import store from '../utils/store'; import { getTermContexts } from '../match_query'; import { Range } from '../query/lex'; export type TextInputElement = HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement; /** * Describes the term, that the cursor is currently on, which is known as "active". * If any tag completion is accepted, this term will be overwritten in the input. * The rest of the input will be left untouched. */ interface ActiveTerm { range: Range; /** * The term itself. Stripped from the `prefix` if it's present, and also lowercased. */ term: string; /** * Optional `-` prefix is only relevant for the `single-tag` autocompletion type. * This prefix is extracted automatically from the `term` value and is used to * signal that the tag should be removed from the list. */ prefix: '-' | ''; } /** * Captures the value of the input at the time when the `AutocompletableInput` was created. */ interface AutocompleteInputSnapshot { /** * Original value of the input element at the time when it was created unmodified. */ origValue: string; /** * The value of the input element at the time when it was created, but * trimmed from whitespace. */ trimmedValue: string; /** * Can be `null` if the input value is empty. */ activeTerm: ActiveTerm | null; /** * Cursor selection at the time when the snapshot was taken. */ selection: { start: number | null; end: number | null; direction: TextInputElement['selectionDirection']; }; } /** * The `multi-tags` autocompletion type is used to power inputs with complex * search queries like `(tag1 OR tag2), tag3` and tag lists like `tag1, tag2, tag3` * in the plain tag search/edit inputs. * * The `single-tag` autocompletion type is used to power the fancy tag editor * that manages separate input elements for every tag. In this mode the user * can input `-tag` prefix to remove the tag from the list. See more details * about how it works here: */ type AutocompleteInputType = 'multi-tags' | 'single-tag'; /** * Parsed version of `TextInputElement`. Its behavior is controlled with various * `data-autocomplete*` attributes. */ export class AutocompletableInput { /** * HTML element that autocomplete is attached to. */ readonly element: TextInputElement; readonly type: AutocompleteInputType; /** * Captures the value of the input at the time when the `AutocompletableInput` was created. */ readonly snapshot: AutocompleteInputSnapshot; /** * Defines the name of the parameter in `localStorage` that should be read * to conditionally enable the autocomplete feature. */ readonly condition?: string; /** * An integer that overrides the default limit of maximum suggestions to show. */ readonly maxSuggestions: number; /** * If present enables the history feature for the input element. The value * of this property defines the key in the `localStorage` where the history * records are stored. */ readonly historyId?: string; /** * Returns `null` only if the element is not autocomplete-capable. */ static fromElement(element: unknown): AutocompletableInput | null { if (!(element instanceof HTMLInputElement || element instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement)) { return null; } // This attribute marks the element as autocomplete-capable. It doesn't necessarily // mean that the autocomplete **will** show up for the element. It may be disabled // based on the setting value from the key specified under the attribute // `data-autocomplete-condition`. if (!element.dataset.autocomplete) { return null; } return new AutocompletableInput(element); } private constructor(element: TextInputElement) { this.element = element; this.condition = element.dataset.autocompleteCondition; this.historyId = element.dataset.autocompleteHistoryId; const type = element.dataset.autocomplete; if (type !== 'multi-tags' && type !== 'single-tag') { throw new Error(`BUG: invalid autocomplete type: ${type}`); } this.type = type; this.snapshot = { origValue: element.value, trimmedValue: element.value.trim(), activeTerm: findActiveTerm(type, element), selection: { start: element.selectionStart, end: element.selectionEnd, direction: element.selectionDirection, }, }; const maxSuggestions = element.dataset.autocompleteMaxSuggestions; this.maxSuggestions = maxSuggestions ? parseInt(maxSuggestions, 10) : 10; } hasHistory(): this is this & { historyId: string } { return Boolean(this.historyId); } isEnabled(): boolean { return !this.condition || store.get(this.condition) || false; } } function findActiveTerm( autocompleteType: AutocompleteInputType, { value, selectionStart, selectionEnd }: TextInputElement, ): ActiveTerm | null { if (selectionStart === null || selectionEnd === null) return null; // Technically the user may select several characters and several terms at once, // but we just take the first one from the selection as the "cursor" index. const cursorIndex = Math.min(selectionStart, selectionEnd); // Multi-line textarea elements should treat each line as different search queries. // Here we're looking for the actively edited line and use it instead of the whole value. const lineStart = value.lastIndexOf('\n', cursorIndex) + 1; const lineEnd = Math.max(value.indexOf('\n', cursorIndex), value.length); const line = value.slice(lineStart, lineEnd); const terms = getTermContexts(line); const searchIndex = cursorIndex - lineStart; const term = terms.find(({ range }) => range.start <= searchIndex && range.end >= searchIndex) ?? null; if (!term) { return null; } const { range } = term; const content = term.content.toLowerCase(); const stripDash = content.startsWith('-') && autocompleteType === 'single-tag'; return { term: stripDash ? content.slice(1) : content, prefix: stripDash ? '-' : '', range: { // Convert line-specific indexes back to absolute ones. start: range.start + lineStart, end: range.end + lineStart, }, }; }