defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Image.DeleteController do use PhilomenaWeb, :controller # N.B.: this would be Image.Hide, because it hides the image, but that is # taken by the user action alias PhilomenaWeb.ModerationLogPlug alias Philomena.Images.Image alias Philomena.Images plug PhilomenaWeb.CanaryMapPlug, create: :hide, update: :hide, delete: :hide plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Image, id_name: "image_id", persisted: true plug :verify_deleted when action in [:update] def create(conn, %{"image" => image_params}) do image = conn.assigns.image user = conn.assigns.current_user case Images.hide_image(image, user, image_params) do {:ok, result} -> conn |> put_flash(:info, "Image successfully hidden.") |> &log_details/3, data: result.image) |> redirect(to: Routes.image_path(conn, :show, image)) _error -> conn |> put_flash(:error, "Failed to hide image.") |> redirect(to: Routes.image_path(conn, :show, image)) end end def update(conn, %{"image" => image_params}) do image = conn.assigns.image case Images.update_hide_reason(image, image_params) do {:ok, image} -> conn |> put_flash(:info, "Hide reason updated.") |> &log_details/3, data: image) |> redirect(to: Routes.image_path(conn, :show, image)) {:error, _changeset} -> conn |> put_flash(:error, "Couldn't update hide reason.") |> redirect(to: Routes.image_path(conn, :show, image)) end end defp verify_deleted(conn, _opts) do case conn.assigns.image.hidden_from_users do true -> conn _false -> conn |> put_flash(:error, "Cannot change hide reason on a non-hidden image!") |> redirect(to: Routes.image_path(conn, :show, conn.assigns.image)) |> halt() end end def delete(conn, _params) do image = conn.assigns.image {:ok, image} = Images.unhide_image(image) conn |> put_flash(:info, "Image successfully unhidden.") |> &log_details/3, data: image) |> redirect(to: Routes.image_path(conn, :show, image)) end defp log_details(conn, action, image) do body = case action do :create -> "Hidden image >>#{} (#{image.deletion_reason})" :update -> "Changed hide reason of >>#{} (#{image.deletion_reason})" :delete -> "Restored image >>#{}" end %{ body: body, subject_path: Routes.image_path(conn, :show, image) } end end