defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Router do use PhilomenaWeb, :router use Pow.Phoenix.Router use Pow.Extension.Phoenix.Router, otp_app: :philomena pipeline :browser do plug :accepts, ["html"] plug :fetch_session plug :fetch_flash plug :protect_from_forgery plug :put_secure_browser_headers plug PhilomenaWeb.ContentSecurityPolicyPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.CurrentFilterPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.ImageFilterPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.PaginationPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.EnsureUserEnabledPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.CurrentBanPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.NotificationCountPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.SiteNoticePlug plug PhilomenaWeb.ForumListPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.FilterSelectPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.ChannelPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.AdminCountersPlug end pipeline :api do plug PhilomenaWeb.ApiTokenPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.EnsureUserEnabledPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.CurrentFilterPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.FilterIdPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.ImageFilterPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.PaginationPlug end pipeline :accepts_rss do plug :accepts, ["rss"] end pipeline :accepts_json do plug :accepts, ["json"] end pipeline :ensure_totp do plug PhilomenaWeb.TotpPlug end pipeline :ensure_tor_authorized do plug PhilomenaWeb.TorPlug end pipeline :ensure_not_banned do plug PhilomenaWeb.FilterBannedUsersPlug end pipeline :ensure_password_not_compromised do plug PhilomenaWeb.CompromisedPasswordCheckPlug end pipeline :protected do plug Pow.Plug.RequireAuthenticated, error_handler: Pow.Phoenix.PlugErrorHandler end scope "/" do pipe_through [ :browser, :ensure_totp, :ensure_not_banned, :ensure_tor_authorized, :ensure_password_not_compromised ] pow_registration_routes() end scope "/" do pipe_through [:browser, :ensure_totp] pow_session_routes() end scope "/" do pipe_through [:browser, :ensure_totp, :ensure_tor_authorized] pow_extension_routes() end scope "/", PhilomenaWeb do pipe_through [:browser, :protected] # Additional routes for TOTP scope "/registrations", Registration, as: :registration do resources "/totp", TotpController, only: [:edit, :update], singleton: true resources "/name", NameController, only: [:edit, :update], singleton: true end scope "/sessions", Session, as: :session do resources "/totp", TotpController, only: [:new, :create], singleton: true end end scope "/api/v1/rss", PhilomenaWeb.Api.Rss, as: :api_rss do pipe_through [:accepts_rss, :api, :protected] resources "/watched", WatchedController, only: [:index] end scope "/api/v1/json", PhilomenaWeb.Api.Json, as: :api_json do pipe_through [:accepts_json, :api, :ensure_tor_authorized] scope "/images", Image, as: :image do resources "/featured", FeaturedController, only: [:show], singleton: true end resources "/images", ImageController, only: [:show, :create] scope "/search", Search, as: :search do resources "/reverse", ReverseController, only: [:create] resources "/images", ImageController, only: [:index] resources "/tags", TagController, only: [:index] resources "/posts", PostController, only: [:index] resources "/comments", CommentController, only: [:index] resources "/galleries", GalleryController, only: [:index] end # Convenience alias get "/search", Search.ImageController, :index resources "/oembed", OembedController, only: [:index] resources "/tags", TagController, only: [:show] resources "/comments", CommentController, only: [:show] resources "/posts", PostController, only: [:show] resources "/profiles", ProfileController, only: [:show] scope "/filters", Filter, as: :filter do resources "/user", UserFilterController, only: [:index] resources "/system", SystemFilterController, only: [:index] end resources "/filters", FilterController, only: [:show] resources "/forums", ForumController, only: [:show, :index] do resources "/topics", Forum.TopicController, only: [:show, :index] do resources "/posts", Forum.Topic.PostController, only: [:show, :index] end end end scope "/", PhilomenaWeb do pipe_through [:browser, :ensure_totp, :ensure_tor_authorized] # A curiosity due to the fact that Phoenix routes cannot have constraints scope "/channels", Channel, as: :channel do resources "/nsfw", NsfwController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true end end scope "/", PhilomenaWeb do pipe_through [:browser, :ensure_totp, :protected] scope "/notifications", Notification, as: :notification do resources "/unread", UnreadController, only: [:index] end resources "/notifications", NotificationController, only: [:index, :delete] resources "/conversations", ConversationController, only: [:index, :show, :new, :create] do resources "/reports", Conversation.ReportController, only: [:new, :create] resources "/messages", Conversation.MessageController, only: [:create] resources "/read", Conversation.ReadController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/hide", Conversation.HideController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true end resources "/images", ImageController, only: [] do resources "/vote", Image.VoteController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/fave", Image.FaveController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/hide", Image.HideController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/subscription", Image.SubscriptionController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/read", Image.ReadController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/comments", Image.CommentController, only: [:edit, :update] do resources "/hide", Image.Comment.HideController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/delete", Image.Comment.DeleteController, only: [:create], singleton: true end resources "/delete", Image.DeleteController, only: [:create, :delete, :update], singleton: true resources "/tamper", Image.TamperController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/hash", Image.HashController, only: [:delete], singleton: true resources "/source_history", Image.SourceHistoryController, only: [:delete], singleton: true resources "/repair", Image.RepairController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/feature", Image.FeatureController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/file", Image.FileController, only: [:update], singleton: true resources "/scratchpad", Image.ScratchpadController, only: [:edit, :update], singleton: true resources "/uploader", Image.UploaderController, only: [:update], singleton: true resources "/anonymous", Image.AnonymousController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/comment_lock", Image.CommentLockController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/description_lock", Image.DescriptionLockController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/tag_lock", Image.TagLockController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true end resources "/forums", ForumController, only: [] do resources "/topics", TopicController, only: [:new, :create] do resources "/subscription", Topic.SubscriptionController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/read", Topic.ReadController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/move", Topic.MoveController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/stick", Topic.StickController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/lock", Topic.LockController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/hide", Topic.HideController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/posts", Topic.PostController, only: [:edit, :update] do resources "/hide", Topic.Post.HideController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/delete", Topic.Post.DeleteController, only: [:create], singleton: true end resources "/poll", Topic.PollController, only: [:edit, :update], singleton: true do resources "/votes", Topic.Poll.VoteController, only: [:index, :create, :delete] end end resources "/subscription", Forum.SubscriptionController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/read", Forum.ReadController, only: [:create], singleton: true end resources "/profiles", ProfileController, only: [] do resources "/commission", Profile.CommissionController, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :delete], singleton: true do resources "/items", Profile.Commission.ItemController, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :delete] resources "/reports", Profile.Commission.ReportController, only: [:new, :create] end resources "/description", Profile.DescriptionController, only: [:edit, :update], singleton: true resources "/scratchpad", Profile.ScratchpadController, only: [:edit, :update], singleton: true resources "/user_links", Profile.UserLinkController resources "/awards", Profile.AwardController, except: [:index, :show] resources "/details", Profile.DetailController, only: [:index] resources "/ip_history", Profile.IpHistoryController, only: [:index] resources "/fp_history", Profile.FpHistoryController, only: [:index] resources "/aliases", Profile.AliasController, only: [:index] end scope "/filters", Filter, as: :filter do resources "/spoiler_type", SpoilerTypeController, only: [:update], singleton: true resources "/hide", HideController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/spoiler", SpoilerController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true end resources "/tags", TagController, only: [] do resources "/watch", Tag.WatchController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/details", Tag.DetailController, only: [:index] end resources "/avatar", AvatarController, only: [:edit, :update, :delete], singleton: true resources "/reports", ReportController, only: [:index] resources "/galleries", GalleryController, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :delete] do resources "/images", Gallery.ImageController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/order", Gallery.OrderController, only: [:update], singleton: true resources "/read", Gallery.ReadController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/subscription", Gallery.SubscriptionController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true end resources "/channels", ChannelController, only: [] do resources "/read", Channel.ReadController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/subscription", Channel.SubscriptionController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true end resources "/dnp", DnpEntryController, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update] resources "/ip_profiles", IpProfileController, only: [:show] do resources "/tag_changes", IpProfile.TagChangeController, only: [:index] resources "/source_changes", IpProfile.SourceChangeController, only: [:index] end resources "/fingerprint_profiles", FingerprintProfileController, only: [:show] do resources "/tag_changes", FingerprintProfile.TagChangeController, only: [:index] resources "/source_changes", FingerprintProfile.SourceChangeController, only: [:index] end scope "/admin", Admin, as: :admin do resources "/reports", ReportController, only: [:index, :show] do resources "/claim", Report.ClaimController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/close", Report.CloseController, only: [:create], singleton: true end resources "/user_links", UserLinkController, only: [:index] do resources "/verification", UserLink.VerificationController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/contact", UserLink.ContactController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/reject", UserLink.RejectController, only: [:create], singleton: true end resources "/dnp_entries", DnpEntryController, only: [:index] do resources "/transition", DnpEntry.TransitionController, only: [:create], singleton: true end resources "/user_bans", UserBanController, only: [:index, :new, :create, :edit, :update, :delete] resources "/subnet_bans", SubnetBanController, only: [:index, :new, :create, :edit, :update, :delete] resources "/fingerprint_bans", FingerprintBanController, only: [:index, :new, :create, :edit, :update, :delete] resources "/site_notices", SiteNoticeController, except: [:show] resources "/adverts", AdvertController, except: [:show] do resources "/image", Advert.ImageController, only: [:edit, :update], singleton: true end resources "/forums", ForumController, except: [:show, :delete] resources "/badges", BadgeController, except: [:show, :delete] do resources "/users", Badge.UserController, only: [:index] resources "/image", Badge.ImageController, only: [:edit, :update], singleton: true end resources "/mod_notes", ModNoteController, except: [:show] resources "/users", UserController, only: [:index, :edit, :update] do resources "/avatar", User.AvatarController, only: [:delete], singleton: true resources "/activation", User.ActivationController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true resources "/api_key", User.ApiKeyController, only: [:delete], singleton: true resources "/downvotes", User.DownvoteController, only: [:delete], singleton: true resources "/votes", User.VoteController, only: [:delete], singleton: true resources "/wipe", User.WipeController, only: [:create], singleton: true end resources "/batch/tags", Batch.TagController, only: [:update], singleton: true scope "/donations", Donation, as: :donation do resources "/user", UserController, only: [:show] end resources "/donations", DonationController, only: [:index, :create] end resources "/duplicate_reports", DuplicateReportController, only: [] do resources "/accept", DuplicateReport.AcceptController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/accept_reverse", DuplicateReport.AcceptReverseController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/reject", DuplicateReport.RejectController, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/claim", DuplicateReport.ClaimController, only: [:create, :delete], singleton: true end resources "/tags", TagController, only: [:edit, :update, :delete] do resources "/image", Tag.ImageController, only: [:edit, :update, :delete], singleton: true resources "/alias", Tag.AliasController, only: [:edit, :update, :delete], singleton: true resources "/reindex", Tag.ReindexController, only: [:create], singleton: true end resources "/tag_changes/revert", TagChange.RevertController, as: :tag_change_revert, only: [:create], singleton: true resources "/pages", PageController, only: [:index, :new, :create, :edit, :update] resources "/channels", ChannelController, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :delete] end scope "/", PhilomenaWeb do pipe_through [:browser, :ensure_totp, :ensure_tor_authorized] get "/", ActivityController, :index resources "/activity", ActivityController, only: [:index] scope "/images", Image, as: :image do resources "/scrape", ScrapeController, only: [:create] resources "/random", RandomController, only: [:index] end resources "/images", ImageController, only: [:index, :show, :new, :create] do resources "/related", Image.RelatedController, only: [:index] resources "/comments", Image.CommentController, only: [:index, :show, :create] do resources "/reports", Image.Comment.ReportController, only: [:new, :create] resources "/history", Image.Comment.HistoryController, only: [:index] end resources "/tags", Image.TagController, only: [:update], singleton: true resources "/sources", Image.SourceController, only: [:update], singleton: true resources "/tag_changes", Image.TagChangeController, only: [:index] resources "/source_changes", Image.SourceChangeController, only: [:index] resources "/description", Image.DescriptionController, only: [:update], singleton: true resources "/navigate", Image.NavigateController, only: [:index] resources "/reports", Image.ReportController, only: [:new, :create] resources "/reporting", Image.ReportingController, only: [:show], singleton: true resources "/favorites", Image.FavoriteController, only: [:index] end scope "/tags", Tag, as: :tag do resources "/autocomplete", AutocompleteController, only: [:show], singleton: true resources "/fetch", FetchController, only: [:index] end resources "/tags", TagController, only: [:index, :show] do resources "/tag_changes", Tag.TagChangeController, only: [:index] end scope "/search", Search, as: :search do resources "/reverse", ReverseController, only: [:index, :create] end resources "/search", SearchController, only: [:index] resources "/forums", ForumController, only: [:index, :show] do resources "/topics", TopicController, only: [:show] do resources "/posts", Topic.PostController, only: [:create] do resources "/reports", Topic.Post.ReportController, only: [:new, :create] resources "/history", Topic.Post.HistoryController, only: [:index] end end end resources "/comments", CommentController, only: [:index] scope "/filters", Filter, as: :filter do resources "/current", CurrentController, only: [:update], singleton: true end resources "/filters", FilterController do resources "/public", Filter.PublicController, only: [:create], singleton: true end resources "/profiles", ProfileController, only: [:show] do resources "/reports", Profile.ReportController, only: [:new, :create] resources "/commission", Profile.CommissionController, only: [:show], singleton: true resources "/tag_changes", Profile.TagChangeController, only: [:index] resources "/source_changes", Profile.SourceChangeController, only: [:index] end resources "/captchas", CaptchaController, only: [:create] scope "/posts", Post, as: :post do resources "/preview", PreviewController, only: [:create] end resources "/posts", PostController, only: [:index] resources "/commissions", CommissionController, only: [:index] resources "/galleries", GalleryController, only: [:index, :show] do resources "/reports", Gallery.ReportController, only: [:new, :create] end resources "/adverts", AdvertController, only: [:show] resources "/pages", PageController, only: [:show] do resources "/history", Page.HistoryController, only: [:index] end resources "/dnp", DnpEntryController, only: [:index, :show] resources "/staff", StaffController, only: [:index] resources "/stats", StatController, only: [:index] resources "/channels", ChannelController, only: [:index, :show] resources "/settings", SettingController, only: [:edit, :update], singleton: true resources "/duplicate_reports", DuplicateReportController, only: [:index, :show, :create] get "/:id", ImageController, :show # get "/:forum_id", ForumController, :show # impossible to do without constraints get "/:forum_id/:id", TopicController, :show get "/:forum_id/:id/:page", TopicController, :show get "/:forum_id/:id/post/:post_id", TopicController, :show end # Other scopes may use custom stacks. # scope "/api", PhilomenaWeb do # pipe_through :api # end end