defmodule Philomena.Images do @moduledoc """ The Images context. """ import Ecto.Query, warn: false require Logger alias Ecto.Multi alias Philomena.Repo alias Philomena.Elasticsearch alias Philomena.ThumbnailWorker alias Philomena.ImagePurgeWorker alias Philomena.DuplicateReports.DuplicateReport alias Philomena.Images.Image alias Philomena.Images.Uploader alias Philomena.Images.Tagging alias Philomena.Images.Thumbnailer alias Philomena.Images.ElasticsearchIndex, as: ImageIndex alias Philomena.IndexWorker alias Philomena.ImageFeatures.ImageFeature alias Philomena.SourceChanges.SourceChange alias Philomena.Notifications.Notification alias Philomena.NotificationWorker alias Philomena.TagChanges.TagChange alias Philomena.Tags alias Philomena.UserStatistics alias Philomena.Tags.Tag alias Philomena.Notifications alias Philomena.Interactions alias Philomena.Reports alias Philomena.Reports.Report alias Philomena.Comments alias Philomena.Galleries.Gallery alias Philomena.Galleries.Interaction alias Philomena.Users.User @doc """ Gets a single image. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Image does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_image!(123) %Image{} iex> get_image!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_image!(id) do!(Image |> where(id: ^id) |> preload(:tags)) end @doc """ Gets the tag list for a single image. """ def tag_list(%Image{tags: tags}) do tags |> Tag.display_order() |> Enum.map_join(", ", & & end @doc """ Creates a image. ## Examples iex> create_image(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Image{}} iex> create_image(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_image(attribution, attrs \\ %{}) do tags = Tags.get_or_create_tags(attrs["tag_input"]) sources = attrs["sources"] image = %Image{} |> Image.creation_changeset(attrs, attribution) |> Image.source_changeset(attrs, [], sources) |> Image.tag_changeset(attrs, [], tags) |> Image.dnp_changeset(attribution[:user]) |> Uploader.analyze_upload(attrs) |> Multi.insert(:image, image) |>, fn repo, %{image: image} -> image |> Image.cache_changeset() |> repo.update() end) |>, fn repo, %{image: image} -> tag_ids = image.added_tags |> & tags = Tag |> where([t], in ^tag_ids) {count, nil} = repo.update_all(tags, inc: [images_count: 1]) {:ok, count} end) |> maybe_create_subscription_on_upload(attribution[:user]) |> Repo.transaction() |> case do {:ok, %{image: image}} = result -> async_upload(image, attrs["image"]) reindex_image(image) Tags.reindex_tags(image.added_tags) maybe_approve_image(image, attribution[:user]) result result -> result end end defp async_upload(image, plug_upload) do linked_pid = spawn(fn -> # Make sure task will finish before VM exit Process.flag(:trap_exit, true) # Wait to be freed up by the caller receive do :ready -> nil end # Start trying to upload try_upload(image, 0) end) # Give the upload to the linked process Plug.Upload.give_away(plug_upload, linked_pid, self()) # Free up the linked process send(linked_pid, :ready) end defp try_upload(image, retry_count) when retry_count < 100 do try do Uploader.persist_upload(image) repair_image(image) rescue e -> Logger.error("Upload failed: #{inspect(e)} [try ##{retry_count}]") Process.sleep(5000) try_upload(image, retry_count + 1) end end defp try_upload(image, retry_count) do Logger.error("Aborting upload of #{} after #{retry_count} retries") end defp maybe_create_subscription_on_upload(multi, %User{watch_on_upload: true} = user) do multi |>, fn _repo, %{image: image} -> create_subscription(image, user) end) end defp maybe_create_subscription_on_upload(multi, _user) do multi end def approve_image(image) do image |> Repo.preload(:user) |> Image.approve_changeset() |> Repo.update() |> case do {:ok, image} -> reindex_image(image) increment_user_stats(image.user) maybe_suggest_user_verification(image.user) {:ok, image} error -> error end end defp maybe_approve_image(_image, nil), do: false defp maybe_approve_image(_image, %User{verified: false, role: role}) when role == "user", do: false defp maybe_approve_image(image, _user), do: approve_image(image) defp increment_user_stats(nil), do: false defp increment_user_stats(%User{} = user) do UserStatistics.inc_stat(user, :uploads) end defp maybe_suggest_user_verification(%User{id: id, uploads_count: 5, verified: false}) do Reports.create_system_report( id, "User", "Verification", "User has uploaded enough approved images to be considered for verification." ) end defp maybe_suggest_user_verification(_user), do: false def count_pending_approvals() do Image |> where(hidden_from_users: false) |> where(approved: false) |> Repo.aggregate(:count) end def feature_image(featurer, %Image{} = image) do %ImageFeature{user_id:, image_id:} |> ImageFeature.changeset(%{}) |> Repo.insert() end def destroy_image(%Image{} = image) do image |> Image.remove_image_changeset() |> Repo.update() |> case do {:ok, image} -> purge_files(image, image.hidden_image_key) Thumbnailer.destroy_thumbnails(image) {:ok, image} error -> error end end def lock_comments(%Image{} = image, locked) do image |> Image.lock_comments_changeset(locked) |> Repo.update() end def lock_description(%Image{} = image, locked) do image |> Image.lock_description_changeset(locked) |> Repo.update() end def lock_tags(%Image{} = image, locked) do image |> Image.lock_tags_changeset(locked) |> Repo.update() end def remove_hash(%Image{} = image) do image |> Image.remove_hash_changeset() |> Repo.update() end def update_scratchpad(%Image{} = image, attrs) do image |> Image.scratchpad_changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end def remove_source_history(%Image{} = image) do image |> Repo.preload(:source_changes) |> Image.remove_source_history_changeset() |> Repo.update() end def repair_image(%Image{} = image) do Image |> where(id: ^ |> Repo.update_all(set: [thumbnails_generated: false, processed: false]) Exq.enqueue(Exq, queue(image.image_mime_type), ThumbnailWorker, []) end defp queue("video/webm"), do: "videos" defp queue(_mime_type), do: "images" def update_file(%Image{} = image, attrs) do image |> Image.changeset(attrs) |> Uploader.analyze_upload(attrs) |> Repo.update() |> case do {:ok, image} -> Uploader.persist_upload(image) repair_image(image) purge_files(image, image.hidden_image_key) reindex_image(image) {:ok, image} error -> error end end @doc """ Updates a image. ## Examples iex> update_image(image, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Image{}} iex> update_image(image, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_image(%Image{} = image, attrs) do image |> Image.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end def update_description(%Image{} = image, attrs) do image |> Image.description_changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end def update_sources(%Image{} = image, attribution, attrs) do old_sources = attrs["old_sources"] new_sources = attrs["sources"] |>, fn repo, _chg -> image = repo.preload(image, [:sources]) image |> Image.source_changeset(%{}, old_sources, new_sources) |> repo.update() |> case do {:ok, image} -> {:ok, {image, image.added_sources, image.removed_sources}} error -> error end end) |>, fn repo, %{image: {image, added_sources, _removed}} -> source_changes = added_sources |>, image, &1, true, attribution[:user])) {count, nil} = repo.insert_all(SourceChange, source_changes) {:ok, count} end) |>, fn repo, %{image: {image, _added, removed_sources}} -> source_changes = removed_sources |>, image, &1, false, attribution[:user])) {count, nil} = repo.insert_all(SourceChange, source_changes) {:ok, count} end) |> Repo.transaction() end defp source_change_attributes(attribution, image, source, added, user) do now = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.truncate(:second) user_id = case user do nil -> nil user -> end %{ image_id:, source_url: source, user_id: user_id, created_at: now, updated_at: now, ip: attribution[:ip], fingerprint: attribution[:fingerprint], user_agent: attribution[:user_agent], referrer: attribution[:referrer], added: added } end def update_locked_tags(%Image{} = image, attrs) do new_tags = Tags.get_or_create_tags(attrs["tag_input"]) image |> Repo.preload(:locked_tags) |> Image.locked_tags_changeset(attrs, new_tags) |> Repo.update() end def update_tags(%Image{} = image, attribution, attrs) do old_tags = Tags.get_or_create_tags(attrs["old_tag_input"]) new_tags = Tags.get_or_create_tags(attrs["tag_input"]) |>, fn repo, _chg -> image = repo.preload(image, [:tags, :locked_tags]) image |> Image.tag_changeset(%{}, old_tags, new_tags, image.locked_tags) |> repo.update() |> case do {:ok, image} -> {:ok, {image, image.added_tags, image.removed_tags}} error -> error end end) |>, fn repo, %{image: {image, added_tags, _removed}} -> tag_changes = added_tags |>, image, &1, true, attribution[:user])) {count, nil} = repo.insert_all(TagChange, tag_changes) {:ok, count} end) |>, fn repo, %{image: {image, _added, removed_tags}} -> tag_changes = removed_tags |>, image, &1, false, attribution[:user])) {count, nil} = repo.insert_all(TagChange, tag_changes) {:ok, count} end) |>, fn _repo, %{image: {%{hidden_from_users: true}, _added, _removed}} -> {:ok, 0} repo, %{image: {_image, added_tags, _removed}} -> tag_ids = added_tags |> & tags = Tag |> where([t], in ^tag_ids) {count, nil} = repo.update_all(tags, inc: [images_count: 1]) {:ok, count} end) |>, fn _repo, %{image: {%{hidden_from_users: true}, _added, _removed}} -> {:ok, 0} repo, %{image: {_image, _added, removed_tags}} -> tag_ids = removed_tags |> & tags = Tag |> where([t], in ^tag_ids) {count, nil} = repo.update_all(tags, inc: [images_count: -1]) {:ok, count} end) |> Repo.transaction() end defp tag_change_attributes(attribution, image, tag, added, user) do now = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.truncate(:second) user_id = case user do nil -> nil user -> end %{ image_id:, tag_id:, user_id: user_id, created_at: now, updated_at: now, tag_name_cache:, ip: attribution[:ip], fingerprint: attribution[:fingerprint], user_agent: attribution[:user_agent], referrer: attribution[:referrer], added: added } end def update_uploader(%Image{} = image, attrs) do image |> Image.uploader_changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end def update_anonymous(%Image{} = image, attrs) do image |> Image.anonymous_changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end def update_hide_reason(%Image{} = image, attrs) do image |> Image.hide_reason_changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() |> case do {:ok, image} -> reindex_image(image) {:ok, image} error -> error end end def hide_image(%Image{} = image, user, attrs) do duplicate_reports = DuplicateReport |> where(state: "open") |> where([d], d.image_id == ^ or d.duplicate_of_image_id == ^ |> update(set: [state: "rejected"]) image |> Image.hide_changeset(attrs, user) |> hide_image_multi(image, user, |> Multi.update_all(:duplicate_reports, duplicate_reports, []) |> Repo.transaction() |> process_after_hide() end def merge_image(multi \\ nil, %Image{} = image, duplicate_of_image, user) do multi = multi || image |> Image.merge_changeset(duplicate_of_image) |> hide_image_multi(image, user, multi) |>, fn _, %{} -> update_first_seen_at( duplicate_of_image, image.first_seen_at, duplicate_of_image.first_seen_at ) end) |>, fn _, %{} -> {:ok, Tags.copy_tags(image, duplicate_of_image)} end) |>, fn repo, %{} -> {:ok, migrate_sources( repo.preload(image, [:sources]), repo.preload(duplicate_of_image, [:sources]) )} end) |>, fn _, %{} -> {:ok, Comments.migrate_comments(image, duplicate_of_image)} end) |>, fn _, %{} -> {:ok, migrate_subscriptions(image, duplicate_of_image)} end) |>, fn _, %{} -> {:ok, Interactions.migrate_interactions(image, duplicate_of_image)} end) |> Repo.transaction() |> process_after_hide() |> case do {:ok, result} -> reindex_image(duplicate_of_image) Comments.reindex_comments(duplicate_of_image) notify_merge(image, duplicate_of_image) {:ok, result} error -> error end end defp hide_image_multi(changeset, image, user, multi) do reports = Report |> where(reportable_type: "Image", reportable_id: ^ |> select([r], |> update(set: [open: false, state: "closed", admin_id: ^]) galleries = Gallery |> join(:inner, [g], gi in assoc(g, :interactions), on: gi.image_id == ^ |> update(inc: [image_count: -1]) gallery_interactions = where(Interaction, image_id: ^ multi |> Multi.update(:image, changeset) |> Multi.update_all(:reports, reports, []) |> Multi.update_all(:galleries, galleries, []) |> Multi.delete_all(:gallery_interactions, gallery_interactions, []) |>, fn repo, %{image: image} -> image = Repo.preload(image, :tags, force: true) # I'm not convinced this is a good idea. It leads # to way too much drift, and the index has to be # maintained. tag_ids =, & & query = where(Tag, [t], in ^tag_ids) repo.update_all(query, inc: [images_count: -1]) {:ok, image.tags} end) end defp process_after_hide(result) do case result do {:ok, %{image: image, tags: tags, reports: {_count, reports}} = result} -> spawn(fn -> Thumbnailer.hide_thumbnails(image, image.hidden_image_key) purge_files(image, image.hidden_image_key) end) Comments.reindex_comments(image) Reports.reindex_reports(reports) Tags.reindex_tags(tags) reindex_image(image) reindex_copied_tags(result) {:ok, result} error -> error end end defp reindex_copied_tags(%{copy_tags: tags}), do: Tags.reindex_tags(tags) defp reindex_copied_tags(_result), do: nil defp update_first_seen_at(image, time_1, time_2) do min_time = case, time_2) do :gt -> time_2 _ -> time_1 end Image |> where(id: ^ |> Repo.update_all(set: [first_seen_at: min_time]) {:ok, image} end def unhide_image(%Image{hidden_from_users: true} = image) do key = image.hidden_image_key |> Multi.update(:image, Image.unhide_changeset(image)) |>, fn repo, %{image: image} -> image = Repo.preload(image, :tags, force: true) tag_ids =, & & query = where(Tag, [t], in ^tag_ids) repo.update_all(query, inc: [images_count: 1]) {:ok, image.tags} end) |> Repo.transaction() |> case do {:ok, %{image: image, tags: tags}} -> spawn(fn -> Thumbnailer.unhide_thumbnails(image, key) end) reindex_image(image) purge_files(image, image.hidden_image_key) Comments.reindex_comments(image) Tags.reindex_tags(tags) {:ok, image} error -> error end end def unhide_image(image), do: {:ok, image} def batch_update(image_ids, added_tags, removed_tags, tag_change_attributes) do image_ids = Image |> where([i], in ^image_ids and i.hidden_from_users == false) |> select([i], |> Repo.all() added_tags =, & & removed_tags =, & & # Change everything in one go, ignoring any validation errors # Note: computing the Cartesian product insertions = for tag_id <- added_tags, image_id <- image_ids do %{tag_id: tag_id, image_id: image_id} end deletions = Tagging |> where([t], t.image_id in ^image_ids and t.tag_id in ^removed_tags) |> select([t], [t.image_id, t.tag_id]) now = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.truncate(:second) tag_change_attributes = Map.merge(tag_change_attributes, %{created_at: now, updated_at: now}) tag_attributes = %{name: "", slug: "", created_at: now, updated_at: now} Repo.transaction(fn -> {_count, inserted} = Repo.insert_all(Tagging, insertions, on_conflict: :nothing, returning: [:image_id, :tag_id] ) {_count, deleted} = Repo.delete_all(deletions) inserted =, &[&1.image_id, &1.tag_id]) added_changes =, fn [image_id, tag_id] -> Map.merge(tag_change_attributes, %{image_id: image_id, tag_id: tag_id, added: true}) end) removed_changes =, fn [image_id, tag_id] -> Map.merge(tag_change_attributes, %{image_id: image_id, tag_id: tag_id, added: false}) end) changes = added_changes ++ removed_changes Repo.insert_all(TagChange, changes) # In order to merge into the existing tables here in one go, insert_all # is used with a query that is guaranteed to conflict on every row by # using the primary key. added_upserts = inserted |> Enum.group_by(fn [_image_id, tag_id] -> tag_id end) |> {tag_id, instances} -> Map.merge(tag_attributes, %{id: tag_id, images_count: length(instances)}) end) removed_upserts = deleted |> Enum.group_by(fn [_image_id, tag_id] -> tag_id end) |> {tag_id, instances} -> Map.merge(tag_attributes, %{id: tag_id, images_count: -length(instances)}) end) update_query = update(Tag, inc: [images_count: fragment("EXCLUDED.images_count")]) upserts = added_upserts ++ removed_upserts Repo.insert_all(Tag, upserts, on_conflict: update_query, conflict_target: [:id]) end) |> case do {:ok, _} = result -> reindex_images(image_ids) Tags.reindex_tags( ++ removed_tags, &%{id: &1})) result result -> result end end @doc """ Deletes a Image. ## Examples iex> delete_image(image) {:ok, %Image{}} iex> delete_image(image) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_image(%Image{} = image) do Repo.delete(image) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking image changes. ## Examples iex> change_image(image) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Image{}} """ def change_image(%Image{} = image) do Image.changeset(image, %{}) end def user_name_reindex(old_name, new_name) do data = ImageIndex.user_name_update_by_query(old_name, new_name) Elasticsearch.update_by_query(Image, data.query, data.set_replacements, data.replacements) end def reindex_image(%Image{} = image) do Exq.enqueue(Exq, "indexing", IndexWorker, ["Images", "id", []]) image end def reindex_images(image_ids) do Exq.enqueue(Exq, "indexing", IndexWorker, ["Images", "id", image_ids]) image_ids end def indexing_preloads do [ :user, :favers, :downvoters, :upvoters, :hiders, :deleter, :gallery_interactions, :sources, tags: [:aliases, :aliased_tag] ] end def perform_reindex(column, condition) do Image |> preload(^indexing_preloads()) |> where([i], field(i, ^column) in ^condition) |> Elasticsearch.reindex(Image) end def purge_files(image, hidden_key) do files = if is_nil(hidden_key) do Thumbnailer.thumbnail_urls(image, nil) else Thumbnailer.thumbnail_urls(image, hidden_key) ++ Thumbnailer.thumbnail_urls(image, nil) end Exq.enqueue(Exq, "indexing", ImagePurgeWorker, [files]) end def perform_purge(files) do {_out, 0} = System.cmd("purge-cache", [Jason.encode!(%{files: files})]) :ok end alias Philomena.Images.Subscription def subscribed?(_image, nil), do: false def subscribed?(image, user) do Subscription |> where(image_id: ^, user_id: ^ |> Repo.exists?() end @doc """ Creates a subscription. ## Examples iex> create_subscription(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Subscription{}} iex> create_subscription(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_subscription(_image, nil), do: {:ok, nil} def create_subscription(image, user) do %Subscription{image_id:, user_id:} |> Subscription.changeset(%{}) |> Repo.insert(on_conflict: :nothing) end @doc """ Deletes a subscription. ## Examples iex> delete_subscription(subscription) {:ok, %Subscription{}} iex> delete_subscription(subscription) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_subscription(image, user) do clear_notification(image, user) %Subscription{image_id:, user_id:} |> Repo.delete() end def migrate_subscriptions(source, target) do subscriptions = Subscription |> where(image_id: ^ |> select([s], %{image_id: type(^, :integer), user_id: s.user_id}) |> Repo.all() Repo.insert_all(Subscription, subscriptions, on_conflict: :nothing) {count, nil} = Notification |> where(actor_type: "Image", actor_id: ^ |> Repo.delete_all() {:ok, count} end def migrate_sources(source, target) do sources = (source.sources ++ target.sources) |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.take(10) target |> Image.sources_changeset(sources) |> Repo.update() end def notify_merge(source, target) do Exq.enqueue(Exq, "notifications", NotificationWorker, ["Images", [,]]) end def perform_notify([source_id, target_id]) do target = get_image!(target_id) subscriptions = target |> Repo.preload(:subscriptions) |> Map.fetch!(:subscriptions) Notifications.notify( nil, subscriptions, %{ actor_id:, actor_type: "Image", actor_child_id: nil, actor_child_type: nil, action: "merged ##{source_id} into" } ) end def clear_notification(_image, nil), do: nil def clear_notification(image, user) do Notifications.delete_unread_notification("Image",, user) end end