value && targetInput.style.display !== 'none' && suggestions.length) { createList(createParent(), suggestions); targetInput.addEventListener('keydown', keydownHandler); } } async function getSuggestions(term: string): Promise { // In case source URL was not given at all, do not try sending the request. if (!inputField?.dataset.acSource) return []; return await fetch(`${inputField.dataset.acSource}${term}`) .then(handleError) .then(response => response.json()); } function getSelectedTerm(): TermContext | null { if (!inputField || !originalQuery) return null; if (inputField.selectionStart === null || inputField.selectionEnd === null) return null; const selectionIndex = Math.min(inputField.selectionStart, inputField.selectionEnd); const terms = getTermContexts(originalQuery); return terms.find(([range]) => range[0] < selectionIndex && range[1] >= selectionIndex) ?? null; } function toggleSearchAutocomplete() { const enable = store.get('enable_search_ac'); for (const searchField of $$('input[data-ac-mode=search]')) { if (enable) { searchField.autocomplete = 'off'; } else { searchField.removeAttribute('data-ac'); searchField.autocomplete = 'on'; } } } function listenAutocomplete() { let timeout: number | undefined; let localAc: LocalAutocompleter | null = null; let localFetched = false; document.addEventListener('focusin', fetchLocalAutocomplete); document.addEventListener('input', event => { removeParent(); fetchLocalAutocomplete(event); window.clearTimeout(timeout); if (!(event.target instanceof HTMLInputElement)) return; const targetedInput = event.target; if (localAc !== null && 'ac' in targetedInput.dataset) { inputField = targetedInput; let suggestionsCount = 5; if (isSearchField(inputField)) { originalQuery = inputField.value; selectedTerm = getSelectedTerm(); suggestionsCount = 10; // We don't need to run auto-completion if user is not selecting tag at all if (!selectedTerm) { return; } originalTerm = selectedTerm[1].toLowerCase(); } else { originalTerm = `${inputField.value}`.toLowerCase(); } const suggestions = localAc .matchPrefix(originalTerm) .topK(suggestionsCount) .map(({ name, imageCount }) => ({ label: `${name} (${imageCount})`, value: name })); if (suggestions.length) { return showAutocomplete(suggestions, originalTerm, targetedInput); } } // Use a timeout to delay requests until the user has stopped typing timeout = window.setTimeout(() => { inputField = targetedInput; originalTerm = inputField.value; const fetchedTerm = inputField.value; const { ac, acMinLength, acSource } = inputField.dataset; if (!ac || !acSource || (acMinLength && fetchedTerm.length < parseInt(acMinLength, 10))) { return; } if (cachedSuggestions[fetchedTerm]) { showAutocomplete(cachedSuggestions[fetchedTerm], fetchedTerm, targetedInput); } else { // inputField could get overwritten while the suggestions are being fetched - use event.target getSuggestions(fetchedTerm).then(suggestions => { if (fetchedTerm === targetedInput.value) { showAutocomplete(suggestions, fetchedTerm, targetedInput); } }); } }, 300); }); // If there's a click outside the inputField, remove autocomplete document.addEventListener('click', event => { if (event.target && event.target !== inputField) removeParent(); if (inputField && event.target === inputField && isSearchField(inputField) && isSelectionOutsideCurrentTerm()) { removeParent(); } }); function fetchLocalAutocomplete(event: Event) { if (!(event.target instanceof HTMLInputElement)) return; if (!localFetched && event.target.dataset && 'ac' in event.target.dataset) { const now = new Date(); const cacheKey = `${now.getUTCFullYear()}-${now.getUTCMonth()}-${now.getUTCDate()}`; localFetched = true; fetch(`/autocomplete/compiled?vsn=2&key=${cacheKey}`, { credentials: 'omit', cache: 'force-cache' }) .then(handleError) .then(resp => resp.arrayBuffer()) .then(buf => { localAc = new LocalAutocompleter(buf); }); } } toggleSearchAutocomplete(); } export { listenAutocomplete };