This page is here to help you get a better grasp on the syntax of Markdown, the text processing engine this site uses. ## Inline formatting Inline formatting is the most commonly seen type of text formatting in Markdown. It can be applied almost anywhere else and doesn't depend on specific context (most of the time). Operator | Example | Result --- | --- | --- Bold | `This is **huge**` | This is **huge** Italic | `*very* clever, Connor... _very..._` | *very* clever, Connor... _very..._ Underline | `And I consider this __important__` | And I consider this __important__ Strikethrough | `I am ~~wrong~~ right` | I am ~~wrong~~ right Superscript | `normal text ^superscripted text^` | normal text ^superscripted text^ Subscript | `normal text %subscripted text%` | normal text %subscripted text% Spoiler | `Psst! ||Darth Vader is Luke's father||` | Psst! ||Darth Vader is Luke's father|| Code | ```Use `**bold**` to make text bold!``` | Use `**bold**` to make text bold! #### Multi-line inlines Most inline formatting can extend beyond just a single line and travel to other lines. However, it does have certain quirks, especially if you're unused to the Markdown syntax. ``` **I am a very bold text** ```