<%= form_for :search, ~p"/search", [id: "searchform", method: "get", class: "js-search-form", enforce_utf8: false], fn f -> %>
<%= text_input(f, :q, class: "input input--wide js-search-field", placeholder: "Search terms are chained with commas", autocapitalize: "none", name: "q", value: @conn.params["q"]) %>
is a Boolean-valued field. It only accepts the values true
and false
to find images which are not animated, you would use animated:false
is a numerical range field. Four qualifiers, gte
(greater than or equal), lte
(less than or equal), gt
(greater than), and lt
(less than), can be applied to the desired value.
to find images with a score greater than 100, you would use
is a date/time field. It accepts a
tweaked subset of the ISO 8601 standard
, as well as relative dates
(X minutes/hours/days/months/years ago)
. Four qualifiers,
(greater than or equal),
(less than or equal),
(greater than), and
(less than), can be applied to the desired value.
to find images created before 2013, you would use
is a literal field. You can apply apply a wildcard *
as a substitute for zero or more characters.
to find images from DeviantArt, you would use source_url:**
<%= submit("Search", class: "button button--state-primary") %>
<% # = submit_tag "I'm Feeling Poni", class: 'button button--separate-left spacing-right', name: 'random_image' %>
<% random_is_selected = to_string(@conn.params["sf"]) =~ ~r/\Arandom(:\d+)?\z/
random_seed =
if random_is_selected do
sort_fields = [
"Sort by initial post date": :first_seen_at,
"Sort by image ID": :id,
"Sort by last modification date": :updated_at,
"Sort by aspect ratio": :aspect_ratio,
"Sort by fave count": :faves,
"Sort by upvotes": :upvotes,
"Sort by downvotes": :downvotes,
"Sort by score": :score,
"Sort by Wilson score": :wilson_score,
"Sort by relevance": :_score,
"Sort by width": :width,
"Sort by height": :height,
"Sort by comments": :comment_count,
"Sort by tag count": :tag_count,
"Sort by pixels": :pixels,
"Sort by file size": :size,
"Sort by duration": :duration,
Random!: random_seed
sort_directions = [Descending: :desc, Ascending: :asc]
sort_hidden = ["Exclude Deleted": "", "Include Deleted/Merged": "1", "Deleted Only": "deleted", "Deleted/Merged Only": "only"] %>
<%= select(f, :sf, sort_fields, class: "input input--separate-left", name: "sf", autocomplete: "off", selected: @conn.params["sf"]) %>
<%= select(f, :sd, sort_directions, class: "input input--separate-left", name: "sd", autocomplete: "off", selected: @conn.params["sd"]) %>
<%= if present?(@conn.params["hidden"]) do %>
<%= hidden_input(f, :hidden, name: "hidden", value: @conn.params["hidden"]) %>
<% end %>
<%= if hides_images?(@conn) do %>
<%= select(f, :del, sort_hidden, class: "input input--separate-left", name: "del", autocomplete: "off", selected: @conn.params["del"]) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>