defmodule Textile.Helpers do import NimbleParsec # Helper to "undo" a tokenization and convert it back # to a string def unwrap([{_name, value}]), do: value # Lots of extra unicode space characters def space do choice([ utf8_char('\n\r\f \t\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u202f\u205f\u3000'), utf8_char([0x2000..0x200a]) ]) end # Characters which are valid before and after the main markup characters. def special_characters do choice([ space(), utf8_char('#$%&(),./:;<=?\\`|\'') ]) end # Simple tag for a markup element that must # be succeeded immediately by a non-space character def markup_open_tag(str, char \\ nil, tag_name) do char = char || binary_head(str) open_stops = choice([ space(), string(char) ]) string(str) |> lookahead_not(open_stops) |> unwrap_and_tag(:"#{tag_name}_open") end defp binary_head(<<c::utf8, _rest::binary>>), do: <<c::utf8>> end