<%= if @image.duplicate_id do %>

This image has been merged into another image

This image was merged into image <%= link("##{@image.duplicate_id}", to: ~p"/images/#{@image.duplicate_id}") %> because it was determined to be a duplicate of that image.

<% else %>

This image has been deleted

Reason: <%= @image.deletion_reason || "Unknown (likely deleted in error). Please contact a moderator." %>

<%= if can?(@conn, :hide, @image) do %>

Spoilers! Done by: <%= deleter(@image) %>

<% end %>

If you originally uploaded the file previously located here, please don't re-upload it - <%= link("contact us", to: "/pages/contact") %> if you feel this was in error and we'll talk! We're only human, and mistakes happen.

Here's the <%= link("tagging guidelines", to: "/pages/tags") %> and <%= link("rules of the site", to: "/pages/rules") %> . Other useful links can be found at the bottom of the page.

<% end %> <%= if can?(@conn, :hide, @image) do %> <%= render(PhilomenaWeb.ImageView, "show.html", assigns) %> <% else %>


<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.TagView, "_tag_list.html", tags: display_order(@image.tags), conn: @conn) %> <% end %>