<%= if not is_nil(@featured_image) and not PhilomenaWeb.ImageView.filter_or_spoiler_hits?(@conn, @featured_image) do %>
Featured Image
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.ImageView, "_image_box.html", image: @featured_image, size: :medium, conn: @conn) %>
<% end %>
<%= for image <- @top_scoring do %>
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.ImageView, "_image_box.html", image: image, size: :thumb_small, conn: @conn) %>
<% end %>
<%= for channel <- @streams do %>
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.ActivityView, "_channel_strip.html", channel: channel, conn: @conn) %>
<% end %>
<%= for topic <- @topics do %>
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.ActivityView, "_topic_strip.html", topic: topic, conn: @conn) %>
<% end %>
<%= for comment <- @comments do %>
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.ActivityView, "_comment_strip.html", comment: comment, conn: @conn) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.ImageView, "index.html", conn: @conn, images: @images, size: :thumb) %>
<%= if @show_sidebar and not is_nil(@watched) and Enum.any?(@watched) do %>
<%= for image <- @watched do %>
<%= render(PhilomenaWeb.ImageView, "_image_box.html", image: image, link: ~p"/images/#{image}?#{[q: "my:watched"]}", size: :thumb_small, conn: @conn) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>