  route = fn p -> Routes.conversation_path(@conn, :show, @conversation, p) end
  pagination = render PhilomenaWeb.PaginationView, "_pagination.html", page: @messages, route: route, conn: @conn
  other = other_party(@current_user, @conversation)

h1 = @conversation.title
    => link "Message Center", to: Routes.conversation_path(@conn, :index)
    ' »
    => link @conversation.title, to: Routes.conversation_path(@conn, :show, @conversation)
    ' Conversation with
    => render PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionView, "_user.html", object: %{user: other}, conn: @conn
    = pagination

= for {message, body} <- @messages do
  = render PhilomenaWeb.MessageView, "_message.html", message: message, body: body, conn: @conn

    = pagination

= if @messages.total_entries < 1_000 do
  = render PhilomenaWeb.Conversation.MessageView, "_form.html", conversation: @conversation, changeset: @changeset, conn: @conn
- else
    h2 Okay, we're impressed
    p You've managed to send over 1,000 messages in this conversation!
    p We'd like to ask you to make a new conversation. Don't worry, this one won't go anywhere if you need to refer back to it.
      => link "Click here", to: Routes.conversation_path(@conn, :new, receipient: other.name)
      ' to make a new conversation with this user.