defmodule PhilomenaWeb.Topic.StickController do import Plug.Conn use PhilomenaWeb, :controller alias Philomena.Forums.Forum alias Philomena.Topics.Topic alias Philomena.Topics plug PhilomenaWeb.CanaryMapPlug, create: :show, delete: :show plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Forum, id_name: "forum_id", id_field: "short_name", persisted: true plug PhilomenaWeb.LoadTopicPlug plug PhilomenaWeb.CanaryMapPlug, create: :hide, delete: :hide plug :authorize_resource, model: Topic, persisted: true def create(conn, _opts) do topic = conn.assigns.topic case Topics.stick_topic(topic) do {:ok, topic} -> conn |> put_flash(:info, "Topic successfully stickied!") |> moderation_log(details: &log_details/3, data: topic) |> redirect(to: Routes.forum_topic_path(conn, :show,, topic)) {:error, _changeset} -> conn |> put_flash(:error, "Unable to stick the topic!") |> redirect(to: Routes.forum_topic_path(conn, :show,, topic)) end end def delete(conn, _opts) do topic = conn.assigns.topic case Topics.unstick_topic(topic) do {:ok, topic} -> conn |> put_flash(:info, "Topic successfully unstickied!") |> moderation_log(details: &log_details/3, data: topic) |> redirect(to: Routes.forum_topic_path(conn, :show,, topic)) {:error, _changeset} -> conn |> put_flash(:error, "Unable to unstick the topic!") |> redirect(to: Routes.forum_topic_path(conn, :show,, topic)) end end defp log_details(conn, action, topic) do body = case action do :create -> "Stickied topic '#{topic.title}' in #{}" :delete -> "Unstickied topic '#{topic.title}' in #{}" end %{ body: body, subject_path: Routes.forum_topic_path(conn, :show,, topic) } end end