<%= cond do %> <% @user.commission -> %> Status: <%= commission_status(@user.commission) %>
<%= if Enum.any?(@user.commission.items) do %> Price Range: <% {min, max} = Enum.min_max_by(@user.commission.items, &Decimal.to_float(&1.base_price)) %> $ <%= Decimal.round(min.base_price || 0, 2) |> Decimal.to_string() %> - $ <%= Decimal.round(max.base_price || 0, 2) |> Decimal.to_string() %> USD
<% end %> <% # Lotta space here %>
<%= @commission_information %>

<%= link("More information", to: ~p"/profiles/#{@user}/commission") %> <% current?(@user, @conn.assigns.current_user) -> %> <%= if Enum.any?(@conn.assigns.user.verified_links) do %> You don't have any commission information listed yet. <%= link("Click here", to: ~p"/profiles/#{@user}/commission/new") %> to set it up. <% else %> You must have a verified Artist Link to create a commission page. <%= link("Click here", to: ~p"/profiles/#{@user}/artist_links/new") %> to set one up. <% end %> <% true -> %> <% end %>