defmodule PhilomenaWeb.ImageController do use PhilomenaWeb, :controller alias PhilomenaWeb.ImageLoader alias PhilomenaWeb.CommentLoader alias PhilomenaWeb.NotificationCountPlug alias PhilomenaWeb.TextileRenderer alias Philomena.{ Images, Images.Image, Comments.Comment, Galleries.Gallery } # alias Philomena.Servers.ImageProcessor alias Philomena.UserStatistics alias Philomena.Interactions alias Philomena.Comments alias Philomena.Tags alias Philomena.Repo import Ecto.Query plug :load_image when action in [:show] plug PhilomenaWeb.FilterBannedUsersPlug when action in [:new, :create] plug PhilomenaWeb.UserAttributionPlug when action in [:create] plug PhilomenaWeb.CaptchaPlug when action in [:create] plug PhilomenaWeb.ScraperPlug, [params_name: "image", params_key: "image"] when action in [:create] plug PhilomenaWeb.AdvertPlug when action in [:show] def index(conn, _params) do {:ok, {images, _tags}} = ImageLoader.search_string(conn, "created_at.lte:3 minutes ago") interactions = Interactions.user_interactions(images, conn.assigns.current_user) render(conn, "index.html", title: "Images", layout_class: "layout--wide", images: images, interactions: interactions ) end def show(conn, %{"id" => _id}) do image = conn.assigns.image user = conn.assigns.current_user Images.clear_notification(image, user) # Update the notification ticker in the header conn = comments = CommentLoader.load_comments(conn, image) rendered = TextileRenderer.render_collection(comments.entries, conn) comments = %{comments | entries:, rendered)} description = %{body: image.description} |> TextileRenderer.render_one(conn) interactions = Interactions.user_interactions([image], conn.assigns.current_user) comment_changeset = %Comment{} |> Comments.change_comment() image_changeset = image |> Images.change_image() watching = Images.subscribed?(image, conn.assigns.current_user) user_galleries = user_galleries(image, conn.assigns.current_user) assigns = [ image: image, comments: comments, image_changeset: image_changeset, comment_changeset: comment_changeset, user_galleries: user_galleries, description: description, interactions: interactions, watching: watching, layout_class: "layout--wide", title: "##{} - #{image.tag_list_cache}" ] if image.hidden_from_users do render(conn, "deleted.html", assigns) else render(conn, "show.html", assigns) end end def new(conn, _params) do changeset = %Image{} |> Images.change_image() render(conn, "new.html", title: "New Image", changeset: changeset) end def create(conn, %{"image" => image_params}) do attributes = conn.assigns.attributes case Images.create_image(attributes, image_params) do {:ok, %{image: image}} -> spawn(fn -> Images.repair_image(image) end) # ImageProcessor.cast( Images.reindex_image(image) Tags.reindex_tags(image.added_tags) UserStatistics.inc_stat(conn.assigns.current_user, :uploads) conn |> put_flash(:info, "Image created successfully.") |> redirect(to: Routes.image_path(conn, :show, image)) {:error, :image, changeset, _} -> conn |> render("new.html", changeset: changeset) end end defp user_galleries(_image, nil), do: [] defp user_galleries(image, user) do Gallery |> where(creator_id: ^ |> join( :inner_lateral, [g], _ in fragment( "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM gallery_interactions gi WHERE gi.image_id = ? AND gi.gallery_id = ?)", ^, ) ) |> select([g, e], {g, e.exists}) |> order_by(desc: :updated_at) |> Repo.all() end defp load_image(conn, _opts) do id = conn.params["id"] {image, tag_changes, source_changes} = Image |> where(id: ^id) |> join( :inner_lateral, [i], _ in fragment("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tag_changes t WHERE t.image_id = ?", ) |> join( :inner_lateral, [i, _], _ in fragment("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM source_changes s WHERE s.image_id = ?", ) |> preload([:tags, :deleter, user: [awards: :badge]]) |> select([i, t, s], {i, t.count, s.count}) |> |> case do nil -> {nil, nil, nil} result -> result end cond do is_nil(image) -> not is_nil(image.duplicate_id) and not Canada.Can.can?(conn.assigns.current_user, :show, image) -> conn |> put_flash( :info, "The image you were looking for has been marked a duplicate of the image below" ) |> redirect(to: Routes.image_path(conn, :show, image.duplicate_id)) |> halt() true -> conn |> assign(:image, image) |> assign(:tag_change_count, tag_changes) |> assign(:source_change_count, source_changes) end end end